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The Viking's Mate Hunt
The Viking's Mate Hunt
The Viking's Mate Hunt
Ebook193 pages3 hours

The Viking's Mate Hunt

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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"Little bunny, little bunny. Wolf is HUNGRY!" The voice taunted me, followed by an evil cackle.
"Run, rabbit. RUN!" A monstrous bellow boomed through the night sky and crashed into my soul like a sledgehammer. I could feel a chill sweeping across my body and my heart pounding in my chest. The echoes of howls and laughter followed me from behind as I ran for my life.
Elisabeth's life had been harder than most since she was a child - a distant and often cruel mother and her never-ending cycle of addiction that had taken over her life. But on this fateful night, something far more sinister was lurking in the darkness, ready to take her away from it all.
Massive figures appeared out of nowhere, growling and taunting her. She tried to scream, but nothing would come out; before she knew it, she was waking up in a world where Viking werewolves ruled with mysterious faeries at their side.
Every five years, they traveled to the human realm, collecting ten girls for their mate run - and tonight, Elisabeth was one of them. With only a white dress and her bare feet, Elisabeth stood beside the other nine girls as the beasts prowled around them menacingly. A silver dagger pierced each of their wrists, signaling the start of the hunt!
"We honor the moon goddess; let your blood lead your mate to you!"

Release dateAug 16, 2023
The Viking's Mate Hunt

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Reviews for The Viking's Mate Hunt

Rating: 4.25 out of 5 stars

8 ratings5 reviews

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Readers find this title suspenseful and full of unexpected events and twists. They love the plot and characters, and are eagerly waiting for the continuation. However, some readers are disappointed that the book is not complete."

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is suspenseful, full of unexpected events and twists. However, it’s not complete!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Love the second part much more! Even though I really liked the first part. I’m hopefully waiting for the continuation (urgently) ! )))
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Love the plot and characters. I’m still waiting for it to be completed before I can say more about the characters though
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I'm enjoying how cast Eir's character is. It's like peeling away the layers of an onion..she just keeps getting better and better... But what is she? Like the holy grail of an alternate universe. It will be interesting to see how the plot unfolds. This book seemed a little farfetched but it was still an interesting read. What or who will Eir encounter next!
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Where's the rest of this book? This isn't fully uploaded and just cuts off.

    3 people found this helpful

Book preview

The Viking's Mate Hunt - Maria Elise


Eir's POV

For a while, I've just been stumbling around here on this little island, sulking and hurting. That all changed now, I felt more anger than hurt. I had no idea what was going on with Toke; I refuse to believe that Fury accepts this behavior. One thing is that he thinks he can treat me like I'm an object, a thing he owns. Speak to me like I'm a child that doesn't understand what is going on around me or is even able to make my own decisions. He turned to rage and force. Thinking back, I still unconsciously folded my arms around myself, feeling the aching wounds on my upper arms. His claws had cut into me and pierced my skin. I had jelled and cried for him to stop, but it was like he didn't even notice or care. I'm no longer sure which apply anymore.

Despite the anger I felt towards Toke; I just wanted him to snap back. Go back in time and be the same as he was, but as the first day passed and the second. I got a feeling that would never happen. Arcane protected me that time, and he made it a habit to stay close. He never spoke to me or acknowledged that he looked after me, but every time I turned, he was there. Pretending he didn't see me or notice me, and I was grateful. It made me at least feel a little less alone.

But the second day had passed, and everyone was packing up. Toke kept his distance, but I caught him staring my way every now and then. For a second, I almost hoped it was regret I saw in his eyes; I believed there was still time to fix this. But that was until I caught him staring at me while I reluctantly had to pack my things. He looked between me and my things, lifted his chin, and gave me a slight nod. Finally!

It was all he said. Finally, like I've been having a tantrum, refusing to pack because I didn't get to go to the party I wanted. An ice-cold feeling pierced through my heart, and my cheeks burned as the rage flared up. Quickly I turned my back to him, refusing to let him see the tears threatening to spill over as I tightened the little leather bag Hades had given me. I didn't have much, but Toke had at least packed down some of my things, and I've managed to make some simple stuff the days I've been here.

Throwing the bag over my shoulder, I walked away, down to the water without looking back. Down in the thick forest, I turned right and wrestled with branches and bushes until I finally reached a steep cliff overlooking the open sea. Letting the little bag fall to the ground, I walked out to the edge. Closed my eyes as the cold and salty air brushed against my cheeks. I have no idea why, but the fresh feeling pulled out everything inside me; my chest tightened, and a lump formed in my throat as tears spilled down my cheeks.

Slumping down, I let my feet out over the edge, hinging in the air. I didn't want to leave, not at all, and I hated the feeling of not having a choice like I didn't matter. It felt unfair, wrong, and terrible. Anger and sadness crashed together, and I could not decide if I wanted to scream my lunges soar or cry my eyes out. Maybe both? The cold wind bit my cheeks as it brushed against my tear-streaked skin, and the slight burn felt nice for a change like a little pinch pulling my attention away.

I opened my eyes and let them rest on the calm waves; as far as my eyes could see, there was only wave after wave. One after the other, eventually, it became impossible to see where one started and the other ended. I could just stay here, or I could go back the same way Toke and I came from. Everything but this, running away from god knows what to god knows who. It doesn't feel right, and I'm not sure if it is my stubbornness that's affected me or if it was something else. The only thing I knew, I dint want to!

Living the rest of my life like this, feeling worthless and scared. Wondered who Toke really was, why he changed, if he changed at all, or if this was him under pressure. I knew I couldn't rely on Arcane staying close the rest of my life; eventually, he would grow tired of it or get his own life new meaning. Then, would I have to tippy-toe around wondering if Toke would snap again? Or be afraid to raise my own opinion about anything at all? I leaned out and looked down. The waves threw themselves against the stones down there and crashed into the rocky mountain wall.

It won't do any good; besides, drowning is incredibly painful!

I almost fell over as someone slumped down beside me and grabbed my shirt, yanking e back up. Gasping for air with wide eyes, I stared straight at Arcane's profile as he looked out on the waves.

I didn't; I mean, I wasn't..

I stuttered as I tried to catch my breath again. I didn't, did I? No, no, I did not. I didn't want to die, of course not! But a silent voice deep down scoffed; part of me wanted to give up, let the pressure crush me, and be done with it. No, I didn't. I might feel out of place here, weak and useless. But I had no desire to die; I'm not that tired, not yet.

Of course not, but just remember, Not only will your lungs scream for air as you automatically gulp down water. You will feel every part of you shut down as the pain increases. When you reach a sudden point, the pain will devour you. You want to scream, but it will only result in more water in your lungs, and slowly you will drown.

Thanks for that!

I muttered, scowling down at the water with newfound fear.

I didn't plan on jumping; besides, I can swim!

He chuckled and leaned back on his arms, letting his eyes rest on the moving water ahead.

You can't stay either; this place is for nomads and restless souls. It is not a place for a girl.

I rolled my eyes while he continued,

So, the only option left is to go with us. You can't go back. As Toke said, you don't know these barbarians. He might act like a little pup with a temper tantrum right now, but at least the barbarians won't touch you when you are with us.

Oh, shut up!

My frustration almost burst into laughter as his head snapped in my direction, and utter shock was displayed on his face. But I bit it down and turned my eyes out on the water too. I'm so sick of everyone telling me this is not a place for a girl, not a place for you, not a decision for you, and so on. I'm sick of it!

I'm not stupid, you know; I'm not slow or dense between my ears, Whatever you guys call it here. I did meet them, you know, the barbarian. Still don't know what that really wanted. But I do know one thing, they at least let me speak! They heard what I said! And if they are that bad, then what is Toke? Besides, it was all a misunderstanding. I'm not Rosabella, even if Tew thinks I am.

What did you just say?

His voice was suddenly very high, and I frowned at him.

That I met them?

No, that name? Why did he call you that?

I don't know. He kept insisting I told him about my mother, and then, out of nowhere, he called me Rosabella. Why?

Nothing, come.

He got up in a hurry, grabbed my arm, and lifted me up. I stumbled, confused, after him, as he picked up my bag and marched through the thick forest. Practically dragging me after him.


I tried to open his hand and yank my wrist out of his grip. But he only held harder and marched down to the ship.

Enough chit-chat. The ship leaves now.

Yet again, the choice was made for me. Before I knew it, I could feel the fine sand beneath my feet. Then I was ushered up by a vast wooden fleet placed against the railing of the ship and pushed into the sandy beach, so it worked like a makeshift bridge from the land all the way up to the ship.

He didn't let go of my hand before the ship was far from land, too far to swim, and I watched as the little island disappeared into the horizon.

Come, I'll take you to my room.

Toke walked past and grabbed my bag; I held it back and glared at him.

Move. She has another room!

A deep voice boomed behind me; I clutched my bag to my chest. Like it was the only thing I had to hold onto, and I watched as Toke's eyes darkened.

Stay out of it!



They are like kids. Explosive and selfish. ALL OF THEM!

Toke thinks he can decide for me and still expects me to share a room with him like that was the most natural thing in the world. Arcane is not a second better. Acting as if he cares, protecting me, keeping an eye on me, and even trying to give me a little pep talk. At least, I think it was that.

Then he completely changes again, spinning around, acting precisely like Toke.

Why do the men in this world keep acting like females can't think for themselves? Helpless little creatures that would follow their every move without question. I know I'm unfair right now; I know Arcane only stepped between again. But it still irked me; why didn't it occur to any of them to freaking ask? Just ask me what the fuck I want?

Instead, they are having a pissing contest on the deck, shouting and growling, circling each other like hungry wolves. I didn't want to be here; I didn't see a reason to be here. I had grabbed my little bag and found my own way down below deck. Crawled down some steep stairs, and at the end, a long hall opened. On each side, there were several doors. I carefully opened the doors, and many of the rooms were already occupied, but a couple was still available.

I took it upon myself to choose my own while the animals up on deck played around, showing muscles. I picked a room at the end of the hall, and I made sure it wasn't more prominent than any of the others. Didn't want to risk taking Hade's room or the room suited for an alpha like Toke.

Looking around in the little room, I realized I didn't even know how long I would stay on this ship. I didn't even know where we were heading; I mean, why would anyone even tell me? Anger and frustration, it seems to be everything in my life right now. I closed my eyes and let myself fall back into the little bed with a deep sigh. One deep breath, two and three.

I've been doing all this wrong. Getting angry, hot-tempered, and sulking. I need to calm down and remember how to be clever. I'm not accepting a life like this, it's my fucking life, and I'm the only one to get to decide how to live it. Right, I need to remember who I am. Who I used to be. Life was never easy back home, but I never gave up. I found loopholes, weak spots, and whatever I could to make it work in my favor. I can do this here too!

With my body filled with determination and new hope, I jumped up and looked around the room again. With new eyes, with new interest. There is always something helpful lying around, one way or another. This world might look different, the people a different kind, but it was very much the same—power, greed, rank, and pissing contests. Money and riches might not be the same here, but I was still here. But then again, lust, sex, and men weaker than they cared to admit were easy tools. Tools I knew how to work.

My body might not be bulging with muscles, but my body surely knew how to work what we had to work with. A sly smile grew on my face, and a familiar feeling bloomed in my chest. Confidence. I never needed to degrade myself; all I had to is work with the right tools. Take what I want and what I need for a change.

The door squeaked behind me, and for the first time since I arrived here, I was me again. Turning to face whoever entered with a slight smile, not fear or apprehension. I did not expect to have to jump and then ask how high. Hades's stopped, looking around the room and tilting his head to the side, looking back at me.

Oh well then, what happened to you?

Mimicking his gesture, I tilted my head to the side. Let my eyes rake over him shamelessly before I met his gaze with a slight shrug.

Don't know what you are talking about, Hades.

A low chuckle bounced around me, but this time I did not let the dark amusement affect me. In fact, in return, I raised a brow, sitting down on the edge of my bed. Letting the silent question fill the space between us, and I struggled to hide my smile; seeing this made him uncomfortable.

This is what I need, making them all uncomfortable, don't show them your next move, I whispered in my thoughts. Without shame, I stared at him, and the seconds grew long and intense until he finally broke our stare. Awkwardly scratching his neck while pretending to study the plain wooden walls.

You know what, Hades, I'm tired. So if there weren't anything you wanted, I would like to be left alone.

Without looking in his direction, I stood up and started unbuttoning my shirt with my back turned. Pulling it over my head, I could still feel his presence in the room, but he didn't say a word. With confidence and new strength, I turned to face him while I started opening my pants.

You still here?

All the confidence I had mustered lacked in my question and came out as a high-pitched quack. Just as I turned around, I almost crashed into Hades' chest. Freaking supernatural creatures, I muttered. I didn't even hear him move.

What? Don't think I, a mere weak girl, can't undress myself?

I staggered a couple of steps back, wheeling back the little sense of power I just managed to establish. I pulled my pants down and threw them right in his face.

But without a word and an emotionless facial expression, he grabbed them right before they hit their target.

You should be more grateful; Toke left everything for your sake!

His dark voice rumbled, and my heart rate picked up almost simultaneously as I raged.

And you should too! Be grateful you were born with a cock!

I spat at him. Sat down and started pulling

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