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The Warrior Within: A Zealeth's Redemption
The Warrior Within: A Zealeth's Redemption
The Warrior Within: A Zealeth's Redemption
Ebook112 pages1 hour

The Warrior Within: A Zealeth's Redemption

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Welcome to the land of mystery and myth. A world of sinister warlords and magnificent creatures. A time of great heroes and wanderers in search of enlightenment. An age when worldly pleasures and ancient secrets collide.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 29, 2022
The Warrior Within: A Zealeth's Redemption

Rahmel Garner

Rahmel credits Life as the sole motivating factor convincing him to write his novel, with vast worldly religions and tales of mythological creatures at his root of knowledge. Passionate and heroic storytelling is the pinnacle of his creativity. Supernatural warfare between all races of men and every manner of creature are the fruits of labor in his craft.

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    The Warrior Within - Rahmel Garner

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    Source Forge

    Chapter 1 Legend of the Zeal Master

    Chapter 2 Lies and Illusions

    Chapter 3 Destruction of Helloram Castle

    Chapter 4 Master Zore’s Debut

    Chapter 5 Loss of a Master

    Chapter 6 Origins of Eluse

    Chapter 7 A Warrior’s Past

    Chapter 8 Revelations

    Chapter 9 The Confession

    Chapter 10 The Twist

    Chapter 11 Ajeer

    Chapter 12 Zirei’s Stand

    Chapter 13 Redemption of a Zealeth

    Chapter 14 Solitude’s Awakening

    Chapter 15 Master and Apprentice

    Chapter 16 A Zealeth’s Will


    This is a story of a mystical land with unimaginable creatures. This world is centered on a group of people known as Zealeths, who are outcasts and are usually shunned by the rest of the common folk who mistake them for monsters. It is not without reason, however, since they can harness a latent power called zeal energy. They also carry a sacred mark on their body called a zeal symbol. They are unique, and because of this, humankind refuses to tolerate their existence. Ultimately, this is a story with highly unique characters that focuses on their passions, faults, and problems. It is a dark tale.


    Great Source Forge, bearer of space and time. Grant me your all-seeing and all-knowing light through the great ages of time, for one day the five territories will be mine. Everyone fails to see the true power of the Source Forge, but I, Reijura, am so close to unlocking its secrets. Who before me has managed to find the exact location of this miraculous creation? No one, that’s who. They say its color comes from the blood Master Zore spilled to win his crown. Fools! Blood doesn’t soak into stone. Men desire what they don’t have. That’s why no man could ever find it. How cleverly concealed from the world it is. How on earth did I ever find it? What is the first rule of kings? Fear conquers all. Kings are remembered throughout time! Kings are declared in the halls of prophecy! Kings are revered by all! And so it is that kings are responsible for such mischief and bloodshed. Master Zore knew this. He knew that only someone clever enough, open-minded enough, and powerful enough could reach the creator of worlds. And what better creature of female divinity than myself could unlock its mysteries? Master Zore was a genius in that regard. I suppose those thousands of years fighting against the House of Eluse and the House of Furion knocked some sense into him. Master Zore used to go on and on about how epic those battles were. King Pelanus, Furion’s ancestor, was his greatest challenge. With legions of wicked sorcerers and ancient beast tamers of the great Azoreth at his disposal, he was a very dangerous and tyrannical ruler. It was always this way. King Pelanus versus the masters of the House of Zore. That was until King Pelanus went on a political campaign that extended to the reaches of the land of the forgotten. It was there that he discovered the existence of sand dragons. Unfortunately for King Pelanus, the sand dragons and their masters were far too great in number. He had no choice but to surrender himself and his army. Ajeer, the leader of the sand dragon clan, admired his bravery.

    You are a great man. Your skill in battle is impressive. You are a true warrior. To reward you for your bravery, I give you this special gift, Jeihan said and then handed him a sand dragon egg.

    When King Pelanus and his army traveled back to Helloram Castle, the egg was placed in his most private chamber in a crystal case. Everyone was mesmerized by it. From the day the egg was placed in his hand, King Pelanus knew that he was the ruler of the territories. King Howndrel of the House of Eluse was good friends with Pelanus. When the tall and athletic narcissist learned that Pelanus was carrying a sand dragon egg, he knew Master Zore would eventually be defeated. King Howndrel was different from Pelanus. He had no desire to expand his empire. He was a traditionalist, an isolationist who liked the territories just the way they were, in complete and utter chaos. King Howndrel would order his own soldiers to fight each other for sport or gambling purposes. He had huge colosseums where they would fight just like in a gladiatorial arena. His kingdom was sick with intoxication and adultery. Howndrel was psychotic, which explains his friendship with Pelanus all the more. But as always, nothing is as it appears. For in the land of the forgotten, Jeihan, father of all that inherit the earth, was outraged by Ajeer’s behavior.

    How could you willingly give such a powerful creature to a mortal? Are you insane? Jeihan shouted as Ajeer stood frozen with fear.

    It will be good for them, my lord. They came here because of their lust for power. Why not show them how much obedience they’ll get out of a sand dragon! Ajeer said.

    I’m surprised. This is not like you, Ajeer. There’s hope for you yet, Jeihan said with a smile.

    All shall give praise to the Source Forge, the all-seeing and all-knowing. What would you give in offering for its memories?


    Legend of the Zeal Master

    Far away in a land that seemed untouched by the steady march of time, there lived a clan of wise and highly skilled hermitlike swordsmen called the Scythor clan. They found a baby boy abandoned in the wilderness and raised him as their own. They marveled as the youngster grew and became uncommonly strong. They trained him in the art of the stealth crow blade, and he quickly became a swift and astounding sword fighter. Now the young man known as Zirei was on his own and had become the sole guardian of the Scythor clan’s most mystical possession, their zeal stone. One day, Zirei began a rigorous pursuit to a destination far away. He was incredibly fast. His body moved like the wind as he ran through countless fields and forests. After a while, he began to have a flashback of the chain of events that led him to that moment. He began thinking about when he came of age and challenged and defeated Visis, the Scythor clan’s most formidable warrior. In

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