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Hide Away by the Sea
Hide Away by the Sea
Hide Away by the Sea
Ebook286 pages2 hours

Hide Away by the Sea

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From New York Times bestselling author L.P. Dover comes a compelling tale of intrigue, hidden family secrets, and long overdue second chances.

Everleigh Abbott – born and bred in Oak Island, N.C. – always had a dream of going off to college and making a difference in the world.

Presented with the opportunity to attend the university with the top surgical program in the country, she couldn’t pass it up. Even though it meant leaving her family and Jensen McLean – the man she loved – behind. The couple knew the distance would come between them, yet Jensen had no choice but to stay in Oak Island and take over his family’s business.

Twelve years later, Everleigh’s a well-respected neurosurgeon in Boston and living the life she’s always wanted. However, when her grandmother passes, Everleigh learns she's been left everything, including the beach house. What she soon realizes is that there are secrets hidden within the house, secrets that could change everything. It all leads to a tragic past that brings Everleigh face to face with her only regret.

Jensen McLean has devoted his life to making his family business the best on the North Carolina coast. When he finds out Everleigh is back in town, he refuses to waste the chance to see her again. More than anything he longs to show her what she’s missed and help her realize Oak Island is her true home. Little do either of them know, the mysteries hidden at the beach house will reveal truths that connect them in ways they never thought possible.

PublisherL.P. Dover
Release dateJun 27, 2023
Hide Away by the Sea

L.P. Dover

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author L. P. Dover is a southern belle living in North Carolina with her husband and two beautiful girls. Everything’s sweeter in the South has always been her mantra and she lives by it, whether it’s with her writing or in her everyday life. Maybe that’s why she’s seriously addicted to chocolate.Dover has written countless novels in several different genres, including a children’s book with her daughter. Her favorite to write is romantic suspense, but she’s also found a passion in romantic comedy. She loves to make people laugh which is why you’ll never see her without a smile on her face.

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    Hide Away by the Sea - L.P. Dover



    Iawoke with a gasp, my hand covering the spot over my erratically beating heart. My skin was burning hot as if I’d just finished sunbathing out on the beach. In my dream, that was what I was doing, but I wasn’t alone. Jensen was beside me, his hands caressing my skin as we lay on the soft blanket in the sand with the sound of the waves crashing nearby. I have never dreamed of him like that before, not until . . .

    I slowly turned my head to the side and there he was, lying on his stomach with his glorious bare back on display. The breath hitched in my lungs, and I quickly covered my mouth with my hand to cut off another gasp that was desperate to break free.

    Memories of last night came flooding back, making my head spin. There was too much eggnog, too many laughs, and too many innocent touches here and there. Not to mention I was on a high from getting my pre-med degree. There was a lot to celebrate. I was home and I’d missed it so much.

    Many things had changed over the past five years. I wasn’t the same and neither was Jensen. Yes, we still kept in touch through phone calls and texts, but I hadn’t actually seen him in over two years. His once smooth baby face now had stubble and his chest and arms were chiseled with perfectly sculpted muscles I never knew he had.

    Growing up, I always thought he was cute and sweet; my best friend. Of course, he had his girlfriends and I had my boyfriends, but there was one thing for sure, we could always count on each other. He was the one I shared my secrets with, the one I thought would always be a constant in my life. However, last night I didn’t see him as just my fun-loving best friend who I used to spend every waking moment with. That was who he was in the past, but the tides have changed. We weren’t kids anymore.

    One thing led to another, and . . .

    Oh my God. What have I done?

    Biting my lip, I glanced around the room. We were in Jensen’s childhood home, in the same bedroom we used to play video games in, no less. We were too drunk to drive to his house across town after last night’s party, so we decided to venture over here. Luckily, his parents were in Barbados for Christmas. I couldn’t imagine the awkwardness of having to walk past them or worse . . . try to sneak out and get caught.

    My grandmother lived just next door, which was where I was supposed to be right now. I had no doubt my grammy knew precisely where I was. She always said something would happen between Jensen and me, but I never gave it much thought.

    Carefully, I inched my way to the end of the bed, trying my best not to jostle the mattress. The hardwood floor was cold beneath my feet as I tiptoed across the room. In the dim light from outside, I could make out my red dress, crumpled and discarded on the floor alongside one lone red high heel. I searched frantically for its matching partner, but it had disappeared entirely.

    With a heavy sigh, I gave up and crept toward the door, desperate to escape before Jensen woke up. The stairs creaked as I went downstairs, and I cursed under my breath with each step I took. I wasn’t ready to face him, not after what we did last night. Even though Jensen was my best friend and I wanted more from him, it would never work. All it would do is complicate things. His life was in Oak Island and there was a time when mine was too, but not anymore. I just got accepted to medical school. Trying to juggle that and a long-distance relationship was not feasible; we would never see each other.

    Once I made it down to the main level and out the back door, I breathed a sigh of relief as I hurried over to my grandmother’s quaint blue house named Hide Away by the Sea. It was precisely what I wanted to do—hide away.

    The sun wasn’t far from rising, illuminating the sky in shades of deep orange and pink. It was beautiful, but it was a ticking time bomb for me. Jensen was an early riser, and the first place he'd come looking for me would be at my grandmother’s. I had to leave before that.

    Keys in hand, I ran up the stairs to the back deck of my grandmother’s house, desperate to disappear behind its walls. However, the second I stepped foot on the deck, I found my grandmother there, dressed in the doughnut-covered nightgown I got her when I was in seventh grade, and sitting in her favorite red rocking chair with a steaming cup of coffee in her hands. Her long, white hair fluttered in the wind as she rocked back and forth with a knowing grin on her face as she looked down at my feet.

    Good morning, Grammy.

    She snorted out a chuckle. Good morning to you, too, my dear, she said, lifting her twinkling emerald and honey-colored eyes back to mine. Judging by your haste and the lack of one of your high heels, I’m assuming Jensen doesn’t know you left?

    There were no secrets between me and my grandmother, but it didn’t stop my cheeks from burning with embarrassment and guilt. Grammy loved Jensen like a grandson. She may be smiling, but I knew she wouldn’t approve of what I was about to do.

    I quickly glanced over at Jensen’s parents’ house, hoping like hell he wasn’t about to walk out the door. Last night went a little too far, Grammy. I don’t have the words to deal with Jensen this morning.

    Her gaze narrowed. So, basically, you’re scared.

    She said it more as a statement than a question. I huffed out a sigh and hung my head. There was no lying to her; she could always see right through me.

    Fine, I gave in, letting her see the turmoil I knew was evident on my face. I’m scared. Jensen and I crossed a line that never should’ve been crossed. We can never go back to the way things used to be.

    My grandmother stood and set her cup down on the small distressed wooden coffee table Jensen had made her when we were in high school. Then, she walked up to me and grabbed my hand.

    That line should’ve been crossed a long time ago, Everleigh. You and Jensen have always been made for each other. I knew it the moment you both were born.

    It wasn’t the first time she had said things like that. I’ve always known she wanted me and Jensen to be together. Grammy was a romantic at heart, and it was one of the things I admired about her. She was always so optimistic and full of life.

    I squeezed her hand and let go. I just got accepted to medical school, Grammy. Focusing on my career is what I need to do right now. I can’t juggle my love life and that at the same time.

    Her face fell as if I’d just broken her heart. She cupped my cheeks. I understand, she murmured, it’s just . . .

    It’s just what? I replied, feeling the guilt weigh me down even more. Her eyes misted over, and she looked away as her hands slid from my face. She turned toward the horizon, where the waves crashed against the shore. It was as if something was on her mind, weighing her down. There was a sadness on her face that I’d never seen before.

    Grammy, what’s wrong? I asked.

    She shook her head and closed her eyes. I don’t want you to have regrets, Everleigh. When she focused back on me and opened her eyes, not only could I see the emotional pain she tried to hide, I could feel it, too. Before I could speak, she held up a hand, halting me. "If you leave without working things out with Jensen, you will regret it, child. Last night was the beginning of something amazing for you two. I don’t want to see you give up that kind of happiness. Not everyone gets the chance to be with the one they love."

    Crossing my arms over my chest, I laughed but there was no humor to it. Love wasn’t a part of last night, Grammy. It was too much alcohol and no self-control.

    All she did was stare at me with her lips pursed as if I was a child who had no understanding of how the world worked. People made stupid decisions all the time and last night was one of them for me. Finally, my grandmother reached behind me to slide the glass patio door open.

    "If that’s what you believe, then go. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you. Running away from what you truly want will only lead to more pain and heartache. You have to be the one to decide what’s most important right now."

    I couldn’t let a one-night stand stop me from returning to Boston. Yes, I could transfer to a school closer to home to finish my medical degree, but I wanted to be more than just a general doctor and take over my father’s practice; I wanted to be a surgeon. I couldn’t achieve that by staying in Oak Island.

    I turned toward the door and stepped inside, before glancing back at my grandmother. I do love Jensen, Grammy, but there’s still so much I have to do in life. I can’t give that up.

    My heart hurt just thinking of leaving without saying goodbye to Jensen. But unfortunately, there was no other choice. I was afraid of what would happen if I saw him. The wall I had built between my heart and him was thinner than an eggshell. Just one tap would make it crack. I couldn’t afford to have those feelings ooze out.

    Swallowing hard, I took one last look around my grandmother’s living room. It was my second home growing up, and I sure as hell was going to miss it. After what happened last night, I didn’t see myself coming back anytime soon.

    My grandmother had followed me inside and I hugged her hard, squeezing my eyes against the burn. I love you, I whispered.

    She embraced me back. You’re leaving, aren’t you?

    Tears fell down my cheeks. I think it’s for the best. I’m going to pack up and run to Mom and Dad’s to say goodbye. And then, I was going to drive my rental car back to Wilmington and get on the first plane back to school. I let her go and quickly wiped the tears away. I promise to video chat with you every day. Then, maybe you can come to visit me this spring in Boston?

    She smiled and nodded. I would be happy to.

    There was no time to waste. I had to get out of there before Jensen stopped me.

    Before going to my parent’s house, I changed clothes and threw my suitcase in the back seat. I intentionally left my cell in the car while I said my goodbyes to them. The calls began when I got back in my vehicle and was on my way to Wilmington airport.

    Every time it rang, it felt like someone was jabbing a pin in my heart. What was I supposed to say to him? I rubbed a hand over my chest, afraid that my grandmother was right. I already regretted leaving, but there was no turning back. The decision was made.

    My phone beeped with a text, and I drew in a shaky breath, knowing I needed to read it. A gas station was up ahead, so I pulled in and parked. If I was going to call Jensen back, I didn’t need to be driving.

    When I looked at my phone, there were three messages.

    Jensen: Where are you?

    Jensen: Please call me back. Your grandmother said you left.

    Jensen: What’s going on?

    There was never a time when I couldn’t confide in Jensen or just be brutally honest with him. Why was it so different now? How did one night change everything between us? I stared at my phone, my finger hovering above the call button. Before I could press it, Jensen called again.

    It was now or never.

    I took a deep breath then let it out slowly. Hey, I answered, biting my lip so hard it hurt. The second I heard the worry in Jensen’s voice, I wanted to cry.

    Everleigh, where are you? Are you seriously leaving town without saying goodbye to me?

    Closing my eyes, I leaned my head against the steering wheel, my throat thick and tight. I didn’t know what else to do.

    What do you mean? Did I do something wrong?

    No, I replied quickly, lifting my head. I wiped my tears away and sighed. You were perfect. I can’t begin to describe how amazing it was to see you for the holidays.

    He huffed. Then why did you sneak out on me? I thought you weren’t going back to Boston for another few days.

    I wanted to tell him the truth, that I was scared of what last night meant to me, of what it would mean for our future. Could I see us being together? Yes, but not right now. Unfortunately, things were never going to be the same between us. It already hurt to leave him.

    Getting attached and going months without seeing each other would be unbearable. It was best to cut things off before they could progress any further.

    I got a call this morning from one of the doctors I know at the hospital, I said, hating myself for lying to him. She asked if I could shadow her for the next three weeks. It’s too good of an opportunity to pass up.

    I waited for him to say something, but there was only silence; it was deafening. Jensen wasn’t stupid. Even though it was a good lie, he could always see right through me. I wasn’t the type of girl to run from a sticky situation. Usually, I bolted headfirst into them, but I couldn’t do that this time. I didn’t want to deal with my feelings, not when I had more important things to worry about.

    Jensen let out a sigh, and it made my chest tighten. You do what you have to do, Everleigh, he said. But I want you to know I don’t regret last night. I’ll be here when you want to talk. Just call me when you’re ready.

    I will, I whispered softly, barely able to get the words out. Goodbye, Jensen.

    I couldn’t bear to hear him say goodbye to me, so I hung up before he could. But then, the tears started flowing freely as an avalanche of emotion came crashing down on me.

    Was I ever going to be ready to talk to him?

    One day, I would be . . . but it wouldn’t be anytime soon.






    The sun glinted off the ocean’s surface, glimmering like a million tiny diamond shards. I stepped onto the beach and felt the granules of sand move beneath my feet as the waves lapped against my toes.

    A gentle breeze blew back my hair and carried with it the distinctive smell of saltwater mixed with the sweet fragrance of honeysuckle from my grandmother’s garden. It was a scent that had come to represent home to me. I breathed it in deeply, feeling nostalgia wash over me.

    Standing by the water’s edge, I took a moment to take in the sight before me—a vast blue expanse shimmering under the rising sun. I couldn’t help the smile that came to my face as I thought about how amazing it was going to feel to walk in my grandmother’s garden again soon, to see the beautiful flowers and enjoy the tranquility.

    When I was a kid, I spent hours helping her with all the planting she wanted, including digging the massive hole for the man-made pond she just had to have. I was happy to do it, though; I cherished the memories with my grandmother and our talks about love and life while sitting by the honeysuckle bushes. It won't be long until I am able to see my family again.

    Dr. Abbott?

    I was lost in thought when the sound of my name jolted me back to reality. I didn’t even realize I was standing by the sink with the warm water running over my hands. I had been yearning to escape the four walls of the hospital locker room, an area I had spent many days and long nights in. This was where I changed into my scrubs, prepped for surgeries, and sadly mourned when some patients didn’t make it. Despite knowing that death was inevitable, it still hurt deeply. I hadn’t allowed myself free time to contemplate anything except my job as a doctor for years—until now. Thoughts of vacations had slowly crept in and captivated my mind, preventing me from realizing where I truly was.

    Dr. Abbott?

    The voice reminded me that I wasn’t off the clock yet. I stepped away from the sink and shut off the water, stealing a glance at my surgical tech as she gazed upon me with amusement in her crystal blue eyes.

    Mera was thirty, only four years younger than me, with deep chocolate-colored hair that she always wore up in a bun. Her light blue scrubs matched her eyes perfectly. We had just completed a pituitary tumor removal—the last of my surgeries for the day—and it was also the last one I’d be doing for two months. I had requested the entire summer off, and that vacation was set to begin tomorrow morning.

    Mera tried to mask her smile, but it was no use. She wasn’t just a nurse, she was a friend. The way we moved together during surgery felt like magic; I swear Mera could read my mind sometimes. During critical moments, we were quick and efficient, which was what you needed when someone’s life was on the line. When Mera and I first met, an instant connection was born between us. Mera stepped closer to me, her lips twitching in suppressed laughter.

    I turn my back for one moment, and you’re already off in la-la land, she said, releasing her bun and running a hand through her short curls.

    What can I say? That’s the life of an overachiever, I replied with a laugh.

    Drawing out a paper towel from the dispenser, I dried off my hands and thought about my path so far. I had never taken a truly long vacation since I finished high school sixteen years ago; it had been college straight into residency and then working as a neurosurgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital. It was a dream come true—just like my dad had always hoped for me.

    Feeling a surge of excitement within me, I met my gaze in the bathroom mirror. My caramel-blonde hair had grown past my shoulders, framing my heart-shaped face, and there was joy sparkling in my hazel-green eyes.

    And now I’m taking the whole summer off to show my grandmother around the world, I added happily.

    I barely had time to spend with her since I finished my residency two years ago. Even my parents see very little of me due to the long hours I worked each week. However, they did make it a point to fly up and visit occasionally.

    The moment I returned home, though, I was ready to take Grammy on an adventure to the Caribbean. My parents planned to join us in Aruba in a couple of weeks.

    Mera watched me with sadness in her sapphire-colored eyes as she tucked her curls behind her ears. I’m so jealous of you right now. I still have one grandmother, but she can barely move around anymore. Seeing her now breaks my heart; she was always so active when I was growing up.

    My heart ached for Mera, and I couldn’t imagine what life would be like without my grandmother. I reached into my locker and pulled out my purse before turning back to her.

    I’m sorry, Mera. I didn’t know.

    She shrugged. No worries. She still has a sharp mind. The woman can beat anyone in a poker game, she said with a wry smile. Don’t know how she does it.

    At that moment, the sound of my cell phone ringing pierced the air, and I knew who it was going to be; Dr. Nyla Clark, a close friend of mine and one of our hospital’s best ER doctors. I grabbed my phone from my purse, and sure enough, saw Nyla’s name on the screen.

    It’s Nyla. She wants to meet me for lunch.

    Mera snorted and hugged me warmly. Lunch? It’s almost six o’clock.

    I gently pulled away from her embrace and nodded solemnly. Exactly. I was in surgery all morning and afternoon. There was no time to eat.

    A sympathetic expression crossed Mera’s face. Don’t know how you do it. But, one thing’s for sure—you’re dedicated to the job, she said with admiration.

    I smiled at her words, but there wasn’t any hint of boasting in my reply. Someone has to be, I insisted simply before making my way toward the door. See you in two months! Don't get into too much trouble while I’m gone. Mera’s laughter echoed in

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