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Church Members: Christian Life Journey Books in Series, #1
Church Members: Christian Life Journey Books in Series, #1
Church Members: Christian Life Journey Books in Series, #1
Ebook59 pages47 minutes

Church Members: Christian Life Journey Books in Series, #1

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Not all pastors are bad. If you are a pastor and you have a Judas as a member, no matter your spirituality, the teachings and the prayers you make for them, they will end up hanging themselves and make everyone see you as bad person. Sometimes, it is like church members, like pastor.

The issue of church members is as important as the issues of pastors because, a pastor's work is to build church members in their spiritual lives and to help them improve their relationships with God.

There are problems and diseases of church members which makes the duty of a pastor extremely difficult. 'Church Members' takes a look at the attitudes of church members which make the work of the pastor more difficult, hinder the vision of God's church and how those diseases can be remedied. Go through each chapter and know how God wants you to behave as a member of His church.

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Release dateJul 5, 2023
Church Members: Christian Life Journey Books in Series, #1

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    Church Members - Calvary Prince



    No part of this book may be reproduced

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    Published by (GPH),

    2015, 2017, 2020, 2022

    Cover Design by Prosper Gaisie

    Email: [email protected]

    To contact the author about speaking at your Pastors and Leaders Meeting, Church or Campus Group,

    Please contact him on:

    Whatsapp For:+233 (0) 249194281

    All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise identified, are taken from the King James Version of the Holy Bible,

    All Rights Reserved



    Chronic Commitment Problems......................7

    Sporadic Wickedness Syndrome.....................17

    Incurable Unforgiveness...............................25

    The Unresponsive Unconcerned......................32

    Fulminant Betrayers and Leavers...................39

    Severe Stingy Sickness..................................49

    Crippling Scatterers....................................59


    Not all pastors are bad. If you are a pastor and you have a Judas as a member, no matter your spirituality, the teachings and the prayers you make for them, they will end up hanging themselves and make everyone see you as bad person. Sometimes, it is like church members, like pastor.

    The issue of church members is as important as the issues of pastors because, a pastor’s work is to build church members in their spiritual lives and to help them improve their relationships with God.

    There are problems and diseases of church members which makes the duty of a pastor extremely difficult. ‘Church Members’ takes a look at the attitudes of church members which make the work of the pastor more difficult, hinder the vision of God’s church and how those diseases can be remedied. Go through each chapter and know how God wants you to behave as a member of His church.



    A Chronic illness is a kind that is serious and lasts for a long time.


    OTS OF CHURCH MEMBERS do not see the need to be commited to the church. They are committed to everything else; their jobs, school and academics, fun clubs, football clubs, old school associations, political parties and many others but never to church. When it comes to church, they downplay the need to show commitment. They do not see why they need to be committed and attend church regularly. The scriptures make it clear that Jesus prioritized attending church;

    "And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read." – Luke 4:16

    The church members of the early church in the book of Acts met daily continually; most churches meet twice a week and yet many, struggle to commit and attend.

    "And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart" – Acts 2:46

    Not be a committed and consistent attender of church services and other church related meetings is to go contrary to what God wants us to. This is what God wants us to do;

    "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching" Hebrews 10:25

    Yet many forsake it week after week. Some church members carry various ideologies and thought patterns that makes them become uncommitted to the church they belong. Below are seven mindsets that fuel this behavior of the uncommitted church member.

    7 Mindsets of Church Members Who Are Not Committed

    There are no benefits in going to church.

    Uncommitted church members believe that the church is irrelevant and offers them no benefits in life. This is why they are not committed to attending on a regular basis. They think that going to church is only done when you do not have anything important or worthwhile to do. Some will even prefer to rest than to attend a church service.

    The problem of such church members is that; when they are accessing the benefits of church, their carnal minds make them think in terms

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