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Alpha Ryan's Hybrid Luna
Alpha Ryan's Hybrid Luna
Alpha Ryan's Hybrid Luna
Ebook221 pages4 hours

Alpha Ryan's Hybrid Luna

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"You have your mistress, why I'm not allowed contact with other men?" Ella challenged her husband, Ryan. 

"If you want a bed mate, my dear wife, I will only allow it in addition to me," Ryan replied. With a deep, husky whisper, he added, 

"I don't mind sharing, I even enjoy watching. But if I find out you enjoyed someone else's without me, I will punish you. And I warn you, I will enjoy punishing you..."

* * * 

As a hybrid banished from her father's pack and considered an abomination in the human world, Ella has fought hard to make a name for herself.

However after her stepsister Aria eloped, Ella was forced to take her place in an arranged marriage with political benefits set by the Council.

She married a werewolf! A notorious playboy beast! 

If her so-called husband could only leave her alone... but he didn't! He kept pestering her, teasing her...

Will Ella succumb to Ryan's punishing love or fight for her independence and a chance at true happiness?

Find out in this steamy werewolf romance.

Release dateJun 2, 2023
Alpha Ryan's Hybrid Luna

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    Book preview

    Alpha Ryan's Hybrid Luna - Maria Elise

    CHAPTER 45 The Nightingale

    Ryan's POV

    Walking down the streets it was already getting dark. This day had been longer than I hoped for, and this morning still bugged me. I had expected her to be embarrassed, but not sad or rushed.

    Well, no I had expected her to meet me so we could pick one out together. I'm not sure why she would ever feel sad about something like that for that matter. I am well aware we are not what is considered a traditional relationship, especially considering how it started. But that didn't mean we can't make something beautiful out of it, does it? No. I'm raised to believe and know everything is possible. Something's just needs more work than others, investments, and time.

    But everything is possible!

    For the first time in a very long time, I had butterflies in my stomach. It was hard deciding if I was looking forward to it or dreading it. Maybe a sweet mix of both?

    On one side, I would love seeing her strip. Let my eyes rest on her rolling hips, breasts, goddess help me I would look at her toes if that's what I got. But knowing she did this for everyone the last time she was there, just thinking about it makes me feel sick. I could lick every inch of her without a single complain, but nobody else should enjoy what is mine. Those opposite feelings kept coiling inside my chest as I walked up to The Crescent Temple.

    It was unusually quiet. No people waiting in line to get in. Only one bouncer waiting by the entrance, he knew me and let me in without a word. Inside was the exact same. Beside the girls working at the bar, there were nobody else in sight. Just what I asked for. I bought the entire building for the night. No male barkeepers, no unnecessary people while she performs. When she gets on stage, and the music plays it will only be her and me here.

    All lights are off except the flashing bright light on her. Blinding enough for her not to see we were alone. I wanted it to be a surprise to after. I didn't want to make her nervous and quite frankly it took some pressure of me to. I had no idea how I would react to this night. Feeling like when I was going on my first date in my teenager, my hands was actually trembling and sweaty! 3 shots at the bare I feel okay to go sit down by the stage. One drink in my hand and with a clear message to keep my glass filled up.

    As promised, the one we have been waiting for. Let me introduce our cherished little nightingale, Miss Ella!

    The voice announced like it was any other night and my heart jumped. Ella. A name that made my heart flutter, or maybe it was the booze and nerves! My heart decided it was a good time pushing each beat up my throat as the lights around me dimmed. Leaning back, my body literally shaking with nerves I empty my glass and sign for another.

    The first thing I hear is the sound of her heels over the hard cold floor. Breathing with my lips parted I can feel my own heartbeat between them as I watch her walk out of the shadows. Entering the bright light with a jaw dropping deep navy blue dress. Her back straight, breasts push forward in a deep cleavage her hips swayed slowly with each long stride to the center. Wide straps over her shoulder, bare back a high split showing her thigh way over her knees and a long trail of the dress moved behind her as a wave. She looked like the goddess of the deep blue sea! I'm buying that dress in all colors available! She never needs to wear anything else for my matter!

    I was so lost in her appearance and stunningly perfect balance of elegance and sensual I never even noticed that she stopped. That there was a microphone right in front of her, and my whole body exploded in some kind of childish joy as she began to sing. Bubbles busted and I was about to laugh of, of it all. My fears, what I have been imagining. Of it all! I just wanted to sing, dance and laugh.

    That was however before she started singing. Her voice, the feel and tone of her song hit my chest like a train in full speed. Knocking the air straight out of me. The light tones wanting to make you smile, something so beautiful how could it be so sad? I wanted to frame a song for its beauty and magic but the sadness and heavy heart that followed wanted to rip me to shreds. I've never experienced something like it. I felt pain in each word, each sentence as the music danced around her like magical creatures with color hiding the suffering behind love.

    There was loss, family, and blind safety. Betrayal sacrifices and true love. Chained to the darkness to admire the sun. Hidden in the shadows to proudly watch a loved one succeed. All the love and care had a life threating edge to it and I never struggled so much in my life figuring out what I felt. Her soft voice transitioning between raw and naked, pleading, and fragile before it nudged up to a cry from the heart and a final goodbye.

    After two songs she just walked of stage, like nothing. I knew she didn't see the crowd, didn't see me. But who leaves people feeling like this! I'm emotionally drained! Me! I'm not even emotional! Nevertheless, the air went straight out of me, and for a couple of minutes I just sat there. Staring at the empty stage. Brought out of my limbo by a glass sliding across my table.

    It's you first time, I guess. This is the reasoned he call her the nightingale, and why she only singe two songs top each preferment. But you must admit, it knocks the breath out of you!

    The girl smiled and wandered oof with her empty tray.

    Washing the lump in my throat down with the stiff drink she brought me, the feelings returned to my limbs. I felt like I transitioned back to reality, and all I was left with was goosebump's. Putting the glass down I decided to go find her.

    Just as I spotted the entrance to the backstage, my phone rang. It was Hannah. Figuring it would be best to answer and be done with it before I found Aria, I pressed the green button.

    Ryan! You fool! You should have woken me before you left! I want this to work, I want us to be friends. I'm doing my best to befriend your wife and respect that. But how can I do that when you create situations like this?

    CHAPTER 46 The First Time

    Ryan's POV

    I halted, speechless. What did I do now?


    What do you think the two Omegas that came in this morning thought when they found me sleeping in your bed? Right after everyone found out I'm waiting your child? Think Ryan! Things like this can ruin everything!

    She took a deep dramatic breath, like she usually did in situations she felt I was being dumber than normal.

    Look. I was scared last night. I didn't want to be alone. As my friend I sought you out and I am forever grateful you didn't reject my fears. But Ryan! Really! What if Aria had walked in and found me like this? What would she think? I want to stay here. I want this to work for the baby. I want the future Luna to see me as a friend, not a threat! Please use your head from now on! I don't want to stay here if that means I have to walk around on eggshells!

    Aaah... Realization hit me and I wanted to facepalm myself. This time she was right. I didn't think! An innocent thing like that could easily be made out to be something shady and dirty. I see that now!

    I am sorry! I will make sure to talk to the Omegas about this little misunderstanding. And yes, I will try thinking things through from now on! Thank you, Hannah!

    She sighed again and mumbled something I knew I didn't need to hear before I made my excuse to leave. My eyes had found the door to the backstage area again and I could not stop staring at it. The door was calling for me to enter, to find her. That was all I wanted to do, and all I was going to do. I also made a note to remember killing Blaze next time I met him for letting me believe she was stripping. Well, kill him a little at least. He deserved that!

    I stopped as my hand grabbed the handle, pausing staring in nothing not knowing why. All drama aside, I pushed the door open with a deep breath and smile. It was a disappointing entrance. I walked right into an empty hall. The only thing filling the narrow hall was the echo from my shoes and my pulse in my ears. A faint swift of her scent snuck up my nose as I reached the end of the hallway, and I knew she would be there as I touched the handle. Slowly, so slowly I felt like a teen sneaking back in after a late-night party.

    The sight that met me as the door finally opened, made me feel like I heard her sing all over again. The beautiful blue dress still hugged her body in all the right places, sparkled like the clearest ocean beneath the cold moon light. But it was draped along the cold and dirty floor. Her perfect curls gently bounced as her shoulders shook and hid her perfect face between her knees. The way she hugged around her feet almost felt frantic. She was holding on to dear life or the last known thing she had as she rocked back and forth. Barely noticeable.

    I stopped, unsure what to do. My heart ached as the sadness and pain in the room washed over me in trembling echoes through the air. The image of her so small, hiding and protecting herself like a scared scolded child was unbearable. Her heels were tossed on the floor, tucking one foot on top of the other. Her bare feet looked so cold against the grey floors.

    Without a word I crouched down and stroke her hair gently back. It didn't matter the reason, I never wanted to see her like this again. I would make it my life mission to protect her from ever feeling like this again. She only tightened the grip around her knees, burying her face between them. Swallowing the taste of failure, I pressed a light kiss to her temple and lifted her up in my arms. With an arm under her knees and on her lower back I pressed her against me. The way I should have carried her over the threshold the day we got married. How I should have carried her over it ever since to make up for not doing so.

    Hiding her face to my chest, I carried her to my car. Held her the same way all the way home in the backseat. Through the back doors and up to our room. I didn't ask, I didn't demand. I couldn't. It was like she was crumbling right in front of me. All her walls, her defenses everything was gone. Bare and shattering I was almost afraid she would shatter and disappear in the wind.

    Not before I had filled up the bathtub, turning around after stopping the cranes, did she look at me. There was nothing but emptiness and shadows as she followed my moves with a blank stare. Walking around her, I lifted her hair over her shoulder, unzipped her dress and let it fall. Mechanically she stepped out of it, and the rest of her clothes. Letting me lift her up in the tub, she didn't even protest as I got undressed and sat up behind her.

    With my feet on each side of her, I pulled her back. Leaned her on my chest and pressed a kiss to her shoulder as she finally relaxed into my embrace. I knew it was a heart-breaking moment, but it felt so nice. She relaxed into me, no tension nothing. Both feeling empty, emotionally drained shells seeking peace and quiet. There was no talking, no suggestive moves or touching. Everything was pure, so natural and quiet. She helped me dry of my back, I helped her with her hair. Like it was all written up in our body and souls, we worked together as one and crawled under the cheats.

    For the first time, since I can't remember when, I was content. She fell asleep on my shoulder. So soft and warm. Calm and tired. But as she drifted away, I noticed that deep frown that etched into her forehead. Covering it and her temple with kisses, I pulled her closer. Her scent covering my entire being, filling my nose and boosting my heart. The heaviness in her heart did not flea, that weak connection of a mate bond between us vibrated and it was devastating. The first time I really feel the bond like this, and it is telling me how lost and helpless she feels. Like her life is crumbling. An ache in my chest and a distant whisper wants me to cry out for mom and something called Nana.

    Tucking the duvet closer around her, I whispered a promise in her hair. One she was never supposed to hear in her deep slumber.

    CHAPTER 47 Born a Slave

    Ella's POV

    I was a train wreck today. Scrubbed raw in the inside, flustered and hot on the outside, my head. That was a totally different story! I felt really bad for sneaking out on Ryan this morning, so bad I could be sick. But the thought of facing him right now made me feel even worse. Embarrassed by my breakdown I didn't know what else to do at the moment. Weak and broken, he had been a gentleman. A man I didn't even dare dream of deserving.

    Leaving the stage last night, my breath got sucked out of my lungs. A drunken haze blasted around me as the ground shattered beneath my feet. I couldn't draw my breath, remember how. Everything familiar I grasped for not to fall slipped through my fingers. Because it was no longer there. Realizing this I gave in to the panic threatening to devour me.

    I had been ready to fall through the pain and humiliation, let the everlasting darkness on the other side have me. Anything to let this overwhelming feeling of chaos, pain and failure loosen its grip. I had let mom down, Nana and most of all myself. When I left, nothing would change. Just one set of lungs less in the world using oxygen. Devastated, lost and blind I didn't even sense him. Ryan had been a knight in shining armor, pushing through the fog before carrying me out.

    For one night, I allowed myself thinking this could be my new life. That Ryan was the man I could have, a pailful realization I pushed aside. I wanted Ryan, the horrible man I married had become the man of my dreams. But I could not have him. Not the way I wanted, not his heart. I could never be his top priority, that would always be his mate. I didn't care about the baby, never saw it as a problem. I could make that work, be a freaking good stepmom to! But his mate, I could not compete, never win.

    Lost in my own head I had managed to tippy toe down the hall and stairs. Eyes on the bright sun light shining through the glass brought me hope in all of this.

    Aria! ARIA!

    A shrieking voice cut through my ears as needles, and my shoulders lifted up as I slumped down. Here I was thinking Ryan would be the worse person to meet right now, but there she was proving me wrong! Closing my eyes her quick almost angry steps closed the gap between us behind me.

    Didn't you hear me?

    She glared, hands on her sides.

    No, I'm sorry! What can I help you with Hannah?

    She scoffed, and I could feel how little patient I had for crap and fake pleasantries well up in my through.

    You? Nothing! We need to talk, come to the kitchen!

    Right now? We can take it afr...

    She cut my sentence short with a rude and impatient groan.

    No, now! Come!

    She brushed past me, so close her shoulder bumped mine. Unprepared as I was, I stumbled back and gaped after her before I could wrap my head around it. It was the same room, the same table I eat my first breakfast at. That time Ryan had been hiding behind a paper upside down. Now there was a fuming blond model sitting on the long side. Hannah kicked the chair next to her, so it slides out from the table glaring between me and it.

    Martha... Martha!

    She shouted so I felt embarrassed for her,

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