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Prometheus Bound
Prometheus Bound
Prometheus Bound
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Prometheus Bound

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She had been a victim of black magic once, but never again. Tara is now Roulette, a newly patched-in member of the Blood Moon Riders MC, and her Prez is sending her to Taos, New Mexico, to warn the chapter there about the dangers of Trillium Moon coven. She couldn’t have imagined finding her fated mate just in time to watch him getting taken captive by the same dark witches who had left her body branded with scars that would never fade.

Morpheous is a part of the Dusk Court, an explorer and pilot from many solar systems away coming to Earth to investigate claims of the Titans’ return. And, if he’s lucky, to find his goddess-given mate among the humans. Crash-landing in the desert of New Mexico wasn’t exactly part of his plan, and he finds himself in the clutches of his enemies all too quickly.

Can Roulette find her power and claim her place in Blood Moon in order to rescue her fated mate? And will the alien explorer from worlds away find common ground with the fiery human witch?

The goddess works in mysterious ways. Time for Blood Moon to get their hands dirty defending Earth.

PublisherMariah Thayer
Release dateAug 10, 2023
Prometheus Bound

Mariah Thayer

Author of urban fantasy and the occasional paranormal romance. Inked lady, writing mama, and traveling weird girl.

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    Prometheus Bound - Mariah Thayer



    Standing behind the bar at the clubhouse, I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone. The biggest change? It was fucking clean. The moment the dark witches were eradicated by Nomad and Sniper had taken over as Prez, the club became the one I was promised as a kid. Sitting at my father’s knee, I had been told stories about Blood Moon. How the witches brought good and light to the communities that hosted them. Mount Desert Island had been that way once, and now it was again.

    Tara, just the club brat I was looking for. Sniper had a kind smile as he slid onto one of the stools that surrounded my bar. My bar. The promotion might have come from necessity, but I was fucking rolling with it. You got someone to cover for you?

    I raised a brow at Prez. He wasn’t one to indulge in club pussy. He had only lost his wife and mate recently to the dark that Trillium Moon had brought down on us.

    I can grab Tripp, I told him, looking around the room to my newest bartender. He should be around here somewhere.

    Upstairs with Felix. Sniper shrugged, looking the same direction that I was. His shoulders were loose though, and he didn’t feel like he was on the prowl. Not a problem, we can talk here.

    Now I was even more curious. Tossing the rag I had been using to wipe down the bar I leaned in. What’s up, boss?

    Been talking to some known friendly clubs. Mostly reconnecting after what Genivera and Burns had fucked up. He knocked on the bar, and pointed to the bottle of Jameson on the back wall. I pulled it down and poured him a double. But there have been rumblings. Clubs that haven’t been hit yet are hearing about Trillium. And from what I’ve heard, New Mexico is rumbling something terrible.

    What? The glass in my hand tumbled into the soapy water behind the bar as my fingers went numb. My whole fucking body went numb. No.

    Not the club. Sniper reached out and grabbed my wrist, giving it a reassuring squeeze. What I hear, Havoc’s on the road anyway. Got a ride going, which is why you are going to New Mexico.

    Ain’t club. My entire front was soaked with dingy, soapy water. I could feel the bubble dripping off my crop top onto my shorts. Don’t send club brats on missions.

    You’re club, Tara. His hand was still around my wrist, covering up the scars from when Genivera had me captive. Tied to a table, bringing that athame down to my skin. The scars on my arms were nothing compared to the thick one that ran down my chest. You became club the second that bitch touched you, and you didn’t give in. Sniper’s green eyes flashed as they bore into me. You just ain’t got a cut and a road name. I’m happy to fix that, if you want.

    I had nothing to say. My mouth just hung open. I wasn’t powerful enough to even dream of being BMR. Closest thing I ever thought I could be was a club brat. Maybe an old lady. But never a member, fully fledged.

    Got one for you in my office. He thumbed over his shoulder, and I felt like I had been punched in the gut in the best fucking way. It must have been all over my face, ‘cause Sniper turned around and shouted for a prospect, who bustled behind the bar, as Prez led me by the same wrist he had been holding down the hall to his office. You’re the only one I trust for this, he whispered to me as we made it past the concussive music filling the bar. Need you to talk to Havoc, get into the Taos club and get them ready for what’s coming.

    I don’t want to face Trillium again, Prez, I practically whispered. The stirring in my gut turned from elation to horror. My scars hurt, burned at the thought of encountering the black witches again. Their power seeped into your bones. It chilled you from the inside. I could still feel it in the dark of night, alone in my room, I could taste the putrid magic that leaked from them. I don’t know if I’m the one you want.

    Prez let go of my hand and rounded his desk. Sit down, Tara. Opening a drawer, he pulled out a brand new, clean cut. The scent of the leather made my mouth water as he laid it out on his desk between us. I know you’re scared, he said quietly. You have every right on the planet to be scared. What they did to you was horrific. And you say no to this mission, won't change nothing. He pushed the cut across the desk to me. Over the right breast was a patch that said ‘Roulette’.

    Running my fingers over the patches, I couldn’t speak. Besides the normal club colors and rockers was my road name, and under that was ‘Born in Blood’. That meant I was patched in as a result of going above and beyond and was injured protecting the club before I was called to, and was a big fucking honor. I couldn’t stop running my fingers over the patches.

    You earned every fucking one of those, Roulette. Prez grinned as he said my new name. That being said, I think you can do this. We need to get ahead of Trillium. And as well as Nomad is doing, we need to start rising up and defending ourselves, feel me?

    Need to stop reacting. I nodded. The warm leather in my hands and the feel of Sniper’s cool magic filling the room, I knew I was going to Taos. The thought both elated and terrified me. Don’t know how to ride a bike.

    We can take care of that when you get back. Out of another drawer he fished a keychain, dropping it in my hand. Take the Impala. She needs a good road trip anyway.

    Wind whipped through my hair as I rode through the desert, the dry air

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