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The Smartphone Entrepreneur
The Smartphone Entrepreneur
The Smartphone Entrepreneur
Ebook79 pages29 minutes

The Smartphone Entrepreneur

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Money is something that affects you every day. You might work for it, earn it, spend it, and wish you had more of it. Money won't come to you if you don't work for it. You don't want money and to be sleeping 8-10 hours a day and by surfing the internet for fun or playing around and not doing anything reasonable. 


We have 24 hours in a day, if you sleep 8 hours out of 24, it means you have slept 1/3 of your lifetime. If you have 75 years to function well, it means you have wasted 25 years on sleep. 

Money responds to valuable people; you can't be valuable if you sleep that way. Money is used as an exchange for something valuable and that makes money valuable also. Money is valuable because we all need it, but it goes out easily to only those who know how to attract it. You don't chase money, you attract money. The question however is, how to make money online with just your smartphone in this digital age? 


In recent years, smartphones have revolutionized the way we live, work, and connect with the world. These powerful handheld devices have become an essential part of our daily lives, providing us with unprecedented access to information, communication, and various services. Beyond their role as personal communication devices, smartphones have emerged as a driving force behind entrepreneurship, enabling individuals to start and grow businesses with greater convenience and efficiency. In this chapter, we delve into the smartphone revolution and explore the immense power and potential these devices hold for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Now enjoy the ride of knowledge and value. 

Release dateJun 17, 2023
The Smartphone Entrepreneur

abednego sowah

Sowah Abednego is known on the online space as Baronbed. He is an ordained pastor with a diploma in ministry, and certification in Christian leadership with five powerful ebooks accredited to his name. He is a Freelance Professional Graphic Designer.  He is the CEO of Baronbed Engineering and Digital Hub with over 7 other subsidiary businesses namely, Baronbed Graphix, Baronbed Engineering Hub, Baronbed Data Hub, Baronbed Online Bookshop, Baronbed Publications, Baronbed Properties, and Baronbed Charity Foundation.  He loves leaning, teaching and making impact.  Through the instrument of his mother company, he has trained over 200 people in Bio Digester Installations and 300 people with online skills that fetch them extra money daily.  He is married to a very beautiful and intelligent woman and he is a father of one beautiful and smart daughter. 

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    Book preview

    The Smartphone Entrepreneur - abednego sowah





    Table of Contents




    Chapter 1.......Understanding How money operates

    Chapter 2........ The smartphone revolution

    Chapter 3........ Assessing Your Skills and Interests

    Chapter 4.......Setting Up Your Mobile Workspace

    Chapter 5.......Generating Income through Mobile Apps

    Chapter 6.......Harnessing the Power of Social Media

    Chapter 7...... Building an E-commerce Empire

    Chapter 8...... Maximizing Productivity and Efficiency

    Chapter 9...... Scaling Your Smartphone Business

    Chapter 10.... Overcoming Challenges and Sustaining Success


    I first and foremost acknowledge my best friend, the Holy Spirit for spurring me on to archive this knowledge of skills with my smartphone in a book.

    I acknowledge my spiritual parents, Pastor Alfred Graham and Prophetess Stephenie Graham for your immense contribution and Impact in my life, marriage and ministry.

    I am forever grateful.

    Again, I acknowledge my beautiful and intelligent wife, Mrs Mavis Sowah and my smart and beautiful daughter, Stephanie Sowah for their love, support and understanding. I love you both.


    I DEDICATE THIS BOOK to my 240 online students who trusted me with their time and took part in my online courses and to any person who wants to make extra legit money online but don't have the requisite knowledge to start.

    Again, I dedicate this book to my brother, Bernard, for your dedication to me and my business. God bless you immensely bro.


    MONEY IS SOMETHING that affects you every day. You might work for it, earn it, spend it, and wish you had more of it. Money won’t come to you if you don’t work for it. You don't want money and to be sleeping 8-10 hours a day and by surfing the internet for fun or playing around and not doing anything reasonable.

    We have 24 hours in a day, if you sleep 8 hours out of 24, it means you have slept 1/3 of your lifetime. If you have 75 years to function well, it means you have wasted 25 years on sleep.

    Money responds to valuable people; you can’t be valuable if you sleep that way. Money is used as an exchange for something valuable and that makes money valuable also. Money is valuable because we all need it, but it goes out easily to only those who know how to attract it. You don’t chase money, you attract money. The question however is, how to make money online with just your smartphone in this digital age?

    In recent years, smartphones have revolutionized the way we live, work, and connect with the world. These powerful handheld devices have become an essential part of our daily lives, providing us with unprecedented

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