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Burden Of Hecate: Queens Of Olympus, #6
Burden Of Hecate: Queens Of Olympus, #6
Burden Of Hecate: Queens Of Olympus, #6
Ebook148 pages1 hour

Burden Of Hecate: Queens Of Olympus, #6

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The goddess of witchcraft has a secret. She can no longer do magic. 


Having served in her position for two hundred years, Hecate's responsibilities are piling up, and she has no way to regain control, something that hasn't gone unnoticed by Zeus' temple. 


As a priestess of Zeus, Ariana has been sent to convince Hecate to step down, and if she can't, she has to find a reason to fire her. But the more she sees Hecate in action, the less certain she is that it's the right path. 


Can the two of them find a compromise that will satisfy both Hecate and Zeus' temple?


Burden Of Hecate takes inspiration from classic Greek mythology and puts a twist on the stories about Hecate. This slow burn workplace f/f romance can be read as a standalone and is part of the Queens of Olympus series.

PublisherVampari Press
Release dateMay 30, 2023
Burden Of Hecate: Queens Of Olympus, #6

Arizona Tape

Arizona Tape lives her dream life hanging out with her dog and writing stories all day.Her favourite books to write are urban fantasy and paranormal romances with queer leads, stories that she wished were around when she was younger.When she’s not writing, she can be found cooking up a storm in the kitchen, watching shows that make her cry, or trying her hand at her new hobby of the week.She currently lives in the United Kingdom with her girlfriend and her adorable dog who is the star of her newsletter. Sign up here for adorable pictures, free books, and news about her books: The AuthorFacebook Page: Group: books are available on all retailers and can be requested from most public libraries.

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    Burden Of Hecate - Arizona Tape



    There was nothing that pleased me more than the silent temple by night. My favourite torches were placed all around the open courtyard and the dancing flames cast long and haunting shadows over the garden. The silver moonlight revealed the hidden trapdoor to the Underworld, a journey few people came back from.

    I smiled to myself and unlocked the entrance with the heavy iron key that had been in my possession for a couple of centuries. The doors swung inward, revealing a wide staircase that disappeared into pitch-black nothing. Plenty of people would’ve been intimidated but not me.

    After all these years, I was used to the abyss staring back at me.

    With one of my torches in hand, I descended into the realm beneath, leaving the world of the living behind. My footsteps echoed into the dark, the dull sound my only anchor. The thin air smothered my torch to the smallest of flames but the light never went out.

    My only solace.

    After an infinity of steps, my feet hit softer ground and a cold breeze brushed past me. Green smoke curled up around me and the distinct smell of the Underworld penetrated my nose. There was no doubt that I’d just arrived in Hades.

    Smoke parted and a shiver ran up my spine as the large entry gate appeared out of nowhere. No matter how many times I came here, I was never able to shake the feeling of unease.

    I tightened my hand around the large key and brought it up to the lock. I made sure to check I was alone before I carefully opened the gateway and pushed the gate properly shut behind me. This was not the place to make mistakes.

    The sound of small impatient paws and soft whines alerted me to the arrival of my helpers and I waited to let them catch up to me. An endless stream of dogs surrounded me, carrying all kinds of amulets in their mouths. Every single one of them was solemn and determined. Strays and lapdogs alike knew this wasn’t the time to play around.

    The animals gathered around me and with their quiet companionship, I continued on. The farther I walked into the Underworld, the brighter it became. The green smoke relocated to the high ceiling and gave way to some of the beautiful but strange plants and trees that grew exclusively here. The magical river Styx came into view and I guided the dogs down. Large ships packed with apathetic souls ferried along the calm waters, carrying their passengers to more permanent shores.

    I sat down on the bank of the river, waving the first dog forward. The canine’s collar tinkled as he approached calmly. He dropped his wooden amulet in my hand, stepping back to give me space to perform my task.

    Careful not to drop the precious amulet or my torch, I dipped it into the magical water of the Styx, letting the protective powers soak into the wood. Once I was satisfied, I handed the trinket back to the dog and he trotted away, no doubt returning to his owner. They would wake up in the morning, newly protected against ill wishes and the misfortunes of the world.

    Next, I announced, accepting a bone amulet from a brown dog with floppy ears.

    There were so many dogs, I wouldn't be able to get through them all.

    I repeated the ritual until the last amulet was activated and my hands were wrinkled from the freezing water. My back twinged when I rose up and I rubbed the sore muscles, hissing at the sharp pain.

    I checked my pocket to make sure the key was still securely in my possession before returning the way I came.

    I reached the gate and a low growl vibrated through the air. The hairs on the back of my neck instantly stood up and my hand shook as I brought the torch closer to my face.

    It’s me, Hecate, I said as calmly as I could.

    The enormous three-headed hellhound came into view and he studied me with dark glowing eyes.

    I held my breath as the guardian deliberated if I had permission to go or if I was a soul that needed to be kept in.

    After what felt like forever, he bared his fangs, a warning, before giving the slightest of nods and disappearing back into the shadows.

    I breathed a sigh of relief as I slipped past him, back to the world of the living. I'd much preferred it when the gates were unmanned but the arrival of a new, apparently competent, Hades had put the three-headed guardian back in its place.

    My calves and thighs were burning by the time I reached the courtyard again and sweat coated my forehead. The light breeze perfumed by the flowers was a welcome change from the suffocating air in Hades and I couldn’t say I was sad to be back.

    Hecate, a moment of your time, please? a voice said from behind me.

    I closed the entrance to the Underworld properly before I bothered turning around. A familiar woman stepped out of the shadows, her notebook already held out.

    Now is not a good time. I sighed, not in the mood to deal with Cassandra. After a long night in the Underworld, I wanted a hot bath and a good book. Neither of which were possible when I had a Hermes reporter on my doorstep.

    She followed me regardless. I won't take long. I just want to know how you feel about the fact that the temple Zeus has launched an official Inquisition. Are you worried about what they'll find? Do you think you might lose your position?

    No comment.

    Cassandra released a long sigh. Ah, come on. Give me something to work with here, Hecate. I was hoping to write an article about you and what this Inquisition means.

    I don't get why, most people don't care about my position or what I do.

    Because you don't talk about it.

    I gave her what I hoped was a withering stare. I shouldn't have to talk about it, people know who I am, they pray and curse in my name.

    Cassandra lowered her notebook, her curious look morphing into a kind smile. A lot of people, particularly younger people, don't know what you do, Hecate. You know your position doesn't hold the same glamour as it has done historically.

    I didn't need a reporter from Hermes to tell me that. I was well aware at how much my position had diminished compared to the past, my empty temple made that clear as day.

    Ignoring the stabbing pain in my chest, I greet the black dog waiting by one of the columns. Hey, Mávros. Have you been a good boy guarding our home?

    My companion barked and wagged his tail in response.

    Are you hungry? I asked, tickling his soft chin. He yipped and shot an inquisitive look at the priest. I smooshed his face affectionately. Don’t pay attention to him, he’s just leaving.

    Cassandra sighed. Look, Hecate, if you just agreed to do regular interviews with me, I'll make sure the articles will have a good place in the Daily Lyre and on our blog. It could really help with boosting your popularity.

    I don't think so. All this PR and social media stuff is just not my thing. I just want to do my job.

    Cassandra took a step closer. I admire your dedication, truly. But evolving with the times is part of the job too.

    I'm too tired for all this. Too old, I told her honestly. Maybe I was a fool for talking to a journalist but as far as reporters went, Cassandra was one of the more respectful and kind ones. And it had been a while since I'd had company. As much as I preferred being on my own, sometimes the loneliness could get overwhelming.

    She offered me another smile. I understand. I shouldn't have come tonight, I'm sorry for bothering you, Hecate.

    I gave her a light wave of my hand. It's fine. Just... write whatever you want in your column. The truth matters less than what people want to hear, anyway.

    Not to me, that's why I'm here asking you about it instead of coming up with the answer in my office, Cassandra said, pulling out her notebook. I don't need more than a line, something to quote you on.

    Fine. I rubbed my temples. I honestly don't care about the Inquisition. If Zeus wants to inspect my temple, that's their prerogative. They have the jurisdiction for that, I just don't think they have the qualifications to judge whether I'm still effective in my role or not. They haven't been doing this job for the last two hundred years, I have.

    Cassandra's pen squiggled so fast, I could hear it scratch into the paper.

    Thank you. I won't twist anything you said, I promise, she said. The sincerity was clear in her voice and past precedent had proven that she was trustworthy.

    I managed a smile. I know. Now if you don't mind, I'm really tired from being in the Underworld.

    Right, of course. Cassandra put her notebook away and bowed ever so slightly. Thanks again, I really appreciate it. Umm, good luck with the Inquisition. I'm just going to leave my card again, if you ever have more to say on the subject, you know how to reach me.

    Out of politeness, I accepted the business card from her. Mávros wagged his tail, thinking it was a treat or something interesting and followed me happily into the temple where the silence was overwhelmingly loud. I put the business card on the dresser with all the others and the official letter from the temple of Zeus about the Inquisition.

    Despite what I'd told the reporter, I was worried. The previous Zeuses had often threatened to send official Inquisitors to

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