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Her Rejection, His Regret: Chasing My Rejected Mate
Her Rejection, His Regret: Chasing My Rejected Mate
Her Rejection, His Regret: Chasing My Rejected Mate
Ebook285 pages4 hours

Her Rejection, His Regret: Chasing My Rejected Mate

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars



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"I, Alpha Miller, hereby reject you, Isla Higgins, as my mate and Luna of the Pembroke pack," he said with a smirk as his beta pinned me against the wall. My heart shattered into a thousand pieces, and I felt a physical ache in my body as pain penetrated through me.
“There is no competition here.” Mora, the girl who had made my life hell since childhood, wrapped herself around my fated mate, and he pulled her into his chest, kissing her with passion and lust. I glared at her in frustration and wished I could punch her fake image.
Isla decides to leave the pack after the humiliating rejection and the betrayal. Five years later, she returns to her old pack after her mother falls ill. As she comes to terms with the past and becomes a respected warrior in the Eclipse Moon Pack, secrets and lies are revealed. Isla must decide whether to give her ex-mate a second chance or realize her worth without him. (This is book 1 of the series.)

Release dateJun 18, 2023
Her Rejection, His Regret: Chasing My Rejected Mate

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Reviews for Her Rejection, His Regret

Rating: 2.6363636363636362 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    How is it so easy for these wolves to cheat on their mates? And why tf would her brother not tell her the shitty person that used to make her life hell is his mate but still pretending to want to be with the Alpha. This is a stupid cluster f*ck. And Isla is a stupid whiny little bitch. She definitely didn't deserve Max either. This is a horrible f*up story.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Isla's character started off normally as the down trodden female lead that turns her pain into power but try as I might I couldn't like her. She turned into a petulant, selfish brat that was blinded by hatred. Hated her character more than i disliked her abusers at the start. Storyline was meeeh
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Meh it was ok. Lot of twists was nice but spoiler ahead----

    I thought her with Miller would of been better ending but that's me.
    Not really romantic book.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Honestly thought it would have been much better. There wasn't much of a romance it was just drama drama drama. Like come on she finally has a happy ending and you end it like that.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This book was very difficult to follow. Full of typos, and jumped around too much.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    There was a lot going on. Too many POV. A lot of repeating and then things would change. Like at one point Max had marked Isla, then the next chapter she wasn't. And how does she have 3 mates? There were also a lot of misspelled words. Sometimes, I couldn't figure out what it was supposed to be.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Very poorly written. The author couldn't stick to one plot point. The storyline kept changing, and most of the changes didn't make any sense.

Book preview

Her Rejection, His Regret - Rosie Meachem

CHAPTER Two Back to Pembroke

Tell me the truth, you owe me that at least. I shouted at my big brother as he mopped himself up with tissues.

OK, look, it is not such a big deal, but I kind of got involved with a girl. She had a mate and he found out. Now he wants my guts for garters. She is also pregnant and her father says if it is mine then he is expecting me to mark and be mated to her.

Isla, there is nothing to be frightened of, we will be fine, so will you just please stop stressing out at me. He sighed and gave me a look.

Are you serious right now? I threw my hands up in the air, feeling so fed up. My brother was such a douchebag.

How could he be so damn stupid?

Throwing the discarded tissues onto the back of the car, he turned to me with eyes blazing and said,Well, if you had never run away, then we would not be here right now.

Five whole years of being away from my family and now I am being blamed for stuff that is not even my fault.

I think you forgot the part where this is my fault. I scowled, grabbing my bag and reaching to open the door. Daniel immediately bolted out of the car and met me at the other side. I was angry and very disappointed in my brother.

How could he do this to me?

To our family?

Our parents must be so proud of you, you complete and utter idiot. I scolded him with a slap across the cheeks. Covering his face in surprise but not retaliating, he stood there and took it.

Isla, they do not know about Maddie. Mum called me and said she was ill and wants us all together as a family. So, come on please, we should get outta here. He kept glancing over his shoulders like he was afraid someone were following us.

I was not going to stick around and become a part of his problem.

I am going back to the place where I am happy, my life is there now and not in some messed-up dysfunctional drama land. I told him firmly, I meant every word of it too.

It was true.

Daniel looked really hurt by my words, but I did not let that get to me since that was all his own doing, I had always looked up to him and now he goes and mates with another males girl, gets her pregnant and now has some crazy arises after his throat.

Did he really believe that I wanted to be on the run half way across someone else's territory with him?

He was very mistaken to think that I would be so stupid.

I was about to call Zara to come pick me up because I was so done with my brother and his bullshit, I was so disappointed in him for messing up his own life like this and dragging me into it. He had really lost the plot.

No, you are not phoning anybody, now get back in the damn car so we can get out of here and go and be with our mother before she leaves this world. he shouted harshly in my face, causing me to burst into floods of tears. He had never spoken to me like that or made me cry, but here i was blubbering like a baby while he practically threw me back into the car and slammed the door behind him. I hated him.

My vision was now blurred by my wet tears. I ignored him as he got back into the driver's seat and drove off down the road. I remained silent and must have fallen asleep because next, thought I know, we stopped. Opening my eyes, I sat up properly in my seat and looked out the window.

It was just as I remember.

We were back at the Pembroke Pack.

It was weird as hell to be back here after so many years. I have never forgotten that horrible day that Alpha Miller rejected me in front of everyone. But I was not that nerdy little freak anymore, I was stronger, confident and, above all, I knew how to handle myself better. Never again would I allow idiots like Miller and Mora to break me down again. Not ever.

Nothing prepared me for the sight of Millier and Mora just a few feet away from me.

You lied to me and you think its ok to do that, you chose me as your Luna and I deserve much more respect than what you are giving me. I heard Mora scream at Miller, her long brown curls tied back into a pony tail, she looked pretty much the same as she always had, only a little more weight on her. I was curious about the little bump she seemed to be carrying. Daniel had never mentioned anything about her possibly being pregnant, but then again, I suppose he probably assumed that I would already have known about that.

She was nothing, nothing compared to you, my baby girl. It is you that i want and you who I come to be with every night. You know that you are my number one. Miller reached out to her but she slapped him away.

I wondered if I could sneak away without being seen. I really did not want to be stuck in the middle of their domestic.

Quietly opening the door, I climbed out and smiled to myself at how easily I had managed that. Taking a few more steps around the car, I snuck down and ran towards the woods.

Isla, where are you going?


I heard my brother shout out after me as he was coming out of the packhouse, probably to check if I were awake or not.

Isla, what? Where? Mora exclaimed in a confused state as she turned around to see what my brother was shouting at.

As I turned, my eyes immediately locked with his.

Alpha Miller.

I could see the shock on his face as he looked me up and down.

My heart was thumping like crazy in my chest, but in my head all I felt was disgust and hatred towards the one that I had mistakenly been paired with by the moon goddess.

What the hell had she been thinking?

You! Mora marched up to me like a crazy psycho. Miller ran after her, shouting for her to calm down and to stop.

Of course, she was not about to listen to his commands.

Isla? Daniel was running as well.

Get away from my sister. Daniel yelled as Mora yanked my hair, pulling me right back towards her. She was angry at me. And for what?

Since it was me who was supposed to be in her shoes, Luna and mated to her Alpha. It was her who wore his mark and was about to bare him a child. A heir to the pack.

So, why would she possibly be so mad at me?

I had disappeared five years ago and allowed them to get on with it. He rejected me. I accepted it and moved on with my life. This was just some crazy shit that I honestly did not want to deal with.

Mora. Let her go. Alpha Miller scooped her up into his arms, kicking and screaming as she cussed at me.

I would have easily kicked her butt if she were not pregnant.

She deserved to feel the same hurt that they had subjected me to, so many times.

I want her dead. Daniel, what the hell is your stupid sister doing here? Mora growled at my brother furiously.

Daniel stood in front of me, protectively like he had done allot when we were kids.

My sister has done nothing wrong. Daneil tried to reason with her but she refused to back down at all. This bitch sure did hold some grudges.

That bitch of a sister of yours, well she has been sleeping with my mate. Mora spat, glaring at me with fire in her eyes.

Do what? I exclaimed, bursting into a fit of laughter.

My sister has done no such thing.We only got back here. Daniel rolled his eyes at Mora's childish hissy fit and she threw a dagger look my way.

As if I were going near him. You are more than welcome to him. I was disgusted by such an accusation. Alpha Millier had not once taken his eyes off of me and I felt repulsed at the way he was staring so longingly at me. He placed his pregnant mate down causing her to huff and scowl across at me.

I could see how it bugged him that I should not be falling at his feet begging for a chance to be his true mate.

That was never going to happen. He made me feel sick, so sick that I could not look at him a second longer.

No, I was not with Isla. Alpha Miller finally spoke up but she glared at him as if not believing the words that he was saying to her.

It was not my problem if she wanted to think such nonsense.

Then why are you looking at her like that? You rejected her all them years ago and now you are regretting it? Mora growled.

Gosh, she really was paranoid. I stifled a giggle and lowered my eyes to the floor like it was more interesting.

I was not about to waste another minute listening to her or him.

They were both so pathetic and it was a wonder to me how they could lead a pack, when he was obviously cheating on her and she loved nothing more than having all the attention.

So, if you do not mind. Me amd my sister have some personal issues to deal with since our mother is extremely unwell. Daniel said rather rudely which made me look up at the alpha unsure if he would beat my brother for sounding so disresctful to the luna.

He did not look fussed, he was far to busy eyeing me up like a lovesick puppy.



My sister gasped, rushing towards us and hugging me so tightly, like she had really missed me.

OK, this is getting weird now.

This was the sister that had practically hated me being in the same room as her, she had acted like we were not even related and barely bothered me since I had left.

However, she was still my sister and I knew that it would make my mother happy to see us all getting along. That is also why I had not mentioned anything about mine and Daniel's fight earlier.

I cannot believe that you are back, I have missed you so much and you look so, so different. She held me at arms length and grinned at me happily.

Yea, she was right, I had changed.


Mora grunted as my sister made such a fuss over me, gushing about how she could not wait to go shopping and have our hair done together, just sister things.

I smiled back at my sister, thoroughly enjoying the jealous looks of Mora and the pained vibes from my ex-mate.

Have you got a mate yet? We have so much to catch up on. Cora giggled with excitement and linked my arm as she led me away to the main packhouse.

Did you know that she was coming back? I heard Mora scream at Miller and the corners of my lips formed into a smirk as he tried to reason with her.

Good luck to him having to put up with her all the time. She was a crazy nutjob.

I was glad that I would not have to be sticking around here forever.

She is such a drama queen. Cora whispered to me when we were out of earshot . You know, it is quite obvious that Alpha Miller regrets ever rejecting you as his luna. You look so great, sis.

I could not help but smile at that statement. Alpha Miller regretted rejecting me?

Well, he was going to have to live with that mistake for the rest of his life, because I for one, could not give a monkey hoot what he thought or did anymore.

I was only here for my mother.

She needed me and she was all that mattered right now.

CHAPTER Three Mora is His mate?

We stopped outside our mothers bedroom and Cora stood in the way of the door.

I need you to be prepared for this. She is not herself at all. It was all so strange, she went out for a run and came back like she was not all there. She has been going downhill ever since. Dad had to put an order on her to not shift because of what she was doing to herself. Cora explained in a hushed whisper as if afraid someone would hear her.

Daniel never mentioned this much detail. I shook my head trying to make sense of it all.

Cora took my hand as she pushed the door open and in we went.

Nothing could prepare me for the way my mother was laid up in bed, she was asleep when we arrived in her bedroom.

Cora gripped my arm and I took a deep breath. Isla, he really does not like to talk about it. He only called you back to Pembroke because it was what mother wanted.

I raised an eyebrow and glanced at my sleeping mother.

She was so beautiful but she looked so different to how I remembered.

She looks so weak and frail. I mumbled in disbelief.

Cora nodded and bit her lip.

We can’t just leave her like this. I felt awful, all my training to become a nurse made me desperate to make my poor mother better again. I longed to feel her hug me.

Ok, I know that our relationship was far from perfect but my mother was my mother. You only had one and I really do not know what I would do without her.

Where is our father? I was surprised that he had not come to greet me or even be here with our mother, his mate.

Cora lowered her gaze as if not wanting to answer such a question. I knew then that something was not being said to me.

What was she keeping from me?

Cora? What are you not telling me?

Daniel suddenly burst into the room looking panicked. His eyes went from me to Cora and he growled.

Out. Now.

I pushed myself towards him.

What is going on? I almost forgot that our mother was asleep on the bed.

Daniel reached for me and pulled me out of the bedroom followed by Cora who attempted to close the door as quietly as she possibly could.

He then turned to Cora and banged his fist into the wall, so much anger in him that it startled me.

What are you doing? You know that we should not be disturbing our mother when she is resting. Do you want her to die? Can you not see that she is heartbroken? Daniel shouted in her face causing Cora to burst into sobs of

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