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The Wrong Alpha: True Mate
The Wrong Alpha: True Mate
The Wrong Alpha: True Mate
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The Wrong Alpha: True Mate

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“I'd loved this guy for year...........told him all my secrets.......grown with him.....……shared my first kiss with him..........…messed around with him..........o................….thank the goddess!!!.....…thank the goddess we never went further assuming we were mates!”Delilah can’t wait for her boyfriend to turn 17, for him to meet his Alpha wolf, and finally sense his fated mate. Having been childhood sweethearts, she has long been predicted as his fated mate by everyone in their pack. But when fate takes an unexpected turn, Delilah finds herself on a painful path she never anticipated. Will Delilah be able to overcome this bitter twist of fate and find true love?

Release dateAug 28, 2023
The Wrong Alpha: True Mate

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    Book preview

    The Wrong Alpha - Beth Jackson

    CHAPTER 86 – Knox

    I woke with a start as I felt a movement next to me. What the?!... then I realised it was Lilah, Wait, we fell asleep together……. Oh that has to be the best sleep ever………I look down to her and she is already looking up at me, her big blue eyes looking sleepy.

    Hmm I think we fell asleep…. She grinned.

    Hmm maybe, though that is probably the best sleep I have had in forever…. You may have to start sleeping with your door locked sweet or you’ll be having a bed buddy because you clearly help me sleep I tease.

    She laughs I’ll bear that in mind. I’m not afraid to bite you know? she joked.

    Ooohh really? I have a spot right here you could bite….. I joke pointing to the point on my neck where my mate mark should go……my joke obviously didn’t go as planned as she looked a little awkward.

    Oohh class comedian! Dick head! She seemed quite happy to wake with you and now you made it awkward…..

    Sorry Lilah, I was teasing I say.

    She just smiled before saying Do we have to go work today?

    Oh crap, I hadn’t even thought of that, there is stuff that needs doing at work, but with what happened last night I need to be here and come up with a plan….

    I’ll speak to Jake I tell her you sweet are with me today and no we are not going to the office, we are working from home – what will be your new home very soon

    She looks to me You still want to help me despite everything I told you? she asked.

    Was she really still scared about this? Had they really broken her this bad?

    Lilah, I plan to do more than help you… she looked puzzled we will fix this, I will keep you safe, you will have a new pack to help me do that, you can be happy, I promise

    The relief on her face was evident Thank you

    See I’m not such a big bad Alpha I teased.

    She giggled Well of all the big bad Alphas to walk into the bar that night, I’m glad it was you

    Well that was progress…..

    I pulled her close to me again, resting my head on top of hers, taking in the scent of her…. The overpowering mint candy cane scent mixed with sweet caramel and vanilla made her smell good enough to eat….. a scent I don’t think I’d ever tire of……especially now she wouldn’t need to hide it from me………wait….what's that?………. I can smell something else….. ohhhh goddess……she may not realise the scent coming from her to my nose was signalling her arousal, while she was doing such a good job of hiding it, she clearly was oblivious to how strong that scent could be, especially to a mate…….

    She wants me….. she wants me inside I was doing an internal dance, but knew I couldn’t act on it, I told her I wouldn’t pressure her. That in itself is proving difficult considering the ever protruding bulge straining in your pants spearing her big man, I thought to myself.

    I’ll only be big and bad if you ask me to sweet I found myself almost purring at her. She giggled again and it was the sweetest sound to me. I planned to do everything in my power to make sure she was safe and could finally be happy again, know what it felt to be loved the right way……

    Knox, all ok? Jake linked me. Shit, I forgot to sort stuff out……. You weren’t at the office or at the cars to go, went to your room and you weren’t there……tried calling you dude and you weren’t answering.

    Sorry man, all good, is a long story, I will explain more later. Look can you do me a favour dude and go the office, let them know we will be a few days delayed, wrap things up best you can between you and get back here asap? I link straight back so he knows I’m ok.

    Yeah no worries. One more issue though dude, Lilah ain’t in the office, not been able to contact her either, bit worried ab..

    She’s with me I interrupted him mid link.

    Oooooohh really?! He linked back, I don’t know how he managed to get innuendo and dirtiness though a link but he did jeez he’s a tool.

    Ha-ha, tool. Yeah, I’ll explain once you’re back. But Lilah is ok, just some stuff we need to sort….. I link back to Jake, while smiling at Lilah, hoping she can tell from my expression I am mind linking.

    No worries, is everything ok though?

    Yeah just some new developments shall we say I link.

    Not giving more away than that, wanting to speak in person to my friends about all of this to get their reactions, and their opinions and advice. I know they all think Lilah is great, they were all as desperate as me to help her and I think when they find out the things I now knew it would only make them more determined to help her. Let alone the fact she is potentially their new Luna, that in it’self would make them be willing to do anything to help her…..but I couldn’t tell her that as it would freak her out.

    Guessing I got to wait for them? I’ll be going then and let you get back to whatever or is it whoever you’re doing? Jake linked with a big chuckle before he cut the link.

    Sorry sweet Jake was checking about work so I told him to go in tell the company we are working with we are likely to be delayed a few days, shouldn’t be a issue, we were ahead of schedule anyway, told him to get things in order as best they can and get back here, then we will all speak together I explained.

    Ok she looked at me nervously they’re going to think bad of me aren’t they?

    Look sweet I can’t say what they’ll think, obviously we are brought up not to trust witches, as I am sure you were to, so you know what you did was risky, I get why you did it, but it was still risky, but the fact I am ok with it should mean they are too, our main thing is you are ok and that we help you…… I sighed and when they find out you’re my mate they’re going to want to help us even more

    Knox… she began

    "I Know….! I cut her off, kissing her gently on her head before she told me yet again she didn’t want me.

    That scent told me otherwise…..maybe not as a mate but she was wanting me……..Knight was screaming in my head for his mate, clearly sensing the same thing I was…. This could prove harder than I thought……

    You’re angry she sat up, moving away from me to the edge of the bed, now I was able to see more light bruising across her back that I hadn’t seen earlier.

    This made me even more angry about what we had spoken about and more determined to help her….I sat up, running my hands through my hair, my eyes falling to the curves of her body as she sat on the edge of the bed, she looks scared, I need to fix this…..

    I knelt up, and reached for her, grabbing her gently, a hand either side of her waist and lifted her gently, she squealed slightly as I raised her up and flipped her so she was laid flat on the bed, I was now above her looking down at her, her long blond hair sprayed out across the dark bedding like a halo.

    How could I be mad at you? I leant down and kissed her lips gently before moving to stand up and allow her to get up out of the bed.

    As I moved my leg to the floor to stand she slid her leg and had hooked it through mine in such a way she had been able to flip me and now had me pinned to the bed.

    Haha what a girl!! Seems she can fight… sure got us good…

    What you going to do now big bad Alpha? she grinned looking down at me proudly.

    Quite honestly I didn’t want to do anything, I was quite happy to let her stay exactly where she was, sat on top of me, her muscly thighs either side of my own thighs, her beautiful body on display to me and I had a perfect view from where I was, besides I was quite proud of my girl pinning me. I had to fight the urges in me to pull her to me and take this to a more intense and satisfying outcome, as I had promised her I wouldn’t pressure her and I didn’t want our first time to be one we’d look back to regret. I wanted it to be when she had decided she wanted to me my mate…. But the flirting and teasing was fun……..

    Well there are plenty of things the big bad wolf is wanting to do, and going off the scent from you I’d say the thought may have crossed your maybe not so sweet and innocent mind I wink at her, she instantly blushes realising what I meant, and goes to move, but I put my hands to her hips to hold her still for a moment as I continue but as I said I wouldn’t pressure you and don’t want to do anything you don’t want so maybe we should get up and get dressed, I can sort you some food, before we talk to the guys

    She looked to me with a smile Thank you and then she carefully climbed down from where she sat and off the bed. Now she was stood in front of me, looking embarrassed and clearly conscious of the fact she was stood in front of me in her underwear, not that I was complaining,

    I had a visible straining bulge within my pants I could see she was trying to avoid acknowledging which I was trying not to laugh at.

    I haven't got clothes with me other than my work ones Knox, they're back home, I didn’t think I'd be staying she says.

    It's ok, call Indie you guys are a similar size right? Borrow some of hers for today, later today I plan to take you shopping will get you some more clothes and tomorrow we will hopefully go to River Ash to tell them you are staying here I explain as I sit myself up and sit at the edge of the bed in front of her.

    She nodded at me. That ok? You ready for this sweet? I ask.

    You are going to be with me right? she asked. It warmed me to think she felt she needed me there, she was stronger than she realised, but for her to want me with her made me feel hopeful for our future….

    Always Lilah I life her chin so her eyes are level with mine, and she smiles before giving me light kiss on my cheek ah well, I’d take what I could get right now…. This is my mate……..

    right you get Indie called, get yourself a shower, I shall get back to my room and shower and get dressed – be warned when I come back I’m going to smell irresistible to you she rolled her eyes at me, I couldn’t help myself it was fun to tease and flirt with her you’ll probably have the urge to rip my clothes off…. But be strong… she started laughing, the sound was so good, but at the same time I didn’t know if I felt a little offended if she thought the urge to rip my clothes off was amusing….

    I think I can manage she stuck her tongue out at me, and I couldn’t help but smile. This felt so natural and easy, how had we not picked up on all this before? This wasn’t any different to the many times at work, or nights out we had…

    Ok, I’ll let you get sorted I kiss her on the head before walking from the room walking toward my own room. Thinking back to last night when I’d walked down the corridor desperately seeking the scent of my mate, and now I’d found her………

    CHAPTER 87 – Lilah

    Wow! He was sweet, and he made me smile, but he’d always been like that with me, it was just how we’d clicked as friends, it was like that before we could tell we were mates so it had nothing to do with us being mates. So I don't need to worry about that. Even if I chose I don’t want him to be my mate and that I am sticking to not having a mate and reject him then we will still have our friendship right?

    Anyway, I need to call Indie, need to have some clothes to wear, prepare to tell the guys here everything, see if they have a plan, then go break the news to pack I’m leaving……what is Anya going to do? What will Logan do? Could he stop me leaving? I wasn’t going to think of that now. I had Knox there for me to defend me and stand up for me, that in it’self was a massive support.

    I found my phone from my bag and saw my Mum had responded to my text from the early hours I’d sent, explaining I had ended up staying at the pack house here because of working so late and risk of rogues.


    Hi Del,

    That seems sensible sweetheart. But don’t be overworking. I know you are enjoying the job and have lots of opportunities there but don’t let them expect too much of you. Though I do agree with them not travelling back tonight was best, has been reports of a lot of random rogue attacks. Hope you sleep ok.



    Typical mum overreacting. A lot of the overworking she thought I had been doing had in fact been staying late chatting to the guys, going for drinks or visiting

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