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The Thirteenth Tribe
The Thirteenth Tribe
The Thirteenth Tribe
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The Thirteenth Tribe

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At the end of the last ice age, a scientific expedition from the planet Thuban arrived on Earth with the purpose of classifying the planet. They landed in an area of the Persian Gulf that is now submerged by the sea. A young Kabyriana named Aalia Elkal served as the supervisor of the High Commission for the Eden Planets. However, things did not go as planned, and instead of studying ecosystems, large-scale genetic experiments were conducted. Nothing was as it seemed. The creation of a powerful and immortal race by the Creator Fathers could lead to the extinction of the human species.
Release dateJul 18, 2023
The Thirteenth Tribe

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    Book preview

    The Thirteenth Tribe - Diego Fontana

    Table of Contents

    The Thirteenth Tribe | Diego Fontana

    The Thirteenth Tribe


    Planet Eden

    Two archers and a trip to Rome

    Catastrophe in Rome

    Andrew Ross in the office

    Ivan of the Cave

    Lucius in action

    A strange case

    Circle of 12 Tribes - Session 132

    But it's Blue! It looks like it's made of water

    Akija Meshen

    The storyteller

    The Net

    The journey of the Third Born



    The day before

    Contact Point

    A new beginning

    Castle Island’s battle


    The Circle of Thirteen Tribes

    Two years later - Planet Delta Thuban

    Two years later – Planet Earth

    The Thirteenth Tribe

    Diego Fontana


    Translated by Talía García 

    The Thirteenth Tribe

    Written By Diego Fontana

    Copyright © 2023 Diego Fontana

    All rights reserved

    Distributed by Babelcube, Inc.

    Translated by Talía García

    Babelcube Books and Babelcube are trademarks of Babelcube Inc.

    The Thirteenth Tribe

    Eden’s Guardian Volume 2

    by A. e D. Fontana

    3rd Edition

    Copyright 2013 - 2023 – Antonino and Diego Fontana

    All rights reserved

    License of use

    This ebook is licensed for personal entertainment use. This ebook may not be resold or transferred to other individuals.

    If you wish to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this ebook and have not purchased it for your sole use, please return to the eBook Store and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    To Francesca


    Planet Eden

    Two Archers and a Trip to Rome

    Catastrophe in Rome

    Andrew Ross in the Office

    Ivan of the Cave

    Lucius in Action

    A Strange Case

    Circle of the 12 Tribes - Session 132

    But It's Blue! It Looks Like Water

    Akija Meshen

    The Storyteller

    The Net

    The Journey of the Third Born



    The Day Before

    Contact Point

    A New Beginning

    The Battle of Castle Island


    The Circle of the Thirteen Tribes

    Two Years Later - Planet Delta Thuban

    Two Years Later - Planet Earth

    The Authors

    Planet Eden

    In the year 57.12.57, the General Assembly of the United Planets (U.P.) approved the law establishing the Planets Eden (P.E.).

    The following year, the President issued the decree establishing the High Commissionerate of the Planets Eden (H.C.P.E.) with full powers over the establishment and management of the Planets Eden.

    Planets where natural processes can occur without external influences, dedicated to the preservation of biodiversity, natural resources, and scientific studies, are called Eden.

    All scientific and commercial expeditions are required to report to the H.C.P.E. the new planets to be explored and submit the first report within twenty revolutions of the planet around its star.

    No activity on the exploring planet is permitted without the authorization of the H.C.P.E.

    Transgressors will be punished with the maximum penalty existing in their home planet, as decreed by the High Commissioner of the Planets Eden, with no possibility of appeal.

    For the establishing laws, please refer to the legislative database of the United Planets.

    Back to index

    Two archers and a trip to Rome

    Venezuela. Atuana Tepuy. 8th of April 2013. 10:21am.

    Rome. Titus had just finished breakfast. Rome. He hadn't said a word. Rome. Titus couldn't think of anything else. Rome. He had been whipped, crucified, and had his legs broken in Rome. He died hanging on a wooden cross on the Appian Way. Rome. That word brought up too many buried memories. Rome. He had arrived in Rome as a child with his father. The tent of a legionary and him, only eight years old, sold as a slave. Rome. His father walking away with a bag full of sesterces. Rome. General Anco Marzio, Brutus, the Legion, the Picts, the battles, Hadrian's Wall. Rome. A tomb, a gravestone with three maple leaves engraved, Adsullata buried there. Antonio reading a book. Rome. Adsullata, his beloved. He still loved her today, after almost two millennia. He hadn't known any other woman after her, and he was proud and proud of it. It was his way of remembering her and paying for his guilt. The guilt of being reckless, the guilt of thinking ill of his commander, the guilt of acting on instinct. The blame for the death of the slave priestess was his and his alone. That's why he wandered restlessly and sadly through the cave without a specific task. He headed towards the training cave, hoping that the exertion would make him forget that word. Rome.

    Ivan had been missing for two days, ever since Milo and TJ had brought him what he had requested. He only showed up for meals and then disappeared with Adam. He spent his time in the armory at the workbenches or on the computer. He was always busy.

    Autumn spent most of her time in her clinical laboratory. No one, except Jay, knew exactly what she was doing in there, but she was busy with her experiments. From what they could gather, the clinical tests involved Jay's blood and Nick's sympathetic genetic mutation.

    Milo, Jay, and Antonio were busy preparing for the trip to Rome. They didn't know what would happen after Jay made the phone call. They wanted to be prepared for any eventuality and therefore tried to come up with a plan that included both capturing Nilus Blackhill and safe escape routes for themselves. They were aware that Rome could be a nightmare for everyone. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't find suitable areas for their purposes. An eventual confrontation would most likely take place in the area of St. Peter's Square, perhaps the most frequented tourist and religious area in the world. There would be passersby even in the middle of the night, and involuntarily involving someone would be very dangerous. They were also stuck with the escape route until Milo intervened.

    Why don't we create it? Milo suggested.

    What do we create? Antonio asked.

    An escape route.

    Right, it can be done, confirmed Jay, wasting no time. Computer! Give me a map of Rome on the table.

    Executing, Jay, Computer immediately responded.

    A complete map of Rome, with high details, was projected onto the table. They stood silently looking at it for a couple of minutes until Milo had another idea. He approached the table, gestured in the air as if touching the map, and highlighted some streets that led from St. Peter's Square to the Colosseum.

    Computer, color the selected area blue. Here: Colosseum, Via dei Fori Imperiali. It's a straight road, you can go at maximum speed. It's easy to close off traffic. Let's cause some disruptions, the authorities will be forced to close it, at least for one night. What do you think?

    I think it can be done. And I already have a half-idea on how, replied Antonio.

    Okay, organize everything. As soon as we're ready, we'll leave. Now let's go have lunch, I'm hungry, added Jay before leaving the Skywalk.

    Jay silently headed towards the common room, he was worried, too worried. He didn't know what to expect in Rome. That Nilus Blackhill was a mystery, as was the First Tribe. He would have wanted to leave everyone safe in the cave and go alone. What leader takes their family into battle? Exactly! He had reconsidered it, his family was in the cave, not an army of unknown soldiers. What would happen if something went wrong? He couldn't allow anyone to get hurt. That's why he would take every possible precaution to keep everyone away from danger. He would use Ivan as the communications coordinator. That boy, kept safe in a control room, would make a difference. The presence of Autumn comforted him, having a fully equipped war surgeon with him and her team was reassuring.

    That day, Eve had decided on a beef and pork barbecue. She was serving ribs and T-bone steaks smothered in spicy sauce, all accompanied by French fries. Everyone was delighted. Antonio was the only one missing, and when he entered, he announced that he was ready for Rome and that they could leave at any time. Jay turned to Ivan and asked if he would be ready by tomorrow after dinner, around 8 p.m. Departing at that time, they would arrive in Rome around 6 a.m. Italian time. They would also find Jay's Roman residence ready to accommodate them.

    I'll definitely be ready.

    Milo, intrigued by Ivan's secretive preparations, asked, What are you working on that's so complicated? He had been trying to figure it out for the past two days, but Ivan had evaded all his questions, simply saying it would be a surprise.

    Well then, it's settled. Tomorrow evening, we'll depart for Rome. Get ready, Jay declared before taking a bite of his fourth steak.

    Venezuela. Atuana Tepuy. April 9, 2013. 9:43 p.m.

    The shuttle was filled with medical supplies and equipment. Autumn had brought her field operating room, while Ivan arrived with a large crate, accompanied by Adam, who seemed inseparable from him. Titus was forced to sit with his legs spread apart, with a box in front of him. Antonio, as always, remained calm, although he seemed to avoid eye contact with Autumn. The awkwardness between them was evident. TJ enjoyed observing their behavior. They seemed perfect for each other, but when would they realize it? Antonio would never openly court Autumn. He was very reserved and respectful when it came to courtship.

    Milo was at the controls in the cockpit with Jay when he activated the intercom. Make yourselves comfortable. The journey will take about four hours, and we'll arrive in Rome at 6 a.m. local time. Ladies and gentlemen, now for a little show. Computer, activate the visual.

    The walls of the Flying Coso seemed to dissolve from the inside, no longer existing. They could see the cave all around them. Then the wall facing the outside began to slide, and the shuttle lifted a few meters, gliding slowly outside. The shuttle remained suspended in mid-air until the wall behind it closed. They found themselves leaning against a rocky wall halfway up, with a breathtaking view. Suddenly, the Flying Coso started climbing the cliff until it reached the edge. Below them, they saw the flat summit of the mountain illuminated by the stars. The fantastic sight lasted only briefly as the shuttle made a half-rotation, gaining speed, and they felt the sensation of flying freely in the sky. Ivan wasn't happy with this choice; he clung to the seat with his eyes closed, overcome by vertigo. Autumn noticed and asked Milo to make the walls opaque, which was immediately done.

    Sorry, Ivan, Milo said, feeling mortified.

    It's not your fault, Ivan replied.

    Autumn took a small jar from her backpack, opened it, and took out a tiny pill. Ivan, put this under your tongue. It will help with the motion sickness, and for a few days, you won't feel dizzy.

    Italy. West of Rome. April 10, 2013. 6:27 a.m.

    They landed in a residence along Via Pontina, about 3 km from the Grande Raccordo Anulare that encircles Rome. The shuttle entered directly into a large hangar and stopped humming. The hatch in its belly opened. They had arrived. Just outside the makeshift hangar, they saw a door of the nearby building open, and a figure appeared in the doorway. It moved swiftly, almost jerkingly, and in an instant, it reached them and threw itself into Jay's arms. They all recognized him—it was Nick, the librarian. After the usual pleasantries with Jay, he affectionately hugged everyone else. Ivan had stopped questioning things; he accepted everything as natural. Nick puzzled him; he should have been so old as to be dead, yet here he stood, vital as a child. Ivan finally figured it out—he was a child.

    Mr. Sokolov, I'm glad to see you. It's a shame about our dear Maple. Jay promised me he'll rebuild her even better than before, and you and I will be there again, Nick said.

    I hope so, Nick. I would even be satisfied with the old Maple. How are you? Ivan replied.

    I'm good, always good. It's great here. We eat well, and we're in Rome, Caput Mundi. There are so many libraries here.

    Jay's villa, like everything related to Jay, was enormous. The entrance hall had already been cleaned, the floor polished, and the walls adorned with ancient Renaissance paintings and antique statues that would be coveted by the finest museums in the world. A large table occupied the center of the immense hall, which might have originally been used as a grand ballroom by some Roman patrician. On the opposite wall from the entrance, two huge flights of stairs with travertine balustrades led to the upper floors. Below the stairs, there was a large opening with three doors that led to the living quarters that were once occupied by the staff. Nick had arranged their accommodations there, as the upper noble floors were unused. Jay called everyone together.

    Finish setting everything up, and during breakfast, we'll discuss our plans. Good work, everyone. Oh... Ivan, can I talk to you? In private? Jay requested.

    Ivan was taken aback, hoping it would be Anne, but it wasn't. Jay had grown fond of the boy, and if he didn't treat him well, who would tell Anne?

    Tell me, Jay. Any news about Anne? Ivan asked.

    No, not yet. Unfortunately, she's fine and knows that you're with me. You'll hear from her soon. Can you do me a favor? Jay replied.

    Now poor Ivan was flustered. Jay's face looked troubled.

    Yes, of course, Jay.

    Next time before you dismantle another piece of the Flying Coso, let me know in advance, Jay said.

    Ivan paled; Jay had figured it out before the surprise. He wanted to give him a surprise.

    You see, I thought that the ramp that descended every time the hatch opened, made of that metal, was unnecessary in the shuttle. So I replaced it with a steel ramp. With Adam's help, I created two powerful bows for Titus and Antonio. From what I understand, firearms are difficult to use against the First Tribe. And I made thin strips that I sewed inside a leather suit for TJ, so he could help if needed. Plus, I had some leftover metal, enough for a few other things. I know that the weapons and armor of the Legionnaires are made of metal... Ivan rambled.

    Stop! Stop! Don't say anything else. I know everything you've done. Next time, let me know in advance, okay? Jay interrupted.

    Of course, Jay! I'm sorry, Ivan apologized.

    Jay smiled.

    Sorry, well done anyway. Now let's go have breakfast and see what Nick has prepared.

    Nick proved to be a cook equal to Eve, or even better. He knew cookbooks by heart and never made a mistake in any cooking method. His technique was perfect, blending it with his creativity to create original dishes worthy of five stars. He prepared a fantastic tiramisu accompanied by warm croissants with quince jam and a splendid cappuccino. He started by serving a magnificent espresso.

    A little attention, please.

    Jay waited a few seconds and continued.

    Our Ivan has gifts for us. Please, Ivan, show us.

    Ivan quickly got up, blushing. His cutlery flew to the center of the table, and a splash of warm jam with a perfect parabola hit Titus.

    Sorry, sorry, I apologize, Titus.

    In response, Titus tasted the splatter of jam.

    Delicious! Boy, you're the first in history to hit me so sweetly.

    They all laughed. Ivan, relieved, presented his gifts.

    Adam, please bring everything over.

    The flying robot placed a huge box behind Ivan. He turned around like a magician and took out some tiny objects.

    These are newly designed bone conduction earphones/microphones. They transmit voice vibrations when placed in the ear. They were made from cellphone Bluetooth. They operate in an open circuit and can be turned on and off with a voice command. With these in your ears, we can always communicate. Of course, C. encrypted them, and they cannot be traced by anyone.

    Then he pulled out modified Apple phones.

    These iPhones look like regular phones, but they've been modified. It's like having a computer with you at all times. You can interact with it directly using your voice.

    Finally, he presented what looked like tiny pins.

    Miniaturized HD cameras to be worn as pins or buttons. They transmit everything to the computer and can also be controlled with the phones.

    Ivan turned to TJ and took out a suit from the box.

    This is for you. It's a two-layer tactical suit made of leather. I sewed blue metal strips as armor inside, and I also embedded the phone, earphones, and cameras in the fabric. Activate everything with voice commands and use these glasses as augmented reality monitors. They will provide you with tactical information based on where you're looking, at your command.

    Ivan handed her a pair of glasses made of a thin sheet of transparent blue metal. Then he took another pair.

    These glasses are for you, Milo. I've put everything in your armor.

    Beautiful, Ivan. Thank you, Milo and TJ said in unison.

    For the two of you, he said, addressing the Legionnaires. I've prepared these, showing two fantastic-looking bows.

    "They're made of the same metal as your swords, so you can use the bow without fear of breaking it. Each bow has only one special arrow made of the same metal. Understand that

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