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From His Lips: Back From His Missions: Inner Stories, #4
From His Lips: Back From His Missions: Inner Stories, #4
From His Lips: Back From His Missions: Inner Stories, #4
Ebook1,189 pages17 hours

From His Lips: Back From His Missions: Inner Stories, #4

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Fellowship in the Lord and fellowship in the work and fellowship around the vision, was one of the strong points of Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum, which he used to carry along the many young co-workers that God had entrusted to him, and through which he fused a team of those who, together with him carried the vision.

Come with us into fellowship with professor Fomum in the service of the Gospel.

Come with to witness the growth of a global movement.

Enter into the secrets of the fellowship that molded a World Conquest Team.

Release dateSep 24, 2018
From His Lips: Back From His Missions: Inner Stories, #4

Zacharias Tanee Fomum

For FREE books from Zacharias Tanee Fomum: Professor Zacharias Tanee FOMUM was a man of uncommon spirituality, a leading voice for revival, a workaholic, a prophet-teacher, and a world-shaping spiritual genius. He was a bestselling Christian author (with over 350 books, over 10 million copies in circulation in over 100 languages) and a professor of Organic Chemistry (with over 160 published scientific works of high distinction (earning him the award of a Doctor of Science degree from the University of Durham, Great Britain). His books and the millions of people he influenced in more than 40 years of Christian ministry continue to impact the world with the Gospel today. He founded Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI), a missionary movement that has planted churches in more than 120 nations on all continents. He believed in a life of simplicity and with the support and dedication of his wife and their seven children, his all—time, money, heart, and soul— was dedicated to spreading the Gospel. He carried out exploits for God through the making of disciples for Christ, planting of churches, building spiritual leaders according to the model of the Bible, and serving the body of Christ, especially as a teacher on prayer. Learn more and read exclusive excerpts at:

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    Book preview

    From His Lips - Zacharias Tanee Fomum



    . AFRICA



    Burkina Faso



    Central Africa


    Congo Brazzaville

    Democratic Republic Of Congo

    Côte D’ivoire

    East Africa


    Equatorial Guinea



    The Gambia


    Guinea Conakry








    South Africa






    . ASIA



    . EUROPE



    Great Britain








    Brazil And Bolivia




    Cote D’ivoire






    Sierra Leone



    The Santa Cruz Prophecy




    On arriving there, they gathered the church together and reported all that God had done through them and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles (Acts 14:26-27).

    Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum went on more than 500 international missions to more than 70 nations of the world, and more than 700 national missions within Cameroon to hundreds of localities and villages.

    As a result of his burden to carry along his co-workers in prayer, in encouragement, in giving, and in all forms of partnership, he shared the lessons he had learnt, the joys in the service of the Lord, his adventures in spreading the Gospel. By so doing, he has provided a word portrait of the state of the work both within the nation and in the nations.

    In the pages that follow, journey with Professor Fomum as he serves the Lord while learning. Share with us the growth of the work from a single house fellowship begun in the home of sister Emilia T. to a sprawling work in over 64 nations by the time he departed.

    This was in the tradition of both Peter, Paul and the apostles who, on return from their missions, shared with the church and with the saints.

    Peter began and explained everything to them precisely as it had happened (Acts 11:4).

    . AFRICA



    We had wonderful meetings in Benin on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The send-off for the Fiogbes was held in Benin. Mrs Fiogbe had given birth to a baby boy.

    Yesterday, we launched the fasting intercession movement for Togo. Bossoun, Fiogbe and myself launched it.

    Those of you who are praying that I do God’s will are not wasting time at all. We were lost in teaching believers on sweet things, and forgot that there were unbelievers invited to the send-off. At 2 pm, I just asked, Are there unbelievers here? Someone said, Yes! In ten minutes, I preached to them. It was as if God came down. Fifty-four adults and two children came forward. I also learnt that unbelievers could enjoy what we are enjoying. They had come in their numbers.

    Then we turned to baptism into the Holy Spirit. I spoke for about an hour, and led them into the experience. It was as if heaven broke open. People were swept off their feet as if by a tornado. One woman was so touched that she lay down for one hour and woke up as if she were coming from another world. Thirty-eight people were baptized into the Holy Spirit for the first time.

    For those of you who prayed that the power of God be manifested, we were overwhelmed by God’s presence.

    Bossoun was filled afresh and led. It is then that we moved into the most unusual experience of my life. After I asked the believers to ask God to heal them and assure them, they prayed to be healed. I felt pain all over my body as I had never felt before. I have never had such pain. From head to toe, the pain was just coming upon me. I said, These are the people’s diseases going away. Since the part where I felt pain the most was my chest, I said, Someone is being healed in the chest. When the people had confessed, there was still pain in my body. Towards the end, I felt so much pain in my leg. I had to move to my seat and sit down. A sister said she was the one being healed of the disease. This is the testimony of people who were healed of diseases. And it was in a matter of minutes. I knelt down and thanked God for it, but it was the first experience of its kind. I want to thank you very much for praying.

    By the time we finished the meeting, it was 11:00 p.m.

    Obviously, if I were to come back at noon as usual, none of these things would have happened. Those who were at the prayer crusade left the prayer crusade knowing that any unconfessed sin in our lives should be condemned. I went away asking God to show me sin in my life that I had never confessed. Two of such things, which I had confessed to God but never to man, came to my mind in Benin. One was the only lie I could remember having told my father and this was in 1958. The scandal of it pierced my heart. I knelt before the whole church in Cotonou¹ and repented.

    In 1956, a young man of about my age called Isaac was living with us. We were sent to go and carry cocoyams that had been bought and kept somewhere. We carried them. What happened was that I could not make all the toys the other boys had made. I wanted to have a sense of importance, but I could not make them. Pride did not allow me to carry the stick bearing his name (Isaac) on it. We carried the cocoyams and put them under a plum tree. Children were stealing plums. Isaac said he wanted to harvest plums so we put down the cocoyams². I don’t know whether I did not want to or could not steal but I was not involved in the stealing. Suddenly, the owner of the plum tree appeared. Everybody ran away and I too ran away. The man took the cocoyams away. Isaac said that we should say we were resting, and that is why we put the cocoyams down. He said we should say the other boys had been stealing so the owner of the plum tree carried the cocoyams away. And that is what we said when we got home. My parents believed me. Since the lies stipulated that the man saw us, my mother was expecting the man to bring back the cocoyams. My father was a pastor. In a village situation, the pastor is a VIP (Very Important Personality). The second day, the cocoyams were not there. My mother went and rebuked the man. The man said he did not see anybody and did not know the cocoyams were hers. My mother insisted that I was not lying. But I had lied.

    I don’t have the details. I think my mother refused to take back the cocoyams. I was believed whereas I had lied. I repented to the brethren there. I repent to those of you here. It is the darkest spot in my childhood. I never confessed it to my parents.

    The other lie that I confessed to the brethren had to do with my emotional life. There was a girl, Agnes, who came into my life when I was 16. She was 12. One day, she asked me if I had made my choice. I even thought it was a matter of choosing subjects at school, since I was in a class where we had to choose subjects. Later on, I understood what she was saying, and I told her that I would marry her and it was settled.

    When I told my parents about it, my father kept quiet and my mother said that Agnes was very beautiful, but when she would come, she would set the whole Atugoku (big family) on fire. I didn’t take her comment seriously then. I mentioned it to some of you.

    I took her to visit a friend in town and she was very impatient when we got to the friend’s house. After a few minutes, she said, Let us go. After five minutes, she said it again and I ignored her. Then, she stood up and greeted my host. In order to avoid an embarrassing situation, I stood up, saw her off, and came back. The host said, Pikin (meaning child), don’t marry this one. If you marry her, you will have a lot of friction with her just as it has happened here and you will be unhappy. When I combined it with what my mother had said, it was the same thing: setting Atugoku on fire and the comment of a man. Something went sour in my heart about the relationship. I didn’t tell her. I didn’t move the relationship forward and I didn’t stop it. When I went to university, someone wrote to her and told her about my relationship with Prisca. She wrote to me. I read her letter but told her nothing about it. It is when I graduated and came back home that I told her that we couldn’t get married.

    But I didn’t tell her the real reason. I told her that she had not believed. I repent of the lie of pretending for 5 years. I repent! I didn’t even tell her the truth. I repent of the lie I practised by saying I didn’t want to hurt her and I finally hurt her the more. By the time we came back from Uganda, she had already had a bastard and gave the bastard my name. I repented to the brethren about this and asked them to forgive me. When I preached the gospel to her in those early days of preaching the gospel around, she was not interested. Obviously, after such sustained lying, she could not be open to the gospel. I had lost contact with her over the last 18 years. But I will look for her and tell her the whole truth. Plead with God that she would forgive me, and plead with God she would be open to the gospel. That was also part of my dark past.

    We had an all-night program in Togo. I had to repent to the brethren because of some comments I made in passing about one of the messages that was given by someone at the conference, and for listening to some of the gossiping they were having. I pleaded with them to forgive me. I asked them to forgive me for not stopping what they were saying. There are things I have to confess to different people as the week goes on.

    The life of prayer and the life of radical purity cannot be separated. I will not say much about what happened in Togo. I cannot say much without exposing people who are not here and since I can no longer expose them, I must keep quiet.

    Tanty (Sister Lawson Brigitte) was in Benin. She has given a two-bedroom flat to the missionaries to live in. She wanted to come with us to Togo to share the apartment. But I thought it was not fair since her sister was still in the mortuary. The burial is tomorrow. After that, she will go with Bossoun and her father. God will provide a house for the missionaries.

    On my part, if I had not confessed these sins to the brethren, what happened would not have happened. At least, that is my conviction. Everything that is obvious must go. I have come back burdened to pray. God answers prayers and we cannot expect anything from God if we don’t pray. Henceforth, things will be different for the rest of my life. I will not use a night that could be the night of prayer for something else and not pray. With another missionary couple sent-off to another country, the need to pray becomes even greater. But the need of honesty is greater. For somebody to know he is tired, and sleepy, yet come to the place of prayer just to come and sleep, is sin. The sin of falsehood. I don’t know whether what happened in Benin is the beginning of a process or just an event. But I am believing God that it is the beginning and that one shall see great healing and great deliverance.

    Obviously, the need to walk before Him in absolute purity and absolute consecration cannot be negotiated.

    Let us pay the price and God will move.

    Good morning!

    The church in Cotonou gave 500,000 francs CFA for the work.

    There is a couple who live 60 km away from Cotonou. The man is a vice-principal in a secondary school. He was sick and didn’t come to the meeting but sent 100 US dollars for India.

    Yaounde, 2nd – 7th February, 1996.

    ¹ Capital city in Benin.

    ² A tuber eaten mainly in West and Central Africa.


    We have been to heaven. But we are glad to be back on earth. It was an event!

    Brother Jean should give a report on the ministry.

    Let me talk about the healings: It was the swiftest of my healing ministries. In five minutes, six hernias disappeared. The testimonies of the people who were healed during the last Convention were written down. Gilbert is also writing the testimonies of the healings in Lome¹. We had only ten minutes. But he told us that marvellous things happened. People who stood and came out just shocked me. Many people saw what happened on the stage. It was in Benin that for the first time, God began to take the diseases of people and put them on my body as evidence that they were being healed. During that period, I was living out my covenant of receiving no gifts.

    Each time I have lived out my Separation from the Common without negotiation, miracles have abounded.

    In my Daily Dynamic Encounter with God (DDEWG)² on Friday, I confronted in a new way the fact that these were the locks on my head, and I remembered the past. God spoke to me and I just went back to everything as it was written in my separation from the common. The Lord told me that there is an uplift in miracles, miracles of greater magnitude, in number and in rapidity.

    So I just announced to the brethren at the Convention that I read God’s dealings. I stopped embracing people and receiving gifts for my personal needs. They all understood. There is a sister, Mary, in Côte d’Ivoire who will pray for my separation from the common. So I went into Sunday with a clear conscience and I went into Sunday with a good conscience. Till midnight, we could not have started the healings. No bread was passed round, no drink was served. Without such hunger, the greater things of God will be withheld.

    So I went to the meeting prepared that the diseases of the people should be put on me. At about 00:15 we started the healing service. Then, there was pain all over my body. Just before the hernias, it was all pain in my lower abdomen.

    When I got up in the morning, I was troubled. I said, Lord, and something did not synchronize well. So just before we went to the airport, brother Bossoun told us that the woman with an enlarged heart phoned. She had gone to see her doctor who told her that it was no longer big.

    There was somebody whose spinal cord was twisted, and the Lord just straightened it. The Lord healed this and healed that. The people have faith. As the people are healed, my body is relieved.

    We have a methodical God. To my discomfiture and perhaps yours, I must just stay away from embracing people, because when I tell diseases to leave, their obeying me will depend upon how I have dealt with God in my separation from the common. I have tasted it. I must just keep away from gifts. I must give God 99%. Coffee, tea, ice-cold water are gone forever. According to the stiffer separation from the common, all eating of meat, fish, cheese, and kneeling in prayer cease, except in public with other people.

    On Friday, a child disappeared and could not be found – a child of about five, in such a crowd. When we prayed, the Lord said to me, Be at peace. The child will be found, but not immediately. I wrote it down. I ought to have told the brethren, but I didn’t tell them. The next day the child was not found. Nevertheless, on the third day the child was found. The mother and the grandmother were dancing, drunk with joy. But the message had been given to me.

    In Lome, in 1998, the Lord said, Great things would happen, leading eventually to the raising of the dead. But He insisted that I was not to receive gifts from people. With a step up in what God is doing, things will go faster now.

    In Togo, within ten minutes, we recorded twelve miracles. So I just walk by all the other things God has said.

    My clothing must remain:

    Two pairs of trousers, four shirts, etc. I will not modify it, whatever the reason, because I must tell diseases to disappear. Demons must obey.

    What about your own obedience?

    What about your own conscience?

    Do you have a clear conscience?

    Do you have a good conscience?

    You should get back to it at all costs.

    What about our own promises made to God? What about God’s commands to you?

    You can compromise them and operate at a lower level. The ball is in your court. When Samson had his long hair, he looked so shabby. The Philistines received a harsh treatment. When his hair was normal, they received a normal treatment. I have received confirmations.

    My separation from the common, though stringent as it is, is the handwork of God. People are to be called to believe a God who demonstrates His presence miraculously. He is the God of Elijah. He is still operative.

    Benin is a Healing Centre. The power of God comes down there readily to heal.

    You can be in a city laden with unbelief.

    What makes a city unbelieving? It is the elders.

    What makes a city believing? It is the elders.

    If the elders are rational, believing in natural theology, the city falls under their unbelief. It is a very serious matter. If you see where God is doing miracles, there is only one leader: Bossoun.

    Where there are people asking, Are you also seeing me? These are faith quenchers.

    In Ghana, I told them that whatever they decide there, they should append the six signatures of the leaders, because they are democrats. No mighty thing can happen there. I cancelled my visit to them while they were arguing about who will sit on the right or on the left in the kingdom of man. Brother Menye will go to Ghana. Oversabi-sm (being wise in one’s own eyes) is the lowest degree in knowledge.

    A wife was created to be a helper. In a partnership, the rival wife is under the judgment of God. She is leading. She is not a helper. A helper’s role is not to tell me what to do.

    A woman is not just to be a helper, but a helper fit for him. With respect to the man’s taste. A wife ought to ask herself, "Am I this man’s pleasure or this man’s displeasure?

    Am I the source of his joy on earth or the source of his misery?"

    A helper fit for him; if he is not satisfied, you have failed hopelessly.

    If his desires and standards are not met, if his needs, desires, standards and requirements are not met, you have failed hopelessly.

    If you are not a helper, forget about marriage. If you are at the printing press with brother Jacques Yougang, you cannot couple his ideas with yours. The Lord began to show us this from the obedience of Jesus Christ. He emptied Himself completely. He understood what it meant to be a helper. Only one will was allowed! The will of God. Was the will of Christ bad? Did He originate His own things? He did only what He saw the Father do. There are many people who are not married. They want to add their own ideas; they want to overthrow his ideas. It was one original word from heaven after another. The husband is not to look at his wife. He has one fixed gaze – Jesus, in order to please the Lord in everything - and the wife should obey the husband in everything. One constant gaze at Jesus. That is where he is to look. That is where he is to put his all.

    Next year, we will meet for the Healing Convention in Benin and then:

    The nations are taking the things as they have responded.

    We have found a hunger for the books in Benin. The books are so available here, but not read. I came back troubled about their hunger. Their hunger is immense. God cannot but bless such people.

    Where is your unbelief established?

    Where is your rational intelligence a hindrance?

    May God give you grace to go and forget your own ideas and submit. May faith come from the nations to this nation. May we rise up to be a nation of faith!

    From 8 a.m. to 2 a.m., the meeting went on nonstop! No refreshment and they were dancing.

    A woman of eighty-two got saved on Sunday. Her daughter who brought her is fifty-six. God is at work. I beg you, take a taxi to the Sanaga³, tie up your rebellion in a bundle and throw it inside. Then, come back to a life of obedience and submission and blessing.

    Pray that God would crush the unbelief and the sophistication of Yaounde⁴.

    Pray that the child-likeness that has made God work so much in the nations would also reach us here.

    Return from Cotonou-Lome.

    Yaounde, 14th August, 2001

    ¹ The capital city of Togo

    ² To know more on this, read the book, Daily Dynamic Encounters With God written by the author.

    ³ The longest river in Cameroon

    ⁴ The capital of Cameroon.


    I was at my best. I had excessive energy. I was dancing and jumping. First of all, God stripped me. He stripped me of my luggage. We got there with all the books. My personal luggage did not arrive. I have worn these trousers since I left here. Brother Patrice and Boniface bought a bag and two underwear, a singlet and briefs; you can imagine. I waited for fifty minutes to know what God was saying and He didn’t speak.

    On Sunday morning, I had had my meditation and I came back to the issue. I was finding out whether I had sinned somewhere or disobeyed the Lord. It was even more critical because the healing channel had to be provided that night. You have to provide the channel for God’s power to flow. If God is angry with you over even one small issue, you will be in trouble. If you cannot see with God’s eyes, the healings obtained are a mockery.

    Brother Bossoun, more than everybody else, knows and believes that when I am there miracles will happen. It explains why we have had more miracles in Benin than anywhere else. The human responsibility, whatever your anointing is, will be limited, if a leader does not believe you. In a village, the chief was almost blind and he got healed at the 2000 Healing Convention. He went back to his village and became the evangelist. They are now two hundred believers in that locality.

    It was my eleventh visit to Benin. Something dramatic has happened during my visit. What the Lord said was that He was just training me for the day I would go with nothing at all. It was in the apostolic tradition. That is why the luggage did not arrive. It has not come to Benin. It is not in Douala. If I never see it again, I will not be surprised.

    Are you adding to your worldly things or are you being stopped?

    Seven things happened to me, if you want to hear them, come to the next meeting; they are things in my spiritual pilgrimage.

    The brother who interpreted me into the local language, is not a missionary but is very involved (the translation was in six languages). The brethren had looked forward to it. It was the crowning event of the year. To those who prayed against specific diseases; there was one elderly man who had known and who knows good days. The Lord healed him. So he testified how God had reached out to him in so many places; his eyes, vertebral column, his heart. He said that he had opened a compte bloqué (blocked account) for the next convention. I said, No, give the money to the missionaries. God can reach out everywhere.

    On the first day of the convention, he was walking with the help of a stick. As he was going down, his legs were getting firmer.

    In the reciting from memory of Matt 5: 1-48, the girls beat the boys. The girls were talking as if they were reading it. They were talking with authority. One girl came and recited three chapters in the local language. So I sat there and said, The girls are winning. When it comes to fasting, the men eat while the women fast and cook for them. Then when it comes to prayer, etc., I projected it into the future and I was very troubled. Boniface told me, If God does not do something to help me, then, I will be in trouble. We prayed that the men, these sleeping lions, would wake up. The men are not ahead. Who the leader is, is determinant.

    Yaounde, 30th December, 2003.


    Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know (Jeremiah 33:3).

    We shall be building this year around that verse.

    Song: "Apelle Il Te répondra" (Call on Him and He will answer you).

    We had a wonderful time. As we prayed, ten nations were represented. Some delegations were large, others were small. The Tayous sent just one of their disciples to represent them. The delegation from Abidjan¹ was very large, and the delegation from Mali as well. There were 3,250 to 3,500 people at the Convention.

    Brother Bossoun said, "If it were not during this New Year period, there would have been many more people at the Convention. To touch a man’s New Year holiday, he has to know what he believes in order to put God first. Some of us have been delivered for twenty years. The Lebanese brother from Mali who was burning to come to the Convention got married. When you choose a wife, you have chosen many things. If you are not violent, even your eternal rank may be compromised.

    The work is growing. Even in Burkina Faso they are already approximately 90 (Moise Fiogbe’s people). There is a house church in the home of a white man who was there last time. He has caught fire.

    Even the person who was brother’s second six years ago, and who rebelled and went away, was at the Convention. He was looking so old and I was asking, Who is this? Backsliding makes people look old. Walking with Jesus is a rejuvenating factor. It is dangerous to backslide. When you backslide, you ruin everything. You have buried your place in God’s heart and you will lose everything in the world. Backsliders will neither have God nor the world. Even reducing the intensity of one’s devotion to Jesus of Nazareth is tragic. It is a dangerous game. With increasing time, a man should be giving more and more of his time, energy and everything to God. God blesses those who give Him the best.

    There is the e-mail from my supervisor, Professor Landor.

    "Dear Zach, I have just heard the good news from Durham University. Congratulations. Your DSc² is well-deserved."


    I dedicate this thesis to the Lord Jesus Christ, Lord of heaven and Lord of earth. For by Him all things were created, visible and invisible, thrones, rulers, powers, and authority.

    For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or powers, or rulers, or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together (Colossians 1:16 -17).

    That is how the thesis was dedicated.


    I acknowledge the increasing Lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ in the course of the last 30 years during which the work reported in this thesis was carried out. I further acknowledge the encouragement of Professor Landor, my academic father.

    We are either the 1st or 2nd on the continent, North and South Africa included. Members of C.M.F.I. in various nations have made contributions in many ways, including prayer, fasting and collecting research materials.

    Song: Chercheur de Dieu, ton cœur était insatisfait.

    Tout autour de toi c’était le monde que l’on poursuivait.  (Your heart was not satisfied, seeker of God. All around you are men running after the world).

    I have insisted on loyalty all my life and I have said that the disloyal will fail.

    Your DSc is well-deserved. If you think it will be effective, I will contact either your Vice-Chancellor or the Minister of Education and you deserve a special salary and a special pension when retired. Professor Landor paid the examination fee of 500,000 francs CFA. The disloyal person is an enemy to himself. A loyal heart is the best thing you can have on this side of heaven. Someone came to the department one year after me and worked with Professor Landor, and he was just disloyal. The result of his disloyalty was that, first of all, he took a very long time to finish his Masters Degree. He did a lot of work but Professor Landor refused to publish it because the supervisor is not obliged to. He is the one who collected the plant Watchman is working on. He is trying to cooperate with us so that he may find a way to get promoted. If you are not loyal, you will not attain your potential. He believed last year, Michael Nyisomeh is building him up into a disciple.

    Are you loyal? To whom are you loyal?

    Were you loyal to your human father?

    Were you loyal to your human mother?

    Were you loyal to your teachers?

    Were you loyal to your professional leaders?

    Were you loyal to your spiritual leaders?

    These are five areas, so that you may know your heart and how far you can go; you must ask, Have I stopped being disloyal? Have I become loyal?

    As we communicate the vision, not just in terms of people because if that were all, it would be a work without distinction since anyone can set that goal, but the peculiarity is, ‘‘A billion people who render total obedience to the Lord Jesus in all things’’.

    People who work in the power of a man’s all.

    People who have hearts that are bonded and fused with the Lord and with others who are coming along. Without this union and fusion of hearts, a person cannot fully function, because he will be doing his own thing.

    Total obedience to the Lord in everything.

    The total investment of all into the vision.

    The things that came through very strongly and consistently (it was a leadership course at 80%) were the shepherd and the flock; the weak, the injured, the sick.

    I will search for the lost and bring back the strays, I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy. I will shepherd the flock with justice (Ezekiel 34: 16).

    I will search for the lost and those that are strong on their own will be destroyed. Self, independence, and the energy of the flesh must be destroyed. Human talents, human gifts, human attitudes must be destroyed. All that is not God-dependent must be destroyed.

    The extent to which the brethren prayed to prepare was enormous. When I first went to Benin, they were fifty. In twelve years, they are over seven thousand. Bossoun was living in one room (a single room). They have spread all over the nation. It is a work among the poor. Apart from his car, there are two other cars in the whole work and he bought his car for 750,000 francs CFA. Someone was leaving and just wanted to sell it. There is no other way to describe the Benin work. It is God-dependent. They cry out to God. They cry out to God. Those who cry out to God find favour.

    Let us pray that we would be a God-dependent people in everything. People who do not lean on their own understanding.

    The God-dependent succeed.

    The self-dependent fail.

    Some marks of a God-dependent person,

    He prays to God about everything.

    He begins his daily dynamic encounter by praying to God.

    Ask God to reveal Christ through the Word.

    Ask God to make the Word alive.

    The God-dependent pray throughout.

    They pray as they read the Word.

    They pray as they read books. Every paragraph is more or less soaked in prayer. They know that without God, they will not be fed. They pray about every encounter with man. Everything is brought to God. They pray before they eat. They pray while they eat and after eating. They just know that without God they are ruined.

    Fasting and Missionary Work

    The devil only understands force. The devil only understands pressure. The devil only understands ousting him. Jokers should forget it totally. Lovers of ease should forget it totally.

    As I listened to many missionaries, the breakthrough came with increasing numbers of forty-day fasts. Those who are putting in three, five, seven-day fasts are joking. Fasting is normally against Satan. This year, we will go very far. There is the privilege of being followed. At least fifty people came with brother Menye.

    He is a man with a good heart, a soft heart, a man who fears God. The sky will be his limit. Sister Colette is at her best. When you walk with God, you are beautiful. When you don’t walk with God, you are ugly. God is a beautifier. We decided to buy land in Bohicon³ where we will have the headquarters of the Benin work. When brother Bossoun told me that the most loyal of his co-workers is in Bohicon, I trembled. God moves in the direction of loyal hearts. Brother Bossoun has built his house. "Il est en train de la crépir’’ (He is plastering it). I want to advise those of you who will go in for itinerant ministry: only see people at the end of each ministry. If not, you cannot keep a straight course with the word.

    Theodore was there to serve. A servant is a jewel. Many of you could have left me in Benin and gone away. Brother Theodore is only going to leave this morning because he decided that even though all was settled, he would not go while I was still in Benin. From the day we got there, he determined what I wore because he washed everything, dried everything, and packed everything. Some of you are so wrong inside. Gilbert was brother Theodore’s assistant in serving me.

    He sat near the table of refreshments from the beginning of the Convention to the end. In two weeks, he has learnt what some of you have not learnt in twenty-nine years. What angels will promote you? I asked myself why some people have such damaged hearts. It is remarkable how he has learnt and how far he has gone. But it was a time for spiritual breakthrough. You could sense that prayer had gone up and was going up. I can only thank you for praying.

    For some time, money was not coming in from Benin for the work, and then they started giving 500,000 francs CFA. Then, they began to give 1,000,000 francs CFA. This time, they have given 2,000,000 francs CFA. It is a lot of sacrifice because it is not a work among rich people. Brother is really the father of the work. He taught some of the women how to read because he wanted them to read the books. Last year, he read thirty-seven of our books. He is an authority in the books. Stop looking at the nose, ear, and mouth of a man. Look at the heart of a man. I beg you, work on your heart. It is your greatest blessing and your greatest liability.

    There is peace in Côte d’Ivoire.

    Yaounde, 2008.

    ¹ Economic Capital of Côte d’Ivoire

    ² Doctor of Science

    ³ Town in Benin


    Lord, thank You for taking us safely to Benin and back.

    Lord, thank You for the ten nations represented.

    Lord, thank You for the 3500 people present at the meetings.

    Lord, thank You for the people You healed from day one.

    Lord, thank You for the work that is advancing.

    Lord, thank You for the missionaries who are beginning to lay hold on the nations.

    Lord, thank You for the global growth.

    Lord, thank You for the ten-fold growth You brought about in Mali.

    Lord, thank You for the many people who came from Mali.

    Lord, thank You for the road network in West Africa.

    Lord, thank You for the many missionaries who came with the question: How do we keep the harvest? How do we keep the harvest?

    Lord, thank You for the one answer that kept coming: only fat can keep the harvest. Fat is the excess.

    Lord, thank You for the missionaries who owned up and said that they were in the category of the sick, weak, stray, lost and injured sheep. (Ezekiel 34:18).

    Lord, thank You for that owning up that turned the convention into a clinic.

    Lord, thank You for the many missionaries who went away troubled.

    The Fat Belongs To God

    If a man needs 2000 calories, and takes in 3,500, he will put on fat. On the other hand, the way to keep the harvest is to have excess of fat.

    If the leader and the leaders do not put on excess fat, the harvest will not be kept. What it means in the Yaounde situation is that brother Joe Mbafor and the elders must eat so much (i.e. feed spiritually) that it is like a mother who, before the baby starts sucking, the milk is already flowing. If the leaders are barely meeting their own needs, the rest will die or be ill. But if the leaders have excess, the harvest will be maintained effortlessly because when the man talks, there is abundance. When the man talks and he gives you a handshake, there is abundance.

    When the man talks and he gives you a smile, there is abundance.

    It is wicked to minister without abundance. When a man lacks abundance, he must withdraw and let others minister while he feeds himself until he can flow again. Christian Missionary Fellowship International (C.M.F.I.) is a ministry in which people minister from spiritual abundance. We have many ministers. If you lead a Centre, don’t come to see me. Keeping the harvest is not a matter of technique, it’s a matter of abundance. The Lord’s harvest is kept by the fat of the minister - the extent to which he has received the fullness of God more than he has given out.

    We keep the flock by concentrating on God and not by concentrating on the flock.

    There are 7 classes of sheep in the people of God:


    Of the missionaries who came for the prayer crusade, one came there with a depression and with all kinds of diseases. I didn’t talk to him. But after three weeks at the prayer crusade, all his diseases and his depression went away because depression is the lack of God. If he opens himself up to concentrate closely on God, his depression will go away permanently. All those problems are as a result of a decline in God content. You can’t sleep? Without God people either can’t sleep or they sleep too much. All our problems find their answers in the abundance of God.


    A friend of mine in India with whom I travelled four times told me, I have always asked myself why you are not sick. You ought to be in danger of collapsing. You are working beyond wisdom. He told me he was reading a book, titled Focused Living. It is said that people with a clear goal, a very massive goal that keeps them under pressure night and day - a goal they believe with all their hearts-carry five times what others carry and do not crack. Goalessness opens the door to illness. Let God be your supreme passion. Put in 15, 18, 19 hours of work a day and you will be stronger and healthier.

    What is the supreme passion of your life?

    What draws all of your energy so that there is nothing that can really offend you beyond a few minutes?


    One morning in Benin, I wrote (the 7 out of 12 points).

    The Lord has been exceedingly good to me. He has held nothing back from me. He has given me everything I needed and wanted. There is one thing I can do for the Lord Jesus – I will love Him, give Him my all and sacrifice everything in His service.


    I was battling for some financial miracles. You joined me in praying. I finished preparing the budget before coming here and I found out that Prisca and I gave God 26 million francs CFA this year. God answers prayer. There is a living God. There is a living God. There is no logic behind it.

    I have a DSc from Durham University.

    The first DSc in the nation is going to Jesus.

    A DSc is given for high distinction in research.

    I have not worshipped science. I have offered my training radically to Jesus but the blessings have followed. I am calling for mad, radical commitments to the Lord Jesus as the only way to blessings in spiritual and material things. I am calling for a radical, total, and reckless investment in Jesus Christ as the only way to heaven’s best and earth’s best. The divided heart loses.

    My supervisor paid the examination fee of 500,000 francs CFA. I want to say everything depends on God. Everything depends on you and God. Everything depends on the quality of your relationship with and the quality of your investments in God. God will not give His all to the divided of heart. The Lord demands our all so that He would give us His all.

    Look at the trivial matter over which your heart has been divided. What have you gained from it? Come, let’s reason together. Can you not testify that being divided at heart just a little has not benefited you? You have lost humility.

    There has been no change in our financial circumstances between 2003 and 2004. In 2003, we gave God 16 million francs CFA. From a human point of view, it has been tied to foolish obedience. Last year, if you gave me or my wife a personal gift, we gave 20% of it to God since we already gave Him 100% of all we earned. This year we committed the folly of raising the 20% to 90% such that if someone gave me 10.000 francs CFA, 9.000 francs CFA went to the Lord and if someone gave Prisca 1,000 francs CFA, 900 francs CFA went to the Lord. It is not that there has been a 10,000,000 francs CFA gift. One month, it was 192,000 francs CFA. But that step altered everything. It took us into a new bracket. I am begging you brethren to learn something; that it is not logic. It is faith. I know some of you have been called to a similar walk but you have turned it down and the loss has been very heavy. God asked for simple obedience so that we may enter into the supernatural bracket.

    The wisdom of the Lord may be made available to us.

    But it means you lift your hand up. Prisca’s salary and mine make a total of 630,000 francs CFA. When we got the 192,000 francs CFA as gifts, it meant the family had 19,200 francs CFA for everything. If you accept this and let God be God, God will be God. But if you want to guarantee what you have yourself, you want to guarantee your need, you will not obey; your needs will swallow you up. I am calling those of you who know something about what I am saying. I beg you, don’t step back. There are moments of trials. There was a time, some years ago, that I wrote the budget and tore it 3 times. That is what led to the 200,000 francs CFA appearing in the envelope. I showed the elders. At that time, logic meant we should give 5% less. I wrote the budget and tore it.

    I wrote the budget and tore it.

    I wrote the budget and tore it.

    Finally, I decided that if I perish, I perish and that God will not have 1% less. That day, 200,000 francs CFA of brand new notes appeared in an envelope.

    I beg you, brothers, don’t take a step back. Don’t shrink back.

    For in just a very little while, He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back I will not be pleased with him. But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved (Hebrew 10:37-39).

    Another thing that happened in 2004. The budget is for sister Prisca and myself, and for the first time, in a very conscious way, she entered into the area of faith. For the twelve months of last year, she did not have food money. The Lord demanded that from her towards the end of 2003 because the Lord wanted her to learn the lesson of faith. She had to pray for everything for twelve months. She had zero franc for food. I have never prayed for her as I did for her about that issue because I knew so much would depend on her faith. She just believed God would send forth fish, meat and all that was needed to run a very big house. A few months ago, the house was filled with people from all over. I called her and I gave her some money in my office. We prayed together and afterwards I said, Give me back the money. It will be a disaster. I will destroy what you have built.

    The devil wants to destroy a building before it is finished. It would have been a disaster if carnal sympathy had been allowed to come in. She smiled and gave back the money. I would have bought that smile for one million francs CFA because it was the expression of the involvement of her heart. So the food money of this year will be a special offering to God.

    If your partner does not share the risk and follies of obeying God, you will be limited.

    My dear sister, if your husband had come and told you that there would be no food money and that you should ask God for your food month by month, would you have accepted? Because if you don’t accept, he can’t go ahead. My dear sister, would you have told him to take over the kitchen and run it? My dear sister, are you a faith quencher? Would you give your husband a chance?

    Pray that the wives of elders would be faith promoters in the way they respond to their husbands’ suggestions about financial matters. The power to believe a man is the greatest thing a woman can bring into the life of the man she marries.


    Bounce back to God. Do not say I will come back to God a little at a time. You can never go back to God a little at a time. I leave you to choose, but God will not be anyone’s debtor. It will break your heart to bounce back. Let it be; for the heart was meant to be broken. Let it be broken so that you can live.

    The year 2005 is a year of, Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know (Jeremiah 33:3). This is a year in which God will surprise us with positive results. This is a year of great and mighty things. This is a year in which we will be surprised and filled with joy. It is a year of surprises beyond telling, the year of God‘s favour. Open your eyes and be ready to see.

    Call upon the Lord and be ready to see.

    Call upon the Lord and be ready to believe.

    Call upon the Lord and be ready to lay hold.

    Call upon the Lord and be ready to possess great and mighty things. Expand your tents.

    This will be the year of God’s visitation.

    Enlarge your banners. Increase your fields.

    Great and mighty things! Great and mighty things!!

    Beyond anything you have ever thought about.

    Beyond anything you have ever understood.

    Make it your year; I have made it my year.

    In my stupidity, I have planned six 40-day fasts.

    The first one starts on the 10th. It defies logic. This is at the level of the call of God. But I believe the One who called is faithful. Believe.

    I have chosen to obey counting on His strength made perfect in my weakness. The fasts are to precipitate growth.

    I accept my destiny.

    I am not a grasshopper¹.

    I am the son of the Most High.

    I am a lion-killer².

    I am a Goliath-killer.

    I am a son of the Most High.

    I bear the genes of God.

    God has things in store for me to do – things greater than I can ever think about. Things greater than I have ever asked for. I will start with my biggest dreams.

    I will begin to work to translate them into reality and the things I do not know will come about.

    I will forget the failures of 2004. 2004 has gone and I am alive and strong. God loves me and He will lift me to His heights.

    I am not a failure.

    I refuse to fail.

    I am not a mediocre person.

    I reject the average.

    I reject above average.

    I reject good.

    I reject very good.

    I start from excellent and make excellent my lowest mark and, from there, I will go higher and higher and higher.

    I will not be tied to the circumstances of my nation.

    I will be tied to circumstances of heaven.

    I will plug into the bank of heaven.

    I will plug into the treasures of heaven.

    I will live according to the euro of heaven.

    God has placed me on top. I will be on top. I will ask expectantly: What is on the way? The wonderful, good things, too big, too big, too great are coming for me, coming upon me.

    I will not say, I am not qualified.

    I will not say, I am not strong enough.

    I rest everything on God’s strength.

    I rest everything on God’s ability.

    I rest everything on God’s doing.

    I rest everything on God’s working.

    The Holy Spirit is in me and the Holy Spirit is upon me.

    The power of God is in me and upon me.

    My future is guaranteed.

    Thank you, Lord, because Your future is my future and it is spotless. Hallelujah!

    This is my most wonderful year.

    My intimacy with God will be the deepest.

    Service for God will be out of proportion.

    I give all the glory to the Lord. And the city will become too small for the church. We will fill the city and add other towns of the city and possess all of them. We will possess the nation and the nations and lay them as trophies at the feet of our God. All, not only I but my brothers and my sisters also. Amen!

    Yaounde, 4th January, 2005.

    ¹ A mediocrity

    ² A doer of great deeds.



    The Ministry of Fasting in Arabic is on demand.

    God’s purposes in the New Testament are tied to overcomers (Revelation 2).

    As Revelation 3 ends, the overcomers go to heaven.

    The overcomers will be in heaven till the marriage supper of the Lamb takes place. Then, at the second coming – it shall be the Lord and the overcomers. Francis and Josette will be in Cairo¹ by the end of October. We consecrate this book, to the conquest of the 1.3 billion Muslims. It is prophetic. God is guiding us to produce our first book in Arabic – The Ministry of Fasting, God is saying, Take the enemy on his grounds.

    Let’s give the Lord a clap. God has led us, God has been our Leader. God has led us. God has been leading us in issues, big and small. God has been leading us in what we know and in what we don’t know. God has been in control.

    Could three brethren come and thank the God who has been leading us in our hearts by his cloud, and His hand controlling things beyond our understanding. God has led us.

    The book is already in Israel. Someone who was a General in Saddam’s army got converted. He was radical to the core. He was very angry with the believers in Egypt that they are so cold. If he comes here, he may cut off our heads. One thing he said is, Saddam was committed. He gave his people a reason to follow him. He wants people to know Jesus Christ. He wants churches started; all this, thanks to the brother who translated the book, who had contacts with this ex-soldier.

    One of the signatures on the first page authorized the book to go to the whole Muslim world. The brother who interpreted me all the four times I have been to Egypt is the one who translated the book. We shall receive an invitation from one denomination to go and minister to them for six months renewable, for as long as they want, until they have their own people.

    We must have 100,000 dollars latest 10th October. In Cairo, there are 16 million people. So brother and sister (our missionaries) are going to meet more people in one town than in the whole of Cameroon.

    Normally, they give me a room to myself. But this time I shared a room with my interpreter. So I got to know him.

    He said, It will cost the same, renting a flat for four, five years, or buying it. So we will buy the apartment before the missionary gets there. Between 25,000 to 100,000 dollars have been sent. We need them in 100-dollar notes. If you send the money normally, they will receive it in Egyptian pounds. A big dream is becoming a great reality as was said in the Colorado Springs Prophecy.

    The book, Daily Dynamic Encounters with God must leave by DHL² today for Egypt. It should be there as our first book in any other language. Only sick people don’t have daily dynamic encounters with God. The church is so sick.

    I was at this conference with pastors and they slept till 6:00 a.m. They don’t have daily dynamic encounters with God. I want to tell all the sick people here who don’t have daily dynamic encounters with God that the Lord had said, When revival breaks out, the rest of the Body will turn to Christian Missionary Fellowship International to provide the stabilising elements, so that the revival to come will not be like the one in Wales where in 2 years, 180,000 people believed, but it died off.

    The Lord said, When revival breaks out, they will turn to us to provide the stabilising elements. The first one is; Daily Dynamic Encounters with God. And you who don’t have daily dynamic encounters with God, you are a traitor of the revival that must surely come. I warn you in the name of the Lord to start today.

    The other thing about which we have to provide a model – the Lord said, There is accountability in heaven. The whole divine system is based on accountability. The second thing for which we have to provide a model is accountability and many of you have determined to rather die than be accountable.

    I speak with a sense of urgency and I speak from the office of a prophet.

    The revival is going to come. The revival is going to come.

    I want to warn you lest God be forced to remove you so that you don’t participate in it. You know the story of that soldier; when Elisha talked about the prices of food and other goods that were going to be slashed to the lowest in Samaria, he did not believe. Then Elisha told him he would not live to see the event. He was trampled upon and died. The God of heaven is not joking when He speaks. You can have your religion, but God holds the sword and determines the outcome of the battles and He will do so according to His standards and according to His ways. Yes, a heaven-rending, earth-shaking, Christ-glorifying revival will take place. The Lord said this about six years ago in Bertoua³. A revival will come such that in a massive healing convention, no one will go back with his disease. As God said, there will be large crowds, maybe 10 million people. The day is coming when the dead will be raised in large numbers and some from a distance.

    The church in Yaounde will grow in depth, breadth, height and number, such that it will seem as if the city of Yaounde is too small for the church in Yaounde.

    The headquarters will comprise the following 10 units:

    The Headquarters

    The World University of Prayer. In the Colorado Springs Prophecy, I was to start a university and the Lord said, The University of Prayer is not that university. It is going to be a university for academic studies. So, in Bertoua, we are going to have

    The World Conquest Academic Institutions.

    The School of Knowing and Serving God with people coming from all over the world. In some year, 1,000 students will graduate. You live by knowing the Lord.

    The World Conquest Library with a million Christian books.

    The World Conquest Music Academy.

    The World Conquest Radio and Television.

    The problem with television is what is watched. It is not the

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