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Olympus Café: A Sip of Eternity
Olympus Café: A Sip of Eternity
Olympus Café: A Sip of Eternity
Ebook46 pages33 minutes

Olympus Café: A Sip of Eternity

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Join Aria Shaw in this thrilling YA fantasy as she weaves together the vibrant energy of city life, the allure of ancient mythology, and the intoxicating aroma of coffee in Olympos Café. Prepare to be transported to a world where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and where the pursuit of identity and destiny intertwine in a tale of courage, love, and the boundless power of dreams.

PublisherMate Herczegh
Release dateJul 13, 2023
Olympus Café: A Sip of Eternity

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    Book preview

    Olympus Café - Aria Shaw


    In the wake of Zeus's sudden disappearance, an event shrouded in mystery, the Olympian gods found themselves adrift, disoriented, and yearning for a sense of belonging. Stripped of their celestial abode, they were forced to adapt to a new reality—a realm where they lived among the mortals, assuming the guise of ordinary men and women.

    No longer adorned in resplendent armor or surrounded by the ethereal radiance of their divine essence, the gods learned to walk amongst humans, their visages transformed to mirror those they now dwelled among. Their majestic forms concealed beneath humble appearances, they roamed the earth, mingling with humanity, their true nature veiled from mortal eyes.

    As I, Hermes, stand as both observer and modest participant in their unfolding stories, I invite you, dear reader, to venture forth and witness the extraordinary lives of the gods who have journeyed far from the lofty peaks of Mount Olympus. Welcome to Olympos Café, where the gods hold their weekly support group meetings, bridging the divine and the mortal in a symphony of experiences that transcends the bounds of time itself.

    Chapter 1: Celestially Screwed

    Okay, so here’s the deal. My life’s been a total dumpster fire, starting from my broken home situation. My dad, nowhere to be found. And my mom? Yeah, she's a pill-addict, with a rotating door of loser boyfriends who can't control their tempers. Can you say ‘hot mess’? Well, that's my life.

    But hey, I'm Chloe, and I'm all about turning this crapshow around. I'm in my last year of high school, and my mission is crystal clear: get my little sis, Emily, the heck outta here. That means saving up every penny I make from my part-time job, so we can rent a flat and escape this hellhole we call home.

    After months of hustling and scrimping, I finally scraped together enough cash to secure a place. I can't even describe how stoked I am about this. Just the thought of having our own space, away from the chaos, makes my heart do a happy dance. Normalcy, here we come!

    So, today was the big day. I stood in front of the door to our rented flat, clutching the key like it was the key to a whole new life. And you know what? It kinda was. I swung the door open, and that fresh paint smell hit me like a breath of fresh air. This was gonna be our sanctuary—a place where Em and I could finally catch a break.

    Lost in my daydreams, I headed back home, feeling lighter than ever. The streets were packed, but there was this one dude who caught my eye. He stood out from the crowd, like he was from another planet or something. Super mysterious vibes, you know?

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