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Run With the Hunted 6: Burned Asset: Run With the Hunted, #6
Run With the Hunted 6: Burned Asset: Run With the Hunted, #6
Run With the Hunted 6: Burned Asset: Run With the Hunted, #6
Ebook154 pages2 hours

Run With the Hunted 6: Burned Asset: Run With the Hunted, #6

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About this ebook

In the fast-paced, tech-heavy future, the team has stolen their greatest prize yet. With the Agency closing in, Dolly calls in help from old friends, some closer than others, and the team gets Will to Bristol's hotel in Morocco. Once they arrive, Bristol switches to party mode, leaving Bits and Dolly to prepare their defenses without disturbing any of the guests. The hotel has a small security team, with little enough experience that it just makes Dolly more worried, not less. When disaster finally strikes, it's almost a relief; she isn't waiting and wondering anymore, she can simply react. But will her reaction be enough to save the team, and herself?

Release dateOct 31, 2023
Run With the Hunted 6: Burned Asset: Run With the Hunted, #6

Jennifer R. Donohue

 Jennifer R. Donohue grew up at the Jersey Shore and now lives in central New York with her husband and their Doberman. A member of the SFWA, she works at her local public library where she also facilitates a writing workshop. Her work has appeared in Apex Magazine, Escape Pod, Fusion Fragment, and elsewhere. Her debut novel, Exit Ghost, is available now. She tweets @AuthorizedMusin and you can subscribe to her Patreon for a new short story every month:

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    Book preview

    Run With the Hunted 6 - Jennifer R. Donohue

    For Jim

    Chapter One

    The thing about countries that don’t have extradition treaties with the U.S. is that they might still do it anyway. Especially if they got somebody they wanna trade, or at least something else to leverage. We only stayed in Mexico for a week or so, time enough to arrange transport to Morocco by way of Hong Kong and picking up Butler as additional insurance, just in case Will’s usual terror of me wasn’t enough to keep him well behaved during global travel.

    He was fine, though. Docile, maybe stunned by what the fuck just happened to him. We didn't even drug him this time. Butler’s happy enough to be along for a trip, though, and I more’n like the idea of having him for backup in case the agency comes for Will in force. Bristol can handle herself surprisingly well in certain situations, and even Bits is a great shot, but they’ve never been operators. If we’re going to have some movie siege in Bristol’s Moroccan hotel, I want somebody else who’s done exactly that kind of thing more than once, from either side of the map.

    I want more than just Butler, but once we land in Morocco and get to Bristol’s hotel, all of the stress about what just happened and how we have to plan and anticipate moving forward just...melts out of her pretty little head. It’s wild to watch, I look at Bits to see if she’s catching it, but she’s distracted and I don’t want to break her concentration.

    Bristol links arms with Will, chattering about the renovations or restorations or something that she did to the building.

    Bristles, we gotta set up a war room, I say, and she smiles at me over her shoulder.

    It's too early to even consider anything a problem yet, darling, she says.

    Way I see it, you're walking next to the problem and he's about six feet tall.

    Mmm, indeed. Tell us, Will, when were you scheduled to check in?

    What's today's date? he asks, sounding like a sleepwalker, and she shows him her watch. Three days from now.

    See? No problem yet

    I look at Bits again, who is paying attention now, though who can say when she started. Bristol, that's— she starts.

    Let's just all get settled in, she says, and she click-clacks off with Will in tow.

    I guess she's never had a pet, Butler grumbles, and I laugh.

    Just. Fuck, I say, and light a cigarette.

    You know she— Bits says.

    Yeah, yeah, I know. Bristol takes bad things that happen and puts little protective coatings around them, like an oyster making pearls. Who doesn’t, right? But this isn’t a bad thing that happened, this is a lull in an ongoing situation. I’ll call Nicolai, anyway, she can’t object to him.

    I mean, she can. Bits pops the top on a can of coffee and looks around at the parking lot courtyard area. A couple other cars here, staff and whoever else Bristol just lets stay here. What was her friend’s name? Suzette. I think she likes him though.

    How can you tell? Butler asks, sarcastic but not.

    She added him to her phone, Bits says.

    That’s just a thing you do when you meet people, he says, and Bits blinks at him. She didn’t add me to her phone?


    Well. He seems genuinely surprised and I laugh. I think we’re getting away from the point.

    I think we’re all too tired to know what the point is, I say, dropping my cigarette butt and stretching. Which is a problem.

    I’m good, if you two want to sleep, Bits says. And I’ll message Nicolai. And keep an eye on Will and Bristol.

    Thanks, Bitsy. I’m sure Bristol isn’t about to put us all at more risk than she already just did, but takin’ Will with us was kind of an elegant solution. Even though he’s an agency asset, assets tend to be negotiable. Maybe they’ll make a deal and cut their losses, cutting him loose. He was why they kept after us, mostly, and Bits said he was the one most into it.

    Or maybe they’ll come for him, with whatever black ops they got, and we’ll have to assume that if whatever happens here gets written about on account of the explosions and whatnot, it’ll be written off as a gas leak or something else equally un-noteable on an international scale.

    Or we’ll fake his death and set him up with a new identity or somethin’, maybe she’s got a plastic surgeon we can fly in, and that’ll make this all real easy, no lead poisoning required. I like that one, honestly, maybe I’ll float it at brunch or whatever. Over mimosas.

    We’ve been here at the hotel before, not long after Bristol bought it, or more like after Bristol paid it off and before all the renovations after we took the money and ran way back when. The first time we came here, she was almost embarrassed, and called it ‘shabby chic’ even though it still seemed awful nice to me. Of course now, seeing the restored tiles and fresh paint and window dressings and other folderol, I can see what her problem was. But it was still nice the first time.

    It isn’t really a hotel, like strangers can’t make reservations and stay here, but if you know Bristol, and Bristol knows a lot of folks, there’s kind of an invite system I guess. Bits made sure of the tech security and all that, the discreet cameras and places where things need to be locked right and all of that. Much as Bristol wants to show off that fucking Fabergé egg, it can’t become public knowledge that she has it, and she’s smart enough to know that.

    You okay? Butler asks, as we wander through the place to where I assume Bristol’d like to keep us.

    Hard to shake the idea that this is a mistake.

    You ran your options, he says. I’m sure it’ll be a ride, but we’ll come out okay.

    Probably, I say. You still got your lucky rabbit’s foot?

    He laughs, and I realize we’ve been checking doorways as we passed them, even though neither of us is carrying a weapon at ready. Surprised you remember that.

    I shrug. I remember a lot of things.

    Sometimes you don’t act like it. Oh this again. Well what did I expect, I guess.

    Mmm, I say instead, knocking on and then opening the door to the room I had last time. I don’t want to assume that I have a ‘my room’ at Bristol’s fancy personal hotel for her fancy friends, but it doesn’t look like a whole lot, if anything, changed in here. There’s a tented card on the dresser, like a place setting, that says Dolly. That’s Bristol, always prepared. Well this is me.

    Butler kisses the back of my neck. Want company?

    "I want sleep, I say. Maybe company in about sixteen hours."

    You’ll never sleep that long. He’s still very close. This is very tempting.

    Maybe not. I turn around, standing in the doorway. She probably put you across the hall there, if you wanna check. If she didn’t, you can stay.

    It amazes me that she’d even take the time to what, message ahead? To assign us rooms? He goes and checks. "Yeah, I got a card in here too.

    It amazes me that it amazes you, I say. See you later.

    Sweet dreams.

    Tempting as it is, though, to just drop my boots on the floor and lay down in that nice clean bed, I go into the bathroom first, and of course the shower is stocked with shampoo and conditioner and perfumed soaps and all that and suddenly a hot shower and a cold beer is what I want first more than anything in the world and while I’m not sure that Bristol is exactly sold on the notion of shower beers, there is a mini fridge in the room, and it does have beer and canned coffee and water in it, so I’m all set.

    I stand in the hot spray for a while, just letting the travel dirt rinse away, drinking my beer and trying to relax. It’s funny the way that kind of long haul travel makes you tired and wired, even without the added bonus of stealing an agent from an unnamed shadow agency. It was pretty clear he was done the second he saw Bristol in that hotel room when we stole the diamonds, but it’s sure been a slow burn. Hard to blame him.

    I finish the beer, then soap up and rinse off. There’s a robe hung up in here that seems like it’s probably worth more than cars I’ve driven. Not bought, mind you. But driven.

    I get from the bathroom to the bed and that’s what I remember for probably a good eight hours, which isn’t enough but it’s a start. I haven’t spent enough time in Morocco to be able to tell what time it is from the light coming in the window and I slap around at the nightstand until I find my phone. Lots of messages but none of them dire; in addition to usual sorts of spam and people checking in from afar, Bits gave a couple of updates. No local law enforcement contact, no relevant chatter on the Agency network yet, that she’s seen, Nicolai inbound probably tomorrow. Marquis also inbound in the next few days, which really just confirms my worries. Or is that a brilliant smokescreen, for Bristol to get the party started here, the way she normally would? No idea. Maybe it’s both.

    //I’m up, if you wanna turn in// I message Bits.

    //I napped// she says.

    //Liar//  I roll out of bed and pull one of the coffee cans out of the fridge. If this was a real hotel, my tab would already be horrible. I chug it, then paw around in my clothes until I find both a tank top and pants, and get dressed. I jam my feet into my boots, then pause at the door, go back and put a bra on too. I don’t need to have that conversation with Bristol first thing.

    I wonder if Bristol’s gonna want to pull some kind of designer bodyguard nonsense, like at the wedding gig. We’ll get to it I’m sure. She’s probably got a tailor on the way already. Or on staff. I open another canned coffee.

    Chapter Two

    When I listen at his door, Butler’s still snoring, so I just leave him be and go wandering through the halls, savoring that canned coffee instead of shotgunning it, listening to my

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