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Spin to Sleep
Spin to Sleep
Spin to Sleep
Ebook94 pages1 hour

Spin to Sleep

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About this ebook

Guarded for generations, Dahlia's spinning wheel stood untouched in its glass case…

Plagued by visions and voices in her head, Ivy trains as a witch's apprentice, shielded from the sleeping curse.

When her friends persuade her to visit Chillbury, she follows, hoping to uncover the origins of the infamous curse.
In her quest for answers, she unwittingly causes her best friend to fall under the grasp of the sleeping curse.

If she listens to the voices in her head, she'll break the curse. If she doesn't, everyone could suffer the consequences of her denial.

Will Ivy accept her destiny and break the curse, or will she be trapped in the haunted mansion?

Spin to Sleep is for fans of twists, fairytales, and adventure.

Release dateSep 5, 2023
Spin to Sleep

Maria Vermisoglou

My name is Maria Vermisoglou and I'm a Bestselling fantasy author who loves throwing her heroes into impossible situations. I draw inspiration from books, travels and...the ceiling. (So, blame the ceiling!) I started writing 4 years ago when an idea came to me. That idea started all... When I'm not writing, I love a good riding on the fantasy dragon but a book can also be exciting along with a cup of tea. I'm currently residing in Crete as a librarian, battling monsters and supernatural creatures from overcoming the world. In July 2018, I was nominated as the second place winner in the First Annual Indie Awards as the Favourite New Female Author. Website: Facebook page: Bookbub: Goodreads:

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    Book preview

    Spin to Sleep - Maria Vermisoglou


    Chapter One: A Gift for the Lady

    The town of Sunhelm was a bustling hive of activity in the morning. People stopped for a chat, the excitement prominent in every face in anticipation of the upcoming celebrations for the Snow Sculpture festival.

    Despite the light snow falling on the roofs, the sun was bright in all its glory. Children laughed as they played snow wars and shopkeepers left the warmth of their shops to gaze at the sculptures of the contestants.

    Only one resident wasn’t joining the joyous atmosphere but rushed in the streets. Mr. Telor, one of the judges of the Snow Festival, broke his normal habit of sharing words of encouragement with the artists behind the sculptures. He avoided contact with the other residents to the point of being rude and ran like his life depended on reaching his destination.

    What’s gotten into him, Olivia? Isabel called from her booth. She curled her lips when a ray of sun sneaked up on her. Isabel brought the sculpture of the carousel she was making under the shadow where snow fell on her bright pink tent.

    I don’t know, Isa. Last minute errands maybe? Olivia shrugged and blew on the icy roses she had on her table. Must be his wife that has him running around crazy on such a pretty day.

    Mark my words, Olivia. That ‘oman is bad news. She brought the darkness to our town. Isabel’s accent thickened, and she cast her gaze over towards the mountains where Telor lived with Kino, far away from all the other houses that popped around the town.

    Meanwhile, a few streets up, Aldo sighed for the fifth time this morning, strongly debating closing his shop for the day. The Snow Festival was his favorite time of year. Every evening, after closing the shop, he meandered around the booths, stealing looks at the sculptures in progress. It was his dream to one day have a place among them, however, he was stuck with the shop his father left him which was going through a bit of a rough patch.

    Aldo paced around the shelves of ceramic vases, the paintings of questionable origin and the old toys stacked in a corner. He had promised his father to take care of his beloved shop but Aldo didn’t enjoy being here. He loved bringing joy to people, but felt trapped in the shop that was a prison with the piles of objects that spoke of broken dreams and abandonment.

    I can stop at noon. Aldo walked to the counter and his shoulders sank even further at the two coins sitting at the register. A sale may draw people to the shop. His gaze fell on the faded clock under the strings of colorful lamps his father had brought from his trip to Arabia. Is that thing broken? It wouldn’t be surprising since everything in here is ancient. He laughed at his own joke and his face brightened when a sparrow flew by his window, filling the room with its newfound melodies. Oh, how I wish to be free like you, my friend. I'm tethered here because of my promise. All I want is to create those amazing sculptures. Have you seen them? I’m sure you have.

    Aldo would have gone on and on about the stunning sculptures that were imprinted in his memory if not for the drumming sound that interrupted him. He laughed and tapped his belly.

    It’s time for Madame Laurier’s mushroom pie. His mouth watered in anticipation of the delicacy.

    It was a quick trip since Madame Laurier’s shop was across the street but he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to sneak a peek over the windows that provided a direct view on the sculptures’ booths. On top of that, Aldo enjoyed the mushroom pie a little too much but no matter how much he tried, he couldn’t get it quite right when trying to produce it on his own.

    Aldo went to grab his coat when the bell announcing a customer’s arrival chimed. He turned, forcing a smile to his face.

    His eyebrows shot up. Mr. Telor. Aldo, frozen in place, studied the man while the stories of the town surrounding his persona, overloaded his brain.

    Mr. Telor didn’t hear Aldo’s words and walked decisively to the rows of lamps, candelabra, copperware, his eyes scanning the store as he snapped his head left and right.

    Aldo cleared his throat and approached the bewildered Mr. Telor who didn’t appear to pay attention where he was stepping. Sir, may I help you with something?

    Mr. Telor advanced until he found his way blocked by Aldo’s plump frame. His gaze settled on the man's full cheekbones, the bushy eyebrows and blinked. Oh, I’m sorry. I was so occupied that I didn’t realize. I’m sorry. Mr. Telor stuttered, patting his perfect hairline.

    Aldo nodded, giving his professional smile, not letting him see the question marks that materialized inside him.

    Mr. Telor aside from being a jury had a reputation for his expensive taste in modern furniture therefore stepping in an antique shop was unusual.

    May I help you with something? Aldo repeated the question. I’m afraid we don’t have many new things besides the lamps.

    Yes, yes, I am looking for something old and can’t find it! Mr. Telor raised his tone and looked in regret at the innocent candelabras on the large table as if they would suddenly transform into his desired item. He passed his pristine hand over his tired face and swallowed. I am looking for a spinning wheel.

    At that, Aldo couldn’t keep his face neutral. His mouth hung open and his eyes widened. In the hopes of having misheard his client’s words, he dared to ask, A spinning wheel, sir?

    Mr. Telor nodded, the corners of his mouth falling in a sad smile. My wife begged me for one. She has asked me for nothing the entire time we’ve been married and I want more than anything to make her happy. Mr. Telor’s words revealed immense sadness. The man who had the admiration of the entire community, emitted an aura of childish curiosity and a gentle kindness. However, at that moment, the angles of his face sculpted the mask of chagrin.

    Aldo fidgeted, twisting his hands. His gaze darted to the door, but it stood unmoving, not taking notice of his predicament. Sir, I must disappoint you but I sold all the spinning wheels in my shop last month and haven’t bought any since. Aldo swallowed when Mr. Telor’s face crumbled. I can order some, he quickly added. "However, it will be some

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