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The Vampire's Dark Desires
The Vampire's Dark Desires
The Vampire's Dark Desires
Ebook209 pages3 hours

The Vampire's Dark Desires

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"You can’t do this to me. I won’t let you," Cecilia stammered.
"I can do whatever I want with you,” Jonathon said with a smirk, “You belong to me and only me. You have no choice but to submit to my desires."
He tossed the table out of his way before pinning her to the wall.
Jonathon huskily whispered into Cecilia’s ear as he hiked up her dress, "And when you do, you're going to love every moment of it."
Jonathon is a strong-minded, calculating, a fierce warrior for the Vampire Lord that ruled over the city.
Cecilia is a smart and strong-willed woman. Nothing like a human pet is supposed to be.
An accident makes them meet, what will happen between Cecilia and Jonathon?
Can Cecilia escape this vampire world? Or can she only succumb to Jonathon's desires?
Read to find out. Book Two of The Vampire's Dark Desires.

Release dateMay 26, 2023
The Vampire's Dark Desires

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    The Vampire's Dark Desires - Kiss Moonlight

    CHAPTER 54 Who Kidnapped Lady Gayle?

    Magnus walked down the hallway where the two guards were. The air still held the stench of iron and poison. He was on edge even though he knew it wasn't dangerous.

    'What did you want me to find out, Jonathan?' Magnus thought to himself. They weren't given the exact location, but clearly, Jonathon must have assumed that there were traitors amongst them. It explained how the serial killer was able to move around without being detected.

    Magnus reached the location where the guards were supposedly found and frowned. Something felt off about the area. There were no blood stains on the ground or the walls. With how vicious the attack was, there should have been.

    'The bodies were moved,' Magnus thought, and he continued down the hallway. The scent of blood intensified until he was right up on the door leading into Lady Gayle's private garden. The air was so thick with blood that he could practically taste it.

    It happened here, he said to himself. Magnus looked at the door and noticed there was no damage to it at all, which meant Gayle willingly opened the door. That meant someone she trusted had betrayed her.

    Magnus pushed open the door and stepped into the garden. The beautiful flowers and greenery seemed to be untouched. He walked around the garden, trying to piece together what had happened. There was a distinct scent of blood at one of the statues in the garden.

    As he approached, he saw that the statue was actually a hidden door. Magnus pushed it open and stepped into a dark, damp room. He could see the outlines of bodies on the ground, and he cautiously made his way over.

    He counted six bodies in total, all with vicious wounds. They were the bodies of the gardeners who worked in Lady Gayle's garden. Did they stumble across the kidnapping?

    What the hell happened here? Magnus muttered to himself. He heard a noise behind him and quickly turned, pulling out his dagger. He was relieved to see it was just one of Lady Gayle's servants.

    You! Magnus exclaimed. What happened here?

    The servant looked terrified. I don't know, sir. I was just told to come down here and clean up the mess. I don't know anything else.

    Who told you? Magnus asked. 

    Lord Jared, of course, the servant answered. 

    Magnus paused for a moment before nodding. He put his dagger up and said, Alright, you can go. But say nothing about me being here, not even to Lord Jared. It is a matter of life and death for Lady Gayle. Do you understand?

    The servant nodded and quickly left the room. Magnus sighed and looked back at the bodies. This was getting more complex than before. If Jared told the servant to clean up, then he must know who kidnapped Lady Gayle.

    Jonathon returned to his room after obtaining the footage. When he reviewed it, he found nothing additional that he could gain from it. The footage of Abby fighting the serial killer was at the wrong angle, so he couldn't see his face, and the footage after the guards were attacked was missing as well. He was only left with more questions.

    After reporting the death of the guard, Jonathon returned to his room, knowing that Cecilia wasn't there. He was sick with worry and didn't know what to do.

    My lord, you seem tense, an unfamiliar female's voice said, and Jonathon immediately grabbed the woman by the throat. He refrained from slamming her into the wall but glared at her angrily.

    How did you get into my room? Jonathan demanded.

    Lord Jared sent me to you as you have lost your pet, the woman responded. I apologize for whatever I did to offend you.

    Jonathon looked at the woman more carefully. He could see what Jared was trying to do by sending him a woman who looked similar to Cecilia, but no one could replace her. Jonathon snorted in disgust and released the woman.

    So, he thought that he would use you to spy on me. Pathetic, Jonathon said. He took a deep breath and rubbed his temples before saying, At nightfall, you will leave this mansion. Lord Jared will expect results, and when you fail to give him information, he will kill you. I will get you out, but it is up to you to get yourself out of the city.

    No, my Lord. I want to help you find Lady Gayle and Cecilia. When she stood up to Darla, it gave us the courage to stand up to her. I would never attempt to take her place. I respect her too much for that, the woman answered.

    'Darla,' Jonathon thought, and then he remembered. That was the woman who had deceived Cecilia and got her punished the first time. He never got to the bottom of that situation, but it was clear that all of this was connected now.

    How did you know that Lady Gayle was missing? Jonathon asked as he looked deeply into the woman's eyes, mesmerizing her. Do not lie to me.

    I overheard Lord Jared talking to someone. I couldn't hear everything, but he was discussing replacing her, the woman answered, causing Jonathon to grimace in disgust. He would never let Jared get his filthy hands on his sister. Jonathon meant what he said. He would die before he allowed that.

    What is your name? Jonathon asked as he sat down on his couch.

    Audrey, the woman replied.

    Audrey, are you expected to report back any information you find out about me? Jonathon asked.

    Yes, sir, but I will tell him nothing, Audry answered truthfully, even if he whips me, I will tell him nothing.

    No. You will tell him what I want you to, Jonathon explained, and you will tell me about all of his conversations.

    Audrey nodded and said, Yes, sir. He doesn't suspect me at all.

    Now, tell me everything that you heard, and don't leave anything out.

    CHAPTER 55 They're Innocent

    Gayle's head snapped to the left as Oscar slapped her. And why did you do that? I wanted her awake for this, Oscar hissed in displeasure. He had plans to begin his torture right there in Gayle's little sanctuary, sullying it forever for her.

    I know. I was not going to let you use me to torture her. Whatever you plan to do, get on with it, Gayle answered.

    You're brave. I'll give you that, but you won't be once I start with you. You'll be begging me to stop in the end, Oscar promised. For a split second, he saw Gayle's composed expression falter as she showed genuine fear. He smirked before turning his attention back to Kyle.

    You will stay here and clean up this mess. Leave no evidence behind. I can't risk anyone following us so soon, Oscar ordered.

    Wait a minute. That wasn't part of the plan, Kyle protested. 

    It is now, Oscar stated, Make sure no one can identify me. Make certain that your friend is dead, and that girl, I'm sure you know how much damage to inflict on her to cause her to lose her memories.

    Why not just kill her? Kyle questioned. Oscar didn't show mercy to anyone, so what made the vampiress so special?

    Because I said so. Now do your job, Oscar stated and turned his back to Kyle, dismissing him. Kyle mocked him before walking out of the garden, closing the door behind him.

    Gayle stood there with Cecilia in her arms. Oscar half expected Gayle to attempt to escape. It was somewhat disappointing that she had accepted her fate. It was no fun when his prey was compliant.

    Now, show me your escape route, and don't play coy with me. I know you have one, Oscar demanded.

    Gayle walked over to the statue near her fountain. She pressed a hidden button on it, and it revealed the secret trap door. Oscar opened the door and smirked, seeing the terrified faces of six humans below.

    Oh! A snack for me, how kind! Oscar teased. 

    They're innocent. They have no idea what is going on. Leave them, Gayle said.

    And they all have seen my face, and that has sealed their fate, Oscar stated before climbing down. He closed the door behind him, and soon after the screams began, causing Gayle to tear up in anger.

    Audrey bowed to the guards in front of Jared's private chamber. They moved to let her in, and she resisted covering her face in horror as she saw one of the servant boys dead on the table. Audrey swallowed hard, desperately trying to keep her composure.

    Hello, pretty little thing, a voice said from behind her, causing Audrey to jump. She spun around to see Jackson grinning at her. He grabbed her by the throat, pulling her close to bite her.

    Leave her with Jackson, Jared ordered. He kept Jackson in his chambers, as he didn't need either Jonathon nor Magnus interrogating him further. There was no telling when he would snap.

    Sure, whatever you say, Jackson said as he let go of her.He returned to feeding from the barely breathing servant on the table.

    You are back sooner than expected. I expected Jonathan to be deep between your legs before you returned to me," Jared said, tossing another servant away as he drank his last drink.

    He sent me to go get food as he wanted to take his time with me tonight, Audrey explained.

    You should just let the boss handle this. You meddling with his plans is going to cause this to all fall apart, Jackson interjected as he played with the now-dead servant's arm like it was a puppet.

    If he cared so much about you and your opinion, you wouldn't be here. Learn your place and be quiet, Jared retorted. He turned his attention back to Audrey and said, Now, tell me what you are doing here. Hurry up. You see that I am busy.

    He believes that he has found the serial killer, Audrey answered. He plans to leave on his own to hunt him down.

    Oh, really now? And who does he believe that to be? Jared asked. 

    It appears that your wolf isn't as intelligent as you thought, Jackson scoffed.

    Jared glared at Jackson before motioning for Audrey to continue talking.

    A hunter, my lord. He believes one of the ones you banished is the cause of all of this. He believes he is doing it to weaken your position in front of the other lords. There is evidence to prove this, Audrey continued.

    Interesting, Jared said before chuckling softly to himself. Perhaps he did give Jonathon too much credit. After all, he was Magnus' brother. Or perhaps Oscar did do his due diligence in covering his tracks.

    Yes sir, Audrey said reluctantly to Jared's request. The idea of being in close proximity to the sadistic Jared made her skin crawl, but she didn't have a choice. She had to do this.

    Jackson, you will get a message to your boss and inform him of the new developments, Jared ordered. Jackson nodded and dropped the arm with a thud before he made his way over to Jared's office.

    Audrey watched as Jared watched the servant try to crawl away. Jared grabbed him by his leg, pulling him back to him. Audrey felt sick to her stomach but didn't dare say anything. She knew that Jared's moods could change in an instant, and she didn't want to be on the receiving end of his wrath.

    Jared was deep in thought as he continued to feed. He was considering all the possibilities of how to proceed with this information. Audrey turned her head away in disgust. She wished she could leave the room, but she knew she couldn't. not until Jared was finished with her.

    I want you to remain with Jonathon. I want you to do what you do best. Keep him from leaving. You're quite capable of doing that, aren't you, dear? Jared finally said

    Yes sir, Audrey replied. She bowed to him and quickly fled. 

    CHAPTER 56 Orders are Orders

    Abby awoke, feeling groggy and disoriented. She looks around, trying to remember what happened. Her memories began to slowly come back to her.

    'Cecilia. I have to make sure she's okay,' Abby thought. She leaned up in her hospital bed as she was getting ready to get out of bed. The door suddenly opened, and Kyle entered the room. He looked unhinged and unfriendly but wore a hospital gown.

    Good morning, Abby. How are you feeling? Kyle asked. 

    Who are you? How do you know my name? Abby replied. 

    I know many things about you Abby, but what is really important is what you remember. Because we can't afford to take any chances, I have to take some precautions to ensure you don't cause any more trouble," Kyle explained.

    What are you talking about? I don't even know who you are, Abby retorted. She attempted to get out of the hospital bed, but Kyle slammed her back into the bed with the palm of his hand, pinning her there.

    You see, my employer doesn't want you to remember anything about him. And he certainly doesn't want you talking about him to any of Jared's flunkies, Kyle said.

    Attacker? You! You work for…

    Before Abby could say his name, Kyle straddled Abby and covered her mouth with his hand. His fingers dug into the side of her face as he kept her firmly pressed to the bed.

    That's not important. The important thing is that you forget everything, Kyle scolded her as he removed a scalpel from his pocket. Abby's eyes widened in horror, and she attempted to buck him off her, but she couldn't move him.

    Aht. Aht. Let's not get feisty, Kyle continued. It won't hurt too much. Just stay very still.

    No, please don't do this! Abby pleaded. Her muffled voice could barely be heard. Kyle grins menacingly in her face. 

    Sorry Abby. But orders are orders. Don't worry; the procedure will be quick and painless as long as you stay still. And then you can go back to your life. Maybe you'll still be able to serve in the Lord's guard if you're lucky, Kyle responded as he placed the scalpel up to Abby's ear. Kyle was flung off Abby into the wall just as he was about to insert it into her ear.

    Kyle gets to his feet only to be face-to-face with Gregory. Gregory slams his fist hard into his gut, dropping Kyle to his knees again. The nurse came into the doorway. Gregory stood in front of Kyle to keep the nurse from seeing him.

    I heard a commotion. Is everything alright? she asked.

    Everything is just fine. Abby had a mild panic attack as she awoke. Isn't that right, Abby? Gregory answered. 

    Yes, I am sorry. Can you let my brothers know that I would like to see them if it's okay? Abby said.

    Of course. I will notify them right away. I'll also get you something to eat, the nurse stated and left.

    When the nurse was out of hearing distance, Kyle attempted to bolt, but Gregory slammed him back into the wall. He stomped on his leg, crushing his knee with a sickening crunch. Gregory slammed his hand over his mouth to muffle his scream of pain.

    You shut the hell up or I'll end you right now, Gregory hissed, and Kyle nodded. Abby, tell your brothers to come to my office when they get here. You rest for now. I am going to have a little chat with our friend here.

    Gregory grabbed him by the collar and drug

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