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Mercury in Houses: Vedic Astrology
Mercury in Houses: Vedic Astrology
Mercury in Houses: Vedic Astrology
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Mercury in Houses: Vedic Astrology

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We always wonder that every House in Vedic astrology has different meaning and results. So how does the planet sitting in it will behave. So in this book I am describing how Mercury will give results in different houses in most possible and descriptive way. The planet behavior changes along with the house it sits in and give different results. Every house itself is a mystery and planet sitting in house becomes more mysterious and gives results in very different pattern. Planet is nothing but a cosmic energy which in particular location in house during our birth impacts our entire life the way we think and the way we behave and also controls our emotions. The glands in our brain reacts to this cosmic energy and creates a certain characteristic in our life patter and day to day life and we can understand this by understanding our horoscope and by checking which house the planet is sitting and how it impacts our thinking and life. I hope you will love this book and enjoy reading
Release dateAug 25, 2023
Mercury in Houses: Vedic Astrology

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    Mercury in Houses - Saket Shah

    Copyright Details

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright © 2022 by Saket Shah

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review.

    First Ebook edition February 2022


    Dear Reader,

    We always wonder that every House in Vedic astrology has different meaning and results. So how does the planet sitting in it will behave. So in this book I am describing how Mercury will give results in different houses in most possible and descriptive way. The planet behavior changes along with the house it sits in and give different results. Every house itself is a mystery and planet sitting in house becomes more mysterious and gives results in very different pattern. Planet is nothing but a cosmic energy which in particular location in house during our birth impacts our entire life the way we think and the way we behave and also controls our emotions. The glands in our brain reacts to this cosmic energy and creates a certain characteristic in our life patter and day to day life and we can understand this by understanding our horoscope and by checking which house the planet is sitting and how it impacts our thinking and life. I hope you will love this book and enjoy reading.


    Saket Shah

    Mecury in First House

    Mercury in the first house displays a need for self-expression through a questioning and inquiring attitude to life. People with this combination gain a sense of identity by knowing how their own minds work. Sometimes they want it recognized that the intellectual way in which they perceive the world has some validity. They are curious, occasionally impulsively talkative, and can express themselves fluently using logic and reasoning to good effect. If aspects to Mercury support it, there can be an interest in languages. Thinking about the world and their part in it is of great importance to them, and they are likely to spend much of their time engaged in mindorientated activities, needing to gather knowledge and communicate it to the world around them, particularly where Mercury conjuncts the Ascendant. The sign on the Ascendant will colour the way the planet's functions are displayed. Mercury with Capricorn rising, for instance, may express itself through a steady, careful mind and cautious speech, while Mercury here with Sagittarius rising might mean an identity realized through impulsive thinking on a grand scale. Occasionally, tactless speech is an issue for these people. Close aspects to another planet will also influence the way a first house Mercury operates. There is a myth concerning Hermes which has some bearing on the Mercury-in-firsthouse need to actualize ideas. When the rather belligerent Herakles was on a visit to Troezen, he stopped at the wayside because he was tired. As he sat to rest, he leaned his club against a statue of Hermes which had been erected by the side of a road. The club took root, put out leaves and grew into a tree. Herakles, it seems, needs to produce, rather than destroy, on this occasion. Even a weapon of war can be made productive if a Mars-inclined person stops for a while to take stock and allows a fertile flow of ideas to develop beyond the present moment - a characteristic not often associated with Herakles. The tale is an indication that the Mercury principle and the Mars principle can be combined successfully. Alternatively, people with this placement, especially if the planet is near the Ascendant and / or in hard aspect to other planets, need to ensure against overemphasizing an intellectual approach to life. On first acquaintance, other people may see them as lacking at some deep level the qualities of warmth and intuitive empathy needed to balance the inquiring mind - nobody in his or her right mind would have called Herakles deeply empathic, usually. But, through their life experiences, Mercury-in-first-house people may come to an intelligent understanding of how to work on the impulse to act first and think later, though the energy for communication will always be high.

    This location of Mercury makes a good counselor. It is an excellent position for a teacher, actor, lawyer, politician, or anyone in similar careers as it gives the power to speak well, both to groups and in conversation. If there are limiting aspects from Saturn, or if Mercury is in a Water sign, the ability to speak may be diminished, though the desire to communicate will be strong, and so may find an outlet through writing, singing, or film-making etc.. In any case, people with a first house Mercury are almost always extremely quick, apt and flexible, and retain their youthful energy and enthusiasm throughout life. Often they feel themselves to be the spokesman for a group and will feel called upon to speak out in defense of someone or something. They are usually witty (particularly if Mercury is in Virgo, Aries or Gemini) and are able to use words to make others laugh. They are excellent teachers and, even if they don't teach as a profession, they will be useful throughout life instructing others, showing them how to do things. They are able to put things into words much better than most people. Everything that they experience they frame in words and images, for themselves if not for others. If they can't put something into words or images it hardly exists for them. They are quick studies, able to pick up ideas rapidly from cursory reading or listening to others speak. They may become distracted by words or ideas, too caught up in them, if Mercury is in an Air or Earth sign. If it is in a Water and Fire sign, it is the thing itself they see, not the word for it, so this is a good position for an artist or poet who works more with images than with facts or concepts. Sometimes Mercury in a Water sign even causes a problem with words. They are often athletic, or physically active, loving motion and the use of their bodies as it is the sport itself, the game and the action, that they crave, and not so much the victory as this position is not competitive of itself. They are willing to take the less glorious roles in games or other group activities if the performance of the group as a whole requires it, as being part of the group or team is what appeals to them, although if they or anyone else appears to be treted unfairly they will not hesitate to speak out. They either love speed or are insensitive to it, and, if other factors are present, could have a car accident at some point due to their attraction to fast motion. They usually like the roller coaster and the faster, wilder rides at the amusement park. They usually love airplanes and flight, especially if Mercury is in a Fire or Air sign, and make good pilots. If there are conjunctions or oppositions to Mercury from Saturn, Uranus or Pluto, they may stammer or have a speech impediment, or possibly even brain damage. A retrograde Mercury may turn them towards writing, photography, art, or acting - anything where images or ideas can be constructed in private, because they may feel that the words they need to express themselves don't come easily enough in the spontaneous give and take of conversation. If other chart factors are present that indicate long life, this position of Mercury strengthens them, giving a sort of perpetual youth and a strong ability to rejuvenate. However, if sudden death factors are present, this position will intensify those as well. In high political office, it increases the potential for assassination. In some cases there is the possibility of an early death due in part to a distaste for aging. Those with Mercury in the first house always relate well to young people, and will have young friends

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