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A new four book series with each new book is included another G1, Bureau of ExtraOrdinary Affairs book as well.




Something is scouting our cities, and it's looking for food.


It has advanced technology that makes it invisible!


If G1 doesn't find the invisible invader, its scouting will be done

and Earth's population decimated.




Citizens are vanishing from a remote beach, never to be found again.


G1 is sent to find out why?


And what they discover is going to blow everyone's minds.


Sit back and enjoy a brand new fun-filled action packed G1 science fiction mystery.

PublisherJohn Pirillo
Release dateAug 28, 2023

John Pirillo

The author was born in Washington, Pennsylvannia. He loves animals and birds. Has two pet cockatiels that keep him company while he writes. He has a lovely daughter and a rascally grandson. He is rich in friends that matter and well adjusted to a life of challenges. He writes and draws every day. He loves anything science fiction, fantasy or extremely well written. Same goes for movies and TV. Not married currently, but has an eye and ear open to possibilities. :)

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    Book preview

    Shifter+ - John Pirillo


    Darkness and light .

    Light and darkness.

    Bands of thrusting, piercing, intertwined strands of energy pulsed and grabbed, grabbed, and pulsed, pulling and pushing, twisting and turning.

    Space turned about the turning strands, the strands of time that were being born, aging and passing as they thrust forward, ever forward while at the same time leaving a kind of contrail tail behind that could be followed if necessary.

    It was.

    Time stopped.

    Light burst into being.

    Darkness shredded like water exploding outwards from crashing surf on the sea’s shores.

    He tumbled out of the miasma of contradictions, a contradiction himself.

    He surveyed his surroundings.

    An alley.

    Dark with light fading from it as the time stream normalized.


    He felt exhausted as always. It took a lot out of him, but he was able to sustain the energy loss by eating a substantial meal soon after.

    This triggered his digestion to squall at him in whining, groaning sounds and movements as his body once more insisted on food. Any food! He needed to eat something.


    He looked around.

    What was there to eat?

    His whole purpose was to discover Meat. There had to be some. Early drones had indicated there was enough meat to feed two of his planets and still not exhaust its resources.

    The structures about him looked familiar, but they couldn’t be Home World, he hadn’t gone that far ahead into the future or the past. Had he?

    What had happened?

    He tuned his senses to the new world about him.

    As his senses honed in on the new world about him he learned, felt how huge a difference existed in this new time shift.

    The Contraction, which created the time shift for him and fellow travelers, had been rougher than usual and he thought it was only because he was pushing it to the limits to find new food. As a scout, it was important for him to take more chances than fellow agents.

    If he succeeded, which he usually did, there would be more food for himself and his people. Now he wasn’t so sure if it had been the Contraction or something else. Though at that moment he couldn’t divine what that other might have been.

    He felt this time worse than ever before. Like his very soul itself had been torn apart and put back together during the savage rush and torrent of the time stream he rode here.

    He allowed himself to settle down. Safe in the darkness of the alley, he gathered what he knew and what must be done.

    As he did so everything began to come more and more into focus, until he saw as clear as glass, where he was.

    There had been no failure in the mission’s landing site. If there were any failure at all, it had to be something else entirely different. That would become apparent with some time.

    He smiled. Time was one thing he had for certain in his control.

    All Time Shifters did. That’s what made them so powerful, so formidable and unrelenting of purpose. They only took orders from Home World and the Nest. Everything else was irrelevant to any mission they were launched upon.

    He smiled.

    As he stood in the shadows of the odd structures towering to his left and right, noting the luminescence coming from them, and the street where a wide variety of vehicles shot past, some quietly. Some not. As he stood there gathering information for his next move, he also noted the flood of people passing by on walkways. Not just a couple here and there, but dozens!

    He would have plenty to feed upon.

    Which meant so would Home World.

    It was going to be a good day to begin an invasion: To sample the delights of this new Meat world.

    He smiled.

    Tonight, was going to be a good night. A good, good night.

    Dubai Disaster

    March ran like his life depended on it.

    It did.

    But it didn’t look good for him.

    Dubai’s highest building had too many floors. The elevators didn’t work, and the building was burning downward at an accelerating rate.

    He couldn’t even see how far down he was. The crowd ahead of him was moving rapidly enough, but some were starting to flag in strength and slowing down. That meant everyone behind them had to slow down.

    He heard screams behind him and glanced over his shoulder as he leaped to the next level of stairs. An eruption of flames, almost as bright as the noonday sun on the Sahara, exploded towards him.

    He could feel the heat of it as it neared.

    He felt his face begin to burn and blister, his skin peel away, his eyes cook, his hair explode into smoldering flames, his body become a living torch.

    He screamed!



    He threw his hands over his face to somehow annul the fire that was boiling his flesh, and then gasped with relief as he sat up on his bed, feeling only a thick layer of sweat and damp hair. He fell back against the 747-business section seat, Seat 303.  He always liked to sit in the middle. Bathroom close. Hatchway close.

    One for relief, the other for a quick exit.

    He sighed with relief.


    He turned to the aisle. A bright and perky looking stewardess was giving him a worried look. She stood about five foot nine, was amply built and had very lovely fingers and arms that swept gracefully into a curved bodice that barely managed to hide her abundant bosom.

    She smiled slightly at his wandering

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