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London Orbit
London Orbit
London Orbit
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London Orbit

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London Orbit: A Thrilling Dive into the Technological Abyss of 2039

Embark on a heart-pounding journey through the mesmerizing labyrinth of London's future. In this gripping sci-fi thriller, London Orbit takes you on an adrenaline-fueled ride where the line between fiction and reality blurs. Brace yourself as you witness a world where imagination and cutting-edge technology collide.

Meet Evie, a tenacious Political Journalist navigating the bustling capital city of 2039. As the story unfolds, tragedy strikes when Evie's closest friend falls victim to a perplexing assassination. What ensues is an electrifying race against time, where Evie and a cast of intriguing characters must outsmart security forces and outmaneuver the clutches of a colossal tech conglomerate. Their mission: to unearth the chilling truth behind the motives of the merciless killers.

London Orbit isn't just a tale of high-stakes suspense—it's a thought-provoking exploration of our own future. Prepare to be captivated as this riveting narrative delves into the pressing issues of our time. The author ingeniously weaves together big data, the rise of artificial intelligence, and the ever-evolving digital landscape, all merging seamlessly with the social and political fabric of this mesmerizing story.

What sets London Orbit apart is its foundation in scientific plausibility. Every technological marvel depicted within these pages is meticulously crafted based on existing cutting-edge research and experimental sciences. Immerse yourself in a world where the boundaries of possibility are stretched, and where the future leaps out from the pages and into your mind.

With its pulse-pounding action, intricate plot twists, and richly developed characters, London Orbit will leave you breathless, questioning the very nature of our own reality. Don't miss this enthralling sci-fi thriller that pushes the boundaries of the genre and sets a new standard for futuristic storytelling. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey into the abyss of the technologically embedded future.

Release dateJul 4, 2023
London Orbit

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    Book preview

    London Orbit - Nicholas Stevenson

    Chapter 1: Unveiling the Digital Abyss

    Evie Della, a force to be reckoned with, emerged as a fierce and resilient character shaped by her tumultuous past. Having delved into the depths of political intrigue as an undercover journalist during her internship with a prominent publicist, her reputation skyrocketed in her early twenties. Recognized for her relentless pursuit of groundbreaking stories, she climbed the ranks swiftly, traversing the intricate networks of political circles. From the crucible of union groups during the catastrophic economic crash of 2008 to documenting the fervor of the Arab Spring uprising, the social unrest in Catalonia, and the French Yellow Vest movements amid the tempestuous backdrop of Brexit in 2018 and the covid contagion, she fearlessly roamed the corridors of power.

    Evie carried the indomitable spirit of her nomadic childhood into her adult life—a life well-traveled, brimming with intellect and capability. And though she possessed a subtle, unadorned beauty, often hidden beneath her unassuming attire, those who took the time to look beyond were captivated.

    After leaving her position at the paper due to clashes with her domineering editor, Evie embarked on a freelance journey, fiercely committed to independent writing. As she approached her mid-thirties, a weariness settled in her bones, yearning for stability and a desire to explore domestic issues. The fire that once burned brightly for political drama had dimmed, a natural evolution as she sought to settle down and perhaps create a family of her own. The allure of rural life beckoned, with its promise of respite from the impersonal nature of the city.

    On this particular evening, while making her way back to her apartment from a small rented office, Evie decided to indulge in the convenience of modern technology. Ordering a few necessities by drone to be delivered to her doorstep, she set the bathwater running, eagerly anticipating a well-deserved evening of relaxation. With the workday concluding earlier than usual, she yearned for a breath of fresh air, an opportunity to take a leisurely stroll through the vibrant city.

    Earlier that afternoon, over a light lunch with her dear friend Amanda, Evie had succumbed to her persuasion, agreeing to explore the realm of fashion and the latest technological craze—the Veonox Band. While Evie was not particularly fond of such gadgets and considered them mere gimmicks, her inquisitive nature urged her to investigate the fuss surrounding them. Amanda was possibly the only person whose advice she reluctantly heeded.

    Navigating the bustling streets, Evie found herself drawn to one of the few remaining high street retail outlets—a novelty in a city dominated by drone deliveries and digital convenience. Joining the queue at the Orbital Store, surrounded by impatient customers jostling and clamoring for attention, she observed the chaos that unfolded. The atmosphere grew frenzied, akin to a Black Friday sale, as individuals shoved and shouted, driven by an insatiable desire to possess the coveted Vbands. Yet, a disquiet settled within Evie, witnessing the beastly nature unleashed by this seemingly innocuous device.

    Her gaze scanned the line of customers, the queue appearing interminable. Impatience coursed through her veins, for waiting was not her forte. Weary of the escalating chaos and frustrated by the commotion, Evie leaned against a wall, seeking solace amidst the cacophony. Amidst this sea of faces, a conversation caught her attention—a young man, amidst the chatter of the crowd, spoke to his companion.

    These Veonox Bands, you can't live without them. If you stay on the Orb system, you're excluded from everything. It's a conspiracy, I'm telling you!

    The jovial tone of their conversation struck a chord within Evie, reigniting a memory from her backpacking days in South East Asia. The tumultuous energy surrounding her, coupled with the jostling crowd, conjured fragments of bustling Malaysian streets and conversations shared with a fellow traveler named Derick. Derick, a maverick in the realm of computers, had a sharp wit and had embarked on a gap year after completing his ICT degree. Their paths intertwined during a serendipitous encounter in a hostel, where they shared laughter and formed an instant connection.

    Evie reminisced about Zeon Data, the global technology powerhouse, and Derick's role in mitigating data manipulation risks in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal. While she found the world of technology tedious, Derick's presence brought lightness and intrigue to their shared moments. The memory of a profound conversation resurfaced, etched forever in her mind.

    It's only a matter of time before we're all Simms, Evie, Derick had declared that night, their bodies reclined on a beach bar, their gazes fixated on the rhythmic waves caressing the golden shores of Langkawi. The haze of alcohol and the fragrant smoke of the hookah pipe enveloped them, fostering a moment of deep reflection. The words lingered, echoing through her mind, forever tied to the breathtaking beauty of that moment.

    Lost in contemplation, Evie's thoughts meandered, challenging her perception of reality. Am I just one of the Simms? she mused, her mind drifting amidst the chaos of the queue.

    Evie understood the insidious power technology wielded in shaping societies, a truth she had unearthed during her journalistic pursuits. Politics, far from being a vessel for the people's aspirations, danced to the tune of economics and corporate interests. Money held the reins, its sway stretching across governments, orchestrating geopolitics, and placating populist movements. While social media amplified populist issues, the world continued to revolve around the might of wealth. Evie's keen intellect pondered the true essence of current affairs, delving into the enigmatic forces at play.

    In just six months, Gorillaz Tech would unveil their Humo's Z1—a fully automated AI humanoid robot. Equipped with quantum processors and reinforced carbon fiber exoskeletons, the sleek, ultramarine blue bodies of the Humo's Z1 exuded an otherworldly elegance. As the prototypes dotted the urban landscape, society marveled at their technical marvel. Yet, beneath the surface, Zeon Data loomed, initiating a bid to acquire Gorillaz Tech. And the Vbands, marketed under the slogan Be free on Orbit, permeated the zeitgeist, their allure insidious.

    Evie's mind wandered further, considering the Humo's Z1 as a digital fishing net—a mesh ensnaring society within its web. A surge of fragmented thoughts cascaded through her consciousness, questioning the very fabric of existence. Were the people in the queue mere Simms, lost in a sea of artifice and illusion? The notion lingered, simultaneously unsettling and captivating.

    Shaking off the tendrils of her overactive imagination, Evie dismissed her thoughts as mere folly. After all, the chaos unfolding around her served as a stark reminder of the pandemonium inherent in humanity's pursuit of the next best thing. As she continued to wait in line, the echoes of her existential musings faded into the backdrop of the bustling city, leaving her poised to uncover the truth that lay hidden beneath the surface—an exploration that would propel her into a world where reality and technology collided, blurring the lines between the authentic and the manufactured.

    Chapter 2: Unveiling Shadows

    The world braced itself for the imminent arrival of the Humo Z1s, a groundbreaking invention set to unleash a whirlwind of disruption in a mere six months. Anticipation hung in the air, mingling with the electric tension that crackled through both workplaces and civil society. Whispers of impending protests reached Evie's ears, murmurs of resistance against the impending robotic revolution. Though she knew deep down it would be a futile endeavor, a spark of curiosity ignited within her, fanned by Derrick's ominous words.

    Lost in a sea of contemplation, Evie found herself drifting further into the abyss of her thoughts. She delved into the recesses of her mind, considering the implications of the digital transformation that had swept through society in 2024. Unions had seized the reins, wielding the power of social technologies to fortify their ranks. Independent movements, akin to single-issue warriors, had employed similar tactics to saturate social channels with propaganda and rally support. The political landscape underwent a seismic shift in the wake of these changes, stretching the fabric of society to its limits, until it unraveled in the year 2028.

    But a curious twist of fate began to unfold—a resurgence of the elitist political class, once thought to be on the brink of extinction, regained its grip on power. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, they breathed life into their tarnished credibility, capitalizing on the discontent stemming from rampant poverty and vanishing job opportunities in the sprawling metropolis of London. Automation loomed over the workforce, threatening to render workers obsolete. Evie's mind raced as she connected the dots, her thoughts veering towards Zeon's acquisition of Gorillaz Tech, the resurgence of elitist ideologies, and the invasive, Orwellian nature of the pervasive technologies that permeated everyday life.

    Painting a vivid mental picture, Evie pieced together the terrifying possibilities that danced on the fringes of her consciousness, battling her skepticism. Politics, after all, had a penchant for weaving intricate webs of intrigue and manipulation. It wasn't beyond the realm of possibility that Derrick's Simms comment held a glimmer of truth. As the Humo Z1 robots prepared to infiltrate Orbit corporations, a chilling realization washed over Evie—a realization that shattered her perception of freedom. What if Orbit's true intention wasn't liberation but rather a means to segregate and exclude, locking people out of their own cities? A shiver coursed down her spine as she acknowledged

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