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Morgana LeTrois: Ahriman
Morgana LeTrois: Ahriman
Morgana LeTrois: Ahriman
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Morgana LeTrois: Ahriman

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The Sorceress and Succubus, Morgana LeTrois, is hired by the Agency to track down and trap Burk Ahriman (Ahriman: Not Dead Not Living) to get revenge for him destroying one of the Agency's Dark Operation locations. She calls upon various demons of the demon realm to come and assist her in finding Burk, offering herself as the reward. She destroys the life of an Agency Assistant Director and captures her long time nemesis and plans to suck the life out of her. In the end she finally comes face to face with... Burk Ahriman himself, apparently now caught in her trap. The next move is hers.

Release dateAug 27, 2023
Morgana LeTrois: Ahriman

R L Broederdorf

I have been writing manuscripts since 2008, but decided to self publish some of my manuscripts since 2021. I write in many genres. I have written manuscripts in non-fiction, fiction, fictional history, and science fiction. I would be considered a starving writer as I write more as a hobby than try to make a living from my endeavors. My greatest creation so far is the four book saga of "Alsaunce" which took me almost two years to create. It has sold copies in the USA, Australia, Brazil, and the UK. I will continue to write and self publish because maybe, just maybe, something I write will bring enjoyment to another person and to me this is the greatest reward for writing.

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    Morgana LeTrois - R L Broederdorf


    It was almost two in the morning when Rachel finished cleaning up the bar and getting everything ready for the next night’s operation. Rachel had only worked the night shift for a little more than three weeks at the Kehena Club. She locked the front door and turned out the remaining lights, leaving only a couple of dim night lights on, that the security cameras used for surveillance purposes. She walked out the back door to go to her car, locking the door behind her.

    When she turned about, she did not find herself in the parking lot, but what appeared to be a walled court yard. She turned back to open the door back into the club, only to find the door was no longer there. She began to feel panic and cried out for help several times. It appeared her calls for help were not heard by anyone. She started about in the dim moonlight, feeling the walls, looking for anything that might resemble an exit. She began to tremble and whimper. She began to pray to God for help, she had no idea what sort of nightmare she had walked into.

    She heard a quiet voice, but saw no one,Such a beautiful young lady, full of energy, in great physical condition and beauty that turns the head of every man she passes. My mistress will be so pleased to have you become part of her. It will not hurt, you will feel nothing, and remember nothing.

    Rachel screamed,Anybody, for Christ’s sake, help me, help me, please help me. She began to cry out loud.

    No one can hear you my dear, for you are at the moment, in my realm, not the living realm. You were hired for one purpose and one purpose only and now you shall perform the duty of that purpose.

    Stay away who ever you are stay away. I beg you to let me go, please let me go. I will give you whatever you want, anything. Rape me if you must, but just please, let me go.

    A chuckling voice,Thank you for giving me permission to take what I want. I shall now come forward and take it. Remember, but you won’t, you said I could take whatever I need and then let you go. I will take your youth, beauty, and physical condition and then you will be freed. Come, stand in the middle of my court yard and be with me.

    Rachel stood with her back against the wall, trembling, her hand over her mouth. She could barely see in the moonlight. Something compelled her to walk to the middle of the court yard and she stood there, almost frozen, statue like. The tears running down both of her cheeks. She waited for something to strike her dead.

    A sensation began to come over her. She felt suddenly like her adrenaline left her weakened and she could hardly lift her arms, yet she did not fall down. Her eyesight became blurred and she had difficulty seeing anything. Then her mind began to become confused and she was no longer able to remember where she was. She stood there confused and tired, looking at a car parked under a bright light. She slowly walked towards the car. It was difficult for her to move her feet as she shuffled towards the car.

    She raised her hand to rub her eyes, and it shook as if she was having a tremor. She began to cry again, she felt completely lost and had no idea where she was. She focused on the car and made her way slowly over to it and leaned against the back of the car. Her eyesight remained blurred, she was tired and wanted to sleep. She turned about and laid her head on the trunk of the car. She felt lonely and cold, but heard something coming from a distance.

    Soon her eyes were almost blinded by two bright lights. She could not even raise her head and heard several loud noises coming from the lights. A couple of shadows blocked the lights from her eyes; she saw the outline of two men. She slowly pushed herself up from the car and weakly said,I am lost, I do not know where I came from. I do not know where I am going. I do not even know who I am or where I live. Help me, please help me.

    One of the officers commented,Isn’t this like the second old lady this year we have found walking in this parking lot. Where the hell are they coming from. Someone has to be dumping them here in hopes they will die overnight. We need to have these nursing homes looked into. What is this world coming to. Shit, call it in and get an ambulance over here and get her to an E.R. to get checked out. What the hell is a ninety year old woman doing out here by herself is beyond me.

    This sounds like another possible case for detective Stalworth to look into. He has been chasing weird happenings in this city now for quite some time. Maybe something this old lady is wearing will give him some clues.

    Yeah, look at what she is wearing. Where does an old lady get an outfit that looks like something that a street walker might wear. Who would dress her as such and drop her off here. Damn, I need a beer.


    The Plan

    It appeared as a board of director’s meeting in a darkened room. Six men in black suits sat on both sides of the table. One man sat at the far end of the table in a high back chair. At the other end of the table, on the wall, a large monitor was lit up with a symbol of an eye in a pyramid. The monitor came to life showing a room with a detainee, six agents, and one assistant director. Suddenly the detainee’s hands were free and when the agents tried to apprehend him, it appeared they found their feet stuck to the floor and the assistant director stuck in his chair.

    All seven pulled their weapons and pointed them at the detainee who sat there, laughing as if this was a joke. He stopped laughing and said some words that were not distinguishable and all seven men in the room started to put their weapons into their mouths. They could be seen struggling trying not to do what was obviously told to them to do. Soon all seven had their guns in their mouths. Three more agents ran into the room to realize a sweeping motion of the detainee’s hand threw them against a wall and stuck them there. The door mysteriously closed and appeared to lock behind them. Then those three agents pulled out and put their weapons into their mouths as well.

    The detainee stood up and started walking around, what could not be seen were four agents in the halls, placing the barrels of their weapons against their temples and pulling the triggers, only the sounds of the guns firing. Then a very mysterious transformation of the detainee into a very tall scarlet red demon with horns, fangs, and claws for fingers. The fear in the eyes of the agents could be seen. The detainee spoke more indistinguishable words to the assistant director and then transformed back into a human.

    As he spoke, you could see all the men’s eyes grow large and they tried to shake their heads no. The detainee disappeared out of the sight of the camera. His hand came back into view and all ten men pulled the triggers on their weapons spattering skull and brain matter onto the walls. The detainee disappeared and the video ended. No one spoke a word.

    All sat there quietly wondering what they just saw while waiting the arrival of a specialist, a specialist in Occult Affairs. Shortly thereafter, the door opened and a man in a black suit entered the room and walked to the side of the monitor. The man at the end of the table raised his hand slightly giving the agent permission to speak and then laid it back on the table top.

    The specialist spoke,Gentlemen, greetings, I am specialist Ames, Occult Investigations. We all know why we have gathered here today. We had a situation a few years back where one of our secret stations was compromised by some unknown entity. The films of this incident have been under constant study ever since. Every possible scenario has been invented to try to explain what happened that day. The result was only two possibilities. Extraterrestrial or Occultism. The final analysis was Occultism. Somehow, some way, someone, opened the gates of the underworld and allowed a demon out to walk among us.

    Whoever opened the gates and who this demon was, is still a mystery. We can only confirm that what was seen on those films was real, not imagined, not created by illusion or mind manipulation. Whoever opened this gate is of great interest to this review board and the agency. To be able to unleash a demon, who can do what was seen on those films, would be a great help to our organization and our cause. To be able to release a demon on an enemy would be highly beneficial. Our enemies would capitulate knowing what could be done to them and they would not have a way to push back. With this demon and its handler, we can dominate the world.

    As I said, I am a specialist in Occultism. My associates work day and night finding ways to communicate and summon that underworld I just spoke about. We all know that the three High Societies here in America, in London, and Rome, successfully summon demons at times from the beyond. The demons however cannot be in a solid form. They appear solid, but we know you will pass through them. They use us to do their will, to do their work by compelling us to do as they say. Cults will sacrifice to them to keep in good standings with them, and in control of them, while they are in our realm.

    However, demons know no loyalties. A demon we may summon would stab us in the back if another organization gave the demon greater favor, promised a greater reward. We never know if any demon can be trusted. After all, according to history, demons lie, deceive, cheat, and manipulate. They find human suffering amusing.

    Why are we interested in the demon on the films that have been studied? He was solid in this realm. You could touch him, the demon could touch you. For some reason he can exist in both this realm and the realm of the demons. He is not a fallen angel. I am not sure if he is even a demon, but a demon’s assistant that can take human form, solid human form. If we can find another demon who would despise this lower demon, we might use them to find a way to trap the lower demon in this realm. Our demon would be able to control him and we can use this lower demon for our own benefits.

    How do we accomplish this mission. My group will try to find a demon who might work with us to locate the demon in the film. It would be good if this greater demon was not on friendly terms with the demon or entity we see in the film. If it is possible for our demon to get control of the entity, he could send this entity, this demon to us, and close the portal of return, trapping him in our realm. This demon, entity, whatever it is, would have to do as commanded by the greater demon or find himself banished to some depth of hell, or so it is said in myths and legends. Gentlemen, even demons fear hell. It is why they exist in a realm of their own and answer to Lucifer if what they do, does not please him.

    Are we playing with something that could destroy all of us? Yes, we would be doing so, but the reward of succeeding is most likely world control, world domination. All our enemies would capitulate or find themselves in eternal torment. We need to find this lower demon and we need to find a demon who would work with us. It has taken us several years to come to this point. It may take several more years to achieve our goal. Once achieved, we will rule all. Any questions?

    The room was quiet for a minute, then the man in the tall chair asked quietly,Just who is your demon specialist and what is their success rate of summoning a demon.

    Our specialist is almost demon like herself. Her name is Morgana LeTrois. She claims to be a sorceress, I see her as a she devil. I have watched some of her work and the results of that work. She supposedly has summoned many demons in the past. If someone can find a demon to work with us and find this lesser demon, it would be Morgana. She is both beautiful and evil. She will ask what is it worth to us to find a demon to work with and then, find the lesser, solid demon we wish to trap in our realm.

    Ask her the price and come back and see me. You may go.

    She lived in a penthouse on a very modern high rise building in the city. The Occult specialist found it strange that someone who dealt with the craft and demons would not be living out in the country, in a haunted house, next to a graveyard. Philip Ames’ perception of Morgana LeTrois had been a bit skewed from his childhood vision of what a sorceress or witch should appear as. Many of the conjurers or summoners he dealt with lived in fairly secluded, dark, out of the way places, but not Morgana.

    He rode in her private glass outside elevator up to her residence. Walking into the penthouse one would never believe she was a Dark Princess of Occultism. She was considered one of the best and the price tag on her services matched her life style. The living area of the penthouse was very open with glass walls from floor to ceiling. Every decoration Philip could see was of a modern design, the only thing in the penthouse that appeared occult at all, was Morgana herself.

    Morgana would have fit in with the Amazon Princesses of the ancient times. She stood almost six foot one inch in height. A very voluptuous figure dressed in a very form fitting midnight black satin gown. Full wavy dark crimson red hair past her shoulders, eyes that were a brilliant jade green. The way she wore her makeup made her appear frighteningly evil and powerful. There was even an aura about her that made one feel slightly uncomfortable. She was both scary and sexual at the same time. She enjoyed her dark blood red lipstick, her thick very black eyelashes that she lined with heavy black eyeliner, as well as a hint of black eye shadow. Ames did not approach her but waited in her foyer.

    Morgana walked towards Philip Ames swaying her hips and allowing him to see her well embellished cleavage move with each of her seductive, but slow steps,Specialist Ames, another pleasant surprise visit from you and your agency. What went wrong specialist, the coup not go as planned? You need some leader to become ill soon and die? Your agency defies using me. Your various bosses think I am a sham. However, my dear, when your agency has no where else to turn, you always come to see me. May I ask whom I shall demise this time?

    Ames took a step towards Morgana and hesitated to go any closer. Her eyes had penetrated to his soul and sent fear into his mind,Morgana, you cannot demise or dispose of the person we need your assistance in incarcerating.

    It is Princess Morgana to you specialist Ames. If I cannot demise or dispose of your target, are you chasing a ghost? She laughed very evilly.

    Not a ghost, but not exactly a living being either Princess.

    You have my interest specialist Ames. Just what kind of a being is not living, but can be in our world. Surely not one of those stupid zombies everyone gets engrossed in at the theaters.

    The best the agency could conclude is this being or person is a demon’s assistant. There are stories from others who practice in the Occult, that if a dying person’s soul is taken the moment just before he or she dies, and taken by a demon, that demon can send him or her back into the living realm as a solid body, but that person cannot be killed. Sort of a living dead?

    Morgana laughed in a  sinister way,Does our little agency wish to incarcerate and punish this demon’s assistant? You do know if he is sent into this realm to do the bidding of a greater demon, the assistant is compelled to do as his demon master asks. He is not really responsible for his actions. He will act as he is commanded. Who you want specialist Ames, is the assistant’s master.

    Princess Morgana, we do not know who this assistant is and so we do not know who the master is either. We have a name of the assistant, but there is no way to verify it is or was his actual name. He was a released convict and appeared very much reserved. His birth age put him at seventy-six, but if you saw photos, he appears in his late forties.

    If his appearance has changed that much, it might indicate his master is Marbas. Marbas has the ability to change himself and change others. Marbas is also considered the President of Hell specialist Ames. According to the books, he commands thirty some legions of demons. Not sure if you would wish to unleash thirty some legions of demons on your agency if you piss him off. Incarcerating his assistant would probably do this. I am not sure if you have enough money to pay me to get involved with Marbas.

    Princess Morgana, can you summon a demon who might do some reconnaissance for you to see if Marbas is indeed his master?

    Who is the supposed name of the assistant?

    Burk Ahriman.

    Ahriman as in the Demon Ahriman? Demon supreme of chaos and destruction? Is your agency filled with dumb shit directors, specialist Ames? Dealing with Ahriman would possibly be worse than dealing with Marbas. Your fee is multiplying itself by magnitudes as we speak specialist Ames. Both Marbas or Ahriman are like superstar demons in the demon realm. Just throw Samael in with them and you have the apocalyptic trifecta of demons.

    Good reason for a little recon Princess Morgana?

    You will pay dearly just for the reconnaissance specialist Ames. If they even become suspicious of me and what I am trying to do, I am forever in their realm tortured for all eternity. You see why there is not enough money to be printed to pay my fee. Your agency is playing with eternal damnation.

    The director asked me to get your fee and report back to him. So I must ask what is your fee you are asking to help bring this assistant to justice.

    Bullshit specialist Ames. You agency brings no one in for justice. You bring in detainees for torture and to get information. There is no damn justice involved. This assistant did something unusual to your agency and your agency wants his abilities to go after your foes. That is the bottom line specialist Ames. You want a demon your agency can control. An assistant demon that cannot be killed, but can kill. How many of your associates went to hell specialist Ames?

    Fourteen dead and thirty-seven detainees gone, records erased, no trace of them.

    Morgana almost howled in laughter,Only a demented group of sociopaths would wish to try and capture the creature that destroyed them once before and try to turn it loose on their enemies. Do you have any photos of this supposed demon?

    Specialist Ames opened his brief case and pulled out a folder and handed it to Morgana,I think you will be a little surprised by his human form, but there is a photo of him in his demon form as well.

    Morgana slowly looked at each photograph, her face gave away no clue of what her mind was thinking. Minutes passed as she studied every little detail of each photograph trying to uncover any clue of who this assistant might belong to. If she could find even a small indication of which demon controlled this assistant, it would make her search to find the assistant much easier.

    In demon form, he is not the typical size of a first column demon. I would agree he is an assistant. From your videos, can I ask when he vanished into thin air, he did vanish into thin air at some point, correct?

    Yes he did.

    What did he say just before he vanished and was it as a fade away or was there fire and smoke?

    Fire and smoke is in a different video, he was whistling the theme from a television show about strange phenomena and then said something in Latin. Even the enhanced audio could not quite make out what this phrase was, just the last word.

    Which was?

    Something like... Heenka?

    Which is a word that can be taken from Latin as hence or here. He said something about leaving here. This means he may be able to send himself to and from a place. He may not be a first column demon, but he is also more than an assistant. There may be no such thing as a master or a handler. He simply may be asked to do things and he does them for fun. Not for one, but for possibly many, whoever asks him.

    What are your thoughts.

    Kind of a puppy dog cuteness about him. His human form does not look like someone you would ever fear. Makes it easy for him to get close to his victims. Gave a huge false sense of security to your stupid agents that he sent to hell, didn’t he. He is very clever, do not underestimate his abilities. Even if I locate him, it may be a much more difficult task to summon him to where you wish to hold him. His demon form, would be what I consider a demon junior, nothing new there.

    Do you have a price?

    Morgana raised an eyebrow, smiled, and then gave a small evil snicker,"A million to locate him,

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