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Mrs. Craft: An Extraordinary Journey
Mrs. Craft: An Extraordinary Journey
Mrs. Craft: An Extraordinary Journey
Ebook54 pages29 minutes

Mrs. Craft: An Extraordinary Journey

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In 1848, African American slaves Ellen and William hatch a plan to break free from their captivity and ensure that their future children will never be torn from them. The escape plan is ingenious, if borderline ludicrous.


They depart Georgia in broad daylight with Ellen, born of a white slave owner and Black woman, disguised

Release dateMay 10, 2022
Mrs. Craft: An Extraordinary Journey

Sara Dahmen

Sara Dahmen is the founder of House Copper & Cookware, a line of American-made cookware created with pure, natural materials and the help from local family-owned companies. Her cookware has been featured in national and international publications such as Cooking Light, Food and Wine, Veranda, Beekman 1802, Root+Bone, Midwest Living, and many more. One of the only female coppersmiths in America (if not the only), Sara has had a varied career, from her first job in marketing to building an award-winning wedding planning business to writing historical fiction. Her love of deep historical research led to her current work as a metalsmith of vintage and modern cookware. Sara has been published as a contributing editor for trade magazines and recently spoke at TEDx Rapid City. Sara is also the co-founder of the American Pure Metals Guild and is an apprentice to a master tinsmith in Wisconsin, where she works with tools from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to rebuild vintage cookware and design custom work from scratch. When not working in her garage, she can be found writing historical fiction, sewing authentic clothing for reenactments of frontier days, and hosting epic historical-themed dinner parties. She lives in Port Washington, Wisconsin, with her husband and three young children.

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    Book preview

    Mrs. Craft - Sara Dahmen


    An Extraordinary Journey

    by Sara Dahmen


    Copyright ©2022 by Sara Dahmen

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without prior written permission. This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Promontory Press

    ISBN: 9781773740997

    Cover designed by Edge of Water Design


    May 1, 1846


    The first time she meets him, she recognizes the loss. It wavers in the slants of his eyes, and when the sunlight catches the planes of his face, the pain is in the clench of his jaw. There is loss in the way he moves, and she recognizes it because she holds the same in the depths of her belly.

    They brush elbows the day her master buys a share of his flesh, and when he looks at her, she feels as if he sees her for all she is, and more besides.

    Who? she asks him softly.

    His body leans toward hers, as if they are connected by tendon and magic. My parents. Sold for their age. My sister, my brother, sold for profit. Gone, and may God protect them.

    It is enough. He means everyone. He has been stripped of all family and is left naked and unsheltered, alone and unfettered to anyone.

    And what does she have? She has her father’s lack of interest, and the disdain of her half-sister, who serves as her newest mistress. Does this serve as family? She does not think so. More than anything, she feels the aching absence of her mother, who is the only family she counts as true.

    He still stares at her as if measuring her future with his. She yearns for it suddenly, with all the pleasure and dangers it would mean. If they could join their souls, she thinks she might be content, and the fierceness of the idea takes hold and puts up roots in every fiber of her heart.

    Love and family are a risk for those like us, she says. It is a reminder to herself more than a statement of fact. She says it against the wild, fearful wanting in her bones to bind herself to this William. I would not like to be made so vulnerable.

    Do you not think the risk is worth it? he wonders. And there seems to be

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