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Echoes of Dragons: Awakenings, #1
Echoes of Dragons: Awakenings, #1
Echoes of Dragons: Awakenings, #1
Ebook335 pages3 hours

Echoes of Dragons: Awakenings, #1

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A decade after Mythnium's suns eclipse each other, the White Lord's malignant shadow stretches north to Mythos once more. There, he unleashes his secret weapon: a massive dragon long thought to be extinct.

Three groups of travelers set off on separate journeys, drawn toward the elven city of Elmnas and the answers they hope to find within. Along the way, they face strange factions of creatures united against them as the White Lord's influence grows.

As their paths intersect, the travelers face an uncertain new world where echoes of dragons come to life.

Release dateMar 18, 2023
Echoes of Dragons: Awakenings, #1

C. Borden

This is me… Hello! I'm an avid reader and most enjoy the richness of fantasy and science fiction, which inspires me to write stories of my own.  Drawing inspiration from the people and places that have touched my life, my works include lifelike characters, places readers wish they could visit, and an honest look at the struggle between good and evil. The baseline current through all my writing is the message of hope, no matter the obstacle, no matter how dark. While most of my books are not overtly Christian, elements of my faith are clear throughout each book and short story.  I'm a wife, mother, and USAF Veteran. Beyond writing, I enjoy reading, traveling, gardening, and nature photography. When I'm not writing, I'm most likely enjoying the outdoors with friends and family, helping another author get their ideas on paper, or curled up with a good book from one of my favorite authors. I'd love to connect with you on a more personal level. If you would like to get news, sneak peeks, free novels and short stories, and otherwise exclusive content, then I encourage you to sign up for my newsletter - the link can be found on my website.

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    Echoes of Dragons - C. Borden


    The High Priest and his acolyte, dressed in pure white gowns with silver sashes, waited for their master to arrive so they could begin their sinister ceremony. They ignored the suns above them as they drew near their zenith.

    The aging priest busied himself smoothing the red fabric on the altar. Without warning, the doors to the temple flew open with a bang. The acolyte flung himself to his knees, trembling before the colossal figure towering in the doorway. Less affected, the priest offered a deep bow before turning back to the altar.

    Standing well above most human men, the White Lord had the well-defined and powerfully built body of a human warrior. There his similarities to the human species ended, and the fearsome aspects of his appearance began. His neck and face were reptilian, with a rough pebbled texture. He had slits for nostrils and yellow reptilian eyes. No lips covered his sharp teeth, and a pair of thin fangs overlapped his lower jaw. Every inch of visible skin was albino white, so white that he seemed to glow as random rays of light from the suns above washed over him. Strangest of all, though, were his ears, which were shapely and pointed, not unlike elven ears.

    He strode to the front of the temple in traditional white robes held closed with a platinum girdle where his sword hung. He wore a black stone ring and kept his nails polished and sharpened like claws. While his reptilian face gave away none of his emotions, his upright stature showed his complete confidence and fearlessness.

    Identified as the White Lord to the world, his real name was ancient, long forgotten to all but himself and his god. Beyond rumors implying he was a son of the gods, there was plenty of speculation through the years questioning where he came from and why he was the only known surviving Heridon.

    A powerful sorcerer, he drew great power from the misery and death of any who opposed him. Over centuries, tale after tale had been told of his attempts to spread his rule beyond Mygras. However, for every tale fraught with fear and dread, there was also an account of bravery and sacrifice as heroes from the other races rose against him and held him at bay. With the strange event of the suns and the unusual magical currents flowing through the entire world, the White Lord was sure his time had finally come.

    His eyes flickered to the altar and then to the open roof above, where the suns were just beginning to touch at their edges.

    Tell me, High Priest, what have the stars told you of my future?

    He stopped in front of the altar, alert and tense, with his hands clenched as though expecting to be attacked from behind at any moment.

    The high priest turned to look at the White Lord.

    My Lord, we’ve no time to talk of the future. We’ve but a few moments to ready ourselves for the ritual. Timing is crucial.

    The priest glanced at the boy and nodded his head, signaling they were about to start. He then stepped toward the White Lord who frowned down at the man who’d brushed off his question.

    If you please, my Lord, I need to collect some of your blood.

    Waiting for the White Lord to give his approval, the high priest reached out with one hand and displayed a small dagger in his other.

    The White Lord extended his hand, never letting his eyes drop from the priest’s face, searching the man’s eyes, reading his posture, smelling for the odor that would give away if the man was nervous or fearful.

    Knowing that despite sharing a truce of sorts, the White Lord would tolerate no accidents and no excuses, the high priest took the White Lord’s hand in his own. He flipped it over to reveal the soft side where it wasn't covered in the rough, pebbled skin covering the rest of his body. He sliced deeply through the palm.

    The priest allowed the wound to bleed thick violet blood into a small bowl. Unsure of how much he’d need to complete the ritual, the priest let the wound bleed freely into the bowl until the White Lord’s innate healing abilities caused the wound to seal itself and heal.

    The high priest glanced up and nodded a silent thanks. Letting the Heridon stand where he was and offering no more explanation, the high priest turned back to the altar. He peered up at the suns and, seeing that they were completely eclipsed, he began chanting the spell for this ritual of bonding. As he chanted, he put the bowl of blood on the altar. He looked to his acolyte for the last essential item.

    The boy labored under the load of the sack he carried. He heaved it onto the altar, untying the strings at the top. The sack fell away from the object, and the boy gasped. His eyes were wide in awe of the beautiful oval gem revealed. The high priest touched the gigantic gem as though he were caressing the small face of a babe. His chanting still uninterrupted, he removed the sack and handed it to the acolyte, signifying his dismissal.

    The boy glanced again at the gem in wonder, then at the high priest with his bowl of blood, and then at the imposing figure of the White Lord. He cowered and made a hasty retreat.

    The White Lord’s attention was drawn away from the altar and the high priest. The gem was fascinating to anyone who hadn’t seen it before, but he was no longer impressed by its deep red color or its size. He’d spent many days with it once it had been delivered to him. It wasn’t an actual gem, but a dragon egg he had willingly sacrificed many men and resources to acquire. Yet after studying it for days, the egg and what it contained were merely a means to an end.

    While the egg did not hold his attention, the suns eclipsing each other overhead definitely did. The suns on their normal paths, moving opposite of each other in the Mythnium sky, were unnatural. He knew it, but could not explain it. He imagined that no one else on the planet could explain it either. Only the long, silent gods could.

    Frustrated but also awestruck by the undeniable beauty of the celestial event, he watched as the brilliant light, auras, and colors mixed and flowed; almost a visible and iridescent heat could be seen shooting away from the suns as they stood one in front of the other. Never in his life had the White Lord witnessed such an incredible event, and he knew he most likely never would again.

    Deep down, he knew that the seemingly uncaring gods had sent the strange phenomenon as a sign to give hope to the world. He suppressed a deep desire to chuckle. He had no allegiance to any of the gods of the races of Mythnium except one. Whether or not this event was caused by them, he intended to use it as a launching point for his own purposes. Someday he knew he would accomplish his goals, and nothing could stop him, not even the gods.

    While the White Lord was lost in thought watching the eclipse, the high priest poured the blood from the bowl into a shallow tray. He then picked up the heavy egg and set it in the blood. Using his hands to rub the viscous liquid all over the egg, he continued his chant, allowing it to rise in volume and cadence. He was not beseeching the White Lord’s god for this ritual, not for any ritual performed in this temple. Rather, he was beseeching a mystical and dark force that he believed moved within the currents of magic. He chanted faster and faster. As he chanted, he rubbed in the blood, spreading it all over the egg until the egg no longer showed its deep ruby coloring. Then the high priest took the same knife he used to wound the Lord and poised it above the egg. Pausing for a split second and ending his chant with a powerful word of magic, the high priest smashed his blade into the top of the egg.

    Drawn back to the ritual being performed at the altar, the White Lord expected to see the blade shatter against the egg’s crystallized shell or slide off the top, yet it passed through the layer of blood and through the shell as though it were soft and yielding flesh. At that instant, there was a high keening wail, something so loud and terrible the high priest had to stop himself from pressing his hands to his ears. He kept his hand on the hilt of the blade and twisted it, making a circular hole in the egg's shell. He removed the blade, then, using his fingers, he scraped out the last of the blood and guided it into the hole in the egg. Once done, he replaced the bowl and began chanting anew.

    He wiped his hands clean and stepped back from the altar, walking backward until he was next to the White Lord at the base of the altar. Never stopping his chanting, he lowered himself to his knees, beckoning for the White Lord to remain standing where he was. For many minutes of chanting, the high wailing continued. Then, as suddenly as it had started, the wailing stopped. The high priest’s voice echoed hauntingly off the stone walls of the temple. The suns up above were already past the perfect eclipse, touching at the edges on their opposite sides.

    The high priest droned on with his chanting, his voice rising and falling in a strange cadence.

    Time passed. The White Lord grew impatient. He looked up to see that the suns weren't touching. He glanced at the priest, who was still chanting his annoyingly repetitive chant. Then he looked again at the altar. There was nothing coming from the egg: no sound, no movement, nothing to give him and his heightened senses any notion that this ritual had worked. Having no problem at all standing in wait for an opponent or for his prey when it afforded him the thrill of the win or the hunt, this was different and seemed foolish. He, while being quite a lot of things, was no fool. The White Lord glanced again at the high priest and was about to verbalize his disappointment when a cracking sound caught his attention. His smile spread across his face as he looked back at the egg- he saw a crack in the shell.

    As the crack grew larger, he became more fascinated. A sucking sound emanated from the crack, and he saw the layer of blood disappearing from all over the egg as it was being absorbed or sucked from within. The crack gradually grew in length, stretching from the top of the egg, where it had been punctured to the bottom. It was not very wide at first, but soon grew wider and wider in areas. Not paying much attention to the high priest kneeling at his side, he was momentarily distracted as the priest changed his chanting and prostrated himself on the ground in relief.

    He doesn’t kneel that way for me, the White Lord thought grudgingly.

    He refocused his attention on the egg. New cracks formed all around the shell. He held his breath. How he had longed for the day when he would bring the dragons back. He would be undefeatable with dragons at his command. He imagined the conquered cities, countries, peoples, and kings, and his eyes blazed with an unnatural combination of rage and desire. Deep down, though, the thought of conquering the world paled compared to the promise of complete revenge he hoped to exact on those who had destroyed his people, who had left him so utterly alone and incomplete. He tensed up, his hands clutching his belt eagerly as he leaned forward, willing the dragon to burst forth so he could begin working towards his ultimate goal.

    Suddenly, a little dragon poked its head out. Brilliant red, it had eyes almost identical to those of the statue above it. As it pushed its head farther out of the shell, its eyes glowed ruby red, a fire burning within the slitted reptilian pupils. Next, its front claws reached through the cracked shell, and it braced and pulled itself forward onto the altar. It was shiny and wet, small patches of the White Lord’s violet blood appearing on its glistening red scales. The dragon paid no attention to the shell or other items on the altar.

    It ignored the priest bowed in front of it on the ground. Instead, the dragon looked right at the White Lord, its eyes seeking, finding, and boring into his eyes. For a split second, the White Lord felt a horrible, unfamiliar feeling of fear flash through him. Reining it in, he forced his own gaze back at the dragon.

    The dragon, still looking at the White Lord, raised itself up on its rear legs. Standing, the baby dragon was only waist-high to the priest, with its nearly body-length tail trailing behind. It stood for a moment, testing its strength and then unfurling its leathery wings. The wings were already thick and full, capable of offering flight if the dragon chose to do so. They were a shade of deeper red than the rest of the dragon, and on the left one, a strange mark was etched in white.

    Breaking his gaze from the dragon’s eyes, the White Lord looked closer at the white mark. Shock caused him to inhale quickly. There on the wing of the dragon was the White Lord’s own mark, a white dragon curled around a skull. It was small and imperfect, but it was obviously his mark. The White Lord looked back at the dragon’s face and looked into its strangely familiar eyes.

    High Priest, stop your groveling. The dragon is born. Get up! Get up!

    The priest stopped his chanting and raised his head to look at the dragon sitting on the altar. The dragon didn’t pay any attention to him, and the priest did not know how to further proceed. He rose to his feet, thankful for the first time in his life for the presence of his Lord.

    My Lord. The dragon was born in your blood. According to lore, you have but to speak to it, and it will do your bidding.


    The White Lord paused in thought, his eyes never leaving the creature in front of him, Tell me, Priest, what do young dragons eat?

    Oh, well… Let’s see, the high priest responded at once, Fresh blood to be sure, my Lord.

    Hmmm… Very well. Call in the acolyte.

    The high priest muttered, Yes, my Lord.

    He called out once, loud and clear, which caused the young dragon to drop to all fours while pressing its wings tightly to its sides. It lowered its head, now looking at the high priest. It backed up and wrapped itself around the base of its shell, crouched and waiting.

    The boy ran into the sanctuary and came to an abrupt halt in front of the priest. Because all temple acolytes had their tongues cut out, he could merely stand mutely to wait for his priest’s bidding. When the high priest merely looked at him saying nothing, the boy grew confused and looked fearfully up at the White Lord.

    The White Lord didn’t glance at him or address him.

    Instead, he called out to his new pet.

    Please, help yourself to your first meal.

    With lightning speed, the White Lord whipped out his sword and sliced through the unsuspecting boy’s neck, sending sprays of blood over the altar and the young dragon. Straightaway, the dragon responded to its undeniable urge to eat. Moving quickly and smoothly, the young beast landed on the ground, moved to the pool, and started lapping it up. It then moved to the body and sucked out all the rest, leaving a withered husk in its place. Licking its jaws and teeth, the dragon emitted a catlike purring sound as it moved away from the now empty shell and cautiously approached the White Lord. It moved to his feet and curled around one of them as if to rest its head on the White Lord’s foot.

    I trust you will do more research about our dragon friend here. One dragon is incredible indeed, but I will need more to achieve my goals. By the way, how fast will my little pet here grow to maturity? the White Lord asked the priest.

    The man moved away from the White Lord, making plans to clean the mess as quickly as he could. Blood sacrifices were commonplace in this temple, but he abhorred the stains and was eager to have them cleaned before too much longer.

    Your dragon will mature fairly quickly. Depending on its sex, it will reach its adulthood in six or seven years, but you can already start training it for battle. However, my Lord, like I told you before, dragons supposedly are as smart as any of the sentient species, and once you can communicate with it, I would advise listening to its own ideas and opinions on matters. It could have very definite ideas about things dependent on how you raise it.

    He moved back to the altar, but thought of something and turned back to the White Lord. Sir?

    What is it?

    What will you call it?

    The White Lord looked at the dragon at his feet and thought for a few minutes, images of all that lay before him flashing through his mind’s eye.

    Ah, but is it a female or a male?

    At his question, the dragon picked up its head. Inspired, the White Lord asked it directly, Well, my pet? Are you a lady?

    The dragon looked into the White Lord’s eyes, and he stiffened as he felt the mental intrusion. He had been given a firm impression, even though it was not in the form of words, that the dragon was a female. With eyes wide in wonder, the White Lord let a smile cross his face while he took care to hide the entire truth of his intentions.

    I see.

    He looked over at the priest, who was watching in obvious confusion at the one-sided exchange.

    Our little friend here has some abilities long forgotten. She is a female and can share thoughts. A most valuable asset. Don’t you agree, Priest?

    Stammering at the news and struggling to protect his own self-incriminating thoughts, the priest nodded his head.

    Most impressive, my Lord. Will you name her right away or shall we make a ceremony of it?

    The White Lord paused for a moment.

    No. No ceremony will be necessary. I will name her now. A name of power. A name that will inspire fear and respect. Let me see… A name that promises death. Libitina. Yes, the Old Elvish word meaning death. I think such a name of power will be more than adequate for our little fiery friend. Do you not agree, Priest?

    At the decree of her name, the red dragon picked her head up from the White Lord’s foot. She moved away to stand on her hind legs, stretching to her full height and demanding the White Lord’s attention.

    Looking down at his new and powerful ally, the White Lord mentally thrust a question to her.

    Libitina. What do you think of your name? Do you understand what it means? Does it suit you?

    A subtle tugging at the corner of his mind grew louder. It wasn’t quite a voice but with a strong sense of communication that he could clearly understand, the dragon responded, Yes. Death will suit me as a name. I will be your ally, but not your slave. Red Dragons are never slaves to anyone. I sense you are a powerful being with a strong link to the magical currents.

    The White Lord struggled to keep from reeling at the mental intrusion. He realized that the alliance would be more complicated than he had thought. For such an inferior creature to speak so eloquently and with such awareness, the White Lord found himself ill at ease and reinforced his mental walls.

    Of course. I understand. Dragons have been gone for centuries, so much of the dragon’s partnership with the Heridon has been lost. I will treat you with as much respect as you show me, and I hope you will refrain from assaulting my thoughts without some sort of forewarning.

    Looking around in obvious concern and dropping to all fours, Libitina crouched in a protective stance.

    What do you mean, dragons have been gone? I can hear the echoes of dragons calling to me, but cannot tell where they are!

    Now speaking aloud so he could better organize his thoughts, the White Lord responded, Come, my dear. I will tell you what I know of the dragons’ disappearance.

    He turned and started walking out of the temple. Libitina scurried alongside the White Lord as he left the temple and started the long walk to his fortress. Along the way, he told the shiny Red Dragon all he knew of the dragons’ demise during the Great Cataclysm.

    Prayer of Mythnium

    Progress through unity,

    World, nature, people;

    We progress with deeds

    Not words.

    Faith carries us;

    Justice preserves us;

    Integrity guides us.

    We serve and protect

    With hearts as one.

    ~With hearts as one.


    In the days when the dragons resided beside us, we overcame fear one step at a time. The fear never left, but we were always one step closer to overcoming it.

    ~Of Faith and Fear, from the archives at Farcaste Reach

    Aldrina sat alone at the edge of the nomadic camp and stared through the mountain pass that spread out below her. She swatted away flying bugs as she mused over the new life she had found among the Willow Elves, which was a far cry from the life she had grown up in. It had only been ten years but already seemed so long ago. She remembered the day she left Jackob’s inn, which sat on the edge of a small village not far inland from the western coast of Mythos. He had claimed to be her uncle, but if that had been true, he had proven to be a most heartless and immoral man.

    Her life at the inn had been hard for as long as she could remember. Her earliest memory was of the night her uncle, Rackas, had taken her to the inn. She had both loved and hated Rackas for many years after that. He had visited his brother from time to time during her youth and would always ask about her, but she only ever saw him from a distance because Jackob and his wife were careful to keep her away from him during his visits. While Rackas emanated warmth and concern for her, Jackob was hard and cold. The only thing Jackob and his wife cared about was how she, even as a young child, could benefit them.

    They had started her off as their helper and housemaid. She had been expected to help clean, prepare foods, lead guests to rooms, and run errands, but otherwise, she was to be completely invisible to the inn’s patrons. They had initially had her sleeping in a corner of the attic that was not much larger than the cook’s pantry in the kitchen. But it had been warm and the only place she could disappear to where they largely left her alone.

    However, as she grew older and turned into a young and fairly attractive woman,

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