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A freak storm has spawned three tornadoes that are bearing down on the town of Summerville.

Yet under the cover of the storm looms a much more ominous threat: A vindictive killer known as Red who's left a string of victims in his wake and is now bent on exacting his final revenge on the unsuspecting town.

But there is an enigma surrounding Red that the FBI is unwilling to admit-closely guarded secrets of something gone terribly wrong beneath the skin of Summerville. Secrets that will destroy far more than one small town.

Wendy Davidson is caught in the middle. She's a recovering cult survivor who takes refuge in Summerville on her way to visit her estranged mother. And with her, four strangers, any of whom could be the next victim . . . or the killer.

Release dateDec 30, 2007

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The 4 rating is mostly for the life message that comes near the end.Which world is real?: the town of Summerville or the desert or is it something else. An unlikely group ends up together in the midst of a serial killer spree--a serial killer who seems focused on "who is the ugliest?"The book was a bit too creepy for my taste at times. I've read Ted Dekker previously and with some of his books, I'm left feeling that there was a meaning behind it that I'd missed. Thus, I enjoyed the message that came near the end that summed up the idea behind the story: a take on Lucifer's life before and after the fall, that even the best of us are sinners, that even the best of us are not good enough to approach God without Jesus's intercession.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Somewhat disappointed after all the glowing recommendations. Seemed to have minimal suspense. I'm open to reading another of his novels, this one was just not enjoyable to me.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is about a few people who get money by using themselves to do crazy game projects.This time they had to beat the game to be able to go back to the real world. The game makes everything seem so real like you are actually living in it. You pretty much have to solve the mystery of who is the killer to escape the game which was really hard.There are about 5 different people who meet up and decide to beat the game to enter back into the real world. There are about 2 girls and the rest are boys. I am not going to put anything else about trhe story because it is a really good book and you should read it for yourself.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Another creepy and bizarre offering from Dekker. Five strangers find themselves trapped in a small town, at the mercy of a serial killer who seems to be playing some sort of strange game with them. He wants them to kill the ugliest among them, or he will continue to kill the residents of the town. Its a curious premise, but plot holes abound as well as some disburbing scenes of violence. If you liked House by Dekker and Perretti, you will enjoy this one as it is somewhat similar.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book starts our in Summerville, a small town. There is a tornado warning, and a woman named Wendy has to stop and find shelter. Meanwhile, she meets four other people, Colt, Nicole, Carey, and Pinkey. But what she doesn't know is that she is about to be thrown into a mind blowing game. A serial killer, Red, is on the loose and his next victims are Wendy, Colt, Nicole, Carey, and Pinkey. Red tells them to kill the ugliest of the group, which is undoubtebly Colt. But they refuse. So Red goes around town and kills 7 people. Then he gives them another chance to kill the ugliest. Again they refuse. Red gets impatient and disfigures Nicole's face. Then Carey has a mental breakdown and Red kills Carey. In the end, only Colt, Wendy, and Pinkey are left. They finally escape and figure out they were all part of an expirement. I liked this book, but at the same time I didn't like it. I love the mystery and suspense, but it was a little too scary for me. I like his other books, but this one was too weird. But I still liked it because I am weird too!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a good book, with an interesrting plot line. I have often asked other readers (of horror/suspense novels) if they have ever had the eperience of being unnerved or scared when reading a book. Many people have told me they have definitely had experienced fear when reading certain books. This has never been the case for me, until now. There were a few points in this book where, if I had taken my pulse at the time, I know it would've been elevated. The odd part is that this story is not one which is all that scary. I guess it just goes to the credit of Mr. Dekker's story telling abilities that drew me into the plot. This is the 2nd Dekker book I have read, and I must say I have become a fan.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Skin started out alright, but then it took a major turn (and not for the better). I thought I was reading a murder mystery/suspense and it turned out to be a techno/virtual reality/sci-fi kinda thing. YUCK!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Excellent!!!! Very suspenseful.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I'm still deciding whether or not I enjoy reading Ted Dekker's books. While I found it hard to put this book down, I often found myself annoyed with the writing style and unbelievability of the story. While I soon discovered the reason for the latter annoyance, I still wasn't satisfied with the story and its ending.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Skin is a page turner. Dekker hasn't let me down yet. I liked the plot and thought the meaning behind it was great. It's in interesting approach and entertaining. This book is full of suspense and twists that never end.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A very interesting read. I enjoyed the uniqueness of it. Many people I know have said they don't like this book, and I can see why they would feel that way. I would recommend this book for a "modern generation". The are many qualities about this book that "traditional generations" would not appreciate and would simply mark off as strange.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This story started out great...then it just got stupid. I really regret that I wasted time reading it. Maybe I just don't get the gaming premise.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Great Book. Brings up alot of questions about his previous books.

Book preview

Skin - Ted Dekker


"Ted Dekker has been here for years, but he’s finally arrived. [T]his is what true storytelling is."

The Bookshelf Reviews advance praise for Skin

[C]ompelling, thought-provoking fiction that is wildly out-of-the-box, speculative, [and] boundary-breaking.

— advance review of Skin

"Saint is filled with intense, edge-of-your-seat action that will keep you turning pages until you are finished. There’s something compelling about [Dekker’s] writing style that sets it apart from anyone else I’ve ever read and Saint certainly doesn’t veer from that path.


"Saint reads like The Bourne Identity (Robert Ludlum), meets The Matrix, meets Mr. Murder (Dean Koontz)."

—5 out of 5 stars from The Bookshelf Reviews

Fans of Dekker and supernatural suspense will relish this creative thriller.

Library Journal review of Saint

A master of suspense reminiscent of Dean Koontz and John Grisham, Ted Dekker keeps readers on their toes trying to solve the mystery of Saint’s identity.

—Romance Junkies

"Dekker’s in fine form here, delivering another blockbuster of action, mystery, and suspense, while serving up some of his most heartrending scenes ever. This latest plot is a breathless, winding maze of intrigue, and his tightest non-stop thrill ride since Thr3e."

—INFUZE review of Saint

"[In Showdown] Dekker delivers his signature exploration of good and evil in the context of a genuine thriller that could further enlarge his already sizable audience."

Publishers Weekly

"Only Peretti and Dekker [in House] could have delivered this full-tilt supernatural thriller. They had me ripping through the pages . . . then blew me away with a final twist, I never saw coming. Can’t wait to see the movie!"

—Ralph Winter, producer of X-Men 3 and Fantastic Four

"[In Obsessed] an inventive plot and fast-paced action put Dekker at the top of his game."

Library Journal

"[With Thr3e] Dekker delivers another page-turner . . . masterfully takes readers on a ride full of plot twists and turns . . . a compelling tale of cat and mouse . . . an almost perfect blend of suspense, mystery, and horror."

Publishers Weekly

"Toss away all your expectations, because Showdown is one of the most original, most thoughtful, and most gripping reads I’ve been through in ages . . . Breaking all established story patterns or plot formulas, you’ll find yourself repeatedly feeling that there’s no way of predicting what will happen next . . . The pacing is dead-on, the flow is tight, and the epic story is downright sneaky in how it unfolds. Dekker excels at crafting stories that are hard to put down, and Showdown is the hardest yet."


Dekker is a master of suspense and even makes room for romance.

Library Journal

"[Showdown] strips the veneer of civilization to the darkness of the soul, revealing the motivations and intents of the heart. This is a difficult book to read and definitely not for the squeamish. It brings home the horror of sin and the depth of sacrifice in a way another book would not—could not."

—Author’s Choice Reviews

"One of the highlights of the year in religious fiction has been Ted Dekker’s striking color-coded spiritual trilogy. Exciting, well written, and resonant with meaning, Black, Red, and now White have won over both critics and genre readers . . . An epic journey completed with grace."


"Calling [Showdown] unique is an understatement. Ted Dekker has successfully laced a contemporary thriller with searing spiritual principles."

In the Library Reviews

"Put simply: it’s a brilliant, dangerous idea. And we need more dangerous ideas . . . Dekker’s trilogy is a mythical epic, with a vast, predetermined plot and a scope of staggering proportions . . . Black is one of those books that will make you thankful that you know how to read. If you love a good story, and don’t mind suspending a little healthy disbelief, Black will keep you utterly enthralled from beginning to . . . well, cliffhanger. Red can’t get here fast enough."


"If you’re looking for a book that will keep you up at night and yet offers hope at some point, then House is a must read for you. My words will never suffice how spectacular this book is, so go out and get this book for yourself. But don’t forget to lock the windows and doors and whatever you do . . . stay out of the basement."


Ted Dekker is clearly one of the most gripping storytellers alive today. He creates plots that keep your heart pounding and palms sweating even after you’ve finished his books.

—Jeremy Reynalds, Syndicated Columnist

"[Thunder of Heaven is] a real page-turner . . . scenes read like the best of David Morrell . . . his description is upsettingly precise."












The Martyr’s Song

When Heaven Weeps

Thunder of Heaven

Heaven’s Wager

House (coauthored with Frank Peretti)

Blessed Child (coauthored with Bill Bright)

A Man Called Blessed (coauthored with Bill Bright)


© 2007 by Ted Dekker

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Published in Nashville, Tennessee by Thomas Nelson in association with Creative Trust, Inc., Literary Division, 5141 Virginia Way, Suite 320, Brentwood, TN 37027. Thomas Nelson is a trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Thomas Nelson, Inc. titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund-raising, or sales promotional use. For information, please e-mail [email protected].

Publisher’s Note: This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. All characters are fictional, and any similarity to people living or dead is purely coincidental.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Dekker, Ted, 1962–

  Skin / Ted Dekker.

    p. cm.

  ISBN-13: 978-1-59554-277-9 (hard cover)

  ISBN-10: 1-59554-277-9 (hard cover)

  ISBN-10: 1-59554-291-4 (IE)

  ISBN-13: 978-1-59554-291-5 (IE)

  1. Serial murderers—Fiction. 2. Nevada—Fiction. I. Title.

  PS3554.E43S57 2007



Printed in the United States of America

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When the rain isn’t so much falling—be it in bucket loads or like cats and dogs—but rather slamming into the car like an avalanche of stone, you know it’s time to pull over.

When you can’t see much more than the slaphappy wipers splashing through rivers on the windshield, when you’re suddenly not sure if you’re on the road any longer, and your radio emits nothing but static, and you haven’t seen another car since the sky turned black, and your fingers are tense on the wheel in an attempt to steady the old Accord in the face of terrifying wind gusts, you know it’s so totally time to pull over.

Wendy leaned over the steering wheel, searching for the yellow lines that separated the two-lane highway. No real shoulder that she could see. What was to keep another car from rear-ending her if she pulled over here?

She’d seen the black clouds pillaring on the horizon as she headed across the Nevada desert. Heard the tornado warnings on the radio before it had inexplicably fried. The fact that this wasn’t tornado territory had the announcers in a bit of a frenzy.

Wendy had ignored the warnings and pressed on into evening. She’d given herself two days for the long haul between San Diego and western Utah. The call from her mother asking her to come had frozen Wendy for a good ten seconds, phone in hand. Had to be Thursday, this week, her mother had insisted. It was now Tuesday night. Wendy wondered if she’d see the rest of the Brotherhood cult or just her mother. The thought of either was enough to keep her awake at night.

The tribe, as its leader Bronson called it, was a somewhat nomadic group of twenty or so members, going where God led them. God had evidently led them to the remote Utah-Nevada border now.

Wendy had been born into the cult and had managed to escape eight years earlier, on her eighteenth birthday, the day she was to wed Torrey Bronson as his third wife. Twice she’d hired private investigators to locate the tribe and report on her mother’s condition. Twice the report had come back favorable. But the investigators had never actually talked to her mother—speaking to anyone from the outside world was strictly prohibited. Even making eye contact was good for a day in isolation. Physical contact, heaven forbid, was grounds for severe punishment.

Inside the cult there was plenty of touching and hugging and kiss-ing, but no physical contact with strangers ever, period. That was the Brotherhood way.

Wendy had fallen in an Oklahoma ditch when she was seven years old and broken her leg. A farmer had heard her cries and taken her to the others who were searching. Before setting the bone, Father Bronson had beaten her severely for allowing unclean hands to touch her. The lashing hurt more than the broken leg. It was the last time Wendy had touched or been touched by anyone outside the tribe before escaping.

And when Father Bronson had taken it upon himself to break her two thumbs and two forefingers as punishment for kissing Tony, another thirteen-year-old in the tribe at the time, he’d made it excruciatingly clear that he’d claimed her for himself alone.

She’d fled the cult, but not the wounding of such a perverse childhood. Few knew the extent of the damage; she hid it well behind soft eyes and a light smile. But to this day even the thought of physical contact with men unnerved her.

No issue in Wendy’s tumultuous life consumed her as much as this failing. Touch was her personal demon. A beast that prevented her from expressing the deep caring she’d felt in any relationship with a man, isolating her from love, romantic or otherwise.

Now, driving through nature’s fury, she felt oddly isolated again. It was suddenly clear that her decision to continue into the dark clouds had been a mistake.

As if hearing and understanding that it had played unfairly with her, the storm suddenly eased. She could see the road again.

See, now that wasn’t so bad . . . Time to retreat to the nearest overcrowded motel to wait out the storm with the rest of the traveling public.

She could even see the signs now, and the green one she passed said that the turnoff to Summerville was in five miles. Exit 354. A hundred yards farther, a blue sign indicated that there were no services at this exit.

Freak storm. Flash floods. Truth be told, it was all a bit exciting. As long as the storm didn’t delay her, she kind of liked the idea of—

Her headlights hit a vehicle in the road ahead. Like a wraith, the cockeyed beast glared at her through the rainy night, unmoving, dead on the road. A pickup truck.

She slammed her foot on the brake.

The Accord’s rear wheels lost traction on the wet pavement and slid around to her left. She gripped the steering wheel, knuckles white. Her headlights flashed past the scrub oak lining the road.

For an instant Wendy thought the car might roll. But the wet asphalt kept the Accord’s wheels from catching and throwing her over.

Unfortunately, the slick surface also prevented the tires from stopping her car before it crashed into the pickup.

Wendy jerked forward, allowing her forearms to absorb most of the impact.

Steam hissed from under her hood. Rain splattered. But Wendy was unhurt, apart from maybe a bruise or two. She sat still, collecting herself.

Oddly enough, the airbags hadn’t deployed. Maybe it was the angle. She’d hit the other vehicle’s front bumper in a full slide, so that her left front fender had taken the brunt of the impact before becoming wedged under the grill.

She picked up her cell phone and snapped it open. No Service.

No service for more than half an hour now.

She tried the door. It squealed some, then opened easily before striking the smallish pickup, which she now saw was green. She climbed out, hardly noticing the rain. The pickup was missing its right front wheel and sat on the inner guts of the brake contraption—which explained the tire she now saw in the road. Her eyes returned to the pickup’s door. The side window was shattered. The front windshield seemed intact, except for two round holes punched through on the driver’s side.

Bullet holes.

Of course she couldn’t be sure they were bullet holes, but it was the first thought to cross her mind, and since it had done so, she could hardly consider that mere debris had punched those two perfect circles through the glass.

Someone had shot at the driver.

Wendy jerked her head around for signs of another car or a shooter. Nothing she could see, but that didn’t mean they weren’t out there. For a moment she stood glued to the pavement, mind divided between the drenching she was receiving from the rain, and those two bullet holes.

She remembered the pistol in the console compartment between her Accord’s front seats. Louise had talked her into buying it long ago, when they’d first met at the shelter. Wendy had never received the training she’d intended to, nor had she ever fired the gun. But there it lay, and if ever there was a time for it . . .

She flung the Accord’s door wide and ducked inside. Finding and dislodging the black pistol case from between the seats proved a slippery, knuckle-burning task with wet fingers. Yet she managed to wrench it out. She disengaged the sliding mechanism that opened the case, snatched out the cold steel weapon, and fumbled it, trying to remember what the safety looked like.

Meanwhile, her butt, which was still sticking out in the rain, was taking a bath. The gun slipped from her hands and thudded on the floor mat. She swore and reached for it, found the trigger, and would have blown a hole in the car if the safety had been off.

Thank God for safeties.

Now she found the safety and disengaged it. However unfamiliar she was with guns, Wendy was no idiot. Neither was she anything similar to gutless.

Whoever was in the truck might still be alive, possibly even injured, and out here in this storm. And Wendy was the only one who could help. Sniper lurking or not, she would never abandon anyone in need.

Wendy turned the key in the Accord’s ignition. The car purred to life. It was still steaming through the hood, but at least it ran.

She took a calming breath, then slipped back out of the car and hurried around to the truck’s passenger door, staying low.

With a last look around the deserted highway, keeping the gun in both hands down low the way she’d often seen such weapons wielded on the big screen, she poked her head up and looked through the passenger window.


She stood up for a better look. The driver’s window was smeared with something. Blood. But no body. Someone had been shot. The truck had apparently sideswiped another car and lost its front wheel before coming to a rest.

Wendy scanned the shoulder and ditches for any sign of a fallen body. Nothing.

Still no sign of a shooter, no sign of any danger.


No response to her call.

Louder this time. Hello? Anybody out there?

No, nothing but the rain drumming on the vehicles.

She started to shove the gun into the back of her Lucky jeans, which were now drenched right through to her skin, but a quick image of the gun blowing a hole in her butt stopped her short.

It was then, hand still on the pistol at the small of her back, that she heard the cry.

She jerked the gun to her left and listened. There it was again, farther down the road, hidden in the growing dark. An indistinguishable cry for help or of pain.

Or the killer, howling at the moon in victory.

The cry did not come again. Wendy crouched low and ran down the roadside toward the sound, gun extended. She wanted to yell but was torn, knowing that in the very unlikely case the sound had been made by whoever had shot at the truck, she would be exposing herself to danger.

That she was now running away from the safety of her car through the dark rain, toward an unidentified stranger, struck her as absurd. On the other hand, she would gladly spend the rest of her life pulling little girls with broken legs out of the ditches into which they had fallen, regardless of the consequences.

She’d run less than fifty yards when a van loomed through the rain. She pulled up, panting.

The van had apparently swerved off the road and down the shallow embankment on the left, where it now rested in complete darkness. It wasn’t the kind of minivan in which moms hauled their children to soccer matches. It was the larger, square kind—the kind killers threw their kidnapped victims into before roaring off to the deep woods.

A streak of fear passed through her. Refusing to be gutless was one thing. Acting foolishly out of some misguided sense of justice was another. This was now feeling like the latter.


How many?" Colt asked.

Three, the dispatcher said.

You’re saying three tornadoes have actually been spotted, or the weather service is warning of the possibility that—

Spotted, not speculated. Becky was as nervous as a mouse, and her quick eyes betrayed her. Otherwise, she was handling her duties as dispatcher quite well, all things considered.

Summerville’s police station was situated at the center of the small town at Main and Rolling Hill, an absurd name for a street in a town that was as flat as a tortilla. The dispatch doubled as a reception area out front. Double doors led to a large open room containing seven desks, only half of which were used for more than counter space and the filing cabinets each housed.

The chief’s office bordered the common area on the right, next to a conference room that doubled for the occasional interrogation. Behind it all sat an overbuilt jail—five cells.

Summerville wasn’t a town that saw too much trouble, certainly not of the magnitude that now threatened with three tornadoes bearing down from the east. In the full year since Colt had packed his life into the back of a midnight blue Dodge Ram and headed north to his new appointment as one of four deputies in Summerville, the department had responded to forty-seven domestic violence calls, seven accidental deaths, one murder, and more than six hundred miscellaneous violations and accidents, including everything from drunk driving to stranded cats. All in all, a fraction of what the residents of Las Vegas endured in a fraction of the time.

Colt knew, because he’d practically fled Vegas for the relative calm of a small town post. Unfortunately, a full year of this relative calm hadn’t changed him. A traumatic childhood had reduced him to a clumsy, insecure mess around women, and only slightly better around men. Being a cop in the City of Sin somehow hadn’t helped him hone those skills. He was exceptional with a gun, but that really wasn’t what the job in a small town required.

Now that small town was in the direct path of not one but three tornadoes.

I didn’t know we had tornadoes in Nevada, Colt said absently, looking past the blinds at the rain. It had eased off considerably.

We don’t. Freak storm, they’re saying. Global warming or something.

Where’s Chief Lithgow?

With the maintenance crew.


Shutting down the main roads till this blows over.

Colt lifted his baseball cap off his forehead and walked toward the door. It was his day off, and he’d come in to see if they needed any help. Sounded like they had the situation under control.

I’ll be on the radio if you need me. He reached for the door.

Tell the chief—

Officer down, officer down! Eli Seymore’s voice squawked on the radio like a chicken eyeing a freshly ground ax. We got us trouble. There’s someone out here with a gun, and he’s shot the chief. Request backup. And then as if an afterthought, Right now!

Becky’s face turned white. You sure?

Yes, I’m sure! He’s right here. Man, oh man. Man, oh man! Send an ambulance. The officer sounded like he was nearly in tears.

Where is he? Colt asked.

Where are you? Becky repeated.

"One block west of the main . . . Oh my . . . Crap, crap, crap.

There he is! He’s—" Sounds of gunfire popped on the radio speaker.

Eli swore. Judging by the sounds immediately following, he dropped the radio and scrambled for safety.

Call the dispatcher in Walton and advise them of our situation, Colt said, referring to the larger town fifty miles southeast. He yanked the door open. I’m on my way.

A hundred possible scenarios careened through his mind as he ran for his cruiser. The most obvious he dismissed immediately. This wasn’t Vegas. Minimal drug crime—nothing organized, any-how. Most likely cause for any shooting was a domestic dispute. Passions and guns didn’t mix any better in the village than they did in the big city.

East end of town. Maybe that brute Mike Seymour had finally made good on his threat to tear the town apart if his old lady, as he liked to call Laura, didn’t stop eyeing every man who walked by.

No. Not even Seymour would shoot the chief.

Colt slid into the cruiser, fired the engine, and flipped the radio on with the subtle movement of a man who’d been doing nothing else for six years. The speakers filled with Eli’s panicked voice. He’d reacquired his radio.

He’s coming right at us— Pop, pop, pop.

Colt’s on his way, Becky said, her dispatcher voice now knotted with fear.

No response this time. Eli was taking fire.

Colt peeled out of the parking lot, sirens already screaming. You could never underestimate the power of that distant wail coming your way. It was thought that sirens alone were responsible for stop-ping over thirty thousand crimes in the United States every year.

I’m on my way, Eli. What’s your exact location?

No response.



Colt swore. He keyed the mic again. Where are Steve and Luke, Becky?

Steve’s on his way back from the Stratford Ranch. Cattle loose again. Luke’s on his way to Eli.

Luke, you there?

Here. What do you have in mind?

Where you at?

Coming down Cimarron.

Okay, head up Third to the end of town and double back on First. I think they’re on First near the west end.

Copy. Come in quiet, then?


He, on the other hand, would go in siren blaring and guns blazing if need be. It had been over a year since he’d encountered a gunman. The metallic taste at the back of his mouth, compliments of adrenaline, was as sweet as it was bitter.

The chief’s been shot, Colt.

Okay then, check that. The taste was purely bitter.

He flew up Main Street to Seventh and took a right turn at 65. In Vegas he’d be dodging heavy traffic, but this was Summerville. The streets were already deserted due to news of the storm. A little gunfire would empty them completely. Word traveled faster through the phone wires than over the news networks in small towns.

Driving with his left hand, Colt reached for his gun belt and pulled out his service revolver. The judgment of Sergeant Brice Mackenzie from the training academy echoed through his mind.

You might not be the most handsome stud to join the force, but you sure can shoot.

Fitting that his name was Colt, they all said. During his most in-secure years, he’d flaunted his gun handling. But now, at age twenty-seven, he’d accepted himself for what he was. Not a gunman, heavens no. He was simply a strong, caring, sensitive man who happened to be more comfortable around a gun than around a woman.

And he was fine with who he was. At least on occasion. Especially occasions like this.

He holstered the pistol and keyed the radio. Approaching First now.


He had no idea what he’d find once he turned onto First Street, but it might be a fusillade of bullets, so he would go in kamikaze, not cautious. Foil the shooter’s aim. Unnerve any but the most seasoned gunman.

The wind had eased, and the rain had tapered off to a drizzle. Both good and bad depending on who was doing the shooting. Ditto the deepening darkness.

Colt braced himself and spun the wheel into the corner. The cruiser slid wide on the wet pavement, squealing as rubber bit past water and into the asphalt. The streetlights revealed Eli’s predicament in yellow hues.

Two cruisers were parked at angles one block up—Eli’s and Chief Lithgow’s. No sign of fire from either. Colt assumed both were down.

The shooter walked under one of the lights, directly toward him, undeterred by the siren, the lights, and the show of force that had announced the cavalry’s approach for some time now.

Jeans and a black T-shirt. Baseball cap turned backward. Hard to make out any details of his face from this distance.

Colt increased speed, bearing down on the man.

The windows on a dozen houses and shops behind the man were shattered. The shooter had made no attempt to conceal his intentions whatsoever.

The gunman suddenly appeared to be walking in slow motion as Colt’s conditioned mind was separating details, a skill required for survival in high stress environments involving guns. Or was it some-thing else? This man seemed to command the space around him with complete confidence.

Without breaking stride, the gunman fanned his weapon and took two shots at the cruiser. The first put a hole precisely where Colt’s head would have been had he not ducked the moment the shooter lifted his arm.

The second drilled a hole in the passenger’s headrest. Impressive shooting in such poor light. With a moving target. Scary impressive. The only person Colt had met with such skill was Mark Clifton, a detective from Walton—Nevada’s best gun handler, unchallenged. Still, this man seemed too fast.

Change of plans.

Colt cranked the wheel to his left and braked. The cruiser’s back end swung right and slid to a halt broadside to the shooter. Colt was out of his door, on the pavement, gun in hand, when the next slug popped the passenger window.

He rolled onto his belly, brought the gun to bear on the shooter from under his cruiser, and fired off two shots. But the man was moving already, like a shadow on speed. Two feet to his right so that he was hidden by one of the cruiser’s wheels.

No target, no shot—didn’t take the best gun handler in the force to know that much. Nor the fact that this killer knew exactly what he was doing.

Colt heard a car skid to a stop farther up the street. That would be Luke—a solid kid with rookie-level experience. They had the shooter boxed in.

For a few long seconds nothing happened. Water ran down the street, splashing along the gutters, soaking Colt’s jeans and T-shirt. No shooter.

And then Colt knew why there was no shooter. He’d vanished into the smashed glass of the Sears catalog store ten paces behind where Colt had last seen him. An educated guess, of course, but one worthy enough to bring Colt first to his knees, then to his feet.

They’re both down! Luke screamed from the cruisers.

Keeping a wary eye on the broken windows along the far side-walk, Colt ran toward the first cruiser.

Eli lay in the gutter, faceup, unmoving. Eyes wide to the falling rain. A bullet had punched a small hole in his forehead.

He’s dead, Luke said, thirty yards away. His voice was breathy and shaking. The chief—

I think the shooter went into one of the buildings across the street, Colt cut in. Keep an eye out.

He dropped to one knee beside Eli, keeping the cruiser between himself and the shooter’s possible location. The immensity of their predicament hit him as he lifted Eli’s radio to call in the officer’s death. Adrenaline yielded to a moment of horror.

A shudder passed through his body.

He turned the radio off and clipped it on his belt. Eli’s dead. Call it in, Luke. Cover my back.

Colt took one breath

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