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Strategic Missionary Work: Other Titles, #19
Strategic Missionary Work: Other Titles, #19
Strategic Missionary Work: Other Titles, #19
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Strategic Missionary Work: Other Titles, #19

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In Strategic Missionary Work, the author, Theodore Andoseh delves into the core principles and practical strategies essential for success in fulfilling the divine call to spread the Gospel to the nations.

Drawing from profound insights into the life and ministry of Apostle Paul and real-world experience, Andoseh takes readers on a journey through the stages of missionary work, guiding them with wisdom and purpose. With a focus on adapting to the ever-changing world and understanding the unique dynamics of mission fields, this book equips missionaries to effectively communicate the unchanging message of the Gospel.

Under the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit, the ultimate Director of God's Missionary Enterprise, Andoseh reveals the timeless wisdom derived from Apostle Paul's strategic endeavors. With authenticity and passion, this book captures the essence of a God-given mission and ignites a burning desire to impact lives and honor God's call.

Whether you are a seasoned missionary seeking renewed purpose or someone sensing a divine call to serve, Strategic Missionary Work provides invaluable insights and strategic plans to maximize your impact. It is a timely resource that empowers missionaries to rise above challenges and fulfill their mission with precision and effectiveness.

The harvest is waiting—answer the call today.

Release dateJun 9, 2023
Strategic Missionary Work: Other Titles, #19

Theodore Andoseh

The current leader of Christian Missionary Fellowship Internation

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    Strategic Missionary Work - Theodore Andoseh

    Strategic Missionary Work


    In the Pattern of Apostle Paul


    KOUME 20 21



    Copyright © 2021 by Theodore Andoseh

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Unless otherwise stated, the Scripture quotations in this book are from the New International Version of the Holy Bible.

    Published by

    A division of the Book Ministry of Christian Missionary Fellowship International

    [email protected]




    1. Introduction

    2. The Importance of Strategic Work

    3. God’s Provision for Strategic Work


    4. Paul’s Missionary Work

    5. The Workers

    6. The Mission

    7. The Gospel

    8. The Work of the Missionary

    9. Successful Leadership

    10. Effectiveness

    11. The Challenges

    12. The Fellowship


    13. The Ambition for Growth

    14. Dangerous Ambitions

    15. Outlook

    Back Matter

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    In every endeavour, there are stages that require careful and intelligent execution. Engaging in a single stage indefinitely yields no meaningful outcome. God, in His wisdom, instructs the workers to discern when each stage is complete: when to cease digging, when to sow the seeds in the proper manner, and when to harvest and transform the fruits into consumable nourishment. He bestows wisdom upon the workers, as the work itself demands wisdom, and the workers must possess a profound understanding of their tasks.

    The gifts and callings bestowed by God are unwavering, and those called by the Master to serve in His harvest must plan for success in their divine commission. Every missionary must attain a comprehensive understanding of their mission and develop effective strategies to thrive in their specific mission field.

    While the essence of missionary work and the Gospel message remains constant, missionaries must adapt to their audience and the ever-evolving trends of the world. However, it is vital to acknowledge that the Holy Spirit remains the guiding force behind God's Missionary Enterprise. No missionary can carry out the Lord's work in His harvest without reliance on Him.

    The contents of this book were originally presented at the International Students' Bible Camp in Koume-Bertoua, Cameroon, in August 2021. Pastor Theodore Andoseh draws insightful lessons from the strategic work of Apostle Paul to shed light on the path forward in the work entrusted to Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum by Our Lord.

    With prayerful hearts, we present this book, aspiring that the numerous missionaries whom God has already raised, as well as those He will continue to raise and send into His harvest, will comprehend the mission, understand their roles, and design strategic plans to fulfil the Master's call.





    We have come to a turning point in our work. God demands of us to build and offer Him a global community so that He may have agency through which to carry out revival, so that He may have an agency through which to conquer the nations. We have to offer Him a global community. We have to offer Him a Great Nation, not in geopolitical economic terms but a Great Nation in terms of the accomplishment of His great purposes, a Nation of His purposes. God wants us to offer Him a Great Nation for His purposes. Hallelujah! This is the juncture we have come to.

    The global crisis and the health crisis (the coronavirus crisis) are a build-up of many crises. Since the overthrow of the hosts of wickedness, there has been a reconfiguration of the body of nations. The power bases have altered.

    In the 1960s, the blocs were very clear. There was the iron curtain, and there was the cold war between the communist bloc and the democratic bloc. The lines were sharply drawn.

    With the crumbling of the Soviet hegemony in the 1980s, the world was plunged into different power bases, ideological power bases. So, the militant ideologies emerged: the Islamic jihadists, the Hindu fanatics, the Tibetan Buddhists, and all those militant ideologies. Buddhism exported Yoga to the West, and influenced the thinking of the West by new age ideologies about the superpowers that play on human beings, the new age ideology about the multiple universes that play humanity like pawns. The ideological power bases shifted and gave birth to the militant ideologies. And everyone was seeking the proselytization of all the other parts of the world. So, the Eastern religions filtered their ideologies in different forms. As managerial paradigms, they put out that you will perform better at your job if you meditate. And the West adopted it since there was an ideological vacuum in the West.

    In the 1990s, ideologies became inconsequential. It was not so much now what you believed, but what works. So, the pragmatists took the reins of power: money speaks! Japan and the other superpowers loaned trillions of dollars to America in their efforts at the Gulf War. So, pragmatism ruled the world, and nobody was bothering whether you were a Hindu or a Muslim, you were in the religion of money. The pragmatists ruled.

    And then in the first decade of the 21 st century, the virtual kingdoms were born. The Islamic Spring tried to create the ideal Islamic State. Islam has many forms, it does not have a central authority like the pope in Roman Catholicism. So, the Islamic ideologists created a virtual Islamic State – Via the Internet.

    There are many virtual kingdoms that are emerging from the Silicon Valley ¹. And the health crisis is an attempt to help nations have a little grip and control over their citizens who have become citizens of Internet kingdoms. The world is changing, and the world is in convolutions. And you were born, and you came, and you live. It is for a time like this.

    Thank God for times like these when God saw that you will be the key players in His purposes. If God thought that Paul was apt for this period, He would have kept Paul to be born later. You are what God has now! Thank God that you were born for a time like this, and that He trusted you enough that it is in an epoch when the world is undergoing great convolutions that He chose to bring you to be an answer. You were born for a time like this. You are the man of the hour. You are the woman of the hour. Hallelujah! Thank the Lord!

    Do not pray the prayer of those who have resigned. O Lord, grant THEM…, as if he was praying from beyond the pale. You are alive today! It is your time! It is your time!

    God has brought our ministry to a turning point. We are to provide God a community that can serve as the agency of His purposes. We are to provide God a great nation for the accomplishment of His purposes. And God trusts us! That is why He has brought us to a time like this. The Nebuchadnezzars of our time are the tech icons. I do not want to call their names; the modern antichrists with the same utopian dreams as Nebuchadnezzar: the perpetuation of eternity by alternative existences, and the mad dream for the colonisation of exoplanets. The dreamers, the monarchs and the empire dreams have not changed. It is just that today, we have electronic icons, kingdoms , monarchs and dreamers.

    And we are the Daniels of our time. We shall still preach that a stone cut by no man’s hand, the Christ, the Messiah, will become a mighty mountain and of His kingdom there shall be no end. It will crush all the nations that precede and that emerge. That little stone, the Christ of God will become the mountain that shall fill the earth as far as the curse is found. And you and I are part of that great mountain to fill the earth, to crush the temporal kingdoms, whether the former military emperors or the mighty political leaders, or the ideological antichrist, or the economic moguls or these modern tech giants… We are called to produce a kingdom, a permanent kingdom.

    May the sense of destiny that imbued Daniel imbue you! The kingdoms may look massive, the statues may be towering, the glamour may capture all the nations. But we know that the Christ of God will set up the Kingdom whose reign shall never end. We are called to offer God a global community, a great nation as an agency of His purposes.

    Even within the Kingdom of God, we are undergoing great convolutions! The other day, I was thinking about Br. Zach and thinking about his time, and I told myself, ‘Wow! Nationalistic Africa gave us big ideological presidents: Nkrumahs, Nyereres, Abdelkader of Algeria…’ Hallelujah! But those 1960s also gave the kingdom of God the big apostles! I thought about Br. ZTF, about Kumway, about the founder of Redeemed from whom Pastor Adeboye took over, the mighty apostles, the John Lakes, the big church planters. And then their age passed. And the great evangelists came on stage, the big televangelists, and big names came: crusades! Every young pastor dreamt of becoming a mighty crusade evangelist! And then in the 1980s, the Megachurch phenomenon! Nigeria flooded the world with Megachurches! Korea became a spiritual tourist site for men to go and see megachurches, and the megachurches of Argentina, of the United States and the suave preachers like Joel Osteen! The epoch of the Mega churches, the Adelaja kingdoms in Ukraine, Ashimolowo in England! And then megachurches are being shaken! Now they cannot gather! Now, more than 50 people cannot gather! We have come to a point in history where all our leaders who love Megachurches, to stand in front, will be disappointed!

    God has launched the epoch of the disciple making movements! If we do not do it, others are doing it! Even in the Kingdom of God, God is carrying us away from the megachurch movements, plunging us into the disciple making movement. And at this time, it is you that God found! You can switch in to the move of God, or you can harbour the anachronistic dreams of resembling the dinosaurs who are dying out, that you too will stand in front of many people because you are a distorted hybrid of TB Joshua and you are dreaming of your huge cathedral. History has left you behind! You are a photocopy of the past generation. God has launched the disciple making movements. Those who plug into God will be the rulers of the Kingdom in the next 5, 10 years; the agents of God’s purposes, the instruments of His coming revival.

    In case you are wishing for many people in my generation to die so that you can go to the stage, you are blind! That time has passed. It is just that you do not even see that the time has passed. The megachurches that are coming on will be megachurches that have thousands and tens of thousands of house churches, not a congregation. The epoch when men ate from what fell from the lips of some pastors like the underdogs is already over. But I still see some young people whose planning is backward, their evolution is backward. They are museums. Even spiritually, they want to be museums, or they even want to be tombs, keepers of dead bones! dead houses, iconic temples! Do not be late. Some of you, you were late when God was giving out money. When He called a conference to distribute intelligence, you came late! Even when He was distributing height, you came late! Now when He is sending us forth into His purposes, do not be late because you are trapped in past dreams. God has brought us to a turning point.

    In the early 30s and 40s, there were the mighty healers that God raised: C. G. Bevington, Smith Wigglesworth, Etta Woodsworth, Aimee Semple McPherson, many of the big healers! There was the healing revival between the 30s and the 60s. Then God started raising apostles and the great teachers and the prophets, then the televangelists came. If you are dreaming today of starting your PTL, you are too late! Who will look at you? YouTube and Instagram have already put you out! And the televangelists gave way to the megachurches!

    But now, God is sending forth disciple making movements.

    And I want to tell you, go and check: Almost all those who are labouring to follow the Lord all over the world are turning to the making of disciples. And you have come to a day like this, and many of you still have the dreams of the past, cursed with anachronism. You have come to a wonderful day, if you will connect to the wave of God’s movement… or be left behind!

    The young people may think that we are only prophesying about worldly trends. Even in the Kingdom of God, we see the trends changing: we have come to a period of great convolutions in the Kingdom of God. We have come to a day like this! God is looking for agencies in the making of disciples to prepare for the coming revival. And all who are in communion with God are hearing what the Spirit is saying to the churches. If you are only hearing history, and you are still dreaming of the day when you will have your mega-church in the crystal cathedral, go and put on your picture: ‘past tense’! God has brought you to a day like this!

    That is where we are in our ministry now, that is where we want you to connect to. God wants us to become a global community as an agent for His purposes. God wants us to become a great nation to accomplish His purposes. That is the will of God for us now. That is what the Holy Spirit keeps repeating to me in most of my encounters, When He talks to me about our leaders, He will tell me that they are blocked in the past, blocked to the smallness of the past. They do not know what is happening, they do not know where God is taking the work to, and they are not ready. They are not ready! They can become statesmen, but they do not have the required enlargement.

    This is where our ministry is now: God wants us to offer Him a ministry set on a hill, a mountain of the Lord to which all of the nations shall flow. He wants a city on the hill, not personalities on the pedestal. Many want to become great personalities on the pedestal, to be known, but God is looking for a city set on a hill to which all the nations shall flow. He is looking for a community that has spiritual visibility to which He can direct hungry souls. Not ego-kingdoms, God is looking for that city set on a hill. So those who have rejected plurality, rejected the body, because they want to be Luciferan (I will ascend, I will climb up on the mount of the Lord – like Lucifer!)...

    Proclaim in thanksgiving that God will have the great nation and that gargantuan mountain, the Himalayas, as an agent for His purposes to give birth to many revivals!

    I would like you to trace how many rivers flow from the Himalayas. Trace it, and you will be shocked at the number of rivers! A great mountain from which rivers shall flow. This is where we are, as a people. Dream well! See well! And move with God. Do not become old and anachronistic and fossilised.

    We are at a turning point in our ministry. We have come to a turning point in our ministry. God is demanding of us an agency for His purposes. God is calling us to offer Him an agency for the accomplishment of His purposes, a great spiritual nation, a global spiritual community. Numerically imposing, with a quality of life that is a testimony to the eternal life that Jesus gives through the Gospel.

    How do we go about that? What must we do? What does the Lord demand of us? We are to offer Him a global community, a great spiritual nation that targets the accomplishment of His purposes, the accomplishment of our overall goal, the accomplishment of our immediate goal, those are the burdens that are on us. These motivated us to have a camp for a recruitment exercise, with you as a target. And we shall recruit you if God qualifies you.


    If you consecrate yourself with the entirety of heart that God demands, God will qualify you with His endowment. If you bring to God the entirety and wholeness of heart that He demands, God will put His mark of approval on you by endowing you with His own gifts and Spirit. God will put His mark of approval on you by endowing you with His gifts and His Holy Spirit. When the sacrifice is accepted, the fire from God consumes it. The sacrifice is what you and I can bring. All our sacrifice, costly as it may be, cannot serve God, for flesh and blood cannot serve God. But when God accepts our sacrifice because of the love and the faith with which it is offered, He marks His approval of every sacrifice by the fire from above. The fire of the Lord falls on the accepted sacrifice. He confers on that which has been offered to Him a divine dimension.

    When you see people offer something to God, you should look at what was brought, and then look for whether God will put anything on it. If somebody offers His education to God by a radical consecration, is the hand of God upon him? Is there something that looks like the equivalent to that which he gave away that comes from God? A man who gives up his education for God and remains as dull as the level at which he gave his education to Jesus, where is the fire from heaven?

    In the prophets of the Old Testament, we find an intelligence that is completely in contrast to their natural environment. When you listen to the cosmology of Isaiah, when you take a poor shepherd like Amos talking about the great Arcturus and Orion. A shepherd! How many shepherds talk about the Orion, the Pleaides? Look at the geopolitics in Jeremiah! He was a prophet to the nations, and by prayer, God gave him the cup of judgement, and God told him; "Instead of praying for the different nations, give them the cup of my judgement. Call each nation you know and, by prayer, force them to drink it. See how Jeremiah calls! In Jeremiah’s prayer summit, look at how many nations he summons! Imagine a small priest in a backward nation and then look at the geopolitics he handled. We find in those servants of God that in response to their consecration, an intelligence of a divine dimension accompanies their commonality.

    When you gave your heart to Jesus and you said you did not want to continue education, did you receive the wisdom of God with which to serve Him since you refused the wisdom of the world with which to serve God? Or do you think you can serve God with an empty head having renounced the knowledge of the world? Where is the fire from above upon the sacrifice that has been put on the altar? You even need to see that attestation for your own assurance. You need to have assurance, for your own self, that God accepted what you gave Him.

    In Numbers 16 and 17, there was a time when all the Israelites felt that Moses was practising some form of nepotism. He favoured the tribe of his origin in the privileges of the sanctuary. And then a democratic delegation of 250 leaders demanded a general assembly to reason with Moses under the direct leadership of Korah and Abiram, and they borrowed from some questions that Aaron and Miriam had raised previously.

    They asked Moses: Are you the only holy person that God can use? Are all of us not God’s holy people? Can God not use all of us? Is there a monopoly on God using some people? And those people are the people of your choosing? Must it be your brother? Eh Moses! You have told us many lies since we left Egypt. For example, you told us that you are taking us to a land flowing with milk and honey. Moses, please, open your eyes, look outside the window! Do you really mean that all this sand and all the heat is the land flowing with milk and honey that you told us? After talking to us Moses, and we followed you, you really want to also remove our eyes so that we do not see that we are in the desert? And they told Moses: There is a limit to which credulity can go, just leave us alone, stop acting like our pope. How did God respond?

    God told Moses: Get out of the way! Let me kill this people! God killed Korah, Dathan and Abiram. He opened the ground and they were swallowed. By the next day, you would have thought that after everybody has seen that powerful demonstration they would apologise. But the next day, they gathered more leaders, they came to Moses and said: We too have come to die. Kill us like you killed the others. You have killed God’s people; now kill us! So we shall all die!

    For those of you who think that judgement helps people follow righteousness, I want you to know that the judgement of God does not help people to follow what is right.

    God told Moses to ask all the leaders of the different tribes to bring Him each a rod that will represent him and that they should write each their names on it. And He told Moses to gather all those rods, all those names and put them in the presence of God. He told him to come back the next day and take them: the rod that would have sprouted and borne fruit will attest that God had called the person. It is fruit and life that shows whom God has called.

    In all the testimonies that you have given about God calling you, where is the budding? Where is the evidence of a supernatural life? Where is the fruit? God was telling Moses that the only lesson to the rebellious is fruit. The only way you can defend your calling is by your fruit.

    Somebody says, I abandoned my job to follow the Lord! And God goes with him. And then you also say, I also abandoned my job! You feel equal. You may even feel superior. But where is the verdict from heaven? It was the budding, the flowering and the fruiting that God Himself prescribed in the Bible as the remedy for rebellion; it was not God’s judgement.

    Even if you wanted God to judge people because they oppose you, those people do not belong to you. If a man wants his rebellious child to die in a car accident so that this child would know that you do not run away from the house, is he really the child’s father?

    In all the consecrations that we have brought to God, look for the divine attestation. The mark of God’s acceptance. Even the Lord Jesus Christ said,

    "by their fruit you shall know them!" (Matthew 7:20).

    You are our target. We will recruit you if God qualifies you. God will qualify you if you ordain yourself. If God finds that entirety and wholeness of heart that He demands, the fire of heaven will fall on you. There will be a dimension where it is obvious to everyone that we have this treasure in earthen vessels. Those who see you can see very clearly that you are an ordinary earthen vessel, but they cannot explain what you produce. And those who attempt to imitate you, do not know what your secret is. And when some come and ask, what is your secret? I have heard some young brethren answering the question. They dare say, for example: My secret is following man! Do you know why God blessed you? Do you even know? You are still living the life; how can you know the secret? That is

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