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Master Your Morning Routine: Journey to Life Mastery Series, #1
Master Your Morning Routine: Journey to Life Mastery Series, #1
Master Your Morning Routine: Journey to Life Mastery Series, #1
Ebook147 pages1 hour

Master Your Morning Routine: Journey to Life Mastery Series, #1

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Get ready to embark on a transformative journey like no other with our powerhouse guide, "Master Your Morning Routine."

This groundbreaking book is your ultimate companion on the road to mastering your mornings and igniting a chain reaction of success throughout your entire day.


Delve into a comprehensive exploration of morning mastery, where every aspect of your morning routine is dissected and enhanced.


For the first time, this book covers all the below aspects in detail:

  • 12 Actionable Habit Formation Tips
  • 7 Steps To Design Your Morning Routine
  • 9 Steps To Energize Your Morning Workout
  • 11 Steps To Elevate Your Morning Nutrition And Fuel Vitality
  • 9 Nutritious Breakfast Ideas To Start Right
  • 6 Productivity Strategies For Your Morning Routine
  • 6 Techniques To Energize Your Morning Productivity
  • 10 Common Challenges On Your Way

This book is your unparalleled guide to jumpstarting your journey towards purposeful days, transforming your mornings into a launching pad for boundless success.


#1) Unlock the Hidden Power of Your Mornings for a Fulfilling Life!


Are you tired of hitting the snooze button, stumbling through your mornings, and feeling like you're playing catch-up all day?


It's time to take charge and transform your life through the magic of a well-crafted morning routine.


In "Master Your Morning Routine," you'll embark on a journey of discovery, self-care, and success, guided by the wisdom of science, inspiring personalities, and practical strategies. Imagine starting each day with enthusiasm, energy, and a clear sense of purpose.


This book reveals the groundbreaking insights derived from personal experiences, surveys, and expert advice that will empower you to design a morning routine tailored to your unique needs and goals.


#2) Embrace the Morning Light and Reclaim Your "Me Time"


  • Unveil the secrets of embracing the morning light and carving out precious "me time."
  • Dive into the fascinating survey results that shed light on the habits of successful individuals who attribute their accomplishments to intentional morning rituals.


#3) Harness the Art of Morning Transformation for Success


  • Discover the remarkable journey from sunrise to success as you master the art of habit transformation.
  • Bid farewell to alarm clock shocks and embrace the gradual awakening process that nurtures your mind and body.


#4) 9 Steps to Supercharge Your Morning Workout


  • Unleash your potential through invigorating exercises and personalized workout options.
  • Learn the 9 steps to supercharge your morning workout, setting the tone for a day filled with vitality and confidence.


#5) 11 Transformative Steps, 6 Strategies, and 6 Proven Techniques For Your Peak Performance


  • Elevate your morning nutrition with 11 transformative steps that fuel your body and mind.
  • Explore nutritious breakfast ideas that kickstart your day while 6 strategies and 6 techniques ensure you're energized for peak performance.


Are you ready to awaken your fullest potential?

It all starts with your morning routine! Embark on a transformative journey to reshape your days and elevate your life.

Release dateAug 14, 2023
Master Your Morning Routine: Journey to Life Mastery Series, #1

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    Book preview

    Master Your Morning Routine - RAVI LALIT TEWARI


    Embrace the power of the morning; it shapes the rhythm and vitality of everything that unfolds ahead.

    - Natalia Foster


    It's 4:30 a.m., and I've just started working on this fantastic book, Master Your Morning.

    My room is filled with absolute silence and a sense of peace. There's no one to disturb me, no distractions to draw my attention away, and no questions to answer. I feel stress-free, calm, and almost divine.

    This is how I kickstart my day, and I absolutely love these early morning hours because they're my special Me Time.

    After this, I plan to step outside, connect with nature, talk to the plants on my balcony, and enjoy the refreshing morning breeze that comes through the window.

    You see when I was a kid, my parents always encouraged me to wake up early in the morning to study well. They used to say, Starting your day early should be a part of your life. It brings discipline and helps you learn, practice, and memorize your lessons effectively. It's like receiving blessings from the goddess Saraswati, associated with knowledge, music, art, wisdom, and learning. So since childhood, waking up early has become a habit for me, and it has proven to be beneficial throughout my academic and professional life.

    By embracing the early morning hours, I have found a peaceful and productive time for myself. It sets a positive tone for the rest of the day, allowing me to focus on my goals and responsibilities with a fresh mindset.

    This routine has made me feel more prepared and motivated to face whatever comes my way. I've come to appreciate the beauty and serenity of early mornings, and it's become an essential part of my daily routine.

    Utilizing the early morning hours has given me the opportunity to invest in self-care, creativity, and personal growth. It's like having a magical time to nourish my mind and soul before the hustle and bustle of the day begins.

    As the saying goes, The early bird catches the worm, I believe that making the most of the morning hours helps me seize the best opportunities and make the most out of each day.

    In my experience, I've noticed that early morning is the best time for me to get fresh ideas in various areas of life, like health, relationships, career, and money. Thoughts come and go quickly like butterflies, so I jot down these valuable ideas in my diary. Later, I use these ideas when I write my next book. I believe these precious ideas can bring a smile to your face, add value to your life, and lead to positive changes in your daily habits – and that's my life's purpose!


    Recently, I conducted a survey among my clients on their 5:00 a.m. routine. I wanted to understand their thoughts about the importance of early morning hours.

    To my surprise, 65% of the participants recognized the significance of waking up early but struggled to stick to the 5:00 a.m. routine regularly.

    On the other hand, 10% of the participants didn't find waking up early helpful and preferred starting their day later.

    The remaining 25% of the participants were the morning larks, diligently following their early morning schedule.

    After getting the survey results, I decided to closely observe each participant. Having a personal connection with them made it easy for me to observe their behavior and communicate with them when needed.

    Over a few weeks, I noticed the following behaviors among the three groups:

    The 65% who acknowledged the importance of early mornings but struggled to maintain the routine tended to procrastinate and postpone tasks unnecessarily, leading to negative consequences. They lacked motivation and took longer to take action. They often focused on the challenges rather than the long-term rewards. Additionally, many of them had unclear or unrealistic goals.

    The 10% who were not convinced about waking up early seemed sluggish and lacking in energy. They often faced health issues like diabetes, obesity, and depression. Skipping breakfast and avoiding morning workouts were common for them. They tended to spend late hours on social media or at late-night parties and were often late for my workshops and webinars, making excuses for their tardiness.

    The 25% who diligently followed the 5:00 a.m. schedule were punctual and engaged in my workshops. They showed a positive attitude, retained the knowledge from previous sessions, and actively participated by asking questions. These individuals practiced morning meditation and exercise, contributing to their cheerful demeanor and improved focus throughout the day. Many of them also reported having healthy relationships with their family members.


    I UNDERSTAND THAT SOME of you may not agree with the idea of being early risers, especially those who prefer staying up late. I know that for some, nothing is better than sleeping in and staying cozy in bed until you have to get up. Mornings can feel like a real drag for some folks.

    A ton of research, stories, spiritual talks, and scientific theories support the saying, "The early bird gets the worm." When you wake up with the morning sun, you experience life in a whole new way. You get to see and appreciate the beauty of nature up close – the calmness, the gentle breeze, and the birds chirping. This perspective shift can be pretty amazing.

    If you're going through tough times in your personal or professional life, feeling down or stressed out, try waking up early and sharing your feelings with Mother Nature. You might be surprised by how nature embraces you like its child and cares for you.

    I promise - soon, you'll start witnessing some magical changes in your life.


    Let me share some examples of highly effective people and their morning routines. Maybe this will inspire you to join me on this beautiful journey:

    Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, wakes up at 4:00 a.m. and stays active throughout the day. He starts with daily courses and then practices Suryanamaskar, Pranayam, and Yoga to stay fit and healthy. Yoga is a must for him at the beginning of the day.

    Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple Inc., rises at 3:45 a.m. to answer emails before hitting the gym at 4:30 a.m.

    Other early risers include Michelle Obama, the former First Lady of the United States, who works out before checking emails, and Anna Wintour, the Editor-in-Chief of Vogue, who wakes up at 5:00 a.m. to play tennis in New York.

    Tim Armstrong, the CEO of AOL, wakes up around 5:00 a.m. or 5:15 a.m. to exercise, read, work on the site, and spend time with his daughter.

    Indra Nooyi, the CEO of PepsiCo, wakes up as early as 4:00 a.m. and is at work by 7:00 a.m.

    Bill McNabb, the chairman of the Vanguard Group, follows a strict early-morning routine. He's up at 5:00 a.m. and starts his workday by 6:15 a.m.

    A life coach and business strategist, Simon Alexander Ong, swears by getting up early every day.

    Caroline Burckle, an Olympic bronze medalist and former competition swimmer, wakes up around 5:30 a.m. to work out. She starts with an energy bar and then does running intervals, weight training, or swimming.

    Mellody Hobson, the President and co-CEO of Ariel Investments and chairwoman of Starbucks Corporation, has been waking up before 6 a.m. for over two decades.

    Alright, let's move beyond the inspiring examples for now. In the upcoming chapters, we'll dive deep into why many successful people, scientists, researchers, spiritual organizations, and

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