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In the Woods
In the Woods
In the Woods
Ebook187 pages2 hours

In the Woods

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Magically obstructed memory; A disturbing accusation; What will she do when her most trusted betray her?

In the thrilling sequel to "At the Cabin," ex-FBI agent, Todd and ex-dog rescue owner Laura are thrown into a supernatural mystery that will test their skills and their sanity.

When Laura's adopted father receives a blackmail note accusing him of murdering her mother 10 years ago, the duo sets out to clear his name and find the real killer. But as they delve deeper into the case, they uncover a web of lies and deceit that leads them to question everything they thought they knew about the people they love.

With demons lurking in the shadows, unlikely allies, and magically lost memories resurfacing, Laura and Todd must race against time to solve the murder before the dark moon and the killer strikes again.

"In the Woods" is a heart-pounding fantasy suspense that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

This is the second book in the series and is best read in order.

PublisherClaudia Blood
Release dateAug 15, 2023
In the Woods

Claudia Blood

Claudia Blood’s early introduction to Dungeons and Dragons, combined with her training as a scientist and a side trip into the world of IT set her up to become an award-winning author of Science Fiction and Fantasy.For her latest release, visit her

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    Book preview

    In the Woods - Claudia Blood



    Six months ago...

    The guardian was dead, and with his death, the spells that coiled around Amon and his prison loosened.

    Glee bubbled in his chest.

    This was his chance. The Master, Gizem, had sent him to capture a chosen one and force that person to open the gate. Only then would his master be free.

    The spells loosened further, and outside the prison he sensed a herd of humans with weak, frantic hearts huddled in the nearby town. The supernatural beings were mixed in, hidden like gold amongst the rocks.

    He was too far away to sink into their bodies and steal the reins from their helpless hands. Humans were too weak for him to take over for long, but a supernatural could be his chariot.

    The spell unraveled enough that farther away, in the distance, the glamor on the lake had faded, and he could see its true power. Interesting. He would report that to his master. Even if he could not locate the chosen one, the lake could be a doorway into this realm. If he could go to the lake and knock on the portal in such a way to grab his master's attention, then his demon legions could force the door from that side.

    The magic frayed and loosened further, giving Amon entry to the demon network. Not that he needed their help. Not now. His access was one more sign of his impending freedom. The glee and power radiated from his heart to his hands.

    At last!

    He clenched his fist for the first time in ten years. Another minute and he would be free. He'd leave this prison and continue his mission. Hot excitement unfurled in his chest.

    The guardian's life force surged back. The prison spells sparked back to life with his resurgence. The magical coils tightened around Amon, freezing his hand.


    Rage filled his stomach and flashed along his limbs, adding to his power. Even so, he lost his fight with the constriction. No matter how hard he struggled, he could no longer move.

    The cursed guardian was still alive and gaining strength.

    Amon only had a moment before the spells would cut off his last hope. Anger and resentment that he had to rely on his minions snarled through his system. Without that extra energy, he would already be trapped again.

    Free me, and I will reward you! Amon sent the message over the demon network. He left the signature of the nearby town with a trail to his current location.

    Responses pinged as his connection broke, and the protections smothered him.

    He'd laugh if he could. The guardian was too late. Before long, his minions would come and free him.

    And then Amon would free his master and make the guardian pay.


    Six months later...

    Laura sat at the reception desk and doodled on her fancy new stationary. Seeing the words Middle of the Woods Detective Agency made her chest swell with pride. She glanced around her office. Even after six months, the whole thing felt surreal. The large glass windows gave her an amazing view of the Notely's main street. She couldn't see the lake or the trees that made northern Minnesota so pretty, but the shops were fun to watch.

    A young couple browsed the winter clearance rack across the street. The woman pulled out a green fleece and held it out. That color would look great on Todd.

    As if the thought of her business partner summoned him, he walked into view. Even after all this time, she couldn't help the flare of attraction. The intelligence in his hazel eyes drew her in as did his big build. He nodded at the couple and crossed the street.

    They'd survived their first meeting, with Todd naked and bound to a bed, and the cabin they were trapped in set on fire. Nothing like arsonists, a homicidal changeling, and a murderous ex-boyfriend to create a deep bond.

    Before she could say anything, Spic and Span, his two tan pug mixes, leapt up from the doggie bed in the corner and jumped on Todd's legs. He laughed and gave them each a belly rub and a treat from the jar.

    How did it go? Laura handed him a cup of coffee made the way he liked it with just a bit of milk.

    He took a small sip. I finished up the work on the security evaluation job and found out who stole the money.

    I bet the Williamses were delighted. That was the fourth assignment they’d completed this month. Their business had turned the corner into profitability. Todd’s buddies had been invaluable for leads on work and pitching in when needed.

    And they gave a good bonus. He didn't smile but still seemed more relaxed and happy with each passing day. What’s next for today?

    There’s an odd appointment set for ten minutes from now. The meeting was made the day Doug covered the desk for us. She glanced at the paper calendar on the desk, running her finger down to the noon slot.

    Why’s that odd?

    Whoever it is wants to see both of us, and there's no name.

    You don’t think… He lowered his voice. The favor?

    A shiver raced up her spine. She tried not to think too hard about the demon hitman-turned-mob-boss. She knew he would come back and claim his favor at some point. I don’t think so.

    Is Doug coming in today?

    No. She loved working with Doug, and he genuinely seemed interested in checking out the place. He covered the desk while she got one of the dogs to his new home. She hoped he might contribute to cases since he was no longer working as a detective.

    Todd glanced at his watch. We’ll know soon enough.

    Laura went to the little conference room. She wiped down the table and opened the fridge to check the water and snacks. The meeting room should be set. She came back out and spotted the gray-haired, bulky guy opening the door. Her chest lightened. Hey, Doug. What are you doing here?

    Spic and Span ran over for a pet from Doug before collapsing back on their dog bed in the corner. They were still tired from the long walk Todd took them on this morning.

    Laura. He gave her a hug, but he didn’t quite meet her eyes. Worry twisted in her gut like two wriggly puppies. Had he gotten bad news? What had gone wrong? Was it his health issue?

    Todd here?

    Yeah, he just got back. He’s in his office.

    Good. That’s good. He stood like he didn’t quite know what to do with his hands. He had them clenched at his side, and then frowned and stuck them in his pockets.

    Are you okay?

    Yes. But he still wouldn't meet her gaze.

    We have a client coming in just a few minutes. Did you need to talk? I can send them away. Unease skittered up her spine. Had his health declined? The near drowning and tasing from six months ago didn't seem to have long term effects, even though he had almost died.

    Todd came out of his office and stopped when he saw Doug. Todd hid his surprise well, but the slight widening of his eyes gave him away.

    They shook hands. Doug. To what do we owe the pleasure?

    Doug took a breath and straightened his shoulder. I’m here for my appointment.

    Laura’s heart rate picked up speed. Why would Doug need an appointment?

    Todd flinched and his eyes widened, but he covered it quickly. Come into the conference room. Todd held open the door for Doug. Todd caught her gaze and raised his eyebrows.

    She shook her head at his unasked question. She had no idea why Doug was here. Her gut churned with possibilities. Why would Doug need to speak to them? And although he had been retired from the force for years, he'd been a detective for most of his career. Perhaps Doug was asked to help with some mystery.

    Todd shut the door behind them and sat at the table. She snagged three bottles of water and sat next to Doug.

    Laura opened her notebook. Doug sitting at their table as the client felt strange. She’d always pictured Doug on her side, helping to get information from potential clients.

    She cleared her throat. What can the Middle of the Woods Detective Agency do for you?

    I did not leave the force for medical reasons. We made it appear that way to ease suspicion.

    Laura held her breath. Could this appointment be the first time Doug asked her for help? Things must be bad and complicated for him to ask for assistance.

    We? Todd asked.

    I’ll get to that in a second. Doug lifted his eyes and gazed intently at Laura, seeming to try and read what she was thinking. It was the same technique he’d used when she’d tried to hide her grades as a child.

    Go on. Todd wrote a note on the pad of paper in front of him.

    I need your help investigating the series of events that led me to retire. Someone is setting me up to take the fall for murder.

    Laura sucked in a breath and leaned back, really looking at Doug. His face was drawn, and he had a frustrated frown and a wrinkle between his eyes that said he had a puzzle he wasn’t able to solve. But it was more. The way he rubbed his heart made her think it was something personal.

    Who do they think you murdered? Todd asked into the silence.


    Laura’s heart thudded.




    Laura rocked back. Heat prickled across her skin. The chair pressed uncomfortably against her back and legs. She was aware of how hard the chair seemed.

    Mom died of an aneurysm. She stared at Doug, trying to make sense of his words.

    Not an aneurysm. I'm sorry… I had no way of telling you the truth, Doug said.

    Laura couldn't catch her breath. The air was too thin for struggling lungs. Her mom had not died of an aneurysm? How was that possible? How had she not known? Not only had she been murdered, but someone accused Doug of killing her. How could someone think Doug killed her mom?

    The conference chair squeaked, bringing her back from her circling thoughts. No. She took a deep breath. Her mom, Dad, and Doug had been the best of friends—they'd done Halloween together and celebrated birthdays as a family. There were pictures as proof, even if she didn't remember the events herself. Her lack of childhood memories didn't bother her in the past. Having missing memories was just the way she was. She'd even joked that she forgot everything almost instantly. That wasn't the truth. She just didn't remember anything but flashes or feelings from before Doug became her guardian. After having that memory of her mom and that magical hand signal that saved her life, she'd wished she could remember more than flashes.

    Why did you lie to me about Mom? She rubbed her arms against the chill. This had to be a mistake or a joke. If it was supposed to be a joke, it sure wasn't funny.

    Everything I do is to protect you. Doug's voice sounded hoarse, and his words rang with truth.

    Todd wrote out more in his notebook. With no statute of limitations on murder, a killer could still be charged with a crime a decade or more later.

    Doug shouldn't have lied to her. He still looked like the same man who had taken her in all those years ago. His close-cut, silver hair and powerful build had always made her feel protected. Even at thirteen, the way he looked had made her feel safe. He still did. Doug would never have hurt her mother. It was her turn to safeguard him, the same way he had always protected her.

    Why is this coming up now? It's been ten years, Laura said.

    I got this. Doug pulled out a picture frame and a folded piece of paper from his inner jacket pocket. He handed the paper to Todd and set the picture frame on the table just in front of him. His gaze locked on the picture that Laura couldn't see.

    Todd huffed, a shocked sound. A flash of skepticism or maybe surprise flickered across his face. "You didn't treat this like evidence? No gloves or plastic bags so it could be analyzed?"

    Doug's expression didn't change. His gaze was still locked on the picture in the frame. Chain of custody doesn't matter. I can't go to the police with this.

    It does matter. You made our job much harder to trace this. Why would you do that? Todd's voice held an odd note. She'd never heard him use it before. Did he think Doug was guilty or knew who was?

    Doug said nothing.

    His silence worried her. He'd always been adamant that procedure should be followed. She stared at the way he held himself and examined the expression on his face, seeking clues. His shoulders slumped and his face paled. He acted as if he had given up.

    Todd offered the paper to Laura.

    The moment it touched her hand, a shiver crawled up her back. The writing on the paper was loopy and feminine-feeling and seemed familiar. When she tried to catch the memory, she found nothing. She pushed down the now ever-present frustration.

    The truth must be revealed by the Black Moon


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