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Industrial Statistics: Professional Journey
Industrial Statistics: Professional Journey
Industrial Statistics: Professional Journey
Ebook125 pages1 hour

Industrial Statistics: Professional Journey

By Babu

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About the Book
Industrial Statistics is about a new technology to replace the traditional statistical process control method. Quality decisions are made based on inspection data of one variable, this is a data dependent process. Industrial statistics is based on artificial intelligence or a mathematical model. This hybrid technology helps to plan and tailor manufacturing processes with quality attributes that deliver quality products consistently every time. There is no need for separate data analysis, if needed there is a provision for data analysis using the inspection data by the operator during the production process.
With both customers and users in mind, Industrial Statistics sheds light on various components of the manufacturing industry and how the latest technology can be used to make quality products for reduced cost. Using the artificial intelligence of industrial statistics does not require any data from the manufactured products. It is a proactive process control method, and this is the first book in the world to detail such a method.

About the Author
Babu is graduated from Government of Kerala, India, Department of Technical Education, Diploma in Engineering (Automobile) and has more than 35 plus years of experience in various manufacturing industries. After retiring, he has decided to do something for the industrial community that will help them to ease the manufacturing process with freedom to do their assigned work with pride in quality and workmanship. This passion drove him to invent industrial statistics.
Babu believes all his activities in both professional and spiritual life are guided by the Holy Spirit. His special interest is to serve the community in whatever ways possible. He served as a senior citizen commissioner in the city of Cypress for almost four years, conducting a survey to determine the needs of the seniors and proposed suggestions to the council for action. He also was the 3rd Vice Chairman of the SME, Orange County Chapter #119 and he was selected as the instructor to teach the manufacturing students at the California State University, Fullerton, who are taking tests as certified Manufacturing Engineers, and continued that position for three years until the program was discontinued by the State government. He has also worked to organize annual picnics with activities for children and adults alike as well as charity work to raise money to help those in need after a disaster.
He has a wife and three children and five grandchildren and his wife is a retired nursing supervisor from the local hospital.

Release dateApr 28, 2023
Industrial Statistics: Professional Journey

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    Industrial Statistics - Babu



    I dedicate this book to my loving wife Alice Matthew, who supported me throughout my life, in good times and bad, and to my beloved daughters, Reetha Matthew, Anna Matthew and Caroline Matthew.

    John: 15:16

    It was not you chose me, says the Lord, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last.

    Luke: 8: 16

    No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel or sets it under a bed; rather, he places it on a lamp stand so that those who enter may see the light.

    Matthew: 5: 14-16

    You are thee light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lamp stand, where it gives light to all in the house. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify you r heavenly Father.

    Scripture says (Matthew 13:8) But the seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit, a hundred or sixty or thirty-fold.

    It was not my desire to write a book, but the circumstances made me think that I should write a book that goes in detail the work I did throughout my professional career.

    I am an engineering graduate (mechanical/automotive engineering) from Kerala University, Kerala, India in 1967. After my graduation, I had to wait to find a job according to my education, it was not that easy to get a job right after the graduation, and I applied for a job many places. One of them was to the ministry of defense tank manufacturing factory in Avadi, Madras. Since the waiting time for a result was uncertain, friends and I decided to start tutoring students from eighth grade to tenth grade that is high school, at that time. A couple of families near my place accepted our decision and gave their children and one family offered their vacant house to use as a place to gather and teach the classes. Initially, we stated with math and science, English and Hindi. The textbooks we selected were the same as they taught in the school at the time.

    A month after our starting the school, we got overwhelming requests and support from the families around to take their children from sixth grade and up. It was a big challenge for me to schedule the classes early in the morning and complete tutoring before it was time to go to school. Our tutoring location was just opposite the school nearby and it was very convenient for the students to get back to their classes on time.

    We got overwhelming approval from the parents and we decided to continue the tutorials until I found a job. In the meatime, I got an call from the government of India, ministry of defense, to attend an interview in Maharashtra, North India and the government furnished travel arrangements and accommodation. The interview was a combination of a written test and a panel interview, an entire day process. I scored 100% in the written test and the next step was the panel interview. The panel consisted of an army officer colonel, scientists from different areas of manufacturing sectors, metallurgists, and human resources. The Interview was a lengthy one and I performed well. They informed they will send a letter of appointment at a later date, and I returned home and continued the tutoring.

    After eight months passed, I got an appointment letter from the government as a technical supervisor and the location was Ahmednagar, near Pune, in the October 1968. After two years of service, I took the departmental promotion test and based on the first rank, I got transferred to the Madras office and after three weeks, my next move was to Hyderabad, India, where the job assignment was to manage and control the suppliers who manufacture and supply defense related armored vehicles, and other products. After two years, I was transferred was to the Delhi, India zonal office where my assignment was supplier management of various manufacturers who were the contractors from government. The function of my department was the indigenization of assemblies and components for tracked vehicles such as the tanks, heavy earthmovers, komatsu, international harvesters and validation and approval of newly designed products for defense tracked vehicles, etc. One of my suppliers had a contract for making rubber O-rings for various tracked vehicles of defense. As a qualification of the product, the supplier must submit parts along with material certificates both physical and chemical. This supplier had submitted the parts along with material certs, but physical examination of the O-rings failed because of the trapped air, so the O-rings were spongy at certain points and the lot was rejected because of this failure. The supplier submitted the second batch with the samples of O-rings and material certificates. The second lot was also rejected due to the sponginess condition. The supplier had only one more chance to submit the samples with material certificates. The supplier was a small business owner who started the business by taking loans from the bank and that is his only income from the business. The shop owner requested my help to resolve the issues and I refused to help him because I was not a rubber technologist. The owner holds a Master’s in rubber technology. But because of his persistent request, I promised to visit his shop to evaluate the manufacturing process of the O-rings.




    Chapter One

    My first problem solving involvement at a supplier in India

    Please note that I have never used the statistical process control to manage issues related to quality and manufacturing processes and product related issues. I have used my technical skills to identify the problems you will read in this book, and I have succeeded in resolving issues and delivered quality products to our customers.

    This supplier had a several million rupees contract to make rubber O-rings for the international harvester. That means all kinds of O-ring parts for the maintenance of the vehicle.

    According to the contract, this supplier was supposed to submit the first article inspection/test report of the raw material, rubber, and a dimensional report of the O-rings. The first attempt failed in the final product itself. There were blisters in the O-ring, but the material compound and physical and chemical analysis were found acceptable. According to the findings, the pilot first submission of samples was rejected and asked the supplier to re-submit next lot for approval. It is particularly important to know that the supplier has only three chances to for the submission of acceptable samples and if all the three samples fail, the whole contract would be canceled and the supplier will lose the entire investment he made on this project.

    A second sample was submitted with the material test data, dimensional test report, and the samples of O-rings for review

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