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Hard Stick
Hard Stick
Hard Stick
Ebook276 pages4 hours

Hard Stick

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He carries a big stick. And he’s not afraid to use it.

On the ice, I’m Kellan Carter, powerhouse enforcer for the Charlotte Strikers. Off the ice, I’m just a regular guy. The last thing I want is to get mobbed by a bunch of groupies who are only after me for my fame and money. My ideal woman knows how to enjoy a little good, clean fun—and maybe some not-so-clean fun too. That’s the kind of girl I’d never let go.

When Kristen Robinson, the gorgeous, down-to-earth bartender I’ve been crushing on, agrees to let me take her out, I’m thrilled. We have an amazing night together, culminating in the most electrifying kiss of my life—and that’s it. Kristen tells me we can’t see each other again, but I know that kiss meant as much to her as it did to me. What I don’t know is that Kristen has a dangerous secret. . . .

I’ve proved to Kristen that she can trust me with her body and her heart. But when her past comes back to haunt her, I need to prove that she can trust me with her life. And I might have to get my hands dirty after all.

PublisherL.P. Dover
Release dateJun 14, 2023
Hard Stick

L.P. Dover

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author L. P. Dover is a southern belle living in North Carolina with her husband and two beautiful girls. Everything’s sweeter in the South has always been her mantra and she lives by it, whether it’s with her writing or in her everyday life. Maybe that’s why she’s seriously addicted to chocolate.Dover has written countless novels in several different genres, including a children’s book with her daughter. Her favorite to write is romantic suspense, but she’s also found a passion in romantic comedy. She loves to make people laugh which is why you’ll never see her without a smile on her face.

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Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Not for me, sorry. She is under witness protection, she is supposed to hide, went to so much trouble hiding her identity, but then she tells him all about it during their second time spent together apart from the bar(it wasn't even a date). Stopped right there, unfortunatelly

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Hard Stick - L.P. Dover



The incessant ringing of my phone jerked me awake. Rubbing my eyes, I glanced at the clock and groaned; it was eleven o’clock. It didn’t surprise me when I looked down at my phone and saw Cole’s name.

This better be good. What are you doing calling me so late? I mumbled into the phone. My bedroom light was still on so I shielded my eyes from the brightness. I fell asleep slumped over and now my neck was on fire.

Cole revved his motorcycle engine and sighed. I’m on my way to your place. There’s something you need to see. Cole Harper was my best friend, a guy I’d grown up with. He followed me to Boston after my parents died in a car accident just a few weeks after graduation. We both attended MIT and he was the closest thing to family I had other than his parents. Usually I’d be out with him and our friends, since it was the weekend, but those days were long gone.

I rubbed the back of my neck. Now? You know that’s not a good idea.

I don’t give a shit, he growled. Your boyfriend can go fuck himself. After tonight, you need to get rid of his ass. There’s a reason he doesn’t take you out in public.

I already know why, I grumbled. Only Cole and one of my close girlfriends from back home knew about my relationship with the business tycoon. His name was Mitchell, and he didn’t want our relationship to go public until his divorce was final.

Cole snapped. No, you don’t, Kris. I’ll tell you everything when I get there. He hung up before I could stop him. Little did he know that his visit would only stir up what I was trying to avoid. Leaning my head against the wall, I couldn’t help but think back to the first time I met Mitchell. Things were so different back then.

It all began with a moment of pleasure.

That was all it took for me to fall head over heels for the man who could ultimately ruin my life. What the hell am I talking about? He already had. I was trapped inside a sick game where he controlled all the players and I was the main piece. Even now, his eyes were on me. I didn’t have to look out my bedroom window to know that someone was out there, watching me.

Mitchell Blackwell was a powerful man, the owner of Blackwell Holdings, and always used to getting what he wanted. When he hired me to decorate his office building, I was excited about the opportunity. I didn’t have the clientele that some of my other colleagues had at Simon & Associates; that included Cole as well. He was on the rise as one of Boston’s best architects. Working for them was a dream come true, and even more so, being hired to work with Mitchell.

My career skyrocketed after working with him as an interior designer. There were so many people wanting to be my clients, I barely had time to breathe. I had no clue I was going to fall for the man. He was in his late thirties, about ten years older than me, but with a body any young man my age would be jealous of. Being the smitten girl that I was, I wish I would’ve been able to see the hell he was going to put me through. The love I thought we had turned into a dangerous obsession, one I didn’t know how to escape from.

I realized Mitchell’s true intentions after I spent a few late nights out with my friends. He said he wanted to make sure I was safe at all times, but after he started showing up unannounced, I began to think differently. He wasn’t trying to keep me safe, he was keeping tabs on me, on who I was with. If another man touched me in any way, he would be right there on my doorstep, ready to make sure I thought of no one but him. Sometimes he would give me a passionate kiss and then rush off, but most of the time he’d want more and the sex would be demanding, passionate . . . or hard and possessive. Again, at the beginning I loved it, felt special, but then realized I was his obsession and this was getting out of control. Now that Cole was on his way over, Mitchell would no doubt find out and show up.

At first I loved his attention and the way he made me feel wanted. Now he terrified me, only there was no escaping him. Maybe that was why his wife had left him.

The sound of Cole’s motorcycle blared down the street and I sighed. I hadn’t told him what Mitchell would do if his people spotted another man coming to my condo. It’d gotten so bad that even my male clients steered clear of me during our meetings. It was like Mitchell was everywhere, scaring the shit out of every man who tried to get near me. And he could do it, too. There was no way anyone could take him on and make it out on top.

Cole banged on my door and I opened it, refraining from flipping off the guy I knew was in the shadows somewhere watching. With his bleach-blond hair in disarray, Cole stormed inside, his jaw clenched tight.

Is there a reason you’re so pissed? I asked, shutting the door.

Huffing, he turned to face me, his green eyes full of anger and concern. He unzipped his black leather jacket and set his helmet down. There were many times I rode on the back of his sport bike, but Mitchell didn’t like that. In fact, he didn’t like Cole at all. He believed Cole was trying to steal me away, and no amount of telling him otherwise could sway him. I knew the truth, though. Cole was like my brother.

Fuck yeah, I’m pissed, he growled, pulling out his phone. I want you to see what kind of dirtbag you’re dating. I don’t care if the guy’s worth millions. You deserve more than to be hidden away while he does whatever the hell he wants.

He shoved his phone in my face and my eyes widened. It was a picture of Mitchell . . . and who I thought was his soon-to-be ex-wife. He was dressed in a gray suit with his dark hair perfectly coifed, while she was in a plain navy gown, her makeup and blond hair flawless. She appeared to be at least fifteen years older than him, but it’s hard to tell this day and age. There was no smile on her face, which made me believe she was just as miserable as I was. Before, I would’ve been jealous, but in a way, I was relieved. I could only hope and pray he’d forget about me, move on to someone else. It was wishful thinking, because he’d just called earlier in the afternoon, but I told him I wasn’t feeling well and had to get off.

Cole tossed his phone onto my couch, brows furrowed at my silence. When I didn’t speak, he grabbed my face. Don’t you have anything to say?

Sighing, I ran a hand through my auburn hair. I’d wanted to talk to him about Mitchell, but I was too afraid to. I knew he would tell me to break it off, but how could I? Even though I worked for a high-end firm, I was still a nobody compared to Mitchell Blackwell. If I tried to get a restraining order against him, the police would just laugh in my face. They’d say there was no way someone like Mitchell would get involved with someone like me, that it was probably a ploy to con money.

Cole could see the anguish on my face and let me go. I sat down on the couch and he joined me, draping his arm protectively over my shoulder. I know you’re trying to help, but you might’ve just made this worse for me, I murmured regretfully.

Worse? How is that? He’s going out to dinner with his wife, which I found out from the paparazzi. He was never getting a divorce from her. He was using you, Kris. Just a side lay for when he got tired of his wife. You need to get rid of him.

The blood boiled in my veins. How could I have been so stupid? Trusting the paparazzi wasn’t exactly the smart thing to do, but what if they were right? Was Mitchell really stringing me along this whole time? If so, I was even more of a fool than I thought, but if I left him he’d make me pay. I’d seen the way people feared him. He’d ruin me for sure.

I don’t know if I can, I said, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Grabbing my shoulders, he turned me to face him. Yes, you can. I’ve seen you break up with many guys before. All you have to do is tell him you’re not interested anymore.

I shook my head, the lump getting larger in my throat. I was embarrassed and ashamed about how far I’d let things get. I’d never given in to a man like I had to Mitchell. It was as if he possessed my mind and now I was desperate to break free.

You don’t understand. There are things you don’t know. Mitchell’s been having me followed. He’ll come here tonight, especially when he finds out you’re here. He often says you’re trying to take me away from him.

You’ve gotta be shitting me. The tension in the room thickened. I could see the fire in Cole’s eyes. So there’s someone outside right now watching your place? Swallowing hard, I nodded. How long has this been going on?

I closed my eyes, feeling sicker by the minute. I didn’t want to see the disgust on his face. I’d always been a strong woman, but Mitchell had a way of making me feel weak, inferior. Months, I murmured.

Holy fuck, he growled, taking my face in his hands. Open your eyes, Kris. When I did, his gaze never wavered. You have to end this. There’s something wrong with this guy if he’s having you followed around. It’s like he’s obsessed. What does he do when he shows up? He doesn’t hit you, does he?

I shook my head and lowered my gaze. No.

Then what does he do?

I didn’t want to tell him, so I shrugged, feeling dirtier by the minute. When I didn’t elaborate, he growled again, knowing exactly what Mitchell wanted when he came to see me.

Is that why you haven’t gone out with any of us over the last few weeks, afraid he’d get angry and show up? he asked.

I looked up at him, lips trembling. He can ruin me, Cole. I was blind for so long, thinking he really loved me, but obviously, I was wrong. I kept hoping he’d get tired of me and leave me alone. I have no doubt he’ll show up any minute; it never fails.

Cole pulled me into his arms. And when he does, he’ll deal with me. This ends tonight. I don’t care who he is, he doesn’t scare me.

He should, I murmured. He could kill your career with a single phone call.

He scoffed. Then let him. If that’s how he deals with things, then he’s even more of a pussy than I thought.

A car door slammed outside and I gasped. I heard footsteps storming against the walkway. Fear racked my body and I trembled. Mitchell wasn’t going to let me go without a fight. My only concern was the price that had to be paid for my freedom. What would I have to sacrifice?

He’s here.



The thunderous knock against the door made me jump. Was I ready to put an end to it all? Yes, but I was scared as hell. My whole body trembled as I reached for the handle, but Cole held me back. I’ve got it, he shouted.

Cole, no, I hissed. It’ll only make him angrier.

Mitchell pounded on the door again, his voice smooth yet menacingly dark. Kristen, it’s me. Open up.

Cole grabbed the doorknob and flung it open. Dressed in the same gray suit from Cole’s picture, Mitchell stood there, his whole body tense, those dark blue eyes focused right on me. Can I help you? Cole snapped.

Mitchell glared at him and then turned his attention back to me, completely disregarding Cole. That was what he did to people he thought were beneath him. We need to talk. I think it’s time for you and your friend to call it a night.

He held out his hand, but Cole smacked it away. I’m not going anywhere. What you say to her can be said in front of me. If not, then I suggest you get the fuck out of here.

Jaw tense, Mitchell blew out a slow, angry breath. You’re making a bad decision, Mr. Harper. I’d leave now before you make me do something you’ll regret.

I could see it in his eyes; he was telling the truth. The man never bluffed. Cole, stop, I said, grabbing his arm. He jerked his attention to me, his whole body trembling in rage. I can handle this.

You’re not making me leave, Kris.

Mitchell slammed his hand against the door, opening it wider. Actually, she is.

Before Cole could lunge, I stepped in front of him, a hand on both of their chests. That’s enough, I hissed, glaring at them. The last thing we needed was to draw the attention of my neighbors. My house wasn’t anywhere near them, but I didn’t want to take any chances. Cole huffed and stepped back while Mitchell looked on triumphantly. He’s not leaving, Mitchell. If you want to talk, we can do it outside.

I stormed out the door to my front porch. It was dark, so if anyone drove by they wouldn’t see us. It wasn’t every day you saw a man like Mitchell Blackwell in my quaint little Salem neighborhood. There were plenty of places to stay in downtown Boston where I worked, but I preferred not to live in the big city. I was a small-town girl from North Carolina.

I rounded the corner to get away from Cole’s view and turned around, but Mitchell was right there, grabbing my arms and pulling me to him. His lips closed over mine but I gasped and jerked away. Why do you make things so difficult for me? he snarled.

Huffing, I wiped my mouth off with the back of my hand. For you? You’re the one who used me. Why didn’t you tell me you were going out with your wife?

His eyes went wide. Where did you hear that?

I didn’t have to hear it, I saw it. I also know she was never your ex-wife to begin with. I was testing him to see if what the tabloids said was true. By the look on his face, it was.

He stepped closer, but I moved back. You don’t understand, Kristen. Divorcing her would’ve caused problems I don’t have time to deal with.

Well then let me help you out. We’re done here. His gaze narrowed and burned through me like fire, but I couldn’t stop there. I don’t want to see you again and I want you to stop following me around. It’s over. The words were out of my mouth so fast I didn’t even think about the repercussions.

I hurried past him, but he grabbed my wrist and cornered me against the house. His body was so close, his mouth only a breath away. I didn’t want to show fear, but he terrified me. Frozen in place, I waited helplessly, trying to stay quiet to keep Cole out of it. Mitchell traced a finger over my lips on down to my breasts, licking his tongue up my neck. I wanted him to stop but he was too strong.

You can’t leave me, angel. I won’t let you. Just think of all the things you’ll be missing. His fingers trailed down my stomach to the top of my pants.

No, I said, grabbing his hand. You need to leave.

He bit the tender flesh behind my ear and the pain made my eyes water. Not until you tell me you’re mine. I need to hear you say it. He fought against my hold and closed his mouth over mine, forcing his tongue inside. Grabbing my wrist, he trapped my hands above my head and slid his hand down my pants. I tried to scream, but his mouth muffled my cries. His body was so tight against mine I could barely breathe.

I’ll never be yours, I cried out. Cole turned the corner, a murderous gleam in his eyes when he saw what Mitchell was doing. I was relieved that he came to check on me, but fearful of what was going to happen next.

You son of a bitch, he spat, jerking Mitchell away from me. He reared back and punched him right in the jaw. Mitchell’s head snapped to the side, but he never faltered. If you ever touch her like that again, I’ll kill you.

With a wide grin, Mitchell licked the blood from his lip and laughed. Don’t worry, she’ll be back. If not, you’ll both regret it.

Cole put his arm around my shoulders, and that fueled the fire even more. Mitchell’s smile faltered and his fists clenched. We’re not afraid of you, Cole growled. Now get the fuck out of here. Mitchell glared at him and then turned on his heel, heading down to his car. When he got in, he looked straight at me and put his finger in his mouth. He sucked it, never once letting his gaze waver from mine. Cole’s arm tightened around me, but it did nothing to ease my fear. Mitchell sped away and probably took Cole’s and my career with him.

By Monday, you know we’re not going to have jobs, I said.

Cole shrugged. We’ll find one somewhere else. Dickface’s reach can only go so far. We can always move back home and work for M&M Architectural Design. They are the best, you know. Plus, we can go to that restaurant we’ve been dying to eat at ever since we were kids. We always said we’d be rich one day and go to Mason’s. It was one of the best restaurants in Charlotte.

It was always our plan to move back home after we graduated from MIT. But things happened and we grew comfortable in Boston. We might just have to do that. I guess we’ll find out our fate on Monday.

He squeezed my shoulders and led me to the door. Whatever happens, we’ll be fine. I kind of want to move back to North Carolina anyway. Until then, I’m not leaving your side. I don’t trust that fucker.

Neither did I. With his connections, he was capable of doing just about anything.



It was Monday morning and Cole hadn’t left my side all weekend. It was nice having his company. I’d missed it the past few months I’d been with Mitchell. There hadn’t been any more late-night visits, but I knew he wasn’t done with us.

I walked into the kitchen and Cole poured me a cup of coffee. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Sitting down at the bar, I took a sip of the steaming liquid, hoping the caffeine would hit me soon. Don’t you need to be getting dressed for work? I asked curiously. That was if we still had jobs to go to.

Cole turned around and leaned against the counter with an Asiago cheese bagel in his hand. He took a bite and nodded. Yeah, but I’m going to run home really fast and get my car. Plus, I need to pack some things if I’m going to be staying here for a while.

I can take you, I offered. We can leave your motorcycle here.

He shook his head. You don’t have a garage to keep it in like I do. I’d rather it sit there.

Whatever you want, I laughed. You’ll probably be selling it if you don’t have a job.

He shrugged. Doesn’t matter to me. North Carolina is looking pretty damn good about now. As much as I’ll miss our friends here, I’d rather be there.

In a way, it was exciting to think about moving home. His parents loved me as if I was their own. I’d have a family if we moved back. Time was slipping by, so I finished my coffee and grabbed my purse. You better get moving if you want to make it to work on time.

Cole chuckled and shoved the rest of his bagel into his mouth. Yes, dear. He kissed my cheek and started for the door. I’ll see you at the office.

He hurried out and sped away on his bike. I wished I could be like him, carefree without a problem in the world. Ever since he was young, his parents knew he was special, smart as a whip. He probably could’ve skipped a couple of grades. School was easy for him and he breezed through it, unlike me. My

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