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Wicca for Self-Transformation: Use Magic to Transform Your Life
Wicca for Self-Transformation: Use Magic to Transform Your Life
Wicca for Self-Transformation: Use Magic to Transform Your Life
Ebook102 pages55 minutes

Wicca for Self-Transformation: Use Magic to Transform Your Life

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About this ebook

Wicca is one of the fastest growing religions in the world and this beautiful book will introduce readers to this Pagan belief system.

There are many different types of witches, but this book will focus on the main branch of the Craft, known as Wicca. It is a magical system that merges together spells, rituals, celebrations and a reverence for nature. It is a spiritual system of duality, one that worships both a Goddess and a God. It is a form of slow living, wherein the practitioners, known as Wiccans, take the time to honour the turning of the seasons, to celebrate the phases of the moon, and the turning of the tides. Wicca, as a practice, is a welcome relief from the frenetic, technology-driven world in which we live and a way to connect with our ancestors. Wiccan belief is rooted in nature and has a strong, recognisable morality. This illuminating guide by a practising Wiccan will explain how readers can use Wicca to self-transform their lives for the better.

Release dateJul 1, 2023

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    Book preview

    Wicca for Self-Transformation - Marie Bruce


    Welcome, Changeling

    Step into the silver shadows of self-transformation, where a powerful new life of magical possibility awaits you. As enchanted creatures, changelings are capable of shape-shifting transformations, but you need not belong to the fairy realms for such magic. Within your own life, you can transform yourself into whatever you want to be, achieving success and accomplishments along the way. For in the world of magic and witchcraft, we are all changelings.

    Each of us has our own path to tread through life, our own goals and talents, skills and experiences. We also have our own habits, quirks and behaviour, which may or may not be beneficial to us. In this book, we are going to explore how change actually works and how to harness its inevitable power so that the changes you face are largely self-driven, rather than nasty surprises that pull the rug out from under you. Because, if you allow yourself to stagnate for too long, rest assured that a major life change will come along to shake you out of your comfort zone! But why wait for that? Why not take charge of the changes you want to make and start driving your life in the direction of your dreams, so that you live a charmed existence on a day-to-day basis?

    It is possible to live a charmed life, but you have to believe it in order for it to become your new reality. Witches know that the visions they carry in their minds are exactly what their subconscious will manifest, so to bring about a positive change, one must maintain a positive attitude—sometimes in very difficult circumstances. However, there are spells, rituals and tools to help you maintain your vision of a positive future and, throughout the course of this book, you will learn how to support your ambitions for a transformed life in a magical way, because this is where the future of your dreams begins!

    Serene blessings,

    Marie Bruce x


    In the Silver Shadows, Where Dreams Begin

    We live in a world where we are frequently told that anything is possible, but when the odds seem stacked against you, it can be hard to believe that this is true. Many people work long hours for low pay, their time devoured by a job that provides no more than the basic necessities, leaving little left over to turn ambitions into reality. Some people work several jobs yet still struggle to make ends meet. In such situations, being told that you have the power to change your life can feel almost insulting, yet learning how to see past your current circumstances is the first step to achieving any goal.

    For some people, ambition is an alien concept—something other people might have, but not them. They do not feel entitled to dream, to set goals or to hold onto ambitions long enough to achieve them. This might be because they have never been taught how aspiration actually works. So they aim too high to begin with and quickly become disheartened. They might even have been told off as youngsters for daydreaming, thereby quashing their skill for aspiration, rather than nurturing it. This is exactly what happened to Michael Flatley, the creator of the hit Irish dance show, Lord of the Dance. He was frequently told to stop day-dreaming and pay more attention in school. However, the things he was fantasizing about as a child became his reality in adulthood, because he didn’t let go of his dream. He went on to create the top-selling dance show in history. Dreams are powerful things.

    The fact is, day-dreaming is good for you. Not only does it provide an escape from the workaday world, it can give your higher self (that part of you that is in contact with divine energy) a chance to communicate and show you what you are truly capable of achieving if you set your mind to it. It can help you to create goals and encourages you to think in terms of possibility, rather than limitation. Dreams are signs that you are capable of more. They light the path to productivity and achievement. They are the seeds of success and you won’t get very far without them. Fortunately, your dreams are always waiting in the wings and all you have to do is invite them to take centre stage in your life.

    What is Self-Transformation?

    Self-transformation is the art of turning your dreams into your reality. It is the thought process needed to start making positive changes in your life. It comprises small, incremental steps that lead to a big transformation in your daily experience. When we talk about self-transformation, we are referring to a deliberate process of self-directed change. It could involve developments in your career, romantic attachments, finances, and so on. It could mean all of the above.

    Working on one aspect of your life at a time usually yields the best results. When you have achieved the transformation you want in that area, you can move on to the next. The trick to success is to focus on one thing only, beginning with the area that bothers you the most. So, if you hate your current job but you’re happy to be single for a while, then begin to transform your working life. Once you have the results you want in that area, then move on to transforming your

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