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Luna Abigail: Fire Mate of The Dragon
Luna Abigail: Fire Mate of The Dragon
Luna Abigail: Fire Mate of The Dragon
Ebook229 pages4 hours

Luna Abigail: Fire Mate of The Dragon

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So, they do not know we are her mate and they think she has another mate? I will not allow ANYONE to touch my princess.' Loch says in my mind.
'I know! I will not allow that to happen either, but then we need to get to her before that nincompoop can get his mangy hands on her. He already stole everything from us, he is not getting our mate.' I answer with new determination.
Amber is the daughter of Queen Abigail and King Mathew, along with her twin brother Maze, she is expected to lead by example. The twins are as different as they come. Where Maze is hot headed and short tempered, Amber is calm and collected.
Amber is a fire elemental, and her powers are stronger than anyone has seen in centuries, and this fact only adds to the expectations of her as the future queen.
In the shadows, an old enemy lurks to use Amber and her brother as a pawn in their end game, while Amber tries to navigate her life. On her 18th birthday, she discovers that she is mated to the future dragon king of the west kingdom, and if that wasn't complicated enough, she is also kidnapped to the kingdom by her mate's father.
In the dragon lands, Amber will have to learn how to navigate politics, new costumes, love, and betrayal.

Release dateJul 17, 2023
Luna Abigail: Fire Mate of The Dragon

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Where are chapters 156-165? These are missing leading into book 4.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The ending? Can’t be with one task left to go?
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Where is the rest of the book? On dream there is more of this book...

Book preview

Luna Abigail - NatachaH

CHAPTER 107 Birthday Surprises

Amber's POV

I'm flying, the wind in my hair makes it flow around me. The beast underneath me growls in centent, his wings going up and down in a rhythmic fashion. We are flying towards the sunset, the ground just a tiny spot under us - and I feel free! The feeling settles in my heart, as the beast rumbles in a chuckle. His body is warm against me, the sparks of the bond between us calms and excites me.

'Soon, my beautiful. Soon.' He says in my mind.

I wake with a smile. The feeling of the calming dream still swirling in my body.

My familiar Flick - a fire spirit, makes some unhappy sounds as my sudden awakening from the dream woke her too.

The dream is always the same. I'm flying on an unseen beast - which I have concluded is a dragon. The voice is male, and I can feel the love from him even as I lay awake in my bed. The feeling is both assuring and confusing at the same time. Why would a dragon love me?

I've had the dream since childhood, and as the years go by the dream evolves. Now he can fly, being adult and full grown in his beast form.

When I started with the dreams as a little girl, I used to sit in a wildflower field. A boy would come and sit beside me. We would talk. Always about different things, and I would wake up in the wee hours of the morning with a smile.

The boy grew as the years went by. He seemed a couple of years older than me, and when I asked him in one of our dream talks. He confirmed my suspicion. We grew close, and I told no one of my dream friends.

My parents would go absolutely ballistic if they knew.

You see.

My name is Amber, and I am the daughter of King Matthew and Queen Abigail of Silver Moon. I'm a twin, and my brother's name is Maze. We are as different as they come.

Maze is chaotic, hotheaded and short-tempered. He loves fiercely and protects his family at all costs. He has had the ability to shift since the day we were born, whereas I have the gift of fire. I am a fire elemental, which means I spend a lot of time on meditation and reading about, and training control.

Growing up as the only daughter of the King and Queen of two factions may sound like living the dream? But it is actually a nightmare.

On our eighteen birthday, our parents sat us down and told us about a prophecy called The Destiny Children. We are going to be either the savior or the demise of the realm. Gee, no pressure at all. Maze got angry in two seconds flat and yelled at our parents. My mother responded by tying him to the chair with wind chains and covering his mouth. If he couldn't keep quiet, she would.

It didn't help his temper.

After that fiasco, they told us they had a visit when we were little by dragons, who claimed I was mated to one of theirs. I vaguely remember this, but it's a bit blurry on the edges. After that revelation, they looked at me for a reaction.

The only thing they got was a stray tear down my cheek. Maze, however, as my twin felt the utter chaos inside me. How the hell were we supposed to save the realm? And how, HOW could I have a dragon for a mate, huh? I felt like screaming and kicking like a petulant child, but as my mother often reminded me; you are the next witch Queen. Behave like it.

If that is all for now, I think we need to get back out to everyone who is waiting, I say calmly. Maze's eyes are bulging out of his head, but I know something he doesn't. His mate is out there. I overheard my parents talking last night. I will handle the dragons and the war when that bridge comes. At that thought, the flaming chaos inside me subsides. At the same time, I remember the dreams. Could the boy and dragon from my dreams have been my mate all along?

Come on, brother. Stop acting like the brat you really are. I say teasingly, as my mother releases him from the wind chains.

How are you this calm? He asks in a whisper, and I only shake my head. Another time, dear brother, I think to myself.

At the party, Maze stops dead in his tracks. He smells her, and I can't be happier, but before they can claim each other, Josephine, the pack slut, jumps at my brother and kisses his tongue deep. My eyes catch Mira Rose, who is crying silently. She turns and leaves.

I grab the hair of the slut, yanks her away from Maze who looks utterly confused and sends her flying. The she-wolf lands on her flat ass, swearing and cursing.

What the fuck, Josephine?! I ask while staring at the angry woman. She scowls, and threatens me with all sorts of punishment when she is Luna of the pack.

I roll my eyes. Hell will freeze over before someone as utterly disgusting as she becomes anything but a thorn in my side.

Oh, would you shut up already?! I ask before turning to Maze. I will surely kick his ass about this later, but now we need to get the rightful Luna back here.

Where's Mira? What happened? Maze asks in a daze, before the reality of the situation dawns on him.

Go find her and fix this! NOW! I say as I smack him on the back of his head.

As he runs in the direction of his distraught mate, a shadow falls on the ground where the party is held. A large dragon lands right in front of me. Well, at least they didn't waste any time.

CHAPTER 108 Missing a Mate

Amber's POV

The dragon's land on all four legs, before shifting back to their human form. I can't take my eyes off them.

Remembering the feeling of the wing's motion, the warmth of the beast underneath me. I blush. My mother and father walk hand in hand to meet with the visitors. I start walking in the same direction, when a desperate mind-link from Maze sends me running into the woods instead.

'AMBER! She's gone. I can't find her. WHERE IS MY MATE?!' Maze screams at me. I assure him I'm on my way. I hear my mother calling my name, but instead of answering I send Flick to explain.

Usually, I am the only one who can understand her, but when she wants it, others understand her just as well. It's up to her.

I arrive at the usual spot, where Ezra, Joshua, Mira Rose, me, and Maze used to go when we were children and angry at the world. We five have always been very close. The other twins were born the same night as Maze and I.

He is running around looking in every direction, but she is nowhere to be found.

You're sure she ran this way, brother? I ask him, as I try to mind-link my best friend.

Of course I'm sure! But why isn't she here? He asks rather frantically. I shrug my shoulders, as we hear running feet in the forest ground. We both know it's our parents. Their auras are very distinct.

Maze, Amber! What is the meaning of this? My mother asks, her hands on her hips. My father stands just behind her, silently observing.

I... I can't find Mira Rose. She's... She's my mate. Maze answers sounding utterly defeated.

She's left the pack. My mother says, her brows furrowed in confusion. She mind-linked me, just after that girl jumped you - which was highly inappropriate I must add, asking permission to leave for a while. She needed to think things over.

Mother looks guiltily at us. She is probably regretting giving the future gamma female - who is actually the future Luna, permission to leave. And no! We usually do not need to ask permission, so hold your horses, but she IS or WAS the future gamma along with the triplet boys born to Jasmin and Johnathan, so her training needs to be put on hold while she is away - therefore you seek the permission with the ruling Alpha or Luna. In this case - the queen and king.

Damn, my brother was out of luck today!

Where did she go? I need to explain myself. I need her back here with me. Maze asks desperately.

I don't know, honey. She didn't specify. But we will reach out to the others when the party's over - I promise. We will get your mate back. My mother tries to reassure him. It's not working at all.

Speaking off. You need to explain yourself to her parents as well, Maze. And you need to get it together for your ceremony later tonight. You are going to be the ruling Alpha of the pack today, remember? Our father says quietly.

Maze shakes his head. I know what he is thinking. We ARE twins after all.

You can't avoid it, Maze, I whisper to him.

'I refuse to be Alpha as long as my mate is not here. Odin agrees with me. He is kicking my ass about Josephine.' Maze links me. I feel sorry for him, I do, but somehow this is his own damn fault. And now my best friend is missing.

'He's not the only one to be kicking your ass today, brother! But you need to get it together and become Alpha. Mom, Dad, and the whole pack are counting on you!' I link fiercely back. He shakes his head again.

Dad, can we postpone it? We are needing a new gamma, seeing as Mira is my mate and the future Luna. Even if she rejects me. He gulps. We will need another to take over the gamma position, as she can't be my ex mate and gamma of the pack. Maze inquires. Mom and Dad confer for a second before nodding.

I know, son. But as you know, the triplets are also training to be gammas - they share the same rank as Mira Rose after all. Father says, as the pain of the situation is clearly visible on his face.

We will tell the pack together. Mom announces.

All four of us walk back to the waiting crowd. As we emerge from the tree, Brandon and Morgan approach. Brandon is growling, and Morgan trying to calm down her husband. He is going straight for Maze, but before he can reach him I put up a firewall between them.

Stop, uncle. What are you doing? I ask. Brandon looks at me, but it is his wolf who answers.

Our daughter is gone, and it's all his fault! She told us everything. He growls, his eyes never leaving the place where my brother is hidden by the fire.

I sigh. This is going to be complicated, to say the least, and with the dragons. What a day. This was not how I pictured us celebrating our birthday. I thought my brother would have his mate, and I would be happy for him! My mom would announce me the queen to be, and dad would make Maze the next Alpha.

Not me having a mate, who has possibly visited me in my dreams, my brother's mate and my best friend missing and my uncle wanting to beat the crap out of said brother.

Brandon, this is all a misunderstanding. The young lady who assaulted our son is nothing to him. Right, Maze? My mother says, trying to solve the situation with diplomacy. She gives me a look that says; 'back off'.

I lower the firewall, and Maze is once again visible. He has heard everything that was said.

She did it to hurt Mira Rose, and because she wants to be Luna. I have turned her down repeatedly over the last year or so. I've never been interested. She's tried her luck with all the male ranked wolves here - even tried to get Amber to help her. Amber kicked her ass. Maze snickers. Brandon closes his eyes, and when he opens them his wolf has given back control. Maze lowers his head in shame. He knows he fucked up, even though he didn't encourage anything with Josephine.

Speaking of the she-devil, I will have to investigate what the hell happened with her thinking it would be appropriate to kiss my brother in such a public place in the first place.

CHAPTER 109 Latin for Fire

Amber's POV

I'm sorry. He's a bit edgy. Mira is our only daughter, and we want her here in the pack where she belongs, but she said she couldn't stay. She is younger than you, Maze, but she knew. The moment that girl kissed you, she and her counterpart knew. Morgan nods. She has tears in her eyes. They are both hurting.

Where did she go? Do you know? Maze asks, his eyes alight with hope. Both shake their heads.

She just said away, Morgan answers with a soft voice.

I put my arm around Maze, feeling his pain as my own. His mate was in his reach but she disappeared. I promise to find her in my head, but not before I kick that sluts ass. She is so dead when I am done with her. Ignis growls in my head. She wants the slut dead as well, but we know Mom would never let that happen. Dad, maybe, but Mom; never. Well, perhaps I could use the angle of her hurting her goddaughter AND her son.

I'm ripped out of my murderous thought process when someone snaps their fingers in front of my eyes. Maze.

He felt everything, and the smile in the corner of his mouth is not to be mistaken. He and Blake agree with us.

Come on, princess. We need to get you back. Mom says your flying prince charming is waiting rather impatiently. Maze mocks, while dragging my ass with him and the others. Dad and Uncle Brandon are discussing where Mira can be, and how to get her home as soon as possible. Mom is consoling Aunt Morgan. She is shaking her head at a question I couldn't hear.

As we all returned to the packhouse, a scent so strong I almost fell over and hit my nose. It's a mixture of ocean breeze and fresh strawberries. Weird, but so alluring.

Ignis suddenly takes control, growls at the crowd hiding the one with the scent, and moves at a fast pace to get to it sooner rather than later. I try to talk some sense into her, but she is refusing to listen.

'You were taking too long! I need to get to him. He's been in our dreams, and didn't introduce himself.' She leaves the sentence hanging, and I know she is part delighted and part angry with him for not telling us who he was all this time! I am too.

The crowd part ways, until I stand before an old tall man. The scowl on his face seems to be in a permanent state, and when I get near he scrunches his nose as if he is smelling something disgusting. Who the fuck he is I don't know, but if he plans on staying between me and that delicious smelling mate of mine, we are going to have a problem.

'Can I move him?' Ignis begs, her tongue hanging out in my mind, puppy dog eyes pleading with me.

'Not yet,' I answer while forcing her to step back. I fold my hands behind my back, as I have seen my father do so many times, and stare at the stranger.

Yes? I question, not breaking eye contact. He is on my territory and I am not backing down. Never have, never will.

So, you are the one my son claims to be his mate? That's ridiculous. He sneers. Another old man walks up to us. His face is calm and his eyes are kind. I smile without thinking, and the first man sneers again. What the hell is his problem anyway?!

Young Amber, how have you grown since we last saw you! The second man says while giving the first man a pointed look. He bows his head, takes one last dirty look at me, and moves aside.

I am sorry, sir. But I do not know who you are? I say as politely as I can, not showing him how nervous I am. He chuckles.

My name is Berion. I am the dragonwise - also known as the leader of the Elder Council of the dragons. You can call me Berion or Grandad, sweet child. My mouth hangs open. The dragonwise is the eldest and wisest of all dragons, and he likes me. Damn.

And the other man? I ask, as Berion leads me forward.

That was Callous. He's an old fart and the king of the west dragon kingdom. I shake my head. He had called my mate his son. That meant. Ah fuck! I so didn't want a mate who was royal.

Berion leads me to a group of younger people. They part ways for their council leader, and there in the back is... My mate. He is absolutely outstandingly gorgeous! His eyes light up when he sees me, and in a flash I'm in his arms. Electricity courses through me, as he locks his eyes on mine.

Hi! I breathe, and immediately scold myself for being a damsel, which I am NOT! But he is just... UGH!

'Uh huh! Our mate is a hunk, and you know it girl!' Ignis drools in my mind. She tells me with overjoy his beast has already reached out, and he accepts us both.

Hi! He answers with a dazzling smile, while making my inside burn with desire. Damn. I'm already half in his bed.

'Oh, please. We are already completely in his bed.' Ignis says, her tail wagging and her tongue hanging out shamelessly picturing our mate naked covered in sweat. Goodness, I have one horny wolf.

What's your name sweet mate? He asks, even though I

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