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Chasing My Rejected Luna: Rejecting My Contracted Mate
Chasing My Rejected Luna: Rejecting My Contracted Mate
Chasing My Rejected Luna: Rejecting My Contracted Mate
Ebook238 pages4 hours

Chasing My Rejected Luna: Rejecting My Contracted Mate

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Daddy, please! Please don’t do this!” I begged with my hands.
“It’s done, Tegan. The contract is signed. You will leave tonight to be the Alpha King’s contracted mate. You will bear him an heir within three months, or you will regret it!” He roared out, his face showing me just how angry he truly was.
I silently wept at the cards fate played me. I will be nothing more than a baby-making machine for the cruelest Alpha known, Ezra Hendricks.
Tegan Declan is a shy she-wolf who was born deaf. She is starting a new life as a disabled wolf in a new pack. She is the new contracted mate to the Alpha King, Ezra Hendricks.
“Being deaf was a quality I would hate my son to have. As a wolf, you need all your senses to be able to lead, protect, and stay alive. Lacking hearing would not benefit anyone; it could lead to mass destruction and the loss of many lives. It would not be a good quality for a king. This brought me back to my question. What makes her think she is fit to be my Queen? I want to know what she thinks her strengths are. Would they outweigh her weaknesses?”
This is book 1 of the trilogy series. 

Release dateJun 8, 2023
Chasing My Rejected Luna: Rejecting My Contracted Mate

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It was a very balanced read ....I loved it fully
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I loved it can’t with for the next chapter to come out ?

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Book preview

Chasing My Rejected Luna - MerandaH.



I awoke from my sleep from the vibrations of my bedroom door slamming into the wall as it was opened roughly. This was a normal occurrence if I was still asleep when my father woke up. The moment I opened my eyes, my father was already across the room, yanking my closet door open while tossing all my clothes out and onto the floor. I sat up abruptly, confused at what was going on. Before I knew it, he was grabbing my arm, yanking so hard I could feel a pop in my joint as he dislocated it from its socket once again. Pain coursed through me, yet no words left my mouth. I could feel the tears as they were brimming the edge of my eyes, threatening to fall. I looked up at his face for any sign as to what might be happening. His expression was only blank.

You're leaving today. I read from his lips as he tossed my weak body onto the ground.

Gather your shit and come to the dining room. He said before storming out of my room.

Where could I possibly be going? I barely remember ever being allowed out of the pack house to roam the lands, let alone go outside of the pack lands. The only time I have seen any outsiders is when there is an Alpha meeting and they come here. I, however, have never left before.

I sat up grabbing my shoulder as pain once again coursed through my body. This wasn't the first time I had been hurt, and I doubt it will be the last.

My name is Tegan Declan, the daughter of Alpha Drake Declan of the Red Blood pack.

I am a werewolf, or at least that's what my family is. I haven't received my wolf yet. As wolves, we are supposed to get our other half at the age of 18, but I am now 20 and I have yet to receive one. My father states it is because I am useless and not worthy of having a wolf.

I have the senses of a wolf, however, meaning my sight and senses are impeccable. My hearing, however, is still gone. I was born deaf, which was also uncommon with werewolves, but my ability to sense another's presence was well above other wolves' senses, even without my hearing. I made sure to never tell him or any of the other pack members about that part, aside from my caregiver.

Having the bloodline of an Alpha made it also uncommon to not have received a wolf yet, unheard of really. But I know in my heart that she is there, she must be. Maybe she was just hiding from all the trauma I endured in my short life? I hold on to that hope because I have nothing else to hold onto for myself. I am already different from everyone else with my inability to hear; this just makes it even worse. I'm not sure of the answer as to why I have yet to feel my wolf's presence. Helena, my caregiver, calls it being a late bloomer, while everyone else calls it unworthy.

Helena has been the only light in my dark life. The only person that truly cared for me. My heart aches that my father and pack hate me so much, I never did anything to deserve that kind of treatment. At least, nothing that I could have controlled.

They all blame me for my mother's death, who was their Luna. I was the last of my siblings to be born, making me the third child in the Declan family, being the only female. However, my birth brought a traumatic ending to my mother's life. She hemorrhaged while giving birth to me. The doctors did everything they could but nothing they did could save her life from what Helena had told me. To top it off, I was born with the disability of not hearing. My father always says being born with this ability makes me useless. He would always state that if we were to be attacked, I would die due to not being aware of my surroundings. I was no different from anyone else aside from not being able to hear, but that never stopped them from treating me cruelly and hurting me any chance they had.

While lost in my thoughts, Helena came in switching off the lights on and off to let me know she was there. Something she always did so it wouldn't startle me.

You shouldn't keep your father waiting. She signed to me.

Helena was the one who helped me learn sign language. We learned together to communicate. Nobody else cared to learn, they didn't care to communicate with a degenerate like me. Including my family.

A sigh left my mouth as I clutched my arm. I used my eyes to look between Helena and my dislocated shoulder since I couldn't sign.

He dislocated your shoulder again, didn't he? She signed to me, her eyes showing how hurt she felt. I shook my head up and down in response. Helena came over to help.

This is going to hurt. She said without signing. I have come to be an expert at reading lips, especially since nobody else would learn sign language. Helena grabbed a discarded shirt and put it in my mouth for me to bite down on. She then counted to three and at three she pulled my arm, rotating it around the shoulder joint to pop it into its place once again. Tears began to fall freely down my cheeks as I bit down extremely hard on the shirt. The pain was overwhelming and hurt without any sedatives.

There, better? Helena signed. I then used my hand on the non-injured arm as I balled it into a fist, shaking it up and down for yes.

Do you know what is going on, where am I going? I then signed to Helena. A sad look on her face at the question. That can't be a good sign.

H? I signed. It was the way I signed her name. Only a deaf person could give a hearing person a name in sign language from what Helena said. I went with a simple H which is signed by holding out your dominant hand horizontally, palm facing in, with your index and middle fingers held out together, straight and stacked horizontally, index at the top. The rest of the fingers and thumb are curled in. She shook her head as tears started to slip out.

I can't say, your dad wanted to tell you. She then signed as she began to gather my hand-me-down clothes from my half-sister. My dad remarried shortly after my mom passed away, stating that the pack needed a Luna. He married a widowed woman with one daughter of her own. She was the same age as me. I had longed for a sister, but to no eval she treated me like everyone else, shattering my hopes and dreams of ever having someone other than Helena.

I shook my head and headed downstairs while she remained upstairs gathering my clothes. When I made it to the dining room, a woman no older than 40 with long raven black hair, olive-colored skin with soft green eyes was standing there with my father.

Ah, she is a beauty indeed, she will do. The woman said as she shook hands with my father. The lady then handed over a pen with which he used to sign a document. The lady then signed it after him while another person signed below both of their signatures before stamping it. I assume they were notarizing whatever document it was, making it a legal agreement.

As I inched closer, my father looked up to me.

Perfect, you're here. This is Lilyanna, the former queen of the werewolf kingdom. You will be going away with her now. He said with finality written across his face. What does that even mean?



I looked between the beautiful woman named Lilyanna and my father before asking the question raging in my head.

What do you mean? Why? I signed, knowing my father had the slightest clue what I was saying. His face contorted to anger.

The girl can't speak? I read off the lips of the previous Queen.

She can, she just sounds weird. My father replied to her.

What do you mean, sounds weird? She asked the next question curiously.

Well, the document has been signed, so she is your problem now. The girl is as useless as she is dumb. He said, breaking my heart some more. Lilyanna then turned to me, addressing me for the first time since I had arrived.

What is your name dear?

Her name is-

I asked her, not you. She said, cutting my father off.

As much as I tried to get the words to leave my mouth, they just wouldn't come out. I could speak, of course, I just had no clue of my pitch nor what I sounded like. Every time I tried to speak to anyone before, they would always laugh and ridicule me for sounding weird, as they called it.

Don't keep the queen waiting, answer her! My father looked as if he was yelling at me.

TETE- I tried to get out before my father interrupted my attempt.

TEGAN, HER NAME IS TEGAN. FOR GODDESS SAKE CHILD SPIT IT OUT! He roared while grabbing my recently injured arm again, making me squint my eyes in pain once more.

That is enough. Release the girl. I will take her. Have her packed and ready in 30 minutes, we will be leaving. She stated as she turned around to leave.

I turned to my dad with pleading eyes.

Daddy please! Please don't do this! I begged with my hands.

He shoved me aside, letting go of my arm, not caring about what I had to say.

You know I can't fucking read sign language. Speak or get out of my face! He screamed. As much as I tried, I couldn't speak. With being deaf comes a language barrier, especially when everyone treats me worse when I get the words out. This is a disadvantage to me compared to everyone else. I was worthless to my father and my pack, unwanted, unloved, and unneeded.

It's done, Tegan, the contract is signed. You will leave tonight to be the Alpha King's mate; you will bear him an heir within three months, or you will regret it! He roared out, his face showing me just how angry he truly was.

Was I being given away to be a baby-making machine for the Alpha King? How could he do this to me? Like I was nothing but the dirt on the bottom of his shoe. I was the blood of his blood, I was his only biological daughter, yet he was just willing to trade me off like some street whore? My heart was rapidly beating in my chest about my situation. How was I, a virgin, to please a king, the Alpha King at that? I've never even hugged a man, let alone kissed or even had sex with one. No man ever looked my way. I have never even had a real conversation with anyone. Unfortunately, I was avoided like the plague.

But daddy! I signed as I grabbed ahold of his arm.

STOP DOING THAT! He screamed as he shoved me hard enough to make me lose my balance and fall. I knew at that moment that no matter how long I begged against this, I'd never win. My fate was sealed by that damned piece of paper and my life would now be in the hands of another man. That man who was known as the cruelest Alpha known to our kind. Alpha King Ezra, of the Blood Moon pack.

Grab your shit, don't make the Queen wait any longer for the likes of you. She may even kill you before y'all even make it to the Kingdom. It wouldn't be the worst decision although I wouldn't get paid if that happened, so you had better be a good girl and do everything they say. This is the only good purpose you could possibly serve our pack. You are no longer my problem now; you are their property. He said, before leaving me alone in the room. I felt like the walls were closing in on me. How could he do this to me? I knew he hated me, but this was another level of evil that I had never expected to happen. He called me their property as if I weren't even a person.

I remained motionless on the ground when Helena entered. She dropped my bag before quickly darting across the room, taking me into her arms as we both sobbed uncontrollably. She rubbed my back trying to soothe my aching heart. Just then, my eldest brother entered the hall and looked between us.

Helena, escort her out. It is time for her to go. He said without any sense of care on his face. I was his sister, yet he treated me like common folk. Hell, even common folks were treated better than me. Helena stood as she helped me off the ground. When we walked towards the door, she picked up my bag and urged me forward. I looked around the pack house one more time at having to leave the only place I knew as home. Hopefully, I wasn't leaving this hell hole to be thrown into another. Maybe I had a chance at real happiness? To not be treated as a murderer or a nuisance to everyone around me. Maybe just maybe I will have a better life? For a moment, I had hope of something other than receiving my wolf. I had hoped that I would be treated normally. Or as normal as a deaf person in a werewolf world could be. What's the worst that can happen, death?

I can't remember not ever wishing for death, so if that is what awaits me, then so be it. This life has been so depressing, and I was always seeking a way out, even if that way out was death. I just never had it in me to take my own life, something inside urging me to live, that something was out there waiting for me, something bigger than this life. But I was not afraid of death. I would welcome it if that was my fate.

As we exited the pack house, many people stood along the pathway looking on with judging faces. I could see some of them whispering to one another, but they were too far away for me to read their lips. None stopped to ask what was going on or why, none cared to truly know. Once I got to the car, Helena pulled me to her chest, holding onto my body tightly as if I would float away if she let go. Which, in a sense, is exactly what was happening. I was leaving with the queen and probably never returning. When she let me go, tears were actively streaming down her face. She then held her hand up. Her thumb, index finger, and pinkie finger were holding upwards while her ring and middle finger were downwards. More tears sprang forward while I held onto her tightly again, signing that I loved her too, before my father pulled her backwards.

Let her go, she is no longer this pack's problem. He said with what I assumed to be his Alpha voice as she backed away slowly with her head downwards in submission.

Go on, get. He said, looking directly at me. I turned to the car door as a driver stood with the door open for me. I slid into the back seat of the car, my heart pounding in my chest once again as he took my bag from Helena and put it into the trunk.

A moment later, the car went down the long driveway. I watched as Helena's face became nothing but a blur before completely disappearing as her and my pack lands became nothing but trees in its wake. I looked out the window, placing my face on the cold glass. This was my fate. Nothing or nobody could change it for me now.



After a little while of driving, I felt a soft tap on my shoulder. I looked over to see the queen's shining green eyes staring at me. She truly was a beauty with her raven black hair. Nothing like my vibrant red hair. I never got to go to the salon, all my hair cuts were administered by Helena, and she was no beautician by any means. However, she knew enough to chop the dead ends off. I had long flowing curly red hair. Helena would have me sit at my vanity while she would gently brush my long hair. She always loved me having long hair. She said it reminded her of my mother, which didn't bring me much comfort, especially when my family looked at me with such disgust. Maybe if I hadn't looked like my mother, then they would have loved me? It was a blessing and a curse, as my mother was gorgeous. But even I knew I couldn't compare myself to her. However, being told I looked like her made my heart swell. It was a compliment whether they meant it as one or not.

Helena was never blessed with a child of her own. Her fated mate died early on, and she chose not to ever mate again. Instead, she dedicated her life to raising me. She treated me as if I were her own, she always told me I was the daughter she never had, and the Goddess placed her with me for a reason. Now that I am no longer there, I am not sure what will happen to her. I wished with all my heart that she was coming with me, but she belongs

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