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How Do You Kill 11 Million People?: Why the Truth Matters More Than You Think
How Do You Kill 11 Million People?: Why the Truth Matters More Than You Think
How Do You Kill 11 Million People?: Why the Truth Matters More Than You Think
Ebook133 pages1 hour

How Do You Kill 11 Million People?: Why the Truth Matters More Than You Think

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About this ebook

How do you get away with the murder of 11 million people? The answer is simple—and disturbing. You lie to them. Learn how you can become an informed, passionate citizen who demands honesty and integrity from your leaders in this updated and expanded edition of the original New York Times bestselling book.

In this updated and expanded nonpartisan New York Times bestselling book, Andy Andrews emphasizes that seeking and discerning the truth is of critical importance, and that believing lies is the most dangerous thing you can do. You’ll be challenged to become a more careful student of the past, seeking accurate, factual accounts of events that illuminate choices our world faces now.

By considering how the Nazi German regime was able to carry out over eleven million institutional killings between 1933 and 1945, Andrews advocates for an informed population that demands honesty and integrity from its leaders and from each other.

This thought-provoking book poses questions like:

  • What happens to a society in which truth is absent?
  • How are we supposed to tell the difference between the “good guys" and the “bad guys”?
  • How does the answer to this question affect our country, families, faith, and values?
  • Does it matter that millions of ordinary citizens aren't participating in the decisions that shape the future of our country? 
  • Which is more dangerous: politicians with ill intent, or the too-trusting population that allows such people to lead them?

This is a wake-up call: we must become informed, passionate citizens or suffer the consequences of our own ignorance and apathy. We can no longer measure a leader’s worth by the yardsticks provided by the left or the right. Instead, we must use an unchanging standard: the pure, unvarnished truth.

Release dateMar 17, 2020

Andy Andrews

Andy Andrews is a bestselling novelist, speaker, and consultant for some of the world’s most successful teams, largest corporations, and fastest-growing organizations. He is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The Noticer, How Do You Kill 11 Million People?, and the modern classic The Traveler’s Gift. For more information, please visit

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    How Do You Kill 11 Million People? - Andy Andrews

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    Compilation © 2020 by W Publishing, an imprint of Thomas Nelson.

    Part One: How Do You Kill 11 Million People? © 2011 by Andy Andrews

    Part Two: Compilation of public-domain documents and original content extracted from The Portable Patriot: Documents, Speeches, and Sermons that Compose the American Soul © 2010 by Joel J. Miller and Kristen Parrish. Used by permission.

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Interior illustrations by Wayne Brezinka.

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    ISBN 978-0-7852-3457-9 (SC)

    ISBN 978-0-7852-3458-6 (eBook)

    Epub Edition January 2020 9780785234586

    Printed in the United States of America


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    Title Page


    Author’s Note

    Part One: Truth Matters

      1. The Truth Shall Set You Free

      2. A Conversation with Andy Andrews

    Part Two: Foundational Truths

      1. John Cotton on the Abuse of Power

      2. George Washington on the Question of Rebellion

      3. John Dickinson and Thomas Jefferson on the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms, July 6, 1775

      4. John Adams’s Letter to William Cushing (June 9, 1776)

      5. The Times That Try Men’s Souls

      6. The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

      7. Thomas Paine’s Common Sense (Selections)

      8. Thomas Jefferson on Decentralized Government and the Judiciary

      9. Benjamin Franklin on the Pursuit of Power and Position

    10. The Constitution of the United States

    11. The Bill of Rights

    12. The First Inaugural Address of Thomas Jefferson, Delivered at Washington, D.C., March 4, 1801

    13. Noah Webster’s Oration on the Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence

    Reader’s Guide




    About the Author

    Author’s Note

    For many years I have been asked to speak to political gatherings of one type or another. And for many years I have consistently declined. Because the books I write are generally regarded as commonsense literature—novels that illustrate life’s principles—I suppose many politicians have simply assumed that I was on their side. However, I am not an us or them kind of person. Actually, I am more of a we person.

    Don’t get me wrong—I do have some absolutes carved into my heart and mind, but I am optimistic enough to believe there is still common ground even with those of us who might disagree. Don’t we all want the best for our country and a secure and prosperous future for our children? Of course we do. And I believe that we can talk about divisive subjects without screaming at each other.

    Somehow, for the most part, our parents and grandparents managed to disagree with their neighbors and still remain neighborly. And they usually did it from their front porches. Today, most of us don’t even have front porches. We have retreated to the backyard, where a single opinion can be isolated and enforced by a privacy fence.

    Several years ago I asked myself these three questions: Where do we begin to find common ground in regard to what we want (or don’t want) for the future of America? Is it possible to write something that doesn’t use the words Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative, yet conveys a message with which everyone could agree? Can it be written in a concise fashion allowing anyone to read it, clearly understand the message, and be empowered in less than fifteen minutes?

    In answer to those questions, I wrote the first edition of this book, published in 2011 under the title How Do You Kill 11 Million People? It quickly became a New York Times bestseller. In the years since then, it has become even more urgent that these questions be addressed. America faces perhaps its greatest crisis, domestically and internationally, since its birth.

    People often ask me if I have a political agenda. Of course I do. And I sure hope you have one too. Here’s mine: I want America’s present and future leadership to embrace and live up to America’s core principles as written by our Founding Fathers and set forth in those important documents on which the soul of America was composed.

    So, in addition to the text of the first edition of How Do You Kill 11 Million People?, you’ll find a carefully assembled sampling of American history’s most formative words, written by the people who made that extraordinary history. While peering back to the cradle of America’s national identity combined with an exploration of a number of issues and questions relevant to our lives today, here is my wake-up call for you to become an informed, passionate citizen who demands honesty and integrity from your leaders. We can no longer measure a leader’s worth by the yardsticks provided by the left or the right. Instead, we must use an unchanging standard: the pure, unvarnished truth.



    The punishment which the wise suffer who refuse to take part in the government, is to live under the government of worse men.¹


    Part One

    Truth Matters


    The Truth Shall Set You Free

    For you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."

    Those are probably the most famous words ever spoken on the subject of truth. Most of us accept that particular sentence at face value. It certainly resonates with our spirit. It just feels right. But what does it mean, really? And have you ever contemplated the meaning that comes to light by inverting this principle?

    If it is correct that you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free, then is it possible that if you don’t know the truth, its absence can place you in bondage?


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