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Lycan King's Nemesis: Rejected By The Lycan
Lycan King's Nemesis: Rejected By The Lycan
Lycan King's Nemesis: Rejected By The Lycan
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Lycan King's Nemesis: Rejected By The Lycan

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“I know you are a werewolf and I know why you are here, but be rest assured I will never accept you as my fated mate and Luna queen.

“I, Newton Ashton Montgomery, hereby reject you as my fated mate.”

“No, I will never accept your rejection, King!” Gwendolyn Hills grew up having everything she always wanted in life. Right from when she was a pup, she merely had to snap her fingers and get whatever it is.
Every girl either wanted to be her or be her friend. The one thing she always looked forward to was her eighteenth birthday when she will shift to her wolf and become mated to her childhood crush and best friend,Julian, the incoming Alpha.

Then on that very day, not only was she unable to transform, her once-perfect life fell apart before her eyes. In the snap of a finger, she became nothing but the pack’s new freak. When she had an encounter with the cold-hearted King of Lycan, her life further plunged deeper into a bottomless pit and this time, plunged with her heart. How is she going to fix the missing puzzles of her life, mend her broken heart and find true happiness in the midst of trying to find herself?
Let's journey together to find out. (This is book 1 of the story)

Release dateMay 26, 2023
Lycan King's Nemesis: Rejected By The Lycan

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    Lycan King's Nemesis - Geminiwrites



    Today was prom; the most anticipated day in the werewolf kingdom. Today, every werewolf of the mating age was supposed to assemble at the pack house at 10 pm and when it was midnight we are going to shift to our wolves after which we would scent out our mates, and together head out to prom.

    To most people, meeting their wolves made it special for them, but to me, it was not just about meeting my other half, it was even more important because finally my best friend; Julian, and I get to scent out each other as mates and he would ask me to prom.


    I jerked up from the bed I was lying on and threw the book I was reading to the side as I rushed to wear my slippers. Yes, Mother! I hurriedly left the room for the door.

    What are you doing? it's almost time, She bickered, looking edgy as she gestured with her hands from the foot of the stairs.

    I just finished bathing, Mother. I was about to dress up, I lied through my teeth.

    Okay, hurry up so that your father can_

    Uhm...that won't be necessary, Mother. Julian will soon be here to pick me up.

    What! My sister stuck her head out of her room to ask, a mischievous smile on her face.I will go with you guys, Gwen.

    I rolled my eyes. I'm sorry, you have to go with Dad. This might be the last time I spend with him. I can't share. I crossed my hands on my chest defiantly.

    She glared hard. Very well, soothe yourself. she slammed her door in irritation.

    Hurry on, Gwen. I don't want any of you going late.

    Yes, mom, I said and went back into the room.

    I hurried through my arrangements not caring about makeup because after all, by the time we shift, everything would be a waste. What's the point?

    I ran down the stairs at the same time a car honked outside. I knew it was Julian.

    Bye, mom, dad! See you at the pack house, I squealed, not waiting for any of them to catch up with me lest they give me one of their pitiful baby kisses and assurances.

    Hey. I jumped into the open door, going to peck Julian on the cheek. I hesitated for a good three minutes to wash my eyes over his too-handsome features.

    What? His sharp brown eyes crinkled in confusion at me.

    I let him go. Nothing, I sighed and relaxed back. Are you nervous?

    No, he said sharply. Why should I be?

    I looked at him, still trying to look cool. But the truth was that I wasn't. I had always had a powerful crush on my incoming Alpha and best friend, Julian. I mean who wouldn't? This guy was more like a ticking bomb. Every girl in this pack probably jerked off looking at his dashingly hot pictures every night.

    Unfortunately, I knew he might not feel that way towards me. To him, I was just Gwendolyn Hills, the Beta's first daughter. His best friend, train mate and confidant. Nothing more.

    Are you...are you anticipating the new change in our lives? I dared to ask.

    Of course, Gwen. I've always been ready for this. You ask like you don't know this day has been drummed into my ears from the day I was born. So... I'm not freaked.

    Yeah, maybe I am being selfish here. Today was not just about shifting and people like Julian, the responsibility of the pack would automatically fall on his shoulders whether he wanted it or not. I felt for him.

    I wish I would be the one to stand by his side during this period. I obsessively hope so. Instinctively, I reached out and wrapped my hand around his forearm, and leaned into his warmth. It's going to be fine, Jules. You have me with you all the way.

    Yeah, thanks. He whispered.

    We didn't speak again until we got to the pack house and together walked into the big mansion where he resided.

    We greeted the Alpha and Luna as they asked about my father, the Beta before Julian took me to me to his room to rest and wait for the other pups to arrive.

    Then it was midnight. By now other pup had arrived and we were all congregated outside. Even our parents were here and everywhere was humming with pack members.

    I was standing close to my parents with my sister watching the podium where the Alpha, his Luna, and Julian were standing and... waiting.

    Julian was the first to shift to a giant grey wolf turned and howled to the moon.

    Then the others began transforming close to me.

    I was still watching in amazement when my sister fell on her knees beside me and began her transformation. That was when I became worried. I looked at my parents. Dad, Mom, I'm not feeling anything, I said in an agitated hushed tone.

    Calm down, Princess, My Dad said in his usual soothing tone. Don't think much about it, let yourself go.

    I did what he said. I even closed my ears from being distracted by the numerous howling and cracking bones around me. Nothing.

    My marrows chilled in nervousness, sweat starting to break out. Dad, Mom, what's going on? I looked at the moon. Nothing was happening.


    Dad! I whisper-yelled, telling him with my eyes not to patronize me. I have a Beta blood running inside me, I am supposed to be among the first to transform after Julian. Even my sister had transformed and right now my mother wasn't even paying me any attention because she was running her fingers through the furs of my sister!

    I looked at the moon, willing it not to retire because that would be the end. But the moon seemed to be going in, little by little.

    I looked around, everyone had transformed. Even the parents had already transformed! Everyone, including Alpha Kai and Luna Bet. Only me and my parents were still standing.

    Then the moon finally disappeared into the dark clouds, bringing an end to the shifting time, and at once, everyone started howling with their nozzles to the sky, in obeisance to the moon goddess.

    But I couldn't. It finally dawned on me. I didn't transform. I was still human. I won't be considered the same without a wolf.

    As these thoughts whirled through my head, I didn't notice my peers had started scenting out their mates and were going to them.

    Baby, it's going to be alright, maybe you are a late bloomer_

    Don't say that, father! I am not a late bloomer! What is happening to me?! I left without waiting for the answer. I had to see Julian. Only he could give me the assurance I desperately needed right now.

    But I couldn't find him anywhere.

    Where was Julian?



    I scouted through the entire pack ground in search of the distinctive giant grey wolf among the crowd. But I didn't see him.

    Where did Julian go? I knew I saw him on the podium with his parents and then in the snap of my eyes, he disappeared. There was no way he went inside.

    Retreating back to where my parents were standing, I didn't see them too. By now, my panic was climbing, bitterness taking a large position in my chest.

    I stood still, running my eyes about as some of my peer groups came out from dressing up and walked to their cars with their mates. I didn't have any. No wolf. No mate. I was the person that anticipated this day more, but now, I was the one without any. And my best friend is no where to be found.

    Nor my family.

    Hey, freak! I jumped and turned about, my eyes nearly falling out of their sockets when they fell on my three friends, Crayon, Barley and Dolly.

    Did Crayon just call me a freak? I chose to ignore that and plastered a fake smile to disguise the hurt in my heart. Hey, did you see my parents or Julian?

    Dolly sashayed forward, acting weird. So, in case you haven't noticed, Queen bee, the world no longer revolves around you. It appears the moon goddess has decided to punish you by making you the new freak in town. So, Gwen, get the fuck out of our faces, and don't you ever talk to us again! She spat at my feet and then the others followed, and soon they laughed loud at me before walking away.

    I was frozen to the spot, hot tears descending down my face. These are my closest girlfriends. Since we were kids they haven't ever spoken to me like that. Hell, no one in their right senses would ever have spoken to me like that.

    Shaking my head in disbelief, I hurried in the direction of Julian's car to pick my prom dress, ignoring the numerous look of pity I got from people, including those that pointed at me in disgust.

    I didn't understand. In just one night my life was falling apart. My entire fucking life was planned out, but now, I didn't know what was going on. Was there any werewolf that didn't transform at eighteen? Then what made me a she-wolf if I couldn't transform? This was strange.

    Thankfully I had the keys, so I rushed to hide in the car and banged my hand repetitively on the steering wheel as tears cascaded down. Where was Julian? He was supposed to be here with me consoling me.

    Did he not see what happened back there? We are supposed to be a team. I was always there for him. However, something like this had never happened to him.

    Collecting myself, I hastily changed into my prom dress and left the car to look for him inside the pack house. I've been avoiding going in there because I didn't think I could bear the look I would get from the Alpha and Luna.

    What if they decide to demote me to an omega? Or even banish me from this pack. I was a disgrace. A beta female without a wolf. Unheard of.

    It was taboo in the werewolf Kingdom!

    Freak what are you doing here?! Screamed Joan, Julian's twins.

    Joan, what are you saying? I asked in a hushed tone, embarrassed as everyone in the room turned to look at me.

    I am saying you are no longer welcomed inside my father's house, freak show!

    I snorted a false chuckle, looking everywhere but at her parents who didn't say anything or try to stop her from what she was doing. Joan, I am Julian's best friend. I'm here to see him.

    Not anymore! She bit out, straight on my face.

    Where was Julian?

    I managed to look up and skimmed my eyes around. He wasn't there. I looked at her, peacefully. Okay, I will go. At least let me see him for once... I have to collect something from his room. My stuff.

    I won_

    Let her go, Joan, Alpha Kai ordered in a still voice. She growled, stomped her feet, and sauntered off outside the house.

    I sighed and shared a grateful look with Alpha Kai before I turned to make my way up, but what he said next stopped me.

    If I were you, I will just go to prom without him, Gwen. Or better still go home. Your parents were looking for you a while ago. Why was he saying that? Julian is my best friend I just wanted to see him. Was that too much to ask?

    I tried on a patient smile. I won't be long, Alpha Kai, I promise. Maybe he wanted me out of his packhouse and was only trying to be civil because of my Dad and my relationship with his son.

    He nodded once. All this while, the Luna just stared. Wordlessly.

    I took the stairs two at a time to the hall where Julian's room was located and without even knocking, I pushed it open. I froze for the second time that night at the sight that greeted me.

    There on the bed, Julian was making a loud growling sound as he pumped steadily into a girl whose loud moan competed with his as if they were in a fight.

    It was as if a bucket of ice was doused on me that I didn't even know when I said, Julian.

    He stopped abruptly and jerked away from the girl. My eyes dilated as the face of the girl became apparent. Unfuckenbelievable. Theresa?

    Both of them didn't make any move to move away from each other, and neither was there any form of remorse on their faces. Instead, Julian seemed embarrassed and went to block my sister from me. Hey, are you okay? He asked coolly.

    Julian! I shouted, taking a step forward. I-i was looking everywhere for you, tears fell. I was unable to transform, I was unhappy and needed you now more than ever only to see you making out with my sister and now you are sitting there with her, asking me if I was okay? What kind of person are you? Do I look okay to you?

    Just stop, okay? He said impassively, narrowing his eyes at me. It's not my fault that you failed at the one thing that comes naturally to every werewolf. I found my mate. Do you expect me to leave her to come cuddle you?

    Goodness! I staggered back, my body shaking. Theresa was his mate? But how? That was impossible. Have they been sleeping with each other behind my back all this while?

    I didn't want to ask because I didn't want to hear the answer. So the moment my back hit the door, I flung it open and ran blindly, not caring where I was going as far as it was out of there and the packhouse.


    I sped down the road recklessly with tears pouring without restraint as I headed to the house, finally heeding Alpha Kai's wish to go home. There was no way I was going to that prom without the love of my life.

    Julian, with my sister? I still couldn't believe it. My head was blurred in confusion that I escaped being hit by another car, or hitting a truck before I finally got home. I rushed out, meaning to hide away in my room and cry my eyes out but the moment I reached the door and was about to push it open, I overheard my parents bickering and rapidly came to a halt to listen in.

    My parents hardly ever quarrelled, which meant this was something serious. caused it, Kent. If we had told her all this wouldn't have happened. We should have prepared for this! My mother blared in a precarious tone.

    I was only trying to protect her, Salome. What do you think she would have done when she found out, huh?

    At least she would know... Now I can't even live with myself knowing we lied to her all this while. What are they talking about? Lied to who?

    We love her, Salome. We don't even need to tell her. She is ours for crying out loud. As I said she's just a late bloomer, it means nothing_

    Or, she is human! Have you considered that too? Don't forget we picked her in the border between_ My heart lurched, my feet wobbling at that statement. Picked. Picked who? Me?

    Wait, I was not... These are not my real parents? I touched by heart that was starting to pound thunderously in shock.

    ...her parents might have been hum_

    I was already sprinting back to the car, not wanting to hear the rest. I was picked. I was picked. That was all that reverberated through my head.

    I didn't even belong here. I was human?


    The Chronicles. Homes of the giant Lycanthropes.

    Ashton's pov

    All women are the same and there is nothing you can say that would shake my perception of them, I drawled cooly, my eyes pinned calculatingly on my opponent, my legs apart aiming for the perfect time to strike at him.

    Williams, my Beta grinned wolfishly and shook his head and deeply I knew he was of the same mindset as me when it came to fencing. Aiming for my head. For someone who is on the lane to seal the knot with his chosen mate, I will say your sense of humour is quiet... ominous. He licked his lips at the same time he reared and attacked.

    I leapt to the side, and dodged, whirling in full force to take advantage of his discomposure and spun at him but he was fast to tilt to the side but not fast enough before I gained on him, with my sword keeled on his neck. Surrender.

    His grin broadened, his two hands lifting to let his sword crash to the ground. You win, sourspot. Spare me the disgrace before the great beauty, your sister. He nodded towards Abigail my younger sister who was looking all red as though I just cut off his head.

    I moved slowly back, rolling my eyes. They must think me a fool if they think I don't see what was going on between them. I dropped my sword and my salutary footman hurried to pick the swords and retire in their shealth. That was a fair fight I must say. But I noticed you were distracted. I wiped my hands on a napkin as my sister approached. Could it be because she is here?

    William snorted in denial. Stop fooling around. I was almost going to ask something else, however, my sister reached us on time.

    Brother, I must say you have outdone yourself on this one. Well done, She twirled on her feet.

    I nodded once, and turned to leave when she said, Mother said you are to dine with her this evening. It's concerning the finishing touches to the approaching wedding.

    It's not like I'm supposed to be there for such trivial matters. Tell mother I give her permission to indulge in whatever would make the occasion successful. I have meeting to attend.

    I can precede on your behalf, Ashton. My Beta fell into motion beside me and I shook my head.

    I still want to go, so what's the point? It was her idea for this marriage to happen in the first place. I leave it to her to do the planning. Mine is to attend in a suit and after that, put in the heir and that's all. She can as well maintain my bride. I didn't waste time increasing my stride after that, not wanting to engage in the discussion any further.

    Everything that has happened to this point has been my mother's infuriating unbeseeched intervention. I had told them I was not willing to wed. Women are not to be trusted and are the least of my worries.

    Left to me, I don't mind impregnating one of my mistresses to bear me an heir. But my mother had insisted that was an abomination and prime scandal and had gone ahead to make me propose to my female Delta because according to her, the girl was a formidable force when it came to defense and would make a good Lycanqueen to the Kingdom.

    Every effort I put into stopping her had been in vain so now I was leaving her to do as she wanted. At least it would make her stay away from me while I did other things that delighted me.

    For instance, visiting my favourite brothels.

    Thinking of it now, I already resolved where I was spending my evening today. I couldn't hold back anymore. I'd been too long away from there. All in the name of maintaining a good face to the people.

    Reaching my room, I ripped my training joggers and vest from me and headed for the bathroom. I was already feeling clammy and needed to feel the chilling water to calm my raging nerves.

    It's been a while. Since the engagement ball, I have been restricted in these dull halls doing nothing but fencing, riding, and looking at the drab faces of my elders. Today, I was leaving to see my favorite girl. She had been trying to link me but I had been severing her links. I knew she would be worried because I hardly stayed away this long before going to see her.

    But I had to do what needed to be done, for my family.

    Coming out, I went to look through my wardrobe amongst the dresses already arranged for me by my valet. Wrinkling my face, I decided to look casual this evening. I picked a pair of plain jeans and a striped shirt.

    It didn't take me long to be fully dressed, thanks to my rapid ability. I looked at myself once in the mirror, shared a conceited smug smile with my image and then turned to leave. The evening was highly anticipated for.

    Reaching my garage, as my chauffeur made to run to the car, I reached it before him and shook my head. I go alone, I said, and jumped in.

    Soon, I was speeding out of the long driveway, shutting off every link I had with the pack so no one could contact me throughout this evening. It was my evening. Just a day of freedom.

    I was speeding at such a high speed along the highway that I flung every caution to the wind. Call it one of the Lycan strengths and curses; the speed ability. Sometimes we tend to get so carried away that we forget the safety of others.

    I swear I didn't see it; the car crossing to the other side. Hell, I didn't even know I was already at the crossroad. It was too late but then, before I realized it, I had already rammed straight into a sleek black SUV and saw it fly up with such force as I used my power to bring my car to an immediate stop.

    I knew the occupant of that car was surely going to die.

    Holy fuck!

    I just killed someone.


    Gwendolyn pov

    When I left the house, I didn't know what I was doing or what I was going to do. All I knew was that I needed to be far from there. From my pack. Everyone.

    They all betrayed me. Including the moon goddess. She gave me everything I wanted and then in just one day, in just one night, ripped everything from me.

    I had entered my car-Julian's car precisely and had zoomed off.

    I didn't even know where I was going. I just drove. I drove until I reached the border between us and the humans but instead of driving there I reversed to the left and made for the formidable border we shared with the Lycans.

    They were a no-story when it came to the werewolf clan. We avoided them as much as we could because just as we were enemies to the vampires, we were more of an enemy to a Lycan.

    To be honest, I didn't know what brought about the enmity, but the little I snatched from gossip, a Lycan Prince was once betrayed by a werewolf Alpha female on the night of their wedding. They had planned to marry and unite the two Kingdoms but the werewolf Alpha female dumped the Lycan Prince and married another werewolf. Since then, the Lycans forbade any dealings with the werewolf and killed anyone they met at sight.

    In fact, crossing into their border, you become nothing but a rogue and prime suspect. And that was what I wanted. I wanted death. Someone to kill me.

    As I crossed, my heartbeat increased, and so did my driving. I was speeding in such full force, expecting a pack of Lycans to attack me but nothing happened. That was strange. So I drove on.

    I saw a crossword ahead and was speeding to cross to the other side, my heart still bleeding, and even tears were blurring my vision.

    Then, boom, I started flying. I grabbed tightly to the steering, my eyes dilating in fear. Is this what death felt like? It was abrupt. I saw people in white. They were smiling, then my eyes started drooling close. Then everything went black.




    Do you think she will make it? I heard a distant voice ask. Is that the moon goddess? Who is she asking if I can?... Wait, that's a male voice. It's supposed to be female_

    My eyes snapped open in such full force, I winced, my hand flying to my head that was aching so badly. It was as if I was smacked with a big rock.

    I think she's awake, your highness.

    Your Highness? What the fuck?

    Goodness, fuck! The man cursed, and from my periphery I saw them approach,

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