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The Female Archangels: Empower Your Life with the Wisdom of the 17 Archeiai
The Female Archangels: Empower Your Life with the Wisdom of the 17 Archeiai
The Female Archangels: Empower Your Life with the Wisdom of the 17 Archeiai
Ebook427 pages18 hours

The Female Archangels: Empower Your Life with the Wisdom of the 17 Archeiai

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Embody the Divine Feminine wisdom and consciousness of the Heavenly Archeiai

• Introduces 17 female Archangels and how to partner with them to evolve your life and your spiritual path of Ascension

• Shares wisdom and practical techniques to harness your Angelic power and create your version of Heaven on Earth

• Includes Angelic attunements, rituals, and journeys to help you embody the Divine Feminine as well as full-color illustrations embedded with Angelic energy and light codes for attuning to the frequencies of the Archeiai

Now is the time for the Archeiai, the female twin flames to the Archangels, to emerge more fully into our awareness. Exploring the enigma of these Angelic beings and the gifts they bring, Angel healing pioneer Calista introduces 17 of the most purposeful Archeiai—each named to symbolize the quality she represents, such as Grace, Clarity, or Joy. With their all-encompassing presence, the Archeiai can help you discover your potential and realize the origin of your fears and insecurities, allowing you to heal at the root. With potent Light codes and vibrations embedded in their images, these feminine luminaries invite you to attune to their frequencies so you can embody them to enrich your life and path of spiritual Ascension.

For each of the 17 Archeiai, Calista shares their direct loving guidance, virtuous qualities, crystal and plant associations, and ways to work with their alchemical rays. Rituals, practices, and attunements are then included to support you to step fully into your own Angelic consciousness. Let yourself be healed and empowered as your dreams manifest, your vibration expands, and your heart fills with Love.
Release dateSep 26, 2023


Calista is an award-winning author, speaker, and pioneer of spiritual Ascension. As a former cancer research scientist, she blends the seen and unseen realms into her certified modalities, Angel Healing® and Unicorn Healing®, which are taught worldwide. The author of several books, including The Female Archangels, Calista lives in Perthshire, Scotland.

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    The Female Archangels - Calista


    Much has changed on and around our beautiful planet since the release of this book back in March 2020. Ironically, the publication date fell on the first day of the UK lockdown—something I didn’t plan for, yet the angels did! They foresaw how humanity would awaken their potential during the great global reset, a time when many people felt powerless and were looking for ways to exert more empowerment in their lives. Enter the Archeiai, the Divine feminine angels! Heavenly luminaries who have been focusing their Light on Earth since 11/11/11 and are now reaching out to those ready to spark creative change and build a brighter New Earth.

    The birth of The Female Archangels came about as the result of my meeting and working with the Archeiai and introducing others to them over the last 15 years. It is the first book to solely profile who these blessed angels are and how we can partner with them to positively learn, change, and grow.

    Before sharing how the second edition differs from the original, I just want to say thank you to those who’ve taken the time to say how much the book has changed your lives, and how inspiring it’s been to see the Archeiai featured and represented in the works of other angel authors, especially those who initially discredited their existence. It’s another reminder to stay fluid in our beliefs, for there is always more to learn about Creation, more to rekindle and embrace.

    Seeing the Light of the Archeiai shared across social media via artwork and the art turned into an oracle deck is a dream come true! As are all the messages that serve as confirmations as to how meaningful this work is, such as Michelle’s note following:

    A personal thank you for creating your beautiful book and oracle cards. It’s such a joy to start my spiritual awakening by going through each card, and at specific ones I find myself saying, ‘oh, I know you!’ The tears and truth-bumps that come as names are put to the energies that have been helping me for so long, but just out of my sight. Thank you, what a gift!

    Changes You Can Expect

    Along with a brand-new cover (thank you, Archeia Grace), changes from the original include the addition of six new chapters, profiling Archeiai Hope, Harmony, Strength, Victory, Radiant, and Joy, and their teachings from the Angel Healing® therapy system, plus, their full-colour illustrations, an updated A–Z Angel Healing® Prescription Guide, and new handy reference tables. Each chapter has also been upgraded with more on-purpose content for our ascending age, including unpacking the importance of spiritual discernment, how to build stellar-like resilience, the art of angelic feng shui and angelic breathwork, how to see and sense angels more easily, and ways to work together to create fulfilling relationships, exuberant health, and financial freedom.

    Alongside the crystal allies associated with each angel, you’ll also find the plant allies. Blessing your space with these crystals and plants, working with their consciousness, and ingesting them as essences (where and when appropriate under the guidance of a licensed crystal/flower therapist) will close any perceived gaps between you and your angels, for crystal and flower essences work on the soul and Spirit body to bring about a deeper Resonance to our Divinity, and consequently, our angels.

    Whether this is your first dance with the Archeiai or you walk with them already, may this book provide a portal for the personal transformation you’re ready for, and then some!

    Open your wings. It’s time to fly!


    This book speaks to where we are as a collective human tribe. For eons, we’ve lived within a masculine-dominated society, where everything feminine is viewed as less worthy than its male counterpart. This has nothing to do with physical gender and all to do with our inner feminine and masculine qualities. The inherent feminine gifts of the unshackled heart—being, feeling, nurture, and flow—have been considered inferior to those qualities associated with the masculine ego: action, control, logic, and structure, creating an imbalance. Yet, suppressing the feminine is to deny our Divinity, for the feminine always gives birth to the masculine. We can harmonize our lives and help the world come into balance by integrating the feminine with the masculine, allowing both to be equal but unique in their strengths.

    A New Way to Connect with Angels

    As the Divine Feminine within all of us is asking to be empowered, so too is the Sacred Masculine ready to rise. The female archangels (aka the Archeiai) are responding to both needs. In 2020, a new seven-year ascension cycle began, in which the central theme is integration: coming into Divine union with all that we are. In this age, the masculine will come into peace and return to its sacred role of holding space for the feminine to move and create, while the feminine will no longer feel she needs to hide or act like a man to be heard. She’ll feel free and will honour the masculine fully, so they can unite and live in Divine balance within and without. In practice, the masculine and feminine inner wounds and stories we’ve been carrying will continue to emerge to be heard and transformed. This is nothing to be fearful of, for we’re ready to hold this in wholeness with all of life.

    In this guidebook for personal and global change, you’ll discover the parts of your being that feel out of sync with Source, and use tried-and-tested ways to bring yourself back into harmony. The Archeiai will help reveal where dis-ease (and its root cause) is showing up in your world, and together you’ll go on many inner journeys to reconcile what’s needed. You’ll come away with a better understanding of yourself and others, and how these energies play out within the world at large, all for the purpose of bringing about balance for all of Creation.

    An Angelic Evolution

    As more Sleeping Beauties awaken to the knowing that there’s more to life than what can be perceived physically, the nature of consciousness is shifting. Slowly but surely, the masculine hierarchy of the last Piscean Age, and its 2,000-year-old reign of interpreting God (aka, Source/Creator) as a singular, external entity, is dissolving. Emerging in its place is a vaster inner realization of the multi-dimensional and multi-universal nature of God. Many self-aware souls are now choosing to side-step limiting patriarchal beliefs to not just know Source but to feel Source as Source. Despite our entering the new Aquarian Age on 11/11/11, the transition from Pisces to Aquarius has been felt for many years and may yet be experienced for years to come. This is because everyone is on their individual path of Ascension.

    The angels are here to assist everyone in better understanding these changing times. Some are experiencing the shift into the Aquarian Age as a struggle, while for others it’s a joy. Yet, the angels have no hesitation or judgement in guiding those who are willing through this period of unprecedented growth. As we advance onward, so too is our perception of angels evolving. Archangels, who have come to humanity’s aid since the dawn of time, are now appearing alongside their feminine twin flame counterparts.

    Archeia Who?

    From the beginning, the predominant portrayal of angels has been in masculine form, for God has been viewed as being in the image of man. Similarly, in Christianity, the understanding of God as the Son has been exemplified by the symbol of Jesus Christ. In other religions, such as Buddhism, God is seen as the masculine form of Buddha, yet all the while there exists within the consciousness of an angel a feminine aspect.

    What I’m introducing here has nothing to do with biological gender (given that angels are non-physical beings), but more to do with the energetic vibration of an angel, which can emanate—and be sensed through our Awareness—as either male or female. Much like how a coin has two sides but is still one coin, an angel has two sides, too.

    The feminine quality of an angel represents the seed of Creation, while the masculine is the flower that develops from this virtue, shaped through will and action. The Archeiai are therefore the existential essence of each Archangel; their inner, energetic potential, or as it is sometimes referred to, their twin flame. Since 11/11/11, the Archeiai have been focusing their Light on our planet to help humanity birth into higher states of Awareness as we come into wholeness with all that we are. These universal angels reflect the great potential and worth we’re all born with and, as such, are masters at helping us to empower our feminine energy, no matter the gender, culture, or creed we identify with.

    To date, there’s only a sprinkling of information about the Archeiai in other books, and much of this has been lifted from misconstrued religious doctrine. What you’ll learn in this book (or more precisely, remember) has been experienced first-hand through connecting with these incredible luminaries. And so, please get to know the Archeiai directly, drawing your own conclusions from the many experiences you enjoy together. Talk to them. Question them. Channel them. Embody them. Ask them how you can support their evolution. Creating mutual intentions will foster a closer resonance between you both, while catalyzing the shifts you want to see in your life.

    In most instances, the Archeiai complement the Divine attributes of each twin Archangel, and vice versa. Neither is a separate being, but each reflects the other, which means inviting one aspect always gives rise to the other. Yet, there’s something altogether magical in inviting the Archeiai in solely. You’ll know what I mean in practice!

    To make your connection easier, in Appendix I, you’ll find two tables that summarize the 17 Archeiai profiled within this book, including who their masculine twin is, the spiritual rays of Light they serve on, their colour manifestations, their energetic influence, their key message and affirmation to connect to them, and their crystal and plant allies. To partner with the angels further and bolster your well-being journey, you’ll find the Angel Healing® Prescription Guide in Appendix II. This multipurpose directory is based upon a decade of Angel Healing® practitioner and client breakthroughs and includes close to 400 dis-ease symptoms and the best angels to resolve them.

    Bringing Angels to Life

    Each chapter (except the first and last) profiles a different Archeia. You’ll learn intimate ways to connect with them and the means to attune with and embody their Light. A depiction of each Archeia crowns their corresponding chapter. If you’re like me, you’ll want to flick through the book now and have a look-see! I teamed up with my Lebanese soul sis’star and Angel Healing® Practitioner Marie-Joe Fourzali to create the artwork.

    We had so much fun channelling the Archeiai. Each one touched our lives in magical ways. Some illustrations, like that of Archeia Constance, the angel of Universal Ascension, took over a month to produce due to all the personal shifts she kept inspiring! In total, it took us six years to produce the artwork to convey and portray the vibration and consciousness of the angels. Each image has layers of Spiritual Rays and alchemical angelic fires of coloured light, sacred geometry and Ascension codes, crystals, and animals associated with each angel, plus sparkly nuances and light codes to bring the angels to life! We invite you to meditate with these living, breathing works of art, so you can equally experience the magic. Be prepared, though—it’ll be an adventure in and of itself! Please do screenshot the Archeiai images and share/follow on social media using the hash tags #TheFemaleArchangels and @TheFemaleArchangels. We’d love to connect with you.

    How to Fully Juice This Book

    How many times have you read a high-vibe book but skimmed its exercises? Perhaps you had every intention of going back to do them later, but life got in the way, or you felt you didn’t have the time— as a working single mama of three young children, I feel you! Yet, dear sis’star/brother, when you prioritize gifting yourself with what awaits, this uplifting book turns into a life-changing catalyst to spark all you’ve been calling in and, together with your angels, you’ll create that juicy life you’ve always imagined.

    So go get a journal and pen, if you don’t have one already. Enjoy the ceremonies, meditations, and magical me-time moments, the Rise Like an Angel exercises that ask you to pause and speak directly with each Archeia. The more time you dedicate to this process of self-healing and empowerment, the greater will be your transformation. Trust me when I say, positive change is inevitable when you make your joy a priority. Plus, the moment you invite the Archeiai into your life, your reality will rise!

    Within this book, you’ll also find the staple of Angel Healing®: the attunements. Light-codes, light-language, angelic activations—all are trendy buzzwords in the modern spiritual arena, yet the angel attunements throughout this book have an ancient origin and are encoded (as the artwork is) to transport you to a special room in Heaven, reserved for passing on Angel Healing® attunements only.

    These energetic transmissions, whereby the consciousness of the angels blends with your own, create a bond that by its very nature is healing. Receiving attunements supports Divine remembrance and helps you reclaim soul and Spirit fragments, much like a jigsaw puzzle coming together, enabling the corner pieces and the picture of who you are and why you’re here to be revealed. As attunements are a vibrational experience, I highly recommend you get in touch to receive a free audio download created to escort you into Heaven or access this at

    And so, Shining One, let’s begin! Divine alchemy awaits in the most miraculous of ways! Prepare for your deepest power to be evoked, stirred, poked, and prodded as you shatter limiting paradigms and create space for Source to flood in. Let go of the old, let in the new, embrace the change, embrace You!

    Chapter 1


    I AM ready to fly

    We’ve all experienced the moment of standing on a precipice with the opportunity to leap into a new way of being and seeing. Life has caused us to change direction, and in doing so, we’re faced with the chance to either evolve and explore a new landscape or stay the same and continue to cycle only what we know. The question is whether we’ll leap consciously. Life will invariably cause us to jump at some point, but do we jump on our own terms, or do we fumble forward because we feel pushed by an external circumstance? Expansion occurs either way, but oh, is conscious leaping far more thrilling and fulfilling!

    My First Step Forward

    Prior to becoming spiritually aware, I felt more pushed at these inception points than empowered to jump of my own accord. This was okay, because I didn’t know any alternative. More accurately, I’d forgotten, for as a child, I knew angels had my back.

    My gran raised me alongside my mum. I loved staying at my gran’s house, as she was the best baker and she always let me lick the cake bowl! She was kind, grounded, and had a magical affinity with Mother Earth. If she wasn’t in her kitchen, she was in her garden, tending to her veggies. The only aspect I didn’t enjoy about staying at my gran’s house was sleeping there, for her house was haunted.

    Two hundred years prior, the garage that adjoined the bottom bedroom of her long cottage had been part of a grain store. Her home was haunted by a gentleman who hanged himself in the store. Even though my gran wasn’t interested in the world of Spirit like her sisters and mother were, she still felt the presence of this man and would often have the covers pulled back from her while she slept. Her friend and spiritualist medium—who was known to me as Mrs. Gourlay—stayed at my gran’s house to help move on the spirit of the troubled man. Mrs. Gourlay was able to release the presence from the top half of the house after staying awake for two days and nights in spirit communication, but she never returned to resolve the bottom half of the house where I slept.

    Despite it being a stone-built cottage, the bottom bedrooms were always freezing! Bless my gran, she always placed a hot-water bottle in my bed and made sure I had plenty of blankets, yet the room temperature always felt icy. My dog at the time, Scruffy, used to curl himself behind my legs, but even his shaggy warmth couldn’t take the edge off the chill or help remove the presence of the departed man, who would often manifest in my room. (Years later, I realized there was nothing to fear about this man—as shared in Archeia Serenity’s chapter—but as a young child, my fears felt very real.)

    The first time I felt him, I shut my eyes so hard and prayed for help. I’d heard of angels before, but didn’t know what they were, yet something instinctual called to them from within me. Before realizing what I was saying, I asked the angels to protect Scruffy and me. No sooner had my request been sent out than the heaviness began to lift, until it completely vanished! I peeked out of the corner of one eye and saw a light more brilliant than anything I’d seen before. It was like looking directly into the Sun, but without any of the discomfort. In fact, it was the most comfortable, safe, and soothing feeling I’d ever felt. I opened both eyes and watched in awe as this form of Light began to deepen into a soft, shimmering gold, before enveloping Scruffy and me in a large, luminous bubble. To this day, I can still feel the peace of that moment. There was no sound, no fear; just a velvety calm that sent me straight to sleep.

    Conscious Leaps Propel You Higher

    As I grew up, my interest in angels and spirituality waned, as my focus was taken up with academic studies. I received an honours degree in Medical Biotechnology and began a career as a cancer research scientist. Even though my passion was great for helping others to have a better quality of life, the longer I worked within pharmaceuticals, the more I wanted nothing to do with it. I wondered if doing a Ph.D. or starting a family with my then fiancé would replenish the emptiness that was filling within me, but life presented a better option!

    I began learning reiki, and applying its wisdom, started to meditate in my spare time. I met many angels this way, including Seraphime (my main guardian angel), who was the same angel who comforted me as a child. Seraphime guided me to become a reiki teacher and a practitioner of different angelic modalities.

    Through consciously partnering with Seraphime, my life began to reshape. At every opportunity, I gave myself reiki and angelic self-healing treatments, even in the bathroom at my work! My research friends scoffed at what I was doing because my belief in alternative healing was a joke to them, but I didn’t care what they thought anymore. Up until that point in my life, I’d always given my power away to others by valuing their opinion of me over my own, but it was time to change that story, and as I did, the passion for my then fiancé also waned. He was a caring soul, yet a cynical academic! When I told him of my desire to leave science and become a professional healer, he tried to understand, but he couldn’t rationalize it.

    After ending our relationship and leaning more towards leaving my job, illness after illness manifested in my body. All the inner mental doubts I was holding onto began to mutate in my external reality. At one point, I lost the sight in one eye—body-speak for doubting the path ahead.

    My body was right: I was scared—terrified of leaving all I knew. I was stepping into the unfamiliar, and despite my heart telling me, Just jump! my ego countered with, How is this going to work? How are the bills going to get paid? Who will physically support me? along with a thousand more mental melodies on repeat. Our inner being never provides the specific steps we need to take in our lives before we take them, which is frustrating in the moment of reaching for the evidence that moving forward is the right thing to do! Through the eyes of Source, there isn’t a right or wrong way to do anything; there’s only our choice. Either we’re choosing to move forward in the direction of feeling good, or we’re staying the same, which, over time, will make us feel less than.

    Why do we feel bad when we hesitate or stagnate in opposition of our dreams for too long? Because at the core of our being, we’re driven by expansion. To expand and take life beyond what it’s been before is central to all our earthly and spiritual desires.

    If we realize that a new desire has developed within us, we must know we have the wherewithal to create the physical manifestation of it. As we embody this Truth, we cannot fail. I’ll say that again: When we trust that the greater part of ourselves is always supporting us to move forward in the direction of what feels good, we cannot fail. All we need to do in these moments is trust that when we naturally sync with Source’s stream of wellbeing, the leaps will present themselves. In practice, this means moving forward in the knowing that everything is going to be okay before the evidence of this shows up in our reality.

    Leaps don’t have to be scary or big. Small actions are still momentum as we move towards what’s important to us. As Seraphime said to me when I needed help taking the conscious leap to leave science that led me being here with you now, beautiful soul:

    Follow your heart all-ways and in every way, for your heart will always guide you towards feeling good. When you feel good, know you are on the right track. Trust this exhilaration. Use it as the wind beneath your wings to take you to vaster heights and perspectives, as you soar into a landscape of your own creation.

    Oh, was she right! I knew in my heart that leaving science was the right path for me, and that the details would fill in after I’d jumped. Turning down the mental chatter and clamour of external judgements and opinions about what I should be doing with my life, my inner guidance found its groove again. Finally, after six months of this self-inflicted struggle, I flew! One moment I was teetering on the edge of a life that was bringing me no joy; the next, I was soaring into the unknown, where yes, all the details hadn’t manifested yet, but it didn’t matter. I was awake! I was aware! I was free! Faith moved through me like breath, and all I needed to do was lean forward and enjoy the ride.

    Rise Like an Angel

    For a moment, let’s pause. Any time you see Rise Like an Angel in this book, it’s an invitation to stop and move through a self-reflective doorway (often to meet and share with a different Archeia). These contemplative me-time moments create strong angelic bonds and bring understanding and inspired action to take the leaps you’re ready for. And so, please journal your answers to the following:

    Where do I feel stagnant in my life? What’s preventing me from making a change?

    Breathing into this resistance, what are the core limiting beliefs here?

    Am I ready to let these go and take a leap of faith into a new way of being and seeing? If not, what needs to be reconciled?

    Listen, Apply, Leap!

    The angels guide you to trust the first response that comes to you after asking each Rise Like an Angel question. This is because the initial reply comes directly from your inner being, reflecting the unconditional Truth in the moment. The second voice/sense you receive is often the conditioned self, aka the aspect of your ego that doesn’t want you to move forward. Acknowledge this aspect, and have a wee laugh, as often what our ego says is ridiculous in the grand scheme of Source! In these instances, say aloud: Thank you for sharing, but I’m only interested in following my Truth.

    The voice of your inner being is the pure Awareness of Source that lives within you, blended with the sage counsel of your guardian angels and multi-dimensional spirit guides and facets. As such, your inner being is completely devoted to you and is always focused on your highest wellbeing and joy. Your inner being wants you to live a life that not just fulfils and thrills you but is constantly evolving and expanding as you take Creation beyond where it’s been before.

    You’ll know when your Divinity speaks to you, for the voice will be clear, direct,

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