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A Hero's Reflection: Astral Price, #1
A Hero's Reflection: Astral Price, #1
A Hero's Reflection: Astral Price, #1
Ebook42 pages34 minutes

A Hero's Reflection: Astral Price, #1

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To his shock, Troy is no ordinary person. Born to incredible metaphysical powers residing in his mind, he comes to his own as they awaken. Determined to make good on them, he trains hard, only to discover that his powers come with a steep price. One born of his own reflection, one born to chaos. Can he undo the damage he is tied to or make amends to those affected by it? Will he find the love he so deeply seeks in those his literal mind is bound to? 


Who knows...

PublisherMika Mathews
Release dateAug 5, 2023
A Hero's Reflection: Astral Price, #1

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    Book preview

    A Hero's Reflection - Mika Mathews

    Part one - The Cost of Compassion

    Troy hadn’t expected to be blessed with powers, or at all really. How could he? Powers were a thing of fantasy and fiction. Besides, he would never be a hero in the eyes of most people, he wasn’t a jock or athlete or a heroic person in the slightest. He was an obese college dropout with bipolar disorder and a cat. He was not what anyone would see as a Hero...

    So, maybe, in some ways, that was why he was chosen to become who he was. Who knows really... Troy sure as hell couldn’t tell you why he was chosen, not that anyone could tell him, if he asked.

    It all started at work, day five out of five of his week. He was helping his boss lift a patient from the ground, something he did often as a home health aide, when something... interesting happened. Or rather, it happened a few moments later, when they got the man to his bed.

    Mr. Schmidt, his patient, was groaning, skin pale with pain and fear. My leg, my leg... please, something for my leg! he muttered out.

    I will get something right away, Mr. Schmidt, Elaine, their nurse and his work Mom, said as she hurried away. Keep an eye on him, I need to call an ambulance.

    Nodding, he kneeled next to the man. Old and wizened, Mr. Schmidt had big bushy eyebrows and a sagging face, but there was just an edge of strength about him. A memory of what once was, before the ravages of time stole it away. Grabbing the man’s hand, Troy offered a smile. It’ll be okay, Sir.

    The man nodded, eyes misty. You’re a good kid, you know that? He cringed, skin losing even it’s faint color. I think I got my hip, too... I am almost a hundred, I am not sure I am going to survive another trip to the hospital... Thank you for taking care of me these last few months, Troy. You are a good boy.

    Teary-eyed himself, Troy restrained his urge to hug the man. Not everyone liked a gay boy hugging them, especially people as old as Mr. Schmidt. I wish I could help you more. He squeezed tighter.

    If you could take this pain away, that would be everything.

    I wish I could, Troy thought, and he focused hard on that thought, with all he had, thinking of anyway he could save this man his agony. So focused, he never noticed the aura of white energy that radiated off of his skin, sinking into the older man’s skin, drawing his pain away and back into Troy.

    What he did notice was the searing agony of a cracked leg and broken hip exploding throughout his body. Paralyzed, he almost screamed as the agony

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