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Andalon Arises
Andalon Arises
Andalon Arises
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Andalon Arises

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War found Andalon unprepared!

Robert Esterling faces a dire choice in his war against his evil brother! He can either trust Braen Braston and his band of pirates and outlaws, or continue to wait for defectors to join his cause.

Meanwhile, Robert finally learns to control his intense, emotion-f

PublisherAndalon Press
Release dateJul 14, 2020
Andalon Arises

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    Book preview

    Andalon Arises - T. B. Phillips

    Part I

    The Gathering

    Emotions of water but born of land,

    Lord of beast and friend of man.

    – The Oracle of Astian, 50th year of order


    The boy ran as fast as he could, ignoring the sting of both insects and humidity as he fled. His pulse drummed a rhythm that clashed with the sounds of feet pounding the dense jungle floor. Sweat beaded against dark skin as he raced headlong into the darkness, fearing his pursuers and refusing to look behind. Nothing incited terror like the witches of the rainforest.

    He stumbled twice, losing ground, but quickly recovering his feet both times. Knowledge that he was the swiftest runner in his village fueled hope as he led the chase, small and nimble enough to duck below branches. He gracefully jumped over debris and felt his margin closing, ignoring the ache in his chest and daring not to slow as he fled. He refused to succumb or accept that he was overtaken.

    Movement on both sides shook the foliage and Parumba braced for whatever leaped out. Instinct spurred the youth and he gracefully jumped into the air, grabbing a vine and swinging into a tree. He barely cleared the ground as two large shapes converged beneath his legs. Higher he climbed while the cats paced, biting and clawing the air. The chief’s son paused to catch his breath while watching the animals.

    His heart sank at the sight of the jaguars. They circled, perhaps planning to hold him for their masters. The human forms of the beasts were far more dangerous than these and Parumba fought panic, desperate to flee before they arrived. He scanned the jungle for signs of their approach and searched his mind for a path of escape.

    One of the animals stood with forepaws on the trunk and terror gripped the youth as the cat began to climb. Thinking fast Parumba closed his eyes and felt for the second beast still on the ground. He could feel the jaguar’s mind but bonding the beast would be futile. It was already claimed. He searched instead for a thread and found a tenuous strand of thought. It extended into the jungle. He severed it cleanly and immediately lashed the beast with one of his own, taking over the cat’s sentience.

    The world changed as Parumba abruptly looked up at himself in the tree. His vision widened and things at a distance blurred. The other cat was climbing swiftly, almost to his position. As the jaguar he leaped as high as he could, catching the animal’s leg in his strong jaws and dragging it down. Pain shot through his body as the beast thudded down on top of him. He screamed a roar while the other whelped.

    The confused beast stared back as it regained footing. Parumba lunged with a second attack and bit, trying to sink his massive teeth into her skull. Claws ripped out flesh and both hissed and scratched until one of his nails found soft tissue. His opponent moaned a bloodcurdling howl as an eye ruptured, abruptly breaking connection with her master and fleeing into the jungle. He gave chase as the animal, but the boy hopped down from his perch to flee in the opposite direction.

    A third cat pounced from the underbrush and tackled the boy, claws sinking in his back and pinning him to the soft jungle floor. Soon, three humanoid creatures loomed above. Although dressed alike, he could tell that two were female and one was male. They draped their muscular bodies in animal skins and hid faces behind hooded masks the resembled the beasts they mastered.

    Ahgnut, retrieve the cats while we bind the boy. An emotionless female voice commanded, sending the man racing into the jungle. To Parumba she said, Someone has been showing off his magic to the other children in the village. Shaking her head, she added, Thankfully one of them told your father. I guess he fears us more than he loves you.

    Lies! the boy groaned. Anger filled Parumba and he extended his mind, attempting to sever the connection between the beast atop him and one of the shamans. He reached out with force but felt a hard kick in the ribs when he touched the link. All around him the jungle floor came to life and vines wriggled like snakes, wrapping his arms and legs until he could no longer struggle. The boy finally accepted defeat and lay still beneath the heavy weight of the animal.

    The second woman, naked except for the furs of a jaguar, bent over his restrained body. She held out two tiny caterpillars with long green horns atop their heads and slid them gently into Parumba’s ear canals. He cried out as the larvae burrowed deeper into his head until they could no longer. He felt their tiny horns bite into his skin, locking them in place. The world around him muffled as he listened to his own screams.

    By then Ahgnut had returned with the other jaguars. Parumba sensed the one-eyed beast and tried again to connect. He held her briefly, but his concentration broke when the caterpillars screeched and hissed in his ears. The intensity of the pain prevented his magic. Desperate, he tried to unwrap the vines that bound him, but the larvae screeched a second time. The sound did not stop until he succumbed. The humanoid creatures hauled him atop one of the jaguars and tied him securely. He could only weep as they dragged him off to their cave.

    He passed out several times on the journey to their den, occasionally waking and finding himself deeper in the jungle. Each time he roused Parumba would strain against bonds or try to regain his bearings. Eventually he stopped struggling and accepted that he was a prisoner. His youthful mind raced with thoughts regarding his fate. The last of these drifted toward his father, the man who handed him over to save his village. I hate you, Father.

    When they finally reached their destination, the boy lifted his head enough that he could see a dark entrance to a small cave. They dragged him inside by his feet, allowing his head to bounce against wet stone. One of the women found a crevice in the wall and a secret door swung open, revealing smooth walls that had been polished to a sheen. Inside smelled fresh and clean, unlike the musty air of the cavern.

    As the door shut behind them, Parumba realized that the ceiling glowed with a strange light. He stared, marveling, until he began to see dark spots in his eyes. They hoisted the boy and slammed him down on a finely polished slab. As the spots in front of his eyes faded, he realized that he was in a large chamber with hundreds of tables, each holding with a man, woman, child, or infant. Each had been stripped naked to accommodate strange tubing running from every opening in their bodies.

    He tried to struggle when they ripped away his clothing, reaching out with his mind and causing the larvae in his ears to scream once more. Determined, he fought through the pain and untangled some of the vines that bound him. He froze when a strong hand grasped his shoulder. Something cold and sharp entered the skin of his neck and a metallic taste filled his mouth. He quickly grew dizzy, losing contact with his extremities one by one. He eventually lay paralyzed on the table, staring up at the strange lighting.

    The sorcerers waited for his body to still then slid the tubes into his mouth, nose, and sensitive parts. He eventually felt the edges of his vision darken and tears streamed down both cheeks onto the slab, his last thoughts focused on his father and revenge. When sleep took over, he became another specimen in the den of the Jaguars.

    Chapter One

    Eusari Thorinson watched her crew load milled lumber aboard her ship. She Wolf had held up well on the voyage to Estowen’s Landing, and the heavy supplies she ferried had not strained recent repairs. It had only been a few months since dragging the hull across a reef and then aground. That had been during the infamous raid on Pirate’s Cove, the attack that deposed Lord Stefan Nevra.

    At the time she had believed her ship lost, and it would have been, had it not been for her friend Sippen Yurik. But he completed the repairs in record time, restoring seaworthiness and upgrading her weapons. She Wolf had not been the only casualty in the attack, and much more lumber was necessary to restore the fleet. The little engineer had constructed three drydocks in The Cove and he and his team cranked out new vessels every three weeks.

    A massive black wolf lay at her feet. Gelert growled low, alerting that someone approached from behind. She turned and greeted her uncle. You shouldn’t sneak up on people, Shon.

    Aye. That’s true, dearie. For what it matters, I wasn’t trying to. He walked a wide berth around the animal, clearly cautious from a previous meeting. You’re lost in your thoughts, he observed, what troubles you?

    I was thinking about our world and how much it’s changed in such a short time. She ran her hands along the hilt of one of her many hidden knives, toying with it nervously. She finally rested her palm along a newly made pistol resting in a holster on her hip. There was a time when all she took into battle were blades. That’s also new, she thought. Even the way we fight has changed.

    Shon Wembley nodded and touched his own pistol as if in agreement. Will you be making another run?

    Probably not. We’ve enough ships now to run the supplies. I need to be home for the elections. Home. She marveled at the phrase, once so foreign to her. A word nearly as strange as family had been before she had met Braen Braston. You’re sure that you won’t return?

    No, dearie. He strained his eyes up at the town, once abandoned and now a haven for his outlaw army. We’ve much work if we’re to help your Northman with his war. I need to recruit and train soldiers on these. He pointed at the rifle slung on his shoulder. I’ll keep the mill running and make sure The Cove is replenished. You’ll need more ships for the coming wars.

    Eusari allowed a smile for her uncle. Did you ever think you’d be on this side of the law? The once constable answered honestly. If it weren’t for their Falconers I think I wouldn’t have made the switch. A troubled look crossed his face. I just can’t abide by their tactics.

    His words returned her thoughts to a room littered with slabs. Atop the smooth tables slept men and women of all ages, some were mere children. She shivered at her inability to save them from the Rookery in Diaph. I can’t believe we’re merely a farm to them.

    Aye, and I won’t rest until we’ve found a way to free all of Andalon.

    Eusari’s eyes rarely met another’s, but she looked deep into her uncle’s. Not long ago she trusted only two living men. Now, she had more friends and family than she had ever hoped for. Uncle Shon. I… I’m sorry I doubted you, before.

    Nah. Don’t worry about it, dearie. I walked into your life without warning. Trust takes time. He knelt before Gelert. The wolf looked away, not meeting his eyes. I see that some will take longer.

    He remembers your deceit.

    No, dearie. He probably senses some lingering doubt through your connection. He watched her face. It’s okay. You’ve grown much in the past few months and someday we’ll be family in more than name.

    Strangely, Eusari didn’t feel anger at his candid words. She stared at the deck and asked in a weak voice, What was she like, my mother?

    Shon’s voice broke slightly. My sister was the most giving woman I’d ever met. She was beautiful with eyes as green as yours and hair just as raven.

    Did she love my father?

    Of course, she did.

    I mean, what was their relationship like? I… I can’t remember.

    Shon closed his eyes, remembering a time long before. He let a smile take over when he spoke about his friend and mentor. Your mother loved Franque. She defied our own father to marry him without even a dowry. At the time he was a mere deputy, but he rose quickly to serve as constable of Brentway. A tear formed in the corner of his eye as he spoke. I loved him as much as she did, only differently. Something about him drew men to follow, kind of like your Northman.

    I’m glad that he died before he could find her like… like that. Eusari felt a lump form in her throat as she thought of what Skander Braston had done to them both.

    Aye. It would have broken Franque. He loved her so much.

    Eusari caught herself in the midst of vulnerability and quickly changed the subject. Any luck finding more emotants?

    Shon shook his head with a hint of disappointment. Nay, dearie. I’ve dispersed instigators to every town in the Empire. They’re teaching about the real work of the Falconers and their relationship to the crown.

    And none have turned up?

    He shook his head again. Not a one.

    They’ll come. She abruptly turned back toward the harbor entrance. We’re shoving off soon, so you need to disembark. Eusari paused then added, Shon, take care of the children.

    I will.

    They’re more than air emotes. Remember that they’re children.

    Shon looked at the five teenagers on the pier, laughing without a care despite the desperate state of the world. Their connection to the others will reach this far, you think?

    She nodded. Samani seems to think that it will. He said that a youth in Weston contacted him all the way in Diaph. That’s roughly the same distance to The Cove.

    Shon hugged his niece and then turned to leave.

    Uncle Shon!

    With a glance over his shoulder his eyes met hers once more. Yes, dearie?

    Speaking intimately was still difficult for Eusari. Take care of yourself. Don’t try and take on the Empire by yourself. Promise me that you’ll wait for Braen. He tipped a quick salute and walked across the brow. She watched as he slapped two of the youths on the shoulders and walked with them, laughing with comradery into the hidden village of Estowen’s Landing.

    Before long her first mate reported. "Captain, She Wolf is loaded down and ready to set sail. But I warn you, our draft is low in the water. We’ll be slower than normal, even with Caroline blowing on the sails."

    Eusari nodded. Marita had stayed behind at The Cove and the crew carried a younger and less experienced emotant on this voyage. She had not been with them during the attack on Pirate’s Cove and Eusari wanted to shield Caroline from the dangerous missions. How low’s the draft?

    We’re displacing five extra feet from the load.

    The captain, clad in her traditional black leathers, frowned. That’s a lot. We’ll be considerably slower.

    Aye. We need to be leaving before the tide runs out or we risk running aground in the channel.

    Then make ready the sails and shove off immediately, Pete. She smiled as her friend ambled off on his wooden peg leg. She remembered the first time they had met. Peter Longshanks had been a gunner on her original crew before she had lost her best friend and first mate, Sa’Mond. She had wanted to die after losing him, but Braen had pulled her out of despair and helped her win over her crew, still skeptical over following a woman pirate. Peter had fought alongside of her during the mutiny and remained by her side whispering wisdom all along the way.

    Within an hour they cleared the channel and drifted with the wind toward the south. Pirate’s Cove lay a week away if the wind cooperated, but she expected that time to double with the added weight. Without an escort vessel She Wolf would be a sitting duck, exposed to both the elements and hostilities. Thankfully, the winter storms had ended for the season, and spring weather was more favorable for a southern voyage.

    Sail Ho! A voice called down from the rigging, Too far for identification!

    Eusari felt the hair on her neck bristle. This far north the ship would hail from Fjorik or one of the Imperial cities. Either way the sighting spelled trouble. Her thoughts turned to Caroline, instincts warning her to try and outrun the ship. However, She Wolf was too slow and overburdened to outpace a ship that may carry Imperial Falconers. Hold steady on this bearing.

    Devil Jacque, the quartermaster, raised a spyglass to the horizon. Captain, she’s Imperial, but appears to be without extra wind. Don’t suspect any birdmen. He lowered the glass and pointed the eyepiece toward Caroline, suggesting they use the girl. What are your orders?

    Eusari paused while the men stared. Normally she would have given an order, but this decision was tougher than most. She and Braen weren’t ready to reveal their use of emotancy, especially to the Esterling navy and the Falconers. If she outran them with this low of a draft, then she would give away a potentially effective tool in the fight to come. When she finally spoke, her voice carried determination, Mr. Longshanks.

    Aye, Captain?

    Prepare to strike colors when the ship is in range to see. Allow them to come alongside and board for inspection of goods. She watched as Pete and the rest of the crew paled. Striking colors was a cowardly act at sea, and they had all sworn to The Cove that they would rather die in battle than be hanged by the Empire for piracy.

    Jacque. She had given the order, but her quartermaster only stared at the deck, angrily grinding his teeth with dancing cheeks. Jacque! She yelled his name a second time, and he lifted his eyes to meet hers.

    Yes, My Captain? He spoke through gritted teeth, a rumble of dissention in his tone.

    Place a couple of sharpshooters in the crow’s nest. Then go and prepare all three raiding teams. Place them in the longboats, out of sight and undercover until the enemy boards.

    A look of confusion crossed the quartermaster’s face, but then realization replaced his grimace with an understanding grin. Aye, Captain! Right away, mum!

    Pete, get Caroline below decks and safely hidden away. Lock her in my stateroom if you have to. Just make sure she isn’t topside when they board. I want to shield her from witnessing the bloodshed, she thought.

    Aye! Both men raced away and called the ship to order. They were careful not to appear like they had ordered battle stations.

    The other vessel pulled alongside She Wolf in less than an hour. The galleon had thirty guns and could maintain a crew of nearly two hundred. Eusari commanded only thirty aboard the sleek two-masted sloop. Even if she had a bigger crew, she was limited to eighteen guns.

    They soon learned that the larger ship was Desperation, a vessel captained by Bartholomew Cartwright. The ship of the line grappled alongside and Eusari awaited his arrival on the lee deck, wanting to avoid both wind and spray. Within minutes the enemy crew had sent seventy men aboard with swords drawn.

    "This is the famed She Wolf? The captain roared with laughter at the tiny woman dressed in black leathers, gloved arms crossed across her chest. And you must be the famed phantom wolf, the she-devil and Lady Captain. He casually strode forward and reached out his hand, stroking the fur of her cloak. As he reached to scratch the ears of the hood a low growl could be heard from behind a crate. He instantly stepped back and drew both of his swords. What in the unholy hells is a wolf doing aboard a ship?"

    Easy, Gelert. When Eusari spoke the words seemed to purr out of her throat, let’s not kill him until he’s had a chance to surrender.

    Surrender? Bartholomew and his men roared hysterically at her words, but she and her sailors stood fast on the deck.

    Without flinching she responded, You and your men will lay down your swords.

    The crew that hadn’t boarded manned the rails to watch the show. They shared the merriment and laughed along with their captain. He asked, Just like that?

    Actually, Eusari purred, you will also give over your vessel, Captain Cartwright. She raised her gloved hand into the air and dropped a black silk handkerchief to the deck.

    As soon as it left her hand two claps of thunder could be heard from atop the crow’s nest. With all eyes on the wolf, no one noticed her sharpshooters. Bartholomew sprang a red hole in the top of his head. Nearby another man fell with him in unison. On cue, three tarps flew back from the longboats and rifles ripped into the topside crew aboard Desperation.

    Eusari’s men on deck drew their pistols and fired into the invaders, causing them to panic. With swords drawn her crew cut down man after man while those in the longboats finished off those on the other vessel. The battle ended in minutes, with Desperation losing more than one hundred men. Several of the survivors surrendered very quickly after realizing the awesome firepower of her weapons.

    She Wolf did not lose a single sailor. She ordered the captives locked away below decks on the Galleon, intending to press many of the soldiers into service. Now, with a ship of the line at her disposal, she tied off her own and towed it back home to The Cove. With the help of Caroline, the winds favored the larger sails and she made the trip in a week.

    Chapter Two

    Robert Esterling awoke with a start, heart racing and beating out rhythm with his anxiety. Drenched with sweat, he stared at the ceiling and willed his body to relax. He drew a breath into his tight and aching chest, feeling the passages of his lungs constrict. Of course, he thought, my breathing always suffers in the spring. He pulled himself up in his bed and practiced his breathing exercises.

    Next to him a woman stirred. She rolled over and touched a hand to his chest. Are you okay?

    I will be. It’s always worse at night.

    I love you, but I told you not to spend so much time outdoors today. This always happens when the wind blows pollen.

    I love you more than I can put in words, Sarai. Robert gazed upon his bride. Her radiant smile seemed to glow on its own, seemingly brighter than the moonlight spilling through the window. Her skin had fully healed, and her scars enhanced her natural beauty, especially when she smiled. Her hair had grown back where it could, once thickly flowing blonde rendered patchy where she had burned.

    She pulled herself up beside him and kissed his cheek before nestling against his shoulder. Have you done your thing yet?

    No, not yet. I keep hoping that someday I won’t have to. I need to outgrow this and not rely on magic. He breathed a few more times in through his nose and slowly out of his mouth before finally giving up. The air in front of him began to swirl slowly, building a current. He drew this into his lungs and felt the branches of his airways open, muscles relaxing. After exhaling he felt a remarkable change and his pattern resumed.

    You’re stubborn.

    As stubborn as a Horslei? You shouldn’t throw rocks when your own house is glass, My Love. He beamed at her reaction.

    Her nose wrinkled in disgust. Glass house? She playfully smacked his shoulder. My dear prince, I deserve a palace of gold. Don’t ever forget.

    A thought bothered Robert and he quickly turned somber. I wish that you could see my palace in Eston. The roses will be in full bloom by now. Spring was always my mother’s favorite time of the year. That’s one of the promises my father made when he built up the city to span the river. He vowed that Loganshire would be protected from the northern aggressors and Crestal Esterling would have roses.

    I wish I could have met him. Nuzzling in she added, We’ll get there soon enough.

    We have to get out of Eskera and retake Weston first. The blockade is strangling the city and more troops are amassing in Soston. It won’t be long before they march on us, Max is sure of it.

    He should know. Sarai wrinkled her nose at mention of Robert’s mentor and friend, Maximus Reeves. He’s a war-monger.

    Ignoring her disgust, he continued, My brother placed ten thousand soldiers in Soston, so far. I’ve seen them myself through the eyes of Arne.

    You can fly that far and hold the connection? Her eyes marveled at how strong he had grown with his powers in such a short time. The bond with his eagle further amazed her.

    He nodded. We’ve been taking daily flights, pushing farther from Eskera each day. We reached Soston yesterday and I’m going back today. He stopped talking. He did not want to alarm his love by describing what he had seen.

    She recognized his sudden change and sat up, silk sheet sliding from her chest and exposing her breasts to the night. Heedless of the cold she pressed, What aren’t you telling me?

    Robert searched her eyes for quarter, but saw no way out of answering. There are more ships arriving sometime today.

    A shiver down her spine made her suddenly aware of the chill, and Sarai lifted the covers to her neck. He means business. Robert, we need to flee Eskera and take our chances in Weston.

    I need to hold out a little longer. Max and General Lourdes believe that more soldiers will defect to our side, and I want them to find me.

    How many have joined you so far?

    The Esterling prince allowed a quiet humility to pass through him. Only about five hundred.

    Then you have your answer. Robert, I love you, but we need to flee. Help isn’t coming. Not by sea, at least. She snuggled back into his shoulder and closed her eyes. Now go back to sleep.

    He stared at the ceiling for several minutes, even after the rhythm of slumber returned to her breathing. She’s right. If more were coming, then they’d have already arrived. The entire campaign against his usurper brother felt hopeless. He finally closed his eyes tight and willed himself to sleep, lulled to slumber by the warmth of Sarai at his side and the sweet scent of her hair.

    Sleep brings dreams. For Robert Esterling these were as tiring as the awakened world. His consciousness drifted upward toward the heavens until he connected with Arne and drifted on the breeze. Flying south he focused sharp eyes on the Misting River delta as it flowed out to sea.

    A line of twenty ships sat at anchor, forming a semi-circle around the mouth of the river. These were clearly war galleons instead of transports, with rows of guns staring down any ship that dared to enter or leave the harbor. Escape was not an option. Robert commanded the city of Eskera, but his brother controlled the ocean.

    He turned east along the coast and drifted with the wind toward the city in the far distance. The sun was rising over Soston, making it a beautiful sight from the air. Tall pines and broad palms grew out of pure white sand against teal blue water. More ships lined the harbor, this time troop transports and heavy barques with three masts each. The city was well protected with natural sandbars channeling traffic into a single opening protected by two forts. Large guns loomed on short but wide parapets, ready to strafe any invader.

    Beneath the pines Robert counted thousands of tents, each emblazoned with his family crest. Only, something had changed. He drifted as close as he dared and focused sharp eyes on the image. The flower was gone and only an eagle remained. Looking closer he could tell that the soldiers among the tents wore black armbands, each emblazoned with his mother’s rose.

    Out of nowhere several hawks filled the air to meet him, scattering the flock of seagulls accompanying his flight. With a screech he flew higher into the sky. Eventually they turned away and circled, unable to follow at the higher altitude. Having seen enough, he turned westward to inspect the route the army would follow when they invaded Eskera.

    The narrow road wound through tall pines and marshes. That’s good, the prince thought, the swamps and deep cover will slow them. Robert had many talents, and the foremost advantage over his brother was his military mind for battle. He had trained to lead armies since birth, schooled in tactics by his mentor and recently revealed biological father General Maximus Reeves. Max had been trained by the greatest tactician in the history of the Esterling Dynasty, Major General Merrimac Lourdes. Robert considered himself lucky to have both men fighting beside him during the early days of his civil war.

    Of course, Marcus collected his own military minds. Although he had shunned training, choosing instead the pastime of bedding damsels, he was raised by his own mentor and true father, Captain General Matteas Brohn. That man was ruthless and cunning with a history of bold and sometimes dubious tactics. Brohn always struck without giving quarter and without regard to humanity.

    Robert had recently survived an assassination attempt while in Weston, no doubt the calling card of Matteas. He shivered when he thought about the failed attempt. It had been the first day he had channeled his powers and used air as a weapon against the men. He killed them and, by doing so, drew his first blood as a warrior.

    His life had changed on that single day and thinking about it forced his mind to drift. He had experienced intense dreams for several weeks before that morning and had awakened with a strange feeling of prophecy. In his sleep he travelled more than a thousand miles in the air to witness an assault on the town of Diaph. He watched as several people manifested strange powers during the raid, working together to save captive children and steal weapons.

    But that wasn’t the only disturbing scene he witnessed. The small force had entered a Rookery, a place of such secrecy that not even the royal family was allowed admittance by the Falconers. There, through the eyes of another man as gifted as he, Robert saw the disturbing images of people laid out on stone slabs. Tubes ran from every orifice. I wish they could have saved the people, he thought. But they were ill-equipped to remove the tubing, and somehow knew that doing so could kill them all. What was the meaning of that place, he thought?

    It was a farm.

    Robert felt himself teeter in the air, losing control of his altitude and falling several dozens of feet before righting himself. Abruptly, a face entered his vision. He saw a smiling little girl of about thirteen summers with a face full of freckles. Who… Who are you?

    I’m Marita.

    How… How are you communicating with me? But inside Robert knew the answer. He had stumbled upon the same thought-sharing with the man in the Rookery, bound by air and at the mercy of the looming Falconer.

    Just like that.

    Like how?

    The girl laughed. Just like you talked to Samani in the Rookery. He told us about that, said you have the same powers as us. He’s the one who told me to find you. We’ve been trying for weeks.

    I found him first! Another face appeared before him, this time of a round-faced boy of about nine summers.

    Yes, Sebastian, but I figured out how to talk to him, so I win the prize.

    Robert was amazed by the childhood innocence of his visitors, listening intently as they argued in his mind. Like me? Robert’s thoughts turned to Taros, the Pescari boy who had wielded fire and burned down the gates of Weston. It was his inability to control emotion that had burned Sarai.

    Oh no! She was so pretty! I hope that he didn’t kill her. Is she…? Is she ok? The girl named Marita looked genuinely concerned and shocked. He’s lucky you didn’t kill him.

    How did you know about her?

    You just showed me, when you thought about her.

    She’s fine.

    The boy interrupted. She looks different now. Uglier.

    Sebastian! How dare you! That was an awful thing to say. Can’t you tell that he loves her no matter what she looks like? You need to go. Wake up!

    Robert worried that the girl could read his thoughts so easily. "I must admit that it’s a little scary with you reading my mind."

    The girl answered honestly. I’m sorry, communicating like this is hard to control if you aren’t fully in our dream world.

    Dream world? The conversation did not make any sense to the prince.

    Oh yes! It’s wonderful! The girl’s lips turned up at the corners as she giggled. Let go of your bird and let me take you there.

    Robert considered her offer, curious to know more about the strange children, but politely declined. No, I will not. Maybe another time.

    That’s okay! We’re still working on the trees and mountains, anyway. But when you come, you can help us with the rivers and lakes. Her smiling face dropped, and she took on a serious expression. Before I forget, I was supposed to pass you a message.

    A message? From whom?

    From Samani, silly. He said to come to Pirate’s Cove and join us. We have a lot of work to do and need your help.

    What kind of work?

    The rebellion! Braen and Eusari are leading a rebellion!

    Robert’s heart fell from his stomach, plummeting three hundred feet in the sky. Careful to control his thoughts he answered, I’ll think about it.

    Don’t think too long. There’s an army about to march on you. For a moment she again looked serious as she tried to remember something important. Oh yeah! And Samani wants to know your name.

    Robert. He tried to send his name, but the word was lost in his mind. Somehow, the connection had been lost and the prince sat upright in bed, drenched in sweat and again wheezing.

    Anger gripped him as he thought about his mother and her killer. Marcus had blamed him for that conspiracy and poisoned the people against him. Robert had never met the outlaw, the man quickly becoming a legend. They call him the Kraken, the King of the Deep. Tales of his exploits had already reached Eskera and the child had unwittingly confirmed that Braen Braston, the scourge of his family, was mounting a rebellion and recruiting an army with magical powers. I’ll never lend aid to a pirate.

    Chapter Three

    Market day filled Logan city. The favorite holiday brought people to celebrate spring and prepare for planting season. Their buckboards lined the streets as farmers loaded seed and supplies. Sounds of merriment competed with merchants shouting their wares, and puppet shows acted out brazen political satires. Whether shopping or pausing for entertainment, the festival goers felt the warm sun as they laughed and rekindled friendships.

    One young girl watched a troupe of actors perform the crowds’ newest favorite, The Kraken King. Men, women, and children booed as the evil pirate Braen Braston lopped off the Queen Regent’s puppet head. It rolled off the stage onto the ground and pig’s blood spewed from an apparatus in the neck of the doll. The girl watched the audience blanche at the brazen display of violence. Kali smirked at their naivety, her entire life having been exposed to senseless and excessive pain and bloodshed. She had seen it all in her fourteen summers, starting with the loss of her mother when she was only five.

    She searched the crowd for a new mark until her favorite scene caught her eye. The puppeteer held up two large squids, designed to represent the legendary Kraken of the ocean depths. She loved the myths about the beast and would often sit at the docks listening to the sailors tell the tales. Every child in Andalon knew that if you sailed too far east, the beasts would tear your ship into splinters. She stared intently as the puppet pirate king rose up and took control of the strings of the beasts, directing them to rip apart the parapets of the fortress, tossing defenders into the water.

    She had seen the show several times and knew the ending awaiting the miniature Pirate’s Cove. In life, Braston brought total destruction to the city he had intended to keep as his own. By now nothing could tear the crowd away from the enthralling carnage on the magnificent little stage.

    A wealthy merchant and his wife stood nearby, eyes wide and huddled together in fear of Braston’s magical and massive tidal wave. The thought of dark arts repulsed the woman, and she burrowed into her husband’s shoulder. He wrapped his arms around his love, his fat belly raising his tunic above his belt. This created a perfect scenario for the redheaded thief, and Kali acted quickly.

    Moving in close and careful not to jostle the pair, the girl slashed two strings and dropped the heavy purse into her waiting satchel. Neither man nor wife noticed the lightest sound of coins jingling. At the same time, deft little fingers worked

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