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Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Delve into paranormal realms of magic and danger in this anthology of five new stories from New York Times–bestselling authors.

Revisiting the worlds they made famous in their wildly popular fiction, authors Kim Harrison, Jeaniene Frost, Vicki Pettersson, and Jocelynn Drake—plus YA author Melissa Marr with her first adult supernatural thriller—unleash their full arsenal of dark talents in Unbound. Each story in this all-new anthology plunged readers into the shadows where the strange forces stalk the unsuspecting . . . and every soul is a target.

The pixy Jenks faces a murderous dryad in Kim Harrison’s “Lay Line Drifter”. In “Reckoning”, Jeaniene Frost’s master vampire is out to stop a ghoulish serial killer. “Dark Matters” by Vicki Pettersson explores a superhero’s illicit affair. Savannah’s vampiric Keeper must solve a perplexing murder in “The Dead, the Damned, and the Forgotten”. And in “Two Lines” a woman must contend with her deadly desires or risk a monstrous transformation.
Release dateAug 18, 2009

Kim Harrison

Kim Harrison is best known as the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Hollows series, but she has written more than urban fantasy and has published more than two dozen books, spanning the gamut from young adult, accelerated-science thriller, and several anthologies and has scripted two original graphic novels set in the Hollows universe. She has also published traditional fantasy under the name Dawn Cook. Kim is currently working on a new Hollows book between other, nonrelated, urban fantasy projects.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Loved the visual of the Highlands and this small cottage.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I didn't like this book as much as the first. I found myself having a really hard time with the plot. I wasn't buying it, I wasn't liking it, and I wasn't able to swallow it.

    .... SPOILER ALERT .... there are spoilers in here

    Matt did something I don't see as forgivable. I think what he did was totally unacceptable and I don't see how everyone was so instantly able to put aside how fucking WRONG the 'hero's' actions were and to encourage her to get back together with and forgive him, let alone marry him!! WTF??! It certainly helped (a LITTLE) to hear it from Matt's POV, (in fact, I preferred his to hers!) but it still didn't justify or excuse him!

    all through the book the heroine was whining about how the Pentagon boys so royally fucked her over... um, hello, her ex sister-in-law committed suicide over what they did!!! Now, granted, as far as I'm concerned, that girl deserved what she got, but still, to whine about her loss when someone else died over it seemed lame. And because she so instantly rolls over and takes what they give her, I find it really hard to feel empathetic towards her.

    For example: That debt she took on made me wanna bitch smack her. It just seemed like she was too quick to take it on, and too stupid about it. - Which reminds me of a big sticking point in book one... at the friend's wedding when the ex comes up to talk to her... (what the fuck is he doing coming up to chat with her for in the first place), and afterwards the book builds it up for a big scene (saying stuff like the ex can't handle seeing her with another man and is likely to make a scene) and then nothing at all happens, nothing is addressed. He just disappears! So we're expecting something, and it more than fizzles, it just ceases to exist.

    I wasn't impressed with her security detail, seems that a REAL professional security detail would have been able to handle BOTH situations better. The first, that seemed like a rookie solution, and the second, that just seemed unlikely. Security isn't likely going to say, 'aw well, she's going somewhere we think she'll be safe' and leave it at that! Someone should have been watching her! Well, if they are a good security team that is!

    the plot (and I realize it's not been fully revealed yet) was just too wtf-ish, it just didn't make any real sense. And it wasn't consistent, at one point that love-able Matt (dripping sarcasm), who had put security on Perla because, as he said, he knows what these guys (from the Pentagon Group) are capable of (and it's life threatening), and yet the author continually throws in things to make them all look like saints, how they are loyal and generous and kind. HUH? How does that even make sense? It's not consistent, how can they all be capable of hideous things, like killing her, and also so 'endearing'? It just made no sense.

    .... End of SPOILERS ....

    So, yeah, the plot didn't work for me at all. The seemingly inconsistency of characters' traits and personalities didn't make sense to me. And I just was pretty disgusted by the lot of them!

    I did like her life changes though! That was fun to read about!! I liked the day to day living the author narrates. I like feeling like I'm there. So, I liked the subplot. Maybe it's because I was a BIG Secret of My Success fan! hehehe.

    But all that said, I still thought the book well written, and I didn't see (or notice anyway) any typos and grammatical errors. That is sooooo rare!! For that alone I was tempted to give 4 stars!! I HATE blaring errors, you know the kind that if anyone had actually looked at the words they were reading they'd have seen! Basic editing!! Well, like I said, this book had it! I didn't glitch over anything, so THAT in itself is worth the cost of the book. And I like the author's writing style. I like how kind of slow and steady it is. Granted, I didn't find it to be great for the sex scenes as they tended to bore me, but I don't really care for them even when they are well written.

    All in all, I will be reading book 3! Iz got to know how it ends!! However, I'm not too sure if I'd read the other books in the Pentagon Group, I was pretty disgusted by all of them and am not too keen to be won over. I'd rather just hate them all and move on! hehehe.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    So good - 4.5 stars. Would have been 5 stars if it had an epilogue.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Nice, light, easy reads.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    So the three stars are for the first story; the rest are more like two.

    Kim Harrison did a great job with the Jenks story, but I think a lot would be lost without having read the series the story is based around. As it is, I've read the series, and the story is a wonderful detail of a life we don't get to glimpse most of the time.

    Jeaniene Frost's Reckoning was fun. I've never read anything else by her, and even though she took a bit of an easy way out (the villains were based on historical figures who really did terrible things to slaves rather than original villains she would need to establish) the hero was intriguing.

    Dark Matters from Vicki Petterson was all over the place. This should have been a full novel rather than a short story; the world was too complex, the span of time too long, and the end so absurdest that I think I just rolled my eyes when it was over.

    The Dead, the Damned, and the Forgotten by Jocelyn Drake was ok. I was rather uninterested in the characters, but the plot was fine.

    I've read YA books by Melissa Marr, and while Two Lines was supposed to be her first adult supernatural thriller the main character was still quite juvenile. This is another that felt too complex to be a short story, and it was too uncertain about where the line between YA and adult should be. To be truly an adult story the main character just needed to be more mature.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The only story I've read is Kim Harrison's, but that's what I got the Kindle book for. I rate this one 3*** but that's because it's Jenks, who's my least favorite of the Vampiric Charms characters. Not that I dislike him, mind, but only that Ivy's far and away Number One and Rachel comes in second. Still, it's a must-read for Hollows backstory.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Very distinctly different stories. I very much liked the story about Jenks by [[Kim Harrison]] and the stories by [[Jeaniene Frost]] and by [[Jocelynn Drake]]. I would like to read more of their stories. The two stories by [[Vicki Petterson]] and [[Melissa Marr]] were ok, but did not my hart beat any faster. This anthology provided some nice relaxed reading time, and kept my attention focused. That is a good thing, if you travel by train to get to work.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Originally picked up this book for the Melissa Marr story. Turns out it was my least favorite in the collection. It gave me a chance to discover Kim Harrison' Ley Line Drifter which is a short story from her Hollows' world. Next was Jeaniene Frost's Reckoning. I've never read her work before but I may start after this story. The same holds true for Jocelynn Drake's The Dead The Damned The Forgotten. After Marr's story, Two Lines, the other story I didn't care much for was Dark Matters from Vicki Pettersson. All in all, it's a good read and I ended up discovering a couple of authors I now like.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I just read the Kim Harrison story about Jenks and Bis. I enjoyed it!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Disappointing. I bought the book for the Kim Harrison story, which I did enjoy - great to see more of Jenks and his family, but I was hoping to find some new authors to read and enjoy too. I had read some of Melissa' Marr's other works and found her story to be entertaining, but sadly I didn't rate any of the others. Perhaps it's not fair to judge on a short story, but I didn't feel any connection with the characters and have no interest in reading their future adventures.At least I have been warned before I wasted money on novels and series I am unlikely to enjoy!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A book of short stories in the modern urban fantasy genre. "Ley Line Drifter" by Kim Harrison was a fun little tale featuring Jenks in a story of his own. It is part of a series I've enjoyed, so this tale of the Pixie detective both stood on its own and filled a place in the larger universe. "Reckoning" by Jeaniene Frost is set in New Orleans, and is creepy in a good way. "Dark Matters" by Vickie Petterson was a story of superheroes and supervillians that had an interesting twist. "The Dead, The Damned, and the Forgotten" by Jocelynn Drake was set in a world I didn't quite get, but the story was compelling. "Two Lines" by Melissa Marr has a glaisig as a central character. But I never did figure out what a glaisig was, except another kind of monster that needed sex and death to transition from human to Other. This story was not to my taste. Otherwise, a reasonable anthology. I recommend the first two stories the most.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I could not get into a single one of these stories...and I really tried. They didn't feel as though they were written for adults and were not at all what I expected. Though it's branded as supernatural, I think fantasy suits these works better.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This anthology includes 5 new stories by popular paranormal authors. In all cases (except for Marr's story) the stories are set in preexisting worlds created by the authors. My favorite of the bunch were "Ley Line Drifter" which gives you a closer look at Jenks' family and "Rekoning" which introduced me to Jeaniene Frost's writing. This book made me want to learn more both about Frost and Drake and read some of their series. "Dark Matters" by Petttersson is an important read for those of us reading the "Signs of the Zodiac" series as it explains in full some of the events that happened in "City of Souls". Marr's first adult story "Two Lines" was also a pleasant surprise and I liked it quite a bit more than her young adult series.In general the stories in this book tend more towards action/urban fantasy than romance. I personally enjoyed that. All in all a great collection of stories. See below for more detail on each story in this anthology."Ley Line Drifter" by Kim Harrison (5/5 stars)An excellent story set in Harrison's Hollows world, it's about Jenks helping a fellow pixie. You learn more about pixie culture and there is a ton of action. Given the ending I am wondering if what Jenks and Ivy unleashed will come back to haunt them in the next Hollows book."Reckoning" by Jeaniene Frost (5/5 stars)A prequel to the Night Huntress series by Frost. This story tells about a vampire named Bones who is hired by the New Orleans Queen vampire to take out some serial killer Ghouls. On top of this hunt for the killers, someone is trying to kill Bones. I have never read any of Frost's Night Huntress books but based on this story I will have to check them out. I like her writing style; no-nonsense and lots of action. Bones was an intriguing character and Frost creates an interesting variation on paranormal alternate worlds."Dark Matters" by Vicki Pettersson (3/5 stars)This is a prequel to her "Signs of the Zodiac series". It tells the background/history of JJ/Hunter. It was good to read a story that made the events in the "City of Souls" (book 4) make more sense. I still don't understand why "City of Souls" couldn't have explained what this story did. If you are reading the "Signs of the Zodiac" series then reading this story is a must. As for the story itself I didn't like it all that much (aside from the info it gives). The story is more a romance than anything and much of the action is pushed aside for numerous sex scenes. It was okay, but nothing to write home about."The Dead, the Damned, and the Forgotten" by Jocelynn Drake (4/5 stars)Prequel to the Dark Days series by Jocelynn Drake; I have not read any books in this series. This story follows Mira as she tries to track down a nightwalker killer and avoid assassination herself. Both Mira and Knox are intriguing characters. The story was action packed and hints at an interesting world. An enjoyable read. I will have to check out the Dark Days series eventually to see how I like the full novels."Two Lines" by Melissa Marr (4/5 stars)This story tells about Eaven, she is a human that will become a glasitig is she ever does two things: kill and have sex. She is hell bent on staying human. Things get out of control when she starts hunting a drug lord. When her grandmother provides a sexy bodyguard for her Eaven begins to wonder if her desire to stay human is worth the sacrifice. Not as much action as the other stories, this story presented a very unique world with supernatural creatures different than I was used to seeing. I actually like Marr's writing style in this story quite a bit more than her writing style in her "Wicked Lovely" series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    "Unbound" is a collection of five stories by various different paranormal authors. I bought this book the day it came out for Kim Harrison and Jeannene Frost's stories. I am not a huge fan of anthologies in general but I had to get this one. "Ley Line Drifter" by Kim Harrison - * * * This is the story of Jenks the pixy and Bis the gargoyle attempting to solve a paranormal private investigation case. Jenks usually works with Rachel, but he is eager to help save another pixy's young children. I adore Jenks, always have and always will. Unfortunately a closer glimpse of Jenks and his family is the only thing recommending this story. The mystery of two statues inhabited by a demon and a nymph is too vaguely constructed to be compelling and the ending is far too abrupt. I get the feeling we will hear from these characters again in the future but in this story I didn't' find them too interesting. As a whole the story was unsatisfyingStill the pages of family time visiting Jenks, his wife and their children was definitely enjoyable and worth reading. "Reckoning" by Jeanene Frost * * * * * This novella is about Bones, before he met Cat, and how he came to be hired in New Orleans to kill a pair of ghoul serial killers. In sixty pages, Frost manages to tell a complete and engaging paranormal tale. It beings with Bones getting a call to New Orleans and follows him as he hunts and finds the killers. There are several other characters who appear through the tale whom we have never read about in Frost's series. Still Frost makes us feel like we know these fleshed out characters. This story isn't going to change how you read the "Night Huntress" series and you won't miss anything vital if you don't read this novella. Still every page is entertainment in its purest form. Unlike Harrison's tale before it, "Reckoning" has a complete ending which I was completely happy with. "Dark Matter" by Vicki Petterson * * * * This is a short story set in the same superhero world as Joanna Archer's, where Light agents battle Shadow agents in a war of good versus evil. Joanna, the main character from the Signs of the Zodiac series, is missing here (mostly) as the story takes place before Joanna learns that she is to be the Kairos, a powerful woman made up on fboth light and dark who would tip the scales in favor of which ever side she chose to fight with. Instead this is a story about another Light agent J.J.. JJ falls in love with a shadow agent, and must deal with the fallout from that. This story is gripping and easy to read. My complaint with the Zodiac series is that it is bogged down and events unfold so quickly that it is hard to keep track of everything. Not the case here. Dark Matter is a powerful story that should be a must read for follower's of Petterson's series. It was sad and somewhat shocking at the end, but that only made me want to rush to read the newest book, "City of Souls". Maybe if I had already read that fourth installment, I wouldn't have been as shocked by the ending. Still this story was gem. "The Dead, the Damned and the Forgotten" by Jocelyn Drake * * * * * I have the first two books by Jocelyn Drake but I haven't read them yet. The good news is that the story makes me want to hurry up and get to them! Mira, a vampire, runs a domain of the undead in Savannah. She is called to the morgue to find a dead vampire. As she and her assistant Knox race to find the killer it becomes quickly apparent they are in deeper than they bargained for. An ancient vampire shows up from the head Coven in Venus and threatens to send Mira back to live under their rule if she can't get ahold on her own territory. The stakes are raised as they learn werewolves, hit men, and humans are all involved. Drake writes an intriguing story here. The world really appealed to me but I can tell there is probably more blood and violence than in most of the other urban fantasy stories. These people don't mess around! Although the story has to do with an existing world and some established characters I never felt lost. There was nothing about the story I didn't like. Easily a five star story. "Two Lines" by Melissa Marr * * * I have never read Melissa Marr before, and I liked her writing. This story was good but not great. It's the story of a girl named Eavan "Eve", who belongs to a family of glaistigs. Glaistigs are woman with goat bodies on their lower halves but are beautiful and human on the top half. They occasionally have to kill to live eternally. In order for Eve to be a real glaistig and leave her humanity behind, she must kill and have sex. Scared of changing over, she avoids both like the plague. This story has her fighting the urges to change, and stalking a human killer as he gives woman a zombie potion and then mutilates them. Enter Cillian, a paranormal police officer and you have her love interest. The story wasn't bad, and I had no trouble reading through it. If this became a series, I would give it a chance. This was still overall my least favorite of the five stories. Overall this was a rocking anthology. I usually have a couple stories I really can't get into, but this was a treat. I recommend this one to all the urban fantasy lover's out there who don't mind a good anthology.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    To be honest, I read this book only for Melissa Marr's (author of Wicked Lovely, etc)short story. I am not a fan of Kim Harrison, and so having never read her series, I had a hard time with the first story--it involved characters, and referenced many plot lines, from her main series. It was hard to read as a stand-alone. Apart from that issue, I very much enjoyed this collection--very diverse points of view and feelings to each of the stories, but each was entertaining and smart. I especially enjoyed Marr's character Eavan, and her struggles with the duality of her nature. It makes me hope that this character returns--I'd be very interested in how her story (and struggle) continues.

Book preview

Unbound - Kim Harrison




The dim gloom was heavy in the lower level of Jenks’s stump, only the high ceiling of the cavernous great room still holding the fading haze of the setting sun. Working by the glow of his dragonflylike wings, Jenks hovered in the wide archway leading to the storerooms, feet dangling and shoulders aching as he smoothed a nick from the lintel. The smell of last year’s garden drifted up past him: musty dandelion fluff, dried jasmine blossoms, and the last of the sweet clover used for their beds. Matalina was a traditionalist and didn’t like the foam he’d cut from a sofa he’d found at the curb last fall.

The rasping of his lathe against the living oak only accentuated the absence of his kids; the quiet was both odd and comforting after a winter spent in his human-size partner’s church. Shifting his lower wings to push the glowing, silver pixy dust upward to light his work, Jenks ran a hand across the wood to gauge the new, decorative curve. A slow smile spread across his face.

Tink’s panties, she’ll never know, he whispered, pleased. The gouge his daughter had made while chasing her brother was now rubbed out. All that was needed was to smooth it, and his beautiful and oh-so-clever wife would never know. Or at least she’d never say anything.

Satisfied, Jenks tilted his wings and darted to his tools. He would’ve asked his daughter to fix the archway, but it took cold metal, and at five Jolivia didn’t yet have the finesse to handle toxic metal. Spilling more dust to light his well-used tools, he chose an emery board, swiped from Rachel’s bathroom.

Late March, he thought as he returned to his work, the sparse sawdust mixing with his own pixy dust as he worked in the silence and chill. Late March, and they still hadn’t moved back into the garden from Rachel’s desk, on loan for the winter. The days were warm enough, and the nights would be fine with the main hearth lit. Cincinnati’s pixies were long out of hibernation, and if they didn’t move into the garden soon, someone might try to claim it. Just yesterday his kids had chased off three fairy scouts lurking about the far graveyard wall.

Breath held against the oak dust, Jenks wondered how many children he would lose this fall to romance and how it would affect the garden’s security. Not much now, with only eight children nearing the age of leaving. Next year, though, eleven more would join them, with no newlings to replace them.

A burst of anxious motion from his wings lit a larger circle to show the winter-abandoned cushions about the main central hearth, but it wasn’t until a sudden commotion at the ground-floor tunnel entrance that he spilled enough dust to light the edges to show the shelves, cupboards, and hooks built right into the living walls of the stump. If there’s no snapped wings or bones sticking out, I don’t want to hear about it! he shouted, his mood brightening as he recognized his children’s voices.

Papa. Papa! Jerrimatt, one of his youngest sons, shouted in excitement as he darted in, trailing silver dust. We caught an intruder at the street wall! He wouldn’t leave, even when we scared him! He said he wanted to talk to you. He’s a poacher, I bet, and I saw him first!

Jenks rose, alarmed. You didn’t kill him, did you?

Naww, the suddenly dejected boy said as he tossed his blond hair in a credible mimicry of his dad. I know the rules. He had red on.

Exhaling, Jenks let his feet touch the ground as, in a noisy mob, Jack, Jhem, Jumoke, and Jixy pushed a fifth pixy wing-stumbling into the room.

He was on the fence, Jixy said, roughly shoving the stranger again to make his wings hum, and she touched her wooden sword, ready to smack him if he made to fly. She was the eldest in the group, and she took her seniority seriously.

He was looking at our flower beds, Jumoke added. The dark-haired pixy’s scowl made him look fiercer than usual, adding to his unusual dark coloring.

And he was lurking! Jack exclaimed. If there was trouble, Jack would be in it.

The five were on sentry detail this evening, and Jenks set the emery board aside, eyeing his own sword of pixy steel nearby. He would rather have it on his hip, but this was his home, damn it. He shouldn’t need to wear it inside. Yet here he was with a strange pixy in his main room.

Jerrimatt, all of three years old, was flitting like a firefly on Brimstone. Reaching up, Jenks caught his foot and dragged him down. He is wearing red, Jenks reminded him, glad they hadn’t drawn blood from the hapless pixy, wide-eyed and scared. He gets passage.

He doesn’t want passage, Jerrimatt protested, and Jixy nodded. He was just sitting there! He says he wants to talk to you.

Plotting, Jixy added suspiciously. Hiding behind a color of truce. He’s pixy trash. She threatened to smack him, stopping only when Jenks sent his wings clattering in disapproval.

The intruder stood with his feet meekly on the floor, his wings closed against his back, and glancing uneasily at Jumoke. His red hat of truce was in his hands, fingers going around and around the brim. I wasn’t plotting, he said indignantly. I have my own garden. Again, his gaze landed on Jumoke in question, and Jenks felt a prick of anger.

Then why are you looking at ours? Jhem demanded, oblivious to the intruder’s prejudice against Jumoke’s dark hair and eyes. But when Jhem went to push him, Jenks buzzed a warning again. Eyes down, Jhem dropped back. His children were wonderful, but it was hard to teach restraint when quick sword-point justice was the only reason they survived.

At a loss, Jenks extended a hand to the ruffled pixy as his children watched sullenly. The pixy buck before him looked about twelve or thirteen, old enough to be on his own and trying to start a family, married by the clean and repaired state of his clothes. He was healthy and well-winged, though they were now blue with the lack of circulation and pressed against his back in submission. The unfamiliar sword in Jumoke’s grip led Jenks to believe the intruder’s claim to having a garden was likely not an exaggeration, even if it was fairy steel, not pixy. The young buck wasn’t poaching. So what did he want?

Jenks’s own suspicions rose. Why are you here? he asked, his focus sliding again to his own sword, set carelessly next to his tools. And what’s your name?

Vincet, the pixy said immediately, his eyes roving over the sunset gray ceiling. You live in a castle! he breathed as his wings rose slightly. Where is everyone?

Vincet, Jenks thought, wary even as he straightened with pride at Vincet’s words concerning his home. A six-letter name, and out on his own with cold steel. Pixies born early into a family had short names, those born later, the longest. Vincet was the fifth brood of newlings in his family to survive to naming. That he had a blade and a long name to his credit meant that his birth clan was strong. It was the children born late in a pixy’s life that suffered the most when their parents died and the clan fell apart. Most children with names longer than eight letters never made it. Jerrimatt, though… Jenks’s smile grew fond as he looked at the blond youngster scowling fiercely at Vincet. Jerrimatt, his birth brother, and both his birth sisters would survive. Matalina was stronger now that she wasn’t having children anymore. One or two more seasons, and all her children would survive her. It was what she prayed for.

Not knowing why he trusted Vincet, Jenks gestured for his children to relax, and they began shoving one another. The earth’s chill soaked into Jenks now that he wasn’t moving, and he wished he’d started a fire.

I heard you investigate things, Vincet blurted, his wings lifting slightly as the kids ringing him drifted a few paces back. I’m not poaching! I need your help.

You want Rachel or Ivy. Jenks rose up to show him the way into the church. Rachel is out, he said, glad now he hadn’t accompanied her on her shopping trip as she searched for some obscure text her demonic teacher wanted. She’d be in the ever-after tomorrow for her weekly teaching stint with the demon, and of course she’d waited until the last moment to find the book. But Ivy is here.

No! Vincet exclaimed, his wings blurring but his feet solidly on the poker-chip floor, rightfully worried about Jenks’s kids. "I want your help, not some lunker’s. I don’t have anything they’d want, and I pay my debts. They’ll tell me to move. And I can’t. I want you."

His kids stopped their incessant shoving, and Jenks’s feet touched the cold floor. A job? he thought, excitement zinging through him. For me? Alone?

Will you help me? Vincet asked, the dust from him turning a clear silver as he regained his courage and his wings shivered to try and warm himself. My newlings are in danger. My wife. My three children. I don’t dare move now. It’s too late. We’ll lose the newlings. Maybe the children, too. There’s nowhere to go!

Newlings, Jenks thought, his focus blurring. A newborn pixy’s life was so chancy that they weren’t given names or considered children until they proved able to survive. To bury a newling wasn’t considered as bad as burying a child. Though that was a lie. He and Matalina had lost their entire birthing the year they moved into the church, and Matalina hadn’t had any more since, thanks to his wish for sterility. It had probably extended Mattie’s life, but he missed the soft sounds newlings made and the pleasure he took in thinking up names as they grasped his finger and demanded another day of life. Newlings, hell. They were children, every one precious.

Jenks’s gaze landed squarely on Vincet, assessing him. Thirteen, with a lifetime of responsibility on him already. Jenks’s own short span had never bothered him—a fast childhood giving way to grief and heartache—until he’d seen the other side, the long adolescence and even longer life of the lunkers around them. It was so unfair. He’d listen.

And if he was listening, then he should probably make Vincet feel at home. As Rachel did when people knocked on her door, afraid and helpless.

A flush of uncertainty made his wings hum. We’re entertaining, he told his kids with a firmness he’d dredged up from somewhere, and they looked at one another, wings drooping and at a loss. Pixies didn’t tolerate another on their land unless marriage was being discussed, much less invite him into their diggings.

Smiling, Jenks gestured for Vincet to sit on the winter-musty cushions, trying to remember what he’d seen Rachel do when interviewing clients. Um, give me his sword, and get me a pot of honey, he said, and Jerrimatt gasped.

H-honey… the youngster stammered, and Jenks took the wooden-handled blade from Jhan. The fairy steel was evidence of a past battle won, probably before Vincet had left home.

Tink’s burned her cookies, go! Jenks exclaimed, waving at them. Vincet wants my help. I don’t think he’s going to run me through. Give your dad an ounce of credit, will you?

His cursing was familiar, and knowing everything was okay, they dove for the main tunnel, chattering like mad.

I brought you all up, he shouted after them, conscious of Vincet watching him. You don’t think I know a guest from a thief? he added, but they were gone, the sound of their wings and fast speech fading as they vanished up the tunnel. It grew darker as their dust settled and went out. Chilled, Jenks vibrated his wings for both warmth and light.

Making a huff, Jenks handed the pixy his sword, thinking he’d never done anything like that before. Vincet took it, seeming as unsure as Jenks was. Asking for help was in neither of their traditions. Change came hard to pixies when adherence to rigid customs was what kept them alive. But for Jenks, change had always been the curse that kept him going.

Jenks darted to a second, smaller hearth at the outskirts of the room for the box that held kindling. Insurance wouldn’t allow a fire inside the church, and the kit had never made it inside. And if I’m interviewing a client, he thought, worried he might not make a good impression, it should be by more than the glow of my dust. The interview should be given the honor of the main hearth in the center of the room.

Vincet slid his sword away, his wings shivering for warmth as he looked at the ceilings.

Um, you want to sit down? Jenks said again as he returned with the kindling, and Vincet gingerly lowered himself to the edge of the cushion beside the dark fire pit. Though never starting outright war, poaching was a plague upon pixy society. Even being used to bending the rules, Jenks felt a territorial surge when Vincet’s eyes scanned the dim room.

I heard you lived in a castle of oak, Vincet said, clearly in awe. Where is everyone?

Watching him, Jenks struck the rocks together, whispering the words to honor the pixies who first stole a live flame and to ask for a prosperous season. Matalina should be at his side as he started the season’s first flame, and he felt a pang of worry, wondering if it was wrong to do this without her.

Right now we’re living in the church, he said as an ember caught the charred linen, glowing as he added bits of fluff. We’re going to move out this week. I hope.

Vincet’s wings stilled. You live inside. With … lunkers?

Smiling, Jenks began placing small sticks. With an instinctive shift of the muscles at the base of his wings, he modified the dust he was laying down to make it more flammable. It caught immediately, and stray bits floated up like motes of stars. For the winter so we don’t have to hibernate. I’ve seen snow, he said proudly. It burns, almost, and turns your fingers blue.

Perhaps I could turn one of the storage rooms into an office? he thought as he set the first of the larger sticks on the flames and rose from his knees. But the thought of Matalina’s eyes, pained as strangers violated their home repeatedly, made him wince. She was a grand woman, saying nothing when his fairy-dusted schemes burned in his brain. Better to ask Rachel to bury a flowerpot upside down in the garden beside the gate at the edge of the property. Hang a sign out or something. If he was going to help Cincinnati’s pixies, he should be prepared.

I need your help, Vincet said again, and Jenks’s dust rivaled the firelight.

We don’t hire ourselves out for territory disputes, Jenks said, not knowing what else the pixy buck could want.

I’d not ask, Vincet said, clearly affronted as his wings slipped a yellow dust. If I can’t hold a piece of ground, I don’t deserve to garden it. My claim is strong. My wife and I have land, three terrified children from last year, and six newlings. I had seven yesterday.

Though the young pixy’s voice was even, his smooth, childlike face clenched in heartache. Seeing his pain, Jenks settled back, impressed that this was his second season as a father, and he had managed to raise three children already. It had taken him and Matalina two seasons to get their first newlings past the winter, and no newlings at all had survived that third winter. I’m sorry, he said. Food is hard at this time of year.

Vincet had his head bowed, mourning. It’s not the food. We have enough, and both Noel and I would gladly go hungry to feed our children. It’s the statue. His head came up, and Jenks felt a stab of concern at Vincet’s haunted expression. You’ve got to help me—you work with a witch. It’s magic. It’s driving my daughter mad in her sleep, and last night, when I kept her awake, it killed one of my newlings.

Jenks’s wings angled to catch the heat from the fire, and a sudden surge of warmth drove out the chill that had taken him. A statue? Leaning forward, Jenks wished he had a clipboard or a pencil like Ivy always had when she interviewed clients. He didn’t know what to say, but a pen always made Ivy look like she knew what she was doing. A statue? he prompted, and Vincet bobbed his head, his blond hair going everywhere.

That’s how we got the garden, he said, his words faster now that Jenks was listening. It’s in a park. The flower beds abandoned. No sign of pixy or fairy. We didn’t know why. Last year, we held a spot of ground in the hills, but lunkers cut it down, built a house, and didn’t put in any flowers or trees to replace what they destroyed. I barely got my family out alive when the dozers came. Noel—that’s my wife—was near her time. She couldn’t fly much. The park was empty. We didn’t know the ground was cursed. I thought it was goddess-sent, and now my children… The newlings… They’re dying in their sleep, burning up!

Jenks crossed his knees, trying to look unaffected by Vincet’s outburst, but in reality, he was worried. Rachel always got as much information as she could before saying yes or no. He didn’t know what difference it made, but he asked, What park are you in?

Vincet licked his lips. I don’t know. I’ve not heard anyone say the name of the place yet. I’ll take you there. It’s by a long set of steps in the middle of a grassy place. It was perfect. We took the flower beds, dug out a small room under the roots of a dogwood. Noel brought to life seven newlings. We were even thinking of naming them. Then Vi, my daughter, began sleepflying.

Frowning, Jenks shivered his wings for some light as he sat across the fire from him. Sleepflying? She’ll outgrow it. One of my sons spent a summer waking up in the garden more than his bed. Jenks smiled. There was always some question if Jumoke had been sleepflying, or simply looking for solitude. His middle-brood son endured a lot of good-natured ribbing from his elder siblings due to his brown hair and hazel eyes, rare to the point of shame among pixies.

Vincet made a rude huff, the dust from his wings turning black. Did your son scream in pain as his wings smoldered while he beat at a statue? Did his aura become sickly, and pale? My daughter isn’t sleepflying, she’s being attacked. I can’t wake her up until the moon passes its zenith. Even if I bend her wing backward. It’s been happening every night now that the moon is nearly full.

Vincet’s face went riven with grief, and his head dropped. Last night I kept her awake, and the statue attacked a newling. Noel held him as he died, unable to breathe, he was screaming so. It was… The young pixy’s wings drooped, and he wiped his eyes, black dust slipping from his fingers when the tear dried. I couldn’t wake him. We tried and tried, but he just kept screaming as his wings turned to powder and his dust burned inside him.

Horrified, Jenks shifted on his cushion, not knowing what to say. Vincet’s child had burned alive?

Vincet met his eyes, begging without saying a word. Noel is afraid to let the newlings sleep, he whispered, his hands wringing and his wings still as he sat on Jenks’s winter-musty cushion. My children are terrified of the dark. A pixy shouldn’t be afraid of the dark. It’s where we belong, under the sun and moon.

Jenks’s paternal instincts tugged on him. Vincet wasn’t much older than Jax—his eldest now on his own. If he hadn’t seen Vincet’s fear, he would have said the pixy buck was dust-struck. Taking a stick as thick as his arm, Jenks knelt to put it on the fire, dusting it heavily to help it catch. I don’t see how a statue can cause children to go wandering, he said hesitantly, much less set their dust on fire. Are you sure that’s the cause? Maybe it’s a mold or a fungus.

Vincet’s dust turned a muddy shade of red as it pooled about his boots. It’s not a mold or fungus! he exclaimed, and Jenks eyed his sword. It’s the statue! Nothing grows on it. It’s cursed! And why would her aura shift like that? Something is in her!

Jenks’s wings hummed as he drew back from the hearth. Making a statue come to life to torment pixies didn’t sound like witch magic, but there were other things that hadn’t come out of the closet when the pixies, vampires, and witches had—things that would cause humans to raze the forests and plow the abandoned smaller towns into dust if they knew. But a statue? And why would a statue want to destroy itself? Unless … something was trapped in it?

Have you felt anything? he asked, and Vincet glanced at the dark tunnel behind him.

No. He shifted uncomfortably, looking at his sword. Neither has Noel. I’ve nothing to give you but my sword, but I’d gladly hand it over to you if you’ll help us. I’m lost. I can defend my land from fairies, hummers, crows, and rats, but I can’t see what is killing my children. Please, Jenks. I’ve come such a long way. Will you help me?

Embarrassed, Jenks looked at the young man’s sword as Vincet held it out to him, his face riven with helplessness. I won’t take another man’s steel, Jenks said gruffly, and the young pixy went terrified.

I have nothing else… he said, the tip of the sword falling to rest on his knees.

Now, I wouldn’t say that, Jenks said, and Vincet’s wings filled the room with the sound of a thousand bees and the glow of the sun. You have two hands. Can you make a dragonfly hut out of a flowerpot?

Vincet’s hope turned to disgust. I’ll not take charity, he said, standing up with his sword in a tight grip. And I’m not stupid. You have a castle and a large family. You can make a dragonfly hut yourself.

No! Jenks said, standing up after him. I want an office on the edge of the property, on the street side of the wall that divides the garden from the road. Can you build me that? Under the lilac? And paint me a sign if I give you the letters for it? It’s not garden work, and I can’t ask my children to make me an office. My wife would pluck my wings!

Vincet hesitated. His eyes shut in a slow blink, and when they opened, hope shone again. I can do that.

Smiling, Jenks wondered if Jax had made half as honorable a man. The dust-caked idiot had run off, poorly trained, with a thief. Jenks’s last words to him had been harsh, and it bothered him, for once a child left the garden, he was gone forever. Usually. But Jenks’s kids were changing that tradition, too. I’ll take a look, Jenks said. Me and my partner, Bis, he added in a sudden thought. Rachel never went on a run without backup. He should take someone, too. If I can help you, then you’ll build me an office out of a flowerpot.

Looking up at him, Vincet nodded, relief a golden dust slipping from him. Thank you, he said, sliding his sword away with a firm intent. Can you come now?

Jenks looked askance at the ceiling to estimate the light. The sun was down by the looks of it, and Bis would be awake. Absolutely. But, ah, I have to let my wife know where I’m going.

Vincet sighed knowingly, and together they flew up the short passage to the sun, leaving the fire to go out by itself.

PIXY SITUATIONS, INQUIRE HERE, Jenks thought as he guided Vincet to the garden wall to sit with Jumoke while he talked with Matalina. What harm could ever come of that?


Hands on his hips to maintain his balance, Jenks shifted his wing angle to keep his position as the night wind gusted against him. Before him, the distant evening traffic was a background hum to the loud TVs, radios, and phone conversations beating on his ears in the dark, coming from the brightly lit townhouses across the street. Behind him were the soft sounds of a wooded park. The noise from the nearby city was almost intolerable, but the small garden space with its two statues and profusion of flowers in the middle of the city was worth the noise pollution. The barrage was likely reduced to low thumps and rumbles underground where Vincet had begun to make a home for his young family.

His middle was empty, and as he waited for Vincet to return from telling Noel they were back, Jenks fumbled in a waist pack for a sticky wad of nectar, honey, and peanut butter. His human partners were clueless, but if he didn’t eat every few hours, he’d suffer. What Rachel and Ivy didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them.

That’s the statue, eh? he said when Vincet rejoined him and they both came to rest on the back of a nearby bench. It was across the sidewalk from Vincet’s flower beds, and staying off the greenery made both of them happier—even if he had been invited and was wearing his red bandanna like a belt. He hesitated, and then thinking it might be required as part of his new helping role, he offered Vincet a sweetball. He’d never given food to anyone outside his family before. It felt odd, and Vincet blinked at him, clearly shocked at the offer.

No, thank you, he said, looking confused. Um. Yes, that’s the statue. Vincet pointed at the closest statue, and Jenks slipped the second sweetball away. It won’t attack until the moon is higher, Vincet added, more at ease now that the food was put away. Wings shivering, he glanced up at the moon, a day shy of full. It attacks at midnight, not the lunkers’ clocked midnight, but the real midmoon when it’s at its zenith.

Jenks’s attention dropped to the twin statues spaced about ten feet apart, surrounded by new annuals and low shrubs. Both had a Greek look about them, with a classic beauty of smooth lines and draping robes. The older statue was black in places from pollution, making it almost more beautiful. Carved ringlets of hair pulled back and braided framed a young-looking face, almost innocent in her expression. Her stone robes did little to hide her admittedly shapely legs from her thighs down. There was a flaccid water sack on her belt, and her fingers were wrapped about the butt of a sword, pushing into the pedestal at her toe.

The second statue was of a young man with smooth, almost feminine features. An empty ankle sheath was on one bare leg not covered by his stone robe. He was lithe, thin, with a hint of wild threat in his chiseled expression. The sign between them, framed by newly planted, honey-smelling alyssum, said that both statues had been donated by the Kalamack Foundation to commemorate Cincinnati gaining city status in 1819, but only the statue of the woman looked old. The other was a pearly white as if brand-new. Or freshly scrubbed, maybe.

A distant argument over burned rice became audible from over the grass between the garden and the nearby townhouses. Tink’s tampons, humans were noisy. It was as if they didn’t have a place in the natural order anymore, so they made as much noise as they could to prove they were alive. His garden and graveyard stretching an entire block within the suburbs, now made his by human law and a deed, was a blessing he’d come to take for granted. Rachel and Ivy never seemed to make much noise. ’Course, they slept a lot, and Ivy was a vampire, if living. She never made much noise to begin with.

Did you clean it? he asked Vincet, and the young pixy shook his head, looking scared.

No. It was like that when we got here. Vi wakes as if in a trance, mindless as she hits the base of the statue until the burning brings her down. Then she screams until the moon shifts from the top of the sky and the statue lets her go.

Jenks scratched the base of his wings, puzzled. Though he didn’t move from the back of the bench, his wings sent a glitter of dust over them. Holy crap, he had to pee again.

Vincet pulled his frightened gaze from the white stone glinting in the light of a nearby streetlamp. I’d fight if I could. I’d die defending my children if I could see it. Is it a ghost?

Maybe. Pulling his hands from his hips, Jenks crossed his arms. It was a bad habit he’d gotten from Rachel, and he immediately put his fists back on his hips where they belonged.

A sudden noise in the trees above them caught them unawares, and while Jenks remained standing on the back of the bench, Vincet darted away, clearly surprised. It was Bis, returning from his circuit of the park under Jenks’s direction. Jenks was used to giving orders, but not while on a run, and he nervously hoped he was doing this right.

With a soft hush of sliding leather and the scent of iron, the cat-size gargoyle landed on the back of the bench, his long claws scrabbling for purchase. Bis could cling to a vertical slab of stone with no problem, slip through a crack a bat would balk at, but trying to balance on the thin back of the slatted bench was more than he could manage. With an ungraceful hop, he landed on the concrete sidewalk between the bench and the statues.

Nothing larger than an opossum near here, the gray, smooth-skinned kid said, his ears pricked to make the white fur lining them stick out. He had another tuft on the tip of his lionlike tail, but apart from that, his pebbly patterned skin was smooth, able to change color to match what was around him and creep Jenks out. He had a serious face that looked something like a pug’s, shoved in and ugly, but Jenks’s kids loved him. And his cat, Rex, was enamored of the church’s newest renter. Jenks sighed. Once the feline found out Bis could kick out the BTUs when he wanted to, adoration was a foregone conclusion.

Bis was too young to be on his own, and after having been kicked off the basilica for spitting on people, he’d found his way to the church, slipping Jenks’s sentry lines like a ghost. Bis slept all day like a proverbial stone, and he paid his rent by watching the grounds during the four hours around midnight when Jenks preferred to sleep. He ate pigeons. Feathers and all. Jenks was working on changing that. At least the feathers part. He was working on getting Bis to wear some clothes, too. Not that anything showed, but if Bis was wearing

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