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Somewhere Between Luck and Trust
Somewhere Between Luck and Trust
Somewhere Between Luck and Trust
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Somewhere Between Luck and Trust

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“Intriguing” women’s fiction from a USA Today–bestselling author with “credible, compassionate, and even heartless characters” and an “enticing plot” (New York Journal of Books).

Cristy Haviland gave birth behind bars to the child of the man who put her there and might yet destroy her. Now she’s free again, with no idea what to do next. As smart as she is, a learning disability has kept her from learning to read. And that’s the least of her hurdles.

Georgia Ferguson, talented educator, receives a mysterious charm bracelet that may lead her to the mother who abandoned her at birth. Does she want to follow the clues? Can she bring herself to reach out for help along the way?

Now Cristy and Georgia are standing at a crossroads, a place where unlikely unions can be formed. A place where two very different women might bridge the gap between generations and education, and together make tough choices. They might even, if they dare, find friendship.

Praise for One Mountain Away, book 1 of the Goddesses Anonymous series:

“Richards creates a heart-wrenching atmosphere that slowly builds to the final pages, and continues to echo after the book is finished.” —Publishers Weekly

“Complex characters, compelling emotions and the healing power of forgiveness—what could be better? I loved this book!” —New York Times–bestselling author Sherryl Woods
Release dateMay 1, 2016
Somewhere Between Luck and Trust

Emilie Richards

Bevor Emilie Richards mit dem Schreiben begann, studierte sie Psychologie. In ihren preisgekrönten, spannenden Romanen zeigt sie sich als fundierte Kennerin der menschlichen Seele. Nach einem mehrjährigen Auslandsaufenthalt in Australien wohnt die erfolgreiche Autorin heute mit ihrem Mann, einem Pfarrer, in North Virginia.

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    Book preview

    Somewhere Between Luck and Trust - Emilie Richards

    Chapter One

    Some days when the morning light stole softly through the window behind Cristy Haviland’s bed she believed, just for the moments before she came completely awake, that she was still a girl in the Berle Memorial Church parsonage. Sunlight filtered through pink organdy curtains had always given her childhood bedroom a rosy glow, and so many mornings she had lain quietly and watched the color warm and brighten the room until her mother came to wake her.

    There was nothing rosy about the room where she awakened now. The concrete-block walls were a dingy beige, and the windows had no curtains. Nothing about her life was rosy now, but for that matter, her childhood hadn’t been rosy, either. How many times had she wished she could tear down those ruffled curtains, throw open the window and drop to the ground below to begin a new life anywhere else?

    Now she knew that, sometimes, wishes came true.

    Although some occupants of the room were beginning to stir, the woman on the bunk above Cristy’s was still sleeping. From the shaking of the bed and the groans, Cristy knew her bunkmate was having a nightmare. Nightmares were as ordinary here as the sobs that punctuated the darkness and the angry words that punctuated the daylight. It wasn’t possible to jam thirty-six women together and force them to share narrow bunks and lockers, not without outbursts. Add day after monotonous day, when heat, hunger and exhaustion drained away whatever humanity had been left them, then put it all together and that was life in the North Carolina Correctional Institution for Women.

    Fully awake now and all senses in gear, Cristy sat up quickly. Another woman was approaching her bed, sliding her feet along the floor like a skater. When the woman’s face came into view, Cristy went limp with relief. She made room beside her, and Dara Lee, who slept against the far wall, heaved her considerable bulk onto the mattress.

    You remember you be leaving today? Dara Lee asked.

    Cristy gave one shake of her head. Not when I first woke up. I kinda feel like I’ve lived here all my life.

    Dara Lee had a rich, throaty laugh. She was dark-skinned, dark-haired and plump-cheeked, a cheerful face marred only by a jagged scar that went from the corner of her left eye to the corner of her mouth. Even early in the morning she smelled like prison-issue soap and the precious jasmine-scented oil she used to condition her hair.

    You just passing through, girl. You been here, what, six months?

    Eight, Cristy said.

    "You’da been here less, you acted a lot sorrier. You my kind of girlfriend."

    Cristy had to smile at that. Had the word girlfriend been uttered by some of the women in this dorm, it might have struck fear in her heart. But Dara Lee had befriended her in her first months in prison for what seemed like no good reason at all. Cristy had her theories, though. Maybe after taking one look at the new, fresh-faced white girl, Dara Lee had known that Cristy needed a few lessons in survival. Or maybe Dara Lee just missed her own daughter, who was twenty-two, like Cristy, and hadn’t been to visit for years.

    You gonna miss it here? Dara Lee asked.

    I’ll miss you for sure.

    "You say that, but you’ll forget all about me before long. I seen it happen over and over. If you remember your friends, then you got to remember this place. And maybe it’s not so bad, but maybe it’s not so good, either. It’s for sure not a place you want to think about when you’re outside."

    How much longer do you think you’ll be here?

    Long enough to get gray and lose all my teeth.

    That, like so many things here, seemed profoundly unfair. During an episode of particular brutality at the hands of an abusive boyfriend, Dara Lee had shot and killed the man who had fathered her two children. The abuse had been chronic. Ten years later she still wasn’t sorry for anything—except not getting away before the police had arrived.

    You’ll be out before then, Cristy said. Just don’t get into fights. Don’t hang out with the wrong people. Do your job, and say please and thank you to the officers.

    Dara Lee hoisted herself off the bed. You write me, you get a chance.

    Cristy watched Dara Lee glide away. As hard as it was to believe, Dara Lee, who was the only friend Cristy had made in prison, had never caught on to the obvious. Cristy wouldn’t be writing her. Cristy didn’t write anybody. That was just part of who Cristy was.

    * * *

    The first thing Georgia Ferguson did when she arrived at the Buncombe County Alternative School campus was to back her car into her parking space. Rank came with privileges, and as principal, her space was close enough to the front door that she could easily haul in the never-ending boxes of books and other supplies that were destined for shelves and file cabinets.

    Six months into the school year she was still finding things to bring in. Today she had boxed up information about similar schools all over the country. She had done the research at home. BCAS was a new addition to the Asheville school system, but there was no point in reinvention. She wasn’t above using other people’s ideas. She even hoped one day somebody might use hers.

    BCAS, pronounced because by everyone connected to the school, was a low-slung redbrick building that sat on a three-acre campus off the Leicester Highway west of Asheville. The facility wasn’t new; in fact it was considerably older than Georgia’s forty-eight years. Before a long, sad vacation, the school had housed elementary, then middle school, students. Then last year, when it seemed doomed for demolition, the school board had voted to turn the building into an alternative school for middle and high school students. Renovations had brought it up to code, but little else. Money was tight, and a new school was a brave venture.

    At the front door she set down the box to find and insert her master key in the lock, but their youngest custodian, Tony, who was doing a dance step down the hallway, saw her through the window and came to help. He was wraith-thin, with blond dreadlocks and a red soul patch that looked like a strawberry sprouting from his chin.

    Once she was inside, Tony lifted the box out of her arms and followed her as she headed halfway down the corridor to her office. You’re here early, Mrs. F.

    So are you. That was the real surprise. Tony was rarely where Georgia thought he ought to be. Tony had framed their first months together as a test of her leadership abilities. The next phase had been an attempt to educate her about the real meaning of his job description. Most recently he seemed bent on ingratiating himself.

    Tony had finally realized that not only was his new boss not a pushover, she was also perfectly capable of having him fired if necessary.

    I unlocked it already. Tony stopped outside the school office, and Georgia pushed open the door.

    The first thing that greeted visitors was a banner strung over the reception counter printed with the school’s motto. Because You Can. Because You Will. The second greeting was the smell—part mildew, part decay. The offices weren’t yet ready to give up old habits.

    She preceded Tony and wound her way behind the counter toward the far wall.

    I wanted to get the kitchen floor mopped before the lunch ladies get here and mess it all up again, he said, glancing at her to calculate her reaction.

    Tony sucking up was an improvement over earlier behavior, but at least partly dishonest. The cafeteria staff were as tidy as surgical nurses, and Georgia suspected that sometime in the past twenty-four hours they had cornered the young man and insisted he do a thorough mopping or his head would roll. They were the only staff members in the school that Georgia was afraid of, too.

    You’re in charge of cleaning my office, aren’t you? she asked.

    I’m the lucky guy.

    Of the four full-time custodians, she’d picked the winner. A good vacuuming after school this afternoon, please. And I don’t think my trash has been emptied this week.

    I been meaning to get to that. He shook his head and blond dreadlocks flopped in emphasis. It’s on my list.

    High on your list, because it’s going to happen today, while I’m at the faculty meeting.

    It sure is.

    Georgia unlocked her office door, gesturing for him to go first.

    Where’d you want me to put this?

    Because it had been one of those weeks, Georgia’s desk was piled high. She yearned to have an hour without anything more pressing, so she could file and toss papers. With luck she would have an hour like that sometime in the late twenty-first century.

    Georgia pointed to an empty space, one of the few. Stick it on the bookshelf over there, thanks.

    He obliged her. Unless you need something else, I’d better go finish the floor.

    You’d better, she agreed. The lunch ladies get here early.

    He boogied out the doorway, and the sound of his whistling grew fainter until eventually she couldn’t hear it at all.

    Georgia unsealed the cardboard flaps and began to remove files. She liked the silence of an empty school building. Sometimes she even thought she heard laughter from former students echoing through the hallways.

    And sometimes...

    She stopped and listened. Something besides laughter seemed to be rattling along this particular hallway. She wondered if Tony was dragging the wheeled mop bucket from the storage room to the lunchroom. But the sound was louder, and seemed to pass quickly, growing quieter, then louder again a few moments later.

    She tried to remember whether Tony had locked the front door behind them and couldn’t.

    Her cell phone rang, and once she’d rummaged through her purse a glance told her the call was from her daughter.

    She put the phone to her ear. Hey, Sam.

    Mom, just checking to make sure we’re still on the same page today?

    The rattling in the corridor began again. She forced herself to concentrate.

    Taylor’s going to drop off Edna this afternoon, and hopefully my faculty meeting will be over when she gets here. If not, Marianne will let her wait in my office, and she can do her homework. Marianne was the office manager, who always stayed late. Edna was Georgia’s twelve-year-old granddaughter.

    Great, we’re all set then.

    Are you already on your way to Raleigh?

    About an hour out of Asheville. The roads are clear.

    Georgia knew it was too late to change her daughter’s plans, but she had to ask. I know we’ve all been over this together, but you still feel settling this young woman at the Goddess House is the best idea?

    We don’t have any guarantees, but I think it’s the right thing to do. She doesn’t have anyone, Mom. And she needs to be near Michael.


    That’s what she named the baby.

    She’s still not planning to bring him with her, then?

    For now he’s settled with her cousin in Mars Hill, but she’ll be close enough to visit. She has a car. It’s already parked at the Goddess House. Taylor and I drove to Yancey County and got it, along with her clothes and everything else that had been stored for her. There wasn’t a lot. I don’t know if I’ve ever met anybody who has so little to show for her life. She’s so alone.

    Georgia knew exactly how that felt, although for three decades now, she hadn’t been alone herself. She had Samantha and Edna, and in the past year, she had developed strong friendships with a small group of women who had banded together to see what kind of difference they could make in the world. The difference was extraordinary, but nobody who had faced the world without support ever forgot how frightening a place it could be.

    She was nodding, which she realized didn’t help. Then get her settled, and Edna and I will drive up after school. We’ll bring groceries.

    I like her, Samantha said, just before she hung up. Cristy’s hard to get to know, and she shares as little as she can get away with. But there’s something about her.

    Georgia dropped her cell phone back in her purse just as the noise in the hallway began again. Shaking her head she made her way through the tidy outer office, lifted the pass-through at the end of the counter and headed out the door, just in time to see Dawson Nedley skateboarding toward the front entrance.

    She stood in the middle of the hallway, arms folded, and when he turned and started back, he saw her.

    For a moment it looked as if Dawson planned to simply scoot to one side and continue to the other end without so much as a hello, but at the last moment he jumped off the board and grabbed it before it could continue the trip without him. He jammed it, wheels still spinning, under an arm and cocked his head, as if to ask, Is there a problem?

    "There are so many things wrong here," she said.

    He shrugged. Dawson, a junior, was dark-haired, dark-eyed and tan from hours working on his family’s farm. On the rare occasions when he smiled, he was a pleasure to look at, lean and strong and growing taller every day. She imagined he would easily top six foot this year and just keep going.

    Most of the time, though, Dawson’s scowl was the most noticeable aspect of his face. Lots of teenagers were angry, for a variety of reasons, some of them as mundane as curfews or zits. Dawson took anger to a new level, or at least he seemed to. To look at him, anyone would think the boy’s fury was about to boil over into something destructive. Today no one who walked through school doors anywhere had forgotten the lessons of Columbine.

    Georgia knew better than to be taken in by appearances. She believed, backed up by psychological testing and the careful monitoring of his teachers, that Dawson was only a threat to himself. Not that the boy was suicidal. There was no hint of that. He was simply determined to destroy any possible hope for a satisfying future.

    Dawson’s IQ was in the genius range. He read voraciously and could, if it suited him, quote long passages from Sartre and Camus, as well as Bob Dylan and entire episodes of South Park. When he wasn’t harvesting hay or feeding chickens, he was teaching himself Latin or Chinese for fun. His parents were pleasant, churchgoing people who wanted the best for him, but so far nobody had been able to get through to him. Dawson sabotaged every effort. He refused to turn in papers or homework. He never completed projects. If a test seemed silly, he turned in a blank page. He was determined to ruin his life.

    The skateboarding was an excellent example.

    How did you get in? Georgia asked.

    The way I always do. He paused, and when she didn’t respond, he elaborated. Through the front door.

    Our fault, then. But what are you doing here so early?

    You know us farmer types. Up with the roosters.

    There are no roosters in this hallway.

    I figured if I got here early, my father couldn’t find anything else for me to do at home.

    That, she suspected, was the truth.

    So you came complete with skateboard? she asked.

    He shrugged again.

    She held out her hand. No skateboards at BCAS.

    The rules here get dumber and dumber.

    Don’t hang yourself on this one.

    Who am I hurting, anyway?

    Dawson, it’s clear to everybody at this school that you try to deflect your bad behavior by arguing. I won’t play that game, and neither will your teachers. Hand me the skateboard.

    What are you going to do with it?

    I’m going to store it for you until the end of next week, when you can petition me to get it back.

    Are you fu— He caught himself. Are you kidding me?

    Pay attention. I don’t kid.

    She watched him debate with himself. She imagined the colorful conversation inside his head. The boy was rapidly going through all the alternatives and consequences, and he wouldn’t miss a one.

    Scowling, he held out the board.

    Here’s an alternate solution, she said when the skateboard, scuffed and well used, was tucked under her arm. Tony, the custodian, is mopping the kitchen. I’m sure the lunchroom could use a good mopping, too. Ask him to bring out another mop, and the two of you can finish the job together.

    If I wanted to do stupid chores, I would have stayed home.

    If you want to get your skateboard back a couple of days earlier, you’ll make the effort. Otherwise I’ll escort you outside now, where you can wait until the doors open officially.

    It’s cold out there. He was wearing a thin flannel shirt. If he had a jacket, he’d left it in the pickup he drove to school.

    Then I’d factor that into my decision, she said.

    You don’t like me, do you?

    "What have you shown me that I could like?" She asked the question without rancor.

    Don’t they pay you for that?

    They pay me to educate you.


    She held up her hand. She’d let Dawson engage her when she shouldn’t have. The boy was a master, but she was back on track.

    We’re done here, she said. Make your decision.

    Muttering, he started toward the hallway that bisected this one and led to the kitchen. She considered following to be sure he arrived at his destination, but she decided when she saw Tony later in the day, she would ask him.

    Hopefully when he was emptying her trash.

    The clock overhead claimed it wasn’t yet 7:00 a.m. She’d had two confrontations, and the day ahead of her promised more. But her day wouldn’t be as difficult as Samantha’s, or for that matter, the young woman Cristy’s, who would be leaving the North Carolina Correctional Institution for Women after eight months. She wondered what Cristy was thinking now. She wondered what Samantha had seen in Cristy that had convinced her that living at the Goddess House would be the right thing to help the girl heal.

    She wondered if Cristy Haviland felt any remorse for walking out of a jewelry store in Yancey County with a diamond engagement ring concealed in her shopping bag. Had giving birth to a son in prison, a son quickly taken away from her, helped her see that the straight and narrow might be a better path through life?

    Were the women who laughingly referred to themselves as the anonymous goddesses about to make their first real mistake?

    She turned back toward her office. The day was going to be a long one, with a long weekend ahead. All she could do was put one foot in front of the other and hope for the best.

    Chapter Two

    Samantha Ferguson was sorry the prison hadn’t transferred Cristy to a facility closer to Asheville before her release. Even though she’d had to leave home early, she hadn’t minded the drive to and from Raleigh to pick the girl up. With the help of a travel mug of dark coffee and CDs of Beyoncé and Tim McGraw, she’d made good time.

    Unfortunately, by now Cristy would already be exhausted and edgy, and a shorter trip to the Goddess House would have been preferable. Undoubtedly the world was going to seem like a very different place after the months of incarceration, and the young woman would be on emotional and mental overload. In the next weeks she would need rest, good food and good company if she asked for it.

    Most of all she would need a chance to begin reassembling the tragic jigsaw puzzle of her life.

    A friend on staff at NCCIW had briefed Samantha on today’s procedure. Early rising, breakfast and good luck wishes from the other prisoners in her quad, then transfer to the area where she would be strip-searched before she was allowed to shower and change into the clothing she had arrived in eight months before. She would complete paperwork, take the bag with her belongings and wait outside with one of the officers while Sam pulled around to pick her up.

    Finally, after one last stop at the booth where the gate officer would remove the final barrier, Cristy would be free. Her sentence served. Her debt to the good people of North Carolina paid in full.

    Her future a question mark.

    Samantha had arrived fifteen minutes ago. She had popped the trunk of her car and allowed a hyperactive German shepherd a quick sniff inside, opened the rear doors to show there was nothing on the seat, then waited while a cursory search had been conducted in the front. Now a guard in an official blue uniform motioned for her to get back in to enter the grounds. She knew the routine better than most, because she had helped conduct classes here in the fall.

    She’ll be waiting, he told her. They say she’s all set.

    She thanked him and got in her car, pulling it up in front of the gate to be admitted. When the fence swung open, she drove through, ignoring the creeping sensation along her forearms and the way the hair at the back of her neck threatened to rise in protest. She was a law-abiding citizen, the mother of a twelve-year-old honor student, the respected director of a maternal-health clinic in Asheville. But she could never quite silence the voices that reminded her that she, too, could have ended up here. Thirteen years ago if a judge had sentenced her to prison instead of community service, or if she hadn’t heeded the stern lecture he had administered as she stood trembling at the front of the courtroom, she might know firsthand what Cristy Haviland was going through right now.

    She could never quite shake the fear that once she was inside the gates, someone would discover a mistake had been made, and she would be required to do hard time after all. Starting immediately.

    She pulled to a stop at the appropriate doorway and turned off the engine. When the door opened and Cristy and one of the corrections officers came out, Sam got out and went around to open the passenger door.

    She smiled at Cristy, who was sheltering a white plastic bag against her chest. Let’s ditch this place.

    Cristy, hollow-eyed and unsmiling, gave a brief nod. She turned to the officer and nodded again. Thank you.

    Good luck to you. The woman, bulky enough to be taken seriously, snapped her hand in the air, as if in salute, and stepped back as Cristy got in.

    Sam returned to the driver’s seat and started the engine, making a U-turn in the lot to start back toward the gate.

    You can put the bag on the backseat if you’d like.

    Cristy didn’t speak, but she continued to clutch the bag the way a starving woman might clutch a loaf of bread. Samantha waited for the guard to release the gate again. Once it had slid completely open, she touched the gas pedal, and they were outside at last.

    She glanced at Cristy. Her wheat-blond hair was a mass of natural curls scrunched on top of her head. Her skin was deathly pale, and her blue eyes were brimming with tears.

    Samantha accelerated until they were out on the road and driving away.

    I know it’s hard to believe, she said, once she was safely in the flow of traffic, but that part of your life is finished now. You served your time. There’s no mistake.

    Cristy wiped away tears with the tip of her index finger. No mistake?

    You’re free. They aren’t going to change their minds.

    "But there was a mistake," the girl said softly. She turned to look out at the pine-forested scenery, as if to hide more tears.

    Samantha wasn’t sure what she meant. Was there?

    I just spent eight months in prison for a crime I didn’t commit. And I can never, never get them back again.

    * * *

    Cristy was glad when Samantha Ferguson pulled into a McDonald’s parking lot and glided to a space near the door. An hour had passed and they’d said very little to each other. Of course she didn’t blame Samantha for not knowing what to say. What choices had Cristy left her? I’m sorry you were unfairly imprisoned and we’re going to make sure the real thief is caught and punished. Or worse? Unless you admit your guilt and say you want to make amends, I’m not going to be willing to help you after all.

    I’m not an advocate of fast food, Samantha said, but if I’d been locked away from it for eight months, I’m pretty sure I’d be yearning for a burger and fries. She glanced at Cristy and seemed to read the doubt in her eyes. And hey, I can use the break. It’s my treat.

    Cristy tried to remember the last time she had really felt hungry. Four or five months ago, at the end of the pregnancy, perhaps, when even the prison food had tasted good, and the baby growing inside her had needed calories. But once she had delivered, nothing had appealed to her, and she had rapidly lost not only the baby weight but extra pounds, too, because now the clothes she’d worn to prison hung from her thin frame like a scarecrow’s.

    Samantha got out and Cristy knew that she had to, as well. She carefully set the plastic bag at her feet and joined Samantha outside. She was surprised at the burst of noise, at the way cars screeching in and out of the lot throbbed against her eardrums, how, once inside the restaurant, she was blasted with air-conditioning, even though the temperature outside was only in the sixties.

    The restaurant had an indoor playground, and as they passed it, she averted her eyes so she wouldn’t have to watch toddlers enjoying themselves as their parents looked on.

    What would you like? Samantha moved toward the front counter where lines had formed.

    Cristy stared up at the menu on the wall, as if deciding. But the words swam in front of her.

    I don’t know, she said quickly. I...I’m not really hungry. You go ahead.

    Why don’t you find us a place to sit then?

    Cristy began to panic. She was used to being told exactly where to go. Here some of the empty tables were littered with paper or trays containing half-eaten food that hadn’t been cleared away. If she sat at one, would employees come to clear it, or would they think the mess was hers and ignore it? Should she take a seat by the window, or would that make somebody angry because those seats were the best? Was it okay to take a table next to one that was occupied, or to avoid the appearance of eavesdropping, should she try to move off to the side, where the tables were smaller, less desirable and mostly empty?

    Try to get us one in the sunshine if you can, Samantha said, when Cristy didn’t move. It’s cold in here. How about that one? She pointed.

    Cristy moved in that direction, hoping nobody would beat her to the table. Would Samantha be disappointed if she failed? She had already embarrassed the woman by tearfully proclaiming her innocence. By the end of their trip, would Samantha be so disenchanted she would ask Cristy to find another place to live?

    Then where would she go?

    She got to the table and gratefully fell into a chair. Around her everyone was going about their business. No one knew her. To them she was a shabby, weary-eyed young blonde. No one knew she had just completed a prison term, or that she was the mother of a son she’d never held.

    No one could tell by looking at her that she had fallen so deeply into a well of secrets and lies that she would never find her way out of it.

    She could see Samantha placing an order, then stepping to one side to wait. She watched for just a moment. Samantha was a beautiful woman, probably a mixture of races or ethnicities, although Cristy had certainly never asked the particulars. She had a mane of curly, dark hair that fell past her shoulders, more-cream-than-coffee skin, and a narrow, delicately featured face that made Cristy think of the illustration of Pharaoh’s daughter in the Old Testament picture book she’d loved as a child. Samantha was tall, slender and graceful in faded jeans and a dark purple sweater, with a smile that could disarm any enemy at ten paces.

    To Cristy she looked like someone who had never known a moment of sorrow in all the twenty-five or thirty years she had lived on earth.

    By the time Samantha approached their table and set a tray in the middle, Cristy had turned away from a view of cars zooming through the parking lot to see a wealth of food.

    Samantha sounded apologetic. I have a daughter who just turned twelve, and she’s always hungry. I’m afraid I ordered like she was here with us. You’ll help me eat it?

    Cristy had become an expert at recognizing subtext, one of the things she was taking away from her months behind bars. Samantha had guessed she was hungry, guessed she wanted to eat and guessed that Cristy hadn’t known how to make that happen.

    You’ve already done so much for me, she said.

    And what good will any of that be if you waste away? How much weight did you lose after the baby?

    Cristy shrugged. I don’t know.

    "I bet you can do justice to some of this. I really, really hate to waste food. Samantha began to unload the tray, pushing a red carton toward Cristy. Big Mac, fries and a Coke. If you want a shake or a smoothie, I’ll get you one, but I thought that might be a bit much with a long car trip. And please, no matter what, when you meet Edna, don’t tell her what we had for lunch."

    Cristy opened the carton and stared. Her mouth began to water.

    Samantha opened a similar one and unveiled what looked like a chicken sandwich. She held it out. I’ll be happy to trade.

    You’re so nice, and I don’t know why.

    Samantha didn’t look surprised. And considering where you’ve been and what you’ve learned these past months, you know better than to take anything at face value. I get that. I’d feel the same way in your shoes. I’ll explain the whole thing someday, in detail, I promise. But for now, here’s the gist. I’m friends with a group of women, and we received a bequest when a mutual friend died. She left us a beautiful old log house right between the townships of Luck and Trust in Madison County, the one I told you about in our phone call. She asked us to use it any way we saw fit.

    Any way?

    Any way that matters. Specifically as a way to reach out to other women who can use the help. After we met in class, I asked about you, and I was told you needed a place to go when you were released, someplace close enough to Mars Hill that you could visit your son. I realized the Goddess House—that’s what we call it—would be a good place for you to land for a while.

    That’s it?

    Yeah, essentially, it is. Samantha began to eat.

    Why Goddess House? What kind of organization is it?

    Samantha chewed a while and sipped some of her drink before she answered. It’s not. Not an organization, I mean. We’re just a group of friends.

    But why goddess? It sounds like some kind of cult.

    No, there’s just a beautiful story about a Buddhist goddess named Kuan Yin, who died, and on her way to heaven—or whatever Buddhists call heaven—she heard the cry of all the suffering people left on earth. So instead of going to heaven she turned and came back to be with them. She said she couldn’t leave until all their suffering had ended. The story says she’s still with those who need her, an anonymous goddess who helps whenever and whomever she can. Without fuss. Just helps. We’re not that good or selfless. We aren’t saints or goddesses, just women like a million others who find ways to stretch out a hand. But there are things we can do and we try to.

    And I’m going to be your project.

    Samantha didn’t seem put off by her word choice or tone, which even to Cristy’s ears had sounded rude.

    No. I hope you’re going to be our friend.

    "Why did you ask about me? When you were teaching the class?"

    I honestly don’t know. Maybe because you just seemed more alone than the other women.

    The class had been required for pregnant inmates, dealing with prenatal care, changes in their bodies, what to expect during labor and delivery. Cristy knew that Samantha had volunteered to run it on the nights she was in Durham taking classes at the university to keep her nursing certification current. Cristy didn’t know why, though.

    She unwrapped her sandwich and took a tentative bite before she spoke. This hamburger didn’t taste like anything she’d eaten in the past months. In fact, she didn’t want to swallow and lose that initial burst of flavor.

    She did swallow finally, then reached for a French fry. Why were you there in the first place? Were you getting credit for teaching our class, too?

    Samantha smiled a little. No credit, except maybe with myself. I’ll tell you the story if you’re interested.

    Cristy nodded.

    I had a rough adolescence. I went to a fancy private academy in Asheville where my mom was the headmistress—you’ll meet her this evening—and I hated everything about being there. I was one of three minority students, and that was only one of the many ways I felt different. I reacted by rebelling big-time, notably by drinking. My poor mom tried everything to help, but I was beyond intervention and a great liar. One night I sneaked out and went to a party in the country with a guy I’d met on another night when I’d also sneaked out. You see a theme here, right?

    Cristy felt herself relaxing. She nodded again.

    "It was some party. I drank. He drank. We both drank some more. On the way home he kept falling asleep at the wheel, so I made him pull over, then I got in the driver’s seat. I guess I was weaving back and forth and driving too fast, because a cop saw us and tried to pull me over. I remember thinking that was hysterical. So I thought it would be even more fun to see if he could catch me. We raced up and down mountain roads for maybe as far as ten miles. Then I ran off the road and into a drainage ditch and nearly killed the guy I was with. They say he had ninety stitches, on top of internal organ damage and three broken bones."

    Cristy didn’t know what to say. Something was required, though, maybe something that sounded as if she understood, which she did. I hated high school, too. I quit the moment I could.

    I know you did. It must have been a hard time for you.

    What happened next?

    Speeding to elude arrest is a Class H felony. Luckily for me, my passenger eventually recovered, or things would have been different. But the courts can, if they choose, discharge first offenders under the age of eighteen. I was seventeen when this happened, and even with my many problems, I’d never been arrested. So I was given a year’s probation, otherwise known as a wake-up call. I did community service, started going to AA meetings, finished high school somewhere else and kept out of trouble. Eventually all record of my offense was expunged.

    You got off then. What does that have to do with teaching at the prison?

    "It wasn’t that simple. My mother lost her job over it, something I still can’t forgive myself for. But I got off, Cristy, because I was lucky. Pure and simple. Not because this was a little infraction, or because I’d been a model citizen. I screwed up big-time, and somehow I was given a chance to have a normal life anyway. It’s been a good life, too, but you know what? I still feel like I owe the universe. I figure teaching at the prison is a way to show I’m thankful for not being a resident there. And a way to give back to everybody who wasn’t as lucky as I was."

    Like me.

    Like you.

    I was twenty-two when I was arrested, and I had a prior conviction. Cristy chewed on a French fry, then another before she added, I deserved the first one. She wanted Samantha to know that, to see she was willing to take responsibility when she should.


    I was still in high school, right before I dropped out. There was a group of girls I liked, girls like me who didn’t really fit in, and they had this unofficial club. They called themselves the Outsiders. To join I had to go into the hardware store down the street from school and shoplift something. Anything, it didn’t matter, except it had to be over a dollar. One of them waited outside to make sure I didn’t go up to the counter and pay first.

    When she didn’t go on, Sam asked, So you went along with it?

    I was a preacher’s kid. By then my parents thought I was beyond redemption, but I’d never done anything illegal, not anything like that. So I was scared but determined.

    And you got caught?

    I took the cheapest thing I could find on the aisle farthest from the counter. It was a little pocket tape measure. I figured I would go in later when nobody was watching and tell the clerk I’d walked out by mistake without paying for it, and give him the money. I thought that would make it okay. I stood there for ten minutes trying to make myself slip it in my pocket, and finally I did.

    Samantha waved a French fry. Uh-oh.

    Turns out the manager had been watching me. He had figured out what the Outsiders were up to, and he’d noticed the girl waiting outside. So they stopped me when I had one foot out the doorway and called the sheriff. I think they hoped nobody else would try to shoplift after that. As small as it was, it was still on my record when... She didn’t go on.

    When you were arrested the next time.

    Cristy nodded. It didn’t help.

    I guess not.

    They fell silent. Cristy finished half her hamburger, but she realized that was the best she could do. I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can eat the rest of this. Thank you for buying it for me.

    You’re very welcome. Samantha flashed her extraordinary smile, and for a moment Cristy felt warmed by it.

    I noticed a Target in the strip mall over there. Samantha nodded toward the far door. That’ll give us a chance to stretch our legs before we get back on the road. You’re going to need some new clothes until you gain back some of the weight you lost. Let’s do a little shopping.

    I’m sorry, but I just don’t get it. You’re being so nice to me. And you have no reason to.

    Reason? Samantha considered. Here’s my reason, Cristy. We’ve just determined that I was lucky and you weren’t. So let me make a little good luck for you now. It’s as simple as that. Don’t you deserve it?

    Cristy didn’t know. She honestly didn’t know what she deserved anymore. And because she didn’t, she just didn’t answer.

    Chapter Three

    Every day at BCAS was one of those days. Georgia knew she was lucky to thrive on variety and problem solving. Even so, by the time the afternoon faculty meeting drew to an end, all the blood had been leeched from her body.

    The faculty had come with the job, which Georgia had gotten after the committee’s first choice left the school board high and dry. Unfortunately that woman had also gifted the school with a handful of teachers who saw BCAS as a demotion, even a punishment for infractions they had committed in their lengthy careers.

    Passive-aggressive behavior reigned. In classrooms that needed constant stimulation to engage students’ attention, these teachers inevitably showed videos, or assigned long passages to be read silently. They used lesson plans that probably hadn’t worked in former classrooms, and talked about not coddling students. In the future Georgia might be able to replace them, but this year, for better or worse, they were hers. Boring students to death was not a good enough reason to send a teacher packing.

    Now, at meeting’s end, she stood to stop one of the worst teachers in the middle of a monologue that was putting the rest of the faculty to sleep. Jon Farrell, a man tantalizingly close to retirement, was moonfaced and pink-cheeked. What was left of his gray hair was trimmed in an old-fashioned flattop stiffened with wax. Jon’s educational theories were of the same vintage.

    Thank you, Jon, she said. "But I’ve got to cut you off

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