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Chasing My Rejected Luna: Finding Redemption in Rejection
Chasing My Rejected Luna: Finding Redemption in Rejection
Chasing My Rejected Luna: Finding Redemption in Rejection
Ebook245 pages4 hours

Chasing My Rejected Luna: Finding Redemption in Rejection

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Daddy, please! Please don’t do this!” I begged with my hands.
“It’s done, Tegan. The contract is signed. You will leave tonight to be the Alpha King’s contracted mate. You will bear him an heir within three months, or you will regret it!” He roared out, his face showing me just how angry he truly was.
I silently wept at the cards fate played me. I will be nothing more than a baby-making machine for the cruelest Alpha known, Ezra Hendricks.
Tegan Declan is a shy she-wolf who was born deaf. She is starting a new life as a disabled wolf in a new pack. She is the new contracted mate to the Alpha King, Ezra Hendricks.
“Being deaf was a quality I would hate my son to have. As a wolf, you need all your senses to be able to lead, protect, and stay alive. Lacking hearing would not benefit anyone; it could lead to mass destruction and the loss of many lives. It would not be a good quality for a king. This brought me back to my question. What makes her think she is fit to be my Queen? I want to know what she thinks her strengths are. Would they outweigh her weaknesses?”

Release dateJul 18, 2023
Chasing My Rejected Luna: Finding Redemption in Rejection

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Chasing My Rejected Luna - MerandaH.

Chasing My Rejected Luna

Finding Redemption in Rejection

The Tribal Wolf Mate Series Book 2)



Daddy, please! Please don’t do this! I begged with my hands.

It’s done, Tegan. The contract is signed. You will leave tonight to be the Alpha King’s contracted mate. You will bear him an heir within three months, or you will regret it! He roared out, his face showing me just how angry he truly was.

I silently wept at the cards fate played me. I will be nothing more than a baby-making machine for the cruelest Alpha known, Ezra Hendricks.

Tegan Declan is a shy she-wolf who was born deaf. She is starting a new life as a disabled wolf in a new pack. She is the new contracted mate to the Alpha King, Ezra Hendricks.

Being deaf was a quality I would hate my son to have. As a wolf, you need all your senses to be able to lead, protect, and stay alive. Lacking hearing would not benefit anyone; it could lead to mass destruction and the loss of many lives. It would not be a good quality for a king. This brought me back to my question. What makes her think she is fit to be my Queen? I want to know what she thinks her strengths are. Would they outweigh her weaknesses?

This is book 2 of the trilogy series.



When we arrived at Liam's pack lands, I knew we were too late. A

faint smell of vanilla and roses with a hint of pumpkin spice. But that was not all. There was also another smell, copper. Kingston roared in my head at the smell of blood. My team and I rushed toward the back where you could hear screaming. When I got there the scene was horrid. My perfect beautiful mate laid there with her bright red hair stuck to her face as she bled out, her eyes glistening over. My heart is shattering in my chest. I wanted his head on a stake. I wanted to feel his pulse weaken, his eyes staring deep into my own as he struggled to breathe. I wanted with everything in me to see the fear in his eyes as he died at my hands for what he had done to my family. Everything around me seemed to fade as my eyes zeroed in on my target. A woman with long raven hair and dark skin held him by his throat in the air as she screamed random incoherent words. His feet dangled as he struggled against her stronghold. I demanded she let him go, I wanted to be the one to kill him. I wanted the satisfaction of him dying in my hands. But she didn't release him. She only spoke words that broke right through my rage. 'Maybe worry about your dying mate and premature child in the basket.'

My heart ached in my chest as I looked back over at my mate. But that was when I saw it. Her chest rose and fell. SHE WASN'T DEAD!

'GET MATE TO DOCTOR NOW!' Kingston roared.

'Get my child, I will get my mate! They are the priority; Liam will be dealt with once they are safe.' I mind linked to Uriah who went straight for the basket that contained the wailing cries of a newborn baby.

Liam was the last thing on my mind as I rushed over to my mate. I had to save her; she couldn't die! I begged her to hold on just a little longer as I ripped the chains from her wrists and legs. My skin sizzled at the contact of silver. But that didn't stop me. I scooped her frail body up in my arms. Her skin was already fading into a lighter color than it already was.

'Is the baby okay!?' I mind linked Uriah.

'He is alive, but he doesn't look good. He seems to be struggling to breathe.'

It's a boy. I have a son. I begged Tegan to hold on just a little longer. She had to fight. If not for me, then for our son.

We need to work fast, they are both in extreme danger with very little time remaining! Helena screamed as she appeared next to me.

Let's get both of them to the pack doctor here on these lands. We won't have the time to travel to the Kingdom. I want 4 guards outside the hospital doors. If anyone refuses to listen when told to stay back, you know what to do. Uriah, give Helena my son. I need you to handle Liam if she doesn't. If she tries anything, mind link immediately. I said to the group as we all darted off to get what needed to be done.

As I rushed into the infirmary, I allowed my aura to seep out, I had no time for questions. I wanted action. Immediately they bowed their heads in submission.

The queen has been hurt; she has lost a lot of blood. I need you to get her stabilized. She is your queen, and you will treat her as such. Do absolutely everything to save her life. Our son has been forcefully delivered prematurely and needs immediate attention. See to it not a single hair is harmed, and that they are treated with everything correctly. My kingdom doctor will arrive to take over or help soon. I said as the nurses rushed over with a gurney.

I placed her body on the gurney as they wheeled her away fast.

She is going straight to surgery sir; we have to close the gaping wound on her stomach and make sure it is appropriately cleaned to not cause infection. She will also need a blood transfusion. The doctor said as the nurses rushed my mate into a room.

Okay. Was all I could get out.

Go be with your son, her surgery won't take long but we don't have time to sterilize you to allow you into the OR.

"I understand. But do not. And I mean, do NOT FUCK

UP." I said as the doctor nodded and rushed off to where the nurses had disappeared with Tegan. That was when another set of nurses ran in with this incubator and a huge machine that they immediately hooked up to my son. They quickly worked getting him on the oxygen while screaming out orders. They placed an IV in which made him holler out, the scream of our child had my wolf on edge, but I knew they were doing what needed to be done.

Alpha King sir, I need permission to intubate him. His oxygen is still low. He can cry and scream, which is an amazing sign, however, his lungs still do not have the appropriate time to form. So, in turn, he is struggling to breathe. I need to quickly get some medicine down that will help his lungs.

Yes, anything to save him, do it, I replied, the doctor rushing to his bedside as they worked quickly.

The intubation was only brief however which was a good thing that it didn't need to remain in. He did however have tubes coming from his small body in every direction. He had a tube connected to a big machine that connected to a mask that covered his small face. There was also an orange tube coming from his nostril aside from the oxygen, but it was capped off not connected to anything. His small arm had a cuff on it, while his toe had something wrapped around it, those two cords connecting to the monitor. Then there was the IV that was connected to the pole.

"He seems to be doing well after the medicine. He will need to remain on this continuous c-pap machine, it is what is delivering the appropriate

amount of oxygen. We can slowly wean him off it as the days pass but right now his lungs need time to develop to be able to take over the work the machine is giving. He needs to stay in this incubator, he is still too young to regulate his body temperature on his own, so it is set to regulate at a required temperature for his body. We will be giving him his feedings through a ng-tube which is up his nose, it goes directly to his stomach until he shows signs of wanting a nipple.``

Thank you. I looked back at my child praying his mom made it out of surgery with good news.



It felt like it had been hours since they took Tegan to the OR. I was supposed to protect them, both her and my child. I failed. In the meantime, waiting for any news at all I called my kingdom doctor and requested she and some of her medical team be sent here so we can transfer both Tegan and our son back to the Kingdom. I don't care how much she hates me; their safety is my top priority. I won't force her to be my mate, but she will damn sure live in my kingdom so that I can ensure the safety of not only her but our son as well. I hadn't been calling him by any name. I didn't want to overstep in case Tegan had already selected a name for him. And I would be damned if I gave up hope that she will make it out. She wasn't going to die, not here, not like that. She would live to be old as her hair fades from her vibrant red to her silky gray. She couldn't die, not like this.

'Her mom did.' Kingston's sad voice piped in my head.

No, that was different. She won't die like her mom! I screamed out loud instead without realizing it. Which in turn made the others in the room jump from my sudden outburst.

She will pull through, don't you worry, Helena said as she laid her hand on my shoulder. However, my eyes never left the tiny body that lay in the machine.

His hair was as dark as mine. He hardly opened his eyes, but from what I can tell they'll resemble his mother's eyes. If anything, he will be more like his mother than me. I pray to the goddess he is because I am a failure. A man who didn't fight hard enough when it counted. I want him to be brave, and resilient. I want him to never back down from what he truly wants, no matter what. I want him to feel unconditional love. He deserves so much more than what fate has already thrown at him. While lost in my thoughts a tap on my shoulder reminded me, that I was not alone. I shook my head pulling myself together before turning to look at who was there. Uriah stood at the door, his face showing no emotions.

Alpha King, a word please? He said as he exited the


I looked back at my son, not wanting to leave his side, afraid if I did something else might happen.

I will be right here. He will be fine. Helena said reassuringly.

I nodded my head before standing up and following where Uriah had disappeared from. Once out of the room, I gently closed the door behind me. When I turned to see Uriah, many emotions crossed his face.

What is it, Uriah?

First, I want to know how you're holding up. Are you okay?

As well as one could be in this situation I suppose.

But are you okay?

Truthfully, I am terrified. I keep feeling like at any moment something else may happen. The sooner Tegan is in recovery the sooner we can get out of this hell hole.

Agreed, Uriah stated.

So, if you've left your post there must be an update? I said, concerned for a moment.

The witch killed him before I made it back, she left his mangled body on the stone that Tegan was on. She was nowhere in sight.

It is strange that his pack didn't fight, they didn't even show up, I said, confused.

Not even Beta Gabriel.

Actually, I haven't seen any warriors. Not when we entered or since we have been here. I wonder why they would allow people to come upon their lands if they did sense us.

Or why they haven't questioned us since being here. Uriah pointed out.

Go and find anyone, get word of where Beta Gabriel is and what is going on. Liam died at the hands of someone he was working alongside with, and his pack did nothing to defend him. We need to get to the bottom of why. I stated.

Also, Lydia was spotted escaping from the pack house. Our warriors tracked her to the edge of the property line and then lost her due to the river.

Once we are back at the Kingdom, we will put a warrant out for her. Dead or alive. Reward to whoever brings her in.

Sounds good.

You go and get some digging done. As for Liam's body. I would like it to be cremated here on his land. I want his ashes.

His ashes?

That's what I said. I have something in mind for them. He wanted to be a king and he wanted a say in our lives. He will have one, just not what he had anticipated having.

What does that mean?

You will see. See to it his body is burned and all ashes are given to me. Once that is completed. Find Beta Gabriel. We need to have some words. I said as the doctor who took Tegan's back for surgery appeared in the doorway. Excuse me, I have some other matters to attend to now, I said as I departed from Uriah and went straight to the doctor.

Doctor, I said as I approached.

Surgery is completed.

How is she? I asked calmly although my nerves were at an all-time high.

She is in recovery. She lost a lot of blood, but she will be fine. The last words sent relief all throughout my body.

When can I see her?

She will be in recovery for observation for an hour, once that is complete, we will bring her to your sons' room. They will share a room so that they won't need to be separated.

Thank you. Thank all of you for saving my family.

Of course, Alpha King. I must get back there but I will bring her out soon. She said before walking back through the double doors she had come from.

I walked back into the hospital room, Helena sitting in the spot I vacated a moment prior. Her head snapped up to look at me.

Any news?

Your sister got away. Liam is dead. His Beta and Warriors are MIA. Lydia was spotted and tracked but got away. And the most important update, Tegan is doing well in recovery post-surgery.

Oh, thank the goddess above!

Once she is cleared from post op observation, she will be transported to this room until we leave, I said happily.

Good. So, what are we going to do about the rest of the update?

Take it one step at a time. Uriah is working on some of it now. But for us, let's just rejoice that both Tegan and our son are both alive and stable.

Amen to that, Helena said as she hugged me before stepping out of the room.

A knock at the door had me look over. The door opened as the doctor wheeled an awakened Tegan into the room.

So, it wasn't a bad dream...



I laid in the bed staring off at the ceiling still not completely grasping what all happened. I was there. I felt the pain, I saw my wound, I saw my son. But none of it feels real. It was all so hard to believe.

I knew Liam betrayed me, but I wasn't the only one. There was also Lilly, who still remained in the dungeons while I sat in this bed hurt by the fact that Liam wanted to take everything. Then there was Ezra, how can I deny the fact that he saved both me and our son? But if it weren't for him rejecting me, this would have never happened.

'You don't know that.' Gemma spoke.

'If he never rejected me... -'

'You wouldn't have me, you wouldn't be able to hear, and you wouldn't have gotten the confidence you now have.'

'I wouldn't have been put in a dungeon, I wouldn't have been sliced open unmedicated and I wouldn't have been on the verge of being sacrificed while my child was offered to a demon lord.'

'They had been planning far too long. The rejection helped of course, but this was written in our destiny.'

'To be mutilated? To be violated and hurt beyond measure?'

'To make us stronger. To open our eyes to the realistic part of reality. To show us what we must do as the chosen.'

'And what if I don't want to be chosen?'

'It wasn't your choice, Tegan. It was written in our fate.'

'To be belittled our entire lives then to be rejected, then to top it off to be fake loved to be a sacrifice to the demon lord?'

'As bad as it sounds. Now we know what we must do.'

'What must I do? No, what I must do is protect my child and myself from any other harm. Everyone is a threat. Big or small.'

'No Tegan, we must take down Helga so we can take down him.'

'Him?' I asked, confused.

'The demon lord.'

'Fuck that!'

'In order for you to protect our baby and ourselves we must take them down. It is the only way.'

'Did you already forget what they did to us?' I asked as the cruel

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