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The Dollmaker
The Dollmaker
The Dollmaker
Ebook372 pages5 hours

The Dollmaker

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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In Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, a terrible secret is about to be uncovered by a woman whose daughter vanished seven years ago without a trace

And now a new clue has surfaced a doll that is the spitting image of Claire Doucett’s missing child, right down to the tiny birthmark on the girl’s left arm. A chance sighting of the eerily lifelike doll in a French Quarter collectibles shop leaves Claire shaken to her core and more determined than ever to find out what happened to her beloved Ruby.

When the doll is snatched and the store’s owner turns up dead, Claire knows the only person she can turn to is ex-husband Dave Creasy, a former cop who has spent the past seven years imprisoned by his own guilt and despair. He let Claire down once when she needed him the most. Can she make him believe the doll really exists? She’ll have to if they’re to survive an encounter with a brutal psychopaththe dollmakerwho stole their future to feed an obsession that will never die.
Release dateSep 17, 2012
The Dollmaker

Amanda Stevens

Amanda Stevens is an award-winning author of over fifty novels. Born and raised in the rural south, she now resides in Houston, Texas.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Excellent. Just the right amount of mystery, love interest, corruption, horror.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    THE DOLLMAKER. Yep, it was as creepy as the cover. This book came out a few years before The Graveyard Queen series by Amanda Stevens, and I loved it. She knows how to create troubled and tragic characters who draw readers into their stories, and Dave and Claire – ugh, their story was heart-wrenching! Their daughter disappeared without a trace seven years earlier, their marriage fell apart, and Dave turned to alcohol. Then suddenly, Claire comes across a mysterious doll in a shop window that looks just like their missing daughter, down to the birthmark on her arm. Coincidence?THE DOLLMAKER was an exciting and emotional novel of suspense, set in one of my favorite locations, New Orleans. It was interesting how the author talked about Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath on the city. There were many layers to this story, not only the doll, but also the reemergence of a cold case Dave had first investigated at the time of his daughter’s disappearance. There was also a diverse cast of notable secondary characters, some good, some bad, but which was which?Final Thoughts: If you enjoy page-turning, creepy suspense with just the barest hint of romance, I’d highly recommend THE DOLLMAKER.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I wasn't particularly attached to any of the main characters. I especially didn't like Charlotte and Alex. There wasn't enough creep or scares for me. As far as the plot, it was WAY to easy to figure out. There was much potential for this story, it just wasn't established. I am not sure if I will try this author again or not. I hated the ending of this and honestly couldn't recommend it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book was okay. I liked the main characters, and was rooting for them to get back together, but it just took too long for me. And then the climax and conclusion was really fast. As for suspense, there wasn't a whole lot. I sort of knew what was going on most of the book. If it hadn't been for the fact that I did like Dave and Claire so much, I probably wouldn't have finished the book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Seven years ago a little girl names Ruby is kidnapped. Around the same time a stripper is murdered. And today, another dancer disappears. What brings them all together?? Claire happens to be shopping with her sister when she spots a doll in a window that looks exactly like her daughter Ruby, right down to the pink dress she was wearing when she disappers. No one believes Claire when she descirbes the likeness, and everyone wants her to let it go all ready, including her soon to be ex-husband. Clair's first husband Dave is also back on the scene -asked to investigate the disappearance of the dancer. Now a PI, Dave used to be a cop. Until his daughters kidnapping turned hin into a raging drunk. Now sober, he vows to find the truth. While the murderer of the first stripper and the "dollmaker" are revealed early on, this is more of a story of secrets, lies and finding your way back to the ones you love. While I really enjoyed this book, I didn't find it 'thrilling". Then again -I don't find Silence of the Lambs to be a scary movie either! A-
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    One day Claire Doucett, while out on a walk in New Orleans sees a doll in a store window with the spitting image of her missing daughter. Claire tries to convince her sister that she is not going crazy and that there really is a doll that looks exactly like her daughter, as they travel to the store the doll is missing and the store owner has been murdered. Claire than goes to the one person she can turn to her ex-husband Dave Creasy. Together they investigate the strange mystery surrounding the doll all the time not realizing that it would take them down a dangerous path and wind up encountering a psychopath.This book will make you look at dolls in a whole different way. Check it out
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book has a wonderfully imaginative premise and well crafted characters. Not as strong on either suspense or chills as I would have expected from reading the cover blurbs, but a story worth reading nonetheless.

Book preview

The Dollmaker - Amanda Stevens


The doll was getting to him. Even though Travis McSwain wasn’t a man easily spooked. She was so lifelike that anyone glancing through the shop window might mistake her for a pretty, little, blond-haired girl.

But up close, the eyes gave her away. They looked like pieces of turquoise. Travis had never seen real eyes that color.

He didn’t like staring at her for too long because his mind kept playing tricks on him. Earlier, when he’d packed her up to bring her into the city, he could have sworn those glass eyes followed his every move. They gave him the chills so bad he’d had half a mind to chuck her in the swamp. But he needed the money and so here he was.

The shopkeeper glanced up from her inspection. She’s stunning. Absolutely breathtaking. If you’ll just give me a few more minutes we can discuss your payment terms.

Take your time, Travis muttered, but he wished to hell the woman would hurry up. The sooner he got rid of the doll the sooner he’d breathe a lot easier.

Something about that porcelain face creeped him out. It was almost as if Travis had seen her before, in a dream maybe, but he didn’t know how that could be possible. She was one of a kind.

He’d gone up to the old Sweete place looking for work, and when he spotted the doll through the front window, he’d decided to snatch her, because that’s what he did. He took things that didn’t belong to him. It was some kind of sickness, he reckoned.

Before his Pentecostal mother went off the deep end, she used to weep and pray for his immortal soul, but his daddy had favored another approach. Whenever Travis got caught using the five-finger discount, the old man would take a belt to his hide, work him over good until his back and butt cheeks resembled raw steak.

But after the first time Travis got sent off to juvenile detention in St. James Parish, Cletus McSwain’s attitude had changed. He’d pretty much washed his hands of his son. One of these days you’ll pinch from the wrong person, boy, and end up with a bullet right between the eyeballs. And when that happens, I’ll be damned if I shed a tear over your sorry ass.

Well, that was fair. Because Travis sure as hell hadn’t done much crying when the pious old bastard got swept off a shrimp boat and drowned in the Gulf. And now here Travis stood, right as rain, while his daddy swam with the fishes down in Terrebonne Bay.

Sometimes you just had to laugh at how things worked out.

Travis leaned an elbow on the counter and tried to assume a casual air as the shopkeeper continued to study the doll. But every once in a while, when the woman wasn’t looking, his gaze would dart to the front window. He didn’t like to put much stock in his old man’s predictions, but ever since he’d taken the doll, Travis had a real bad feeling that maybe, just maybe, he’d gotten in over his head this time. Boosting cars was one thing, but jacking that doll was starting to feel a little like kidnapping.

A shiver snaked up his spine. It was like the damn thing was hexed or something.

He fingered the mojo bag he carried around in his pocket. It’s just a toy.

But the doll was more than a toy. Everyone in Terrebonne Parish knew that Savannah Sweete’s dolls were one of a kind and worth a lot of money. And someone was going to want it back.

He cast another glance at the window. Rain was coming and the gloomy twilight deepened his unease. He was letting his nerves get the better of him, but he couldn’t seem to help it. New Orleans did that to him. He hadn’t been back since Katrina, and the landscape had changed so much he’d hardly recognized the place, driving in. But the soul of the city—the Vieux Carré—remained the same. Travis didn’t know if that was a good thing or not.

Earlier, he’d walked around for a little while before his appointment with the shop owner, and he’d been struck by how normal everything seemed. Normal for the Quarter, anyway. It was still early, but the strip joints on Bourbon Street were already open, giving passersby free peep shows from the doorways. Travis’s attention had been captivated by a tall, leggy blonde undulating to a country and western song. Her back was to the door, but when she glanced over her shoulder, her dark eyes fastened like laser beams on Travis.

She was incredibly limber, and her ass and thighs were as tight as the skin on a snare drum. She smiled and curled a finger in his direction, inviting him in for a closer inspection, and Travis had been sorely tempted. But then she turned slowly to face him, and anger washed over him when he realized he’d been standing there gawking at a transvestite.

A throaty voice had said from the doorway, Come on in, sugar, she don’t bite. Her name is Cherry Rose. You like what Cherry Rose got down there, no?

No, Travis muttered, and turned away.

Hey, don’t be like that! the voice called after him. Come on back here, baby. Cherry Rose make a real man out of you.

Some of the tourists on the street overheard and started laughing, and Travis’s fist itched to connect with the he-bitch’s red mouth. But Bourbon Street drag queens were notorious for strapping switchblades to their thighs, and when they got all hopped up on speed, they’d as soon cut a man’s balls off as look at him.

So Travis had hurried away. But as he crossed the street he’d glanced back and noticed someone standing on the sidewalk, staring after him. Not the dancer or the hawker in the doorway, but a strange-looking woman wearing silver earrings and a flowing green skirt.

Something about the way she gazed at him startled Travis, and he’d paused for a moment to stare back at her. Then he lost her in the noisy crowd on the street and moved on.

He thought about the woman now and wondered where she’d gone off to, wondered if he might be able to find her once his business with the shopkeeper was settled.

Then again, maybe he ought to leave well enough alone and get his ass on home, where he could tell what was what. But after taking that doll, Terrebonne Parish might not be the safest place for him right now.

Suppressing a shudder, he said impatiently, Don’t mean to rush you, ma’am, but I ain’t got all night.

The woman looked up with an apologetic smile. I’m sorry for making you wait, dear, but I rarely come across workmanship of this quality. The freckles across the nose…the tiny birthmark on her left arm…that kind of attention to detail is a Savannah Sweete trademark. I just can’t get over how meticulous she is.


However… The woman’s tone sharpened, as if she was readying herself to get down to business. She was an old broad with steely blue eyes and cottony hair. Her glasses were the shape of cat’s eyes, and as she spoke, she kept slipping them off and chewing on one of the stems.

Travis frowned. What’s wrong? You don’t like her so much all of a sudden?

No, it isn’t that. As I said, the doll is beautiful. But there are some fairly convincing imitations making the rounds these days. A few of Savannah’s former students have mastered her technique, and I know of one or two who have actually tried to pass off their work as hers. The woman paused, her gaze dropping to the doll. Do you have the certificate of authenticity?

Travis had thought that might be a problem, but he was prepared to bluff his way through it. After all, bullshitting was second nature to him. Just like stealing. If you’re the expert you claim to be, you should be able to tell just by looking at her that she’s the real deal. He reached out and flipped one of the doll’s golden curls with his fingertip. You said yourself you’ve never seen such quality.

The woman slid the glasses up her nose and bent back over the doll. I’m ninety-nine percent certain she’s genuine, but if you could obtain her paperwork, the value would double.

Sorry, but I’m offering her as is. You don’t want her, I’ll go elsewhere. I figure there’s plenty of shops and private collectors out there who’d like to get their hands on a fine piece like this.

Perhaps. But you have to understand my position. My livelihood hinges on my reputation. If you could at least tell me how and where you acquired her…?

Travis didn’t like the sound of that. The last thing he needed was for the old biddy to call the cops. Why do you need to know that?

As I said, I have a reputation to consider. I have to be cautious.

This wasn’t going as well as he’d hoped. The woman was playing hardball and he now had two options. Stay and haggle or take the doll and walk. By this time tomorrow he’d probably have another buyer, but he didn’t much like the notion of driving all the way back home, knowing those glass eyes would be watching him another night.

Okay, it’s like this. The doll belonged to my girl-friend’s kid. The little girl up and died suddenly, and my old lady can’t have a reminder like that lying around the house. She asked me to get rid of it for her. Considering everything she’s been through, I don’t see how I can worry her about the paperwork. You understand.

Of course I do. How awful to lose a child. And one so beautiful. She stroked the doll’s smooth check. I have two little granddaughters. I can’t imagine anything more tragic—

So we got us a deal or what?

The shopkeeper’s attention lingered on the doll. She couldn’t seem to tear her gaze away. Cut ten percent off the price we discussed on the phone and we’ll call it a day.

Sounds fair enough.

She smiled, satisfied. Good. If you’ll wait here, I’ll write you a check.

Travis’s hand snaked out to curl around her wrist. Like I said earlier, I’m partial to cash.

The woman’s eyes flickered. He could see suspicion working its way back to the surface, but she wanted the doll so bad she was willing to ignore her instincts. She shook off his hand and gave a curt nod. I’ll be right back.

She reappeared a few moments later and handed him an envelope. It’s all there—the amount we agreed on earlier, less ten percent. But feel free to count it, Mr….

Travis pocketed the envelope with a grin. I trust you. Besides, if you short me I know where to find you.

The woman’s hand fluttered to her throat and she turned a little pale, as if suddenly realizing that she’d just struck a bargain with the devil.

Lady, if you only knew.

She followed him to the door and after he stepped outside, he heard the click of the dead bolt behind him. Glancing over his shoulder, he saw the woman’s silhouette in the window, but she quickly shut off the light and pulled the shade.

Travis stood on the sidewalk for a moment, deciding whether he wanted to go straight home or stop off somewhere for a drink. It wasn’t often he had spare change in his pocket. Might as well do a little celebrating.

Across the street, a shadow darted into a doorway, and his heart raced. For a moment he thought it was the woman he’d seen earlier on Bourbon Street, but as he peered into the shadows, he couldn’t make her out.

He was seeing things, probably. A guilty conscience could make a man jumpy.

Whatever the hell was wrong with him, he couldn’t wait to get out of New Orleans. Too many weirdos hanging around to suit him. He’d leave the city before having that drink. Maybe stop off at a little place he knew on the way home, buy a bucket of shrimp and have a few beers. Later he’d make a liquor store run with Desiree, and the two of them could sit out on his back porch getting shit-faced as they watched heat lightning over the Gulf.

It all sounded good.

Hunching his shoulders against a light rain, he headed east toward Bourbon Street. At the corner of Chartres and St. Louis, a group of tourists had stopped to watch an old black man tap-dance beneath a balcony. The rat-a-tat-tat of his shoes resonated in the darkness, and for some reason the sound made Travis feel lonely.

He stopped to stuff a couple of bills into a beat-up coffee can, then quickly moved on, discomforted by the man’s toothless grin. The old geezer looked to be pushing eighty. He should have been tucked away somewhere in a rest home instead of busting his hump on a street corner in the rain. But that was New Orleans for you. The old didn’t die here. They were just forgotten.

You don’t get yourself straightened out, that’ll be you someday, boy, he could hear his daddy goad him.

Travis didn’t want to think about his father or the future or even what he was going to do with himself beyond the next drunk. He tuned out the echo of the old man’s taps as he neared the cathedral and turned up St. Peter.

The street was nearly deserted here except for a woman who stood in the glow of a shop window. She wore a green skirt, and when she moved her head, light sparked off her silver earrings.

Travis slowed his steps. She was the same woman he’d seen earlier on Bourbon Street.

Their gazes connected as he approached, and a shiver slid up his spine. She had the palest face he’d ever laid eyes on. He knew he’d never seen her before tonight, but there was something eerily familiar about her features. He couldn’t put his finger on what it was.

She smiled, and the skin at the back of his neck crawled. Who the hell was she?

Spooked by that smile, Travis decided to keep on walking, but as he passed her, she said in a low voice, Can I trouble you for a light?

Not exactly an original line, but curiosity got the better of him and he reached in his pocket for a lighter. Turning, he shielded the flame with his cupped hand as she lifted a cigarette to her lips. They were nice lips. Not too full, not too thin. It was only when she smiled that something seemed off about her mouth.

She took a pull and slowly exhaled the smoke, then handed the cigarette to Travis. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do with it, but when he took a drag, she didn’t seem to mind.

So what are you doing out here all by your lonesome? he asked.

Killing time.

Kind of dangerous to be here alone. Nothing but freaks in the Quarter.

She smiled. Really? I hadn’t noticed.

That smile. Travis wished she’d stop doing that. It wasn’t a nice smile and it kind of ruined the mood for him. He glanced away.

Do you like to party? she asked.

Doesn’t everybody?

My place is just back there. She nodded toward a narrow alley that ran between two buildings. Got a nice little courtyard where we can sit and watch the rain. Come on, she said, and started walking. I’ll buy you a drink.

Her smile might not do anything for him, but the way she walked sure as hell did. Travis followed her into the alley. He didn’t know if she was a hooker or just some bitch out for a good time, but at the moment, he didn’t really give a shit. The money he’d made from the doll was burning a hole in his pocket.

She was a few steps ahead of him, humming something under her breath.

What’s that you’re singing?

It’s an old song. Something my mother used to sing to me at bedtime. She glanced over her shoulder. Do you like it?

Yeah, it’s nice. He hurried to catch up with her. My mama didn’t believe in music. Or dancing.

How sad for you. She paused to adjust the strap on her sandal, and when she lost her balance, she grabbed Travis’s arm to right herself.

He stared down at her in the darkness. She laughed softly, and the next thing Travis knew, he had her backed up against the brick wall.

She laughed again, a breathy sound that spiked his heartbeat. But when he tried to kiss her, she turned her head so that his lips only grazed her pale cheek. He moved to her ear, then nuzzled her neck as he put a hand on her narrow waist, letting his thumb slide up beneath her breast. She was small there, too, but he didn’t mind. What’s your name?

After a slight hesitation, she said in a husky whisper, Madeline.

That’s a nice name. Travis figured she’d made it up on the spur of the moment, but he didn’t care if she had. After tonight, they’d never see each other again, anyway. You smell good, Madeline.

He again tried to kiss her, but she gave him a playful shove. Take it easy, okay? We’ve got all night. Don’t you want that drink first?

He rubbed up against her, grinding his hips against hers. You know what I want.

Sure I do, baby. Her hand slid between them and she ran it up and down his fly. But it’ll cost you.

How much?

A hundred and fifty. Her hand squeezed him. You got that much?

He fished in his pocket for the money and handed it to her in the dark. For that kind of dough, you better be something special.

Oh, I am. She slipped the folded bills into her bra. I’m very special. You’ve never been with anyone like me before, honey.

Reversing their positions, she pushed him up against the wall, then wet a finger in her mouth and traced his lips. You want it fast or slow?

Right now, I want you on your knees, he said, and unzipped his pants.

Patience, baby. Good things come to those who wait. Her fingers closed around him as she slid her other hand over his shoulder.

Travis let his head fall back against the brick wall, his breath quickening as he swelled in her hand. An instant later, he felt a sharp sting in the side of his neck, and pushed her away. What the hell was that?

She smiled in the dark. You’re going to need something for the pain.

Pain? His voice rose in fury as he lifted a hand to his neck. What did you do to me, you fucking bitch? Light from an apartment overhead filtered into the alley, and he could see her eyes staring back at him. He hadn’t noticed before how blue they were. And then in a flash, it came to him where he’d seen that face before.

Fear and revulsion rose in his throat a split second before his muscles collapsed. He tried to stay on his feet, tried to grab her around the throat, but he had no control over his limbs. He fell to his knees, his gaze locked on hers. His mouth gaped open, but no sound came out.

You took something of mine and now I’m going to have to do some very bad things to get her back.

With a foot on his chest, she shoved him backward. Paralyzed, he fell to the dirty pavement, his gaze fixed on those blue eyes.

She removed a scalpel from her bag and knelt beside him. This is going to be a little crude and messy, I’m afraid, but I can’t have the police tracing you or the doll back to me.

A fresh wave of terror washed over Travis. He wanted to get up and run. He wanted to scream for help. He wanted to fight for his life.

But he could only lie there helplessly as she lowered the blade and began to cut off his fingers.


Twilight always fell anxiously over the Big Easy, especially when it rained. That’s when the ghosts came out. A wisp of steam rising from the wet pavement. The murmur of voices from a hidden courtyard. Something dark and stealthy moving in the shadows, and suddenly you were reminded of a past that wouldn’t stay buried.

New Orleans was like that. A city of memories, Dave Creasy always called it. A city of secrets and whispers and the kind of regret that could eat a man up inside. Like the wrong woman, she’d get in a man’s blood, destroy his soul, make him feel alive and dead at the same time. And on a hot, rainy night—when the ghosts came out—it could be the loneliest place on earth.

Welcome back, a voice whispered in Dave’s head as he lifted his face, eyes closed, and listened to the rustle of rain through the white oleanders that drooped over a crumbling brick wall along St. Peters.

It was strange how the city could still seduce him. He’d been born and raised in New Orleans, and like everyone else he knew, there’d been a time when he couldn’t wait to get out. Now he couldn’t seem to stay away. The ghosts wouldn’t let him.

A car slowed on the street in front of him, and a child stared out at him from a rain-streaked window. She looked a little like Ruby, and Dave watched her until the car was out of sight, the pain in his chest as familiar now as his heartbeat. Then he started walking.

Around the next corner, a neon half-moon sputtered in the gathering darkness. He wanted to think of the light as a beacon, but he knew better. The Crescent City Bar could never in a million years be considered a haven. Not for him, at least.

As he entered the room, an infinitesimal chill slid over him. Welcome back, that taunting voice whispered again.

The bar was nearly empty. A handful of zombielike patrons sat with heads bowed over drinks, the only acknowledgment of their coexistence a mingling of cigarette smoke that drifted up from the tables. The old wood blades of the ceiling fans rotated overhead, barely stirring warm air that reeked of sweat, booze and despair.

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.

Dave took a seat at the end of the bar, where he could watch the door. He hadn’t been a cop for nearly seven years, but old habits died hard.

From the other end, the hulk of a bartender watched him with open suspicion. He was tall and tough, with skin the texture of leather. Jubal Roach had to be at least sixty, but the forearms underneath his rolled-up shirtsleeves bulged with muscle, and his sullen expression reflected, as Dave knew only too well, a still-murderous disposition.

Dave’s old partner had once warned him about Jubal’s temper. They’d stopped in for a beer after their watch one night and the surly bartender had copped an attitude from the get-go. Back in the day, Dave hadn’t been one to turn the other cheek.

Man, let it go, Titus had said in a nervous whisper. You don’t want to tangle with that S.O.B. Once he start in whaling on you, he like a big ’ol loggerhead. He ain’t gonna let you go till it thunders. Or till you dead.

It was good advice. Too bad Dave hadn’t had the sense to heed it.

He and Jubal played the staring game for several more seconds, then, with a hardening of his features, the older man ambled down to Dave’s end of the bar.

Jubal. Dave greeted him warily, mindful of the nightstick and brass knuckles the bartender kept under the counter. How’s it going?

Dave Creasy. Been a while since I saw your ugly mug in here. Kinda thought you might be dead.

Kinda hoped was the inference. I bought a place in St. Mary Parish awhile back.

Same difference, you ask me. Jubal got down a glass and a bottle of whiskey. The usual?

Nah, I’m on the wagon these days.

Since when?

Eight months, four days, nine hours and counting. Since the last time I got thrown in jail for disorderly conduct.

Jubal’s gold tooth flashed in the light from the Abita Purple Haze sign over the bar.

Dave touched the area over his left eye. His memories of that night had faded, but the scar hadn’t. It had taken him two days to get out of the drunk tank, another five before he’d stumbled into the nearest emergency room with a raging fever. The infection had laid him flat for nearly two weeks, and by the time he got out of the hospital, fifteen pounds lighter, a jagged scar was the least of his worries.

You’re lucky you didn’t lose your eye, the young intern had scolded him. However, at the moment, I’m more concerned about your liver. You have what is known as alcohol hepatitis, which can be treated but only if alcohol consumption is stopped. Otherwise, this condition is likely to cause cirrhosis, Mr. Creasy, he’d stated bluntly. If you don’t stop drinking, there’s a good chance you won’t make it to your fortieth birthday.

Dave wasn’t particularly worried about dying, but he would prefer not to go out the way his old man had. So he’d stopped drinking…again, started going back to AA, and he’d moved down to Morgan City to work part-time for his uncle while reopening Creasy Investigations. Marsilius had found him a little house on the bayou where he could live and set up shop until he was able to afford office space in town. The only problem with that arrangement was that his uncle now considered it his moral duty to keep Dave on the straight and narrow.

As if testing Dave’s resolve, Jubal poured a shot of Jack Daniel’s and slid the tumbler across the bar. First one’s on the house. For old times’ sake.

No thanks, but I’ll take a cup of that coffee I smell brewing.

Suit yourself. Jubal filled a cup and passed it to Dave. If you’re not drinking, what brings you in here?

I’m meeting someone. Dave lifted the cup and took a sip of the strong chicory blend. The coffee was hot. It scalded his tongue and he swore as the front door swung open. And in walked Angelette Lapierre.

She stood in the doorway taking stock of the room just as she always did. That was Dave’s first memory of her, the way she’d planted herself on the threshold of the captain’s office, her gaze sweeping the room as the group of homicide detectives huddled over a map had looked up with a collective indrawn breath.

Dave had been married back then and in love with his wife, but he couldn’t help noticing Angelette. Dark-haired, dark-eyed, she’d had that dog-in-heat quality that drew men to her side and made any woman unfortunate enough to be in the same room dislike her on sight.

Dave had tried to ignore her, but later in the crowded squad room, he’d glanced up to find her watching him, and her slow smile had sent a shiver down his backbone. Something that might have been a warning glinted in her sultry eyes that day, and Dave would later wish that he’d taken heed of it.

But instead, he’d told himself there was no harm in looking. What Claire didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.


Dave winced at the memory. He didn’t want to think about her at that moment. He didn’t want to think about her ever. She was a part of his past. One of the ghosts that came out to haunt him on rainy summer nights.

But he couldn’t help himself. He closed his eyes briefly as an image of his ex-wife appeared in his head. She wasn’t as curvy or as beautiful as Angelette, but her appeal was far more dangerous because she was the kind of woman you could never get out of your system. No matter how much you drank.

As if she was reading his mind, Angelette’s expression hardened. Her gaze seemed to pierce right through him, and then she blinked and the daggers were gone. The familiar smile flashed, dazzled, even as her chin lifted in defiance.

Same old Angelette.

She wore a blue dress, transparent from where she stood in the doorway. Jubal leaned an elbow on the bar and swore under his breath. Together he and Dave watched her walk with fluid grace to the stool next to Dave’s, a whiff of something seductive preceding her.

Still smiling, she placed her purse

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