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Ebook41 pages33 minutes


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Novelette. It's 1939 in Parlor City in upstate New York and private investigator Mike Brady finds the rumblings in Europe are causing problems in his city. A missing husband, suspicious characters and more keep Brady busy and looking over his shoulder. With his childhood friend, Jimmy Cronin, a Spanish Civil War veteran, the two seek out the answers to a killing and the dark forces behind it.

PublisherLee Conrad
Release dateJul 3, 2023

Lee Conrad

Lee Conrad lives in upstate New York with his longtime love and their three rescue cats. His stories have appeared in Fiction on the Web, Literally Stories, Ariel Chart, Sundial Magazine, The London Reader, Books ‘N Pieces, Blood and Bourbon, Written Tales and The Blue Lake Review.

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    Undertow - Lee Conrad


    Lee Conrad

    Published by Lee Conrad, 2023.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. July 3, 2023.

    Copyright © 2023 Lee Conrad.

    ISBN: 979-8223893547

    Written by Lee Conrad.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page


    Also By Lee Conrad

    About the Author

    Parlor City was coming alive after its overnight slumber as I pulled my 1935 Ford coupe into a parking spot on Court Street. It was early in the morning, but the Planters Peanuts store had been roasting since dawn. I could never pass by without grabbing a bag and saying hi to Saul.

    The newspaper boy on the corner near Fowler’s department store called out to me. He handed me a paper and I gave him a nickel with a dime tip. I went up the stairs to my second-floor office and unlocked the door as the phone started ringing.

    Michael Brady, Private Investigator, I answered into the mouthpiece. How long has he been missing? Kroehler manufacturing on the Eastside? Come down to my office, Mrs. Schmidt, at noon. We will talk over the particulars. Yes, good day, Mrs. Schmidt.

    I loosened my tie and opened the window to let some air in. July mornings in the city can choke a person in these closed up brick buildings after a night of summer heat. Even the shade of the Dutch Elms didn’t help.

    Across the street, the Fair Store and Royal Shoes were open and extending their awnings. A few customers were already waiting.

    I went back to my desk, lit up a Chesterfield and read the Morning Sun. President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Cordell Hull warned that a war in Europe was imminent. There was a crisis in Danzig, wherever the hell that was, and the summer of ’39 looked to be one of turmoil with strikes breaking out across the country. The good news? The Triplets beat Hartford 6 to 4.

    A little after nine my secretary Carol Dabrowski came in.

    I scowled over the paper at her. Late night at the Pavilion?

    Sorry I’m late, Mr. Brady, and no we were at Yonda’s.

    Close enough so you could stagger your way up Glenwood Ave to your place in Polish Heaven?

    She gave me a look that could kill.

    I chuckled, laid the paper down, put my fedora back on and threw my coat over my shoulder.

    Hold the fort, Carol, I am going out for a walk.

    I strolled over to Water Street to try to catch a breeze off the river. The Susquehanna had swelled overnight from a rainstorm, but the breeze was missing. I went to Kresge’s and had a cup

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