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The Attraction Formula: How to Flirt with Women Stop Getting Snubbed, Rejected, and Ignored. Expert Secrets Revealed that Spark Instant Attraction, Have Her Chasing, and Keep Her Coming Back for More: Attraction Formula
The Attraction Formula: How to Flirt with Women Stop Getting Snubbed, Rejected, and Ignored. Expert Secrets Revealed that Spark Instant Attraction, Have Her Chasing, and Keep Her Coming Back for More: Attraction Formula
The Attraction Formula: How to Flirt with Women Stop Getting Snubbed, Rejected, and Ignored. Expert Secrets Revealed that Spark Instant Attraction, Have Her Chasing, and Keep Her Coming Back for More: Attraction Formula
Ebook140 pages4 hours

The Attraction Formula: How to Flirt with Women Stop Getting Snubbed, Rejected, and Ignored. Expert Secrets Revealed that Spark Instant Attraction, Have Her Chasing, and Keep Her Coming Back for More: Attraction Formula

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About this ebook

Have you ever felt invisible to women?


You watch as other men effortlessly approach and charm the opposite sex, while you remain stuck on the sidelines.


The pain of rejection cuts deep, leaving you feeling ignored, confused, and above all, hurt. But what if there was a way to conquer your fear, ignite attraction, and have women pursuing you?


In "The Attraction Formula, How to Flirt with Women," Leo Black provides a comprehensive guidebook for men who are tired of being rejected and want to improve their interactions with women.


Picture this: You're at a social gathering, and your eyes lock with a beautiful woman across the room. Your heart starts racing, but fear takes over, and you convince yourself to stay put. Another missed opportunity. But it doesn't have to be this way. With Leo Black's powerful strategies and expert secrets, you'll learn how to confidently approach women, ignite instant attraction, and never feel the pain of rejection again. This book is your ticket to transforming your dating life and experiencing the thrill of having women chase after you.


  • Discover the secrets to understanding women's desires and preferences
  • Master the art of personal grooming and style to create a lasting impression
  • Learn proven techniques for initiating conversations and making women feel comfortable
  • Build strong emotional connections and communicate effectively in relationships
  • Overcome insecurities and handle rejection with grace and confidence


Take the first step towards becoming a confident charmer who never fears rejection. Grab your copy of "How to Flirt with Women" and unlock the secrets to igniting attraction, having women pursue you, and enjoying long-term success in your relationships. Don't let fear hold you back any longer; it's time to become the irresistible man you were meant to be.

PublisherLeo Black
Release dateSep 6, 2023
The Attraction Formula: How to Flirt with Women Stop Getting Snubbed, Rejected, and Ignored. Expert Secrets Revealed that Spark Instant Attraction, Have Her Chasing, and Keep Her Coming Back for More: Attraction Formula

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    Book preview

    The Attraction Formula - Leo Black

    The Attraction Formula:

    How to Flirt with Women

    Stop Getting Snubbed, Rejected, and Ignored.

    Expert Secrets Revealed that Spark Instant Attraction, Have Her Chasing, and Keep Her Coming Back for More

    Leo Black

    © Copyright 2023 - All rights reserved.

    The content contained within this book may not be reproduced, duplicated, or transmitted without direct written permission from the author or the publisher.

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    Legal Notice:

    This book is copyright protected. It is only for personal use. You cannot amend, distribute, sell, use, quote, or paraphrase any part, or the content within this book, without the consent of the author or publisher.

    Disclaimer Notice:

    Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All effort has been executed to present accurate, up-to-date, reliable, and complete information. No warranties of any kind are declared or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaged in the rendering of legal, financial, medical, or professional advice. The content within this book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional before attempting any techniques outlined in this book.

    By reading this document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances is the author responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, that are incurred as a result of the use of the information contained within this document, including, but not limited to, errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.

    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents .............................................................. 3


    Chapter 1: The Opening Pot.....................................................11

    Why Women Are Complicated...................................................11

    So Emotional.................................................................12

    Never Letting Go of the Past....................................................12

    Biological Fluctuations.........................................................13

    Tendency to Always Compare...................................................14

    Extremely High Expectations....................................................15

    Strengths of a Woman That Tend to Scare Men Away................................15


    Excessively Ambitious.........................................................16

    A Stronger Masculine Essence...................................................16

    The Blind Spots of a Woman....................................................17


    Overly Friendly...............................................................18


    Take-Home Points............................................................19

    Chapter 2: Why the Ls.........................................................21

    Financial Prowess.............................................................21


    Selective Mutism.............................................................23

    Talking Too Much............................................................24

    Low Self-Esteem..............................................................24

    The Pervert..................................................................25



    Terrible Sex..................................................................27

    The Player...................................................................28

    Being Too Nice...............................................................28

    Communication Skills..........................................................29

    Take-Home Points............................................................30

    Chapter 3: Insight.............................................................31

    How to Flirt With Women......................................................32

    Body Language...............................................................32



    Eye Contact..................................................................34

    Facial Expressions............................................................35

    Talking to Ladies.............................................................35

    Keep It Informal but Respectful..................................................35

    Desist From Sexualized Pick-up Lines.............................................36

    Compliment Her Limitedly......................................................37

    Sex Talk....................................................................37

    Igniting Interest...............................................................38

    Overcoming Selective Mutism...................................................38

    Problem Identification.........................................................39




    The Debut...................................................................41

    The Alternatives..............................................................41

    Take-Home Points............................................................42

    Chapter 4: Your Way..........................................................43

    Inner purpose................................................................43

    Finding Your Inner Purpose.....................................................44

    Your Inner Purpose Versus Women...............................................45

    Traffic Controller.............................................................46

    Masculine Essence............................................................47

    The Next Five Steps...........................................................48

    Take-Home Points............................................................48

    Chapter 5: How to Deal With Women.............................................50


    Love Her....................................................................51

    Acknowledge Your Shortcomings................................................52

    Keeping Up With Her Energy...................................................53

    Do Not Be a Puppet...........................................................53

    Respect Boundaries............................................................54

    Show Empathy...............................................................55

    Avoid Suspicion..............................................................55

    Keep Your Word..............................................................56

    Take-Home Points............................................................57

    Chapter 6: Total Seduction......................................................58

    Deep Intense Conversation......................................................58

    Create The Environment........................................................59

    Ask Personal Questions........................................................59

    Pique Her Interest.............................................................60

    Make Her Laugh..............................................................60

    Building Sexual Tension........................................................60

    The Tease...................................................................60

    The Touch...................................................................61

    Sexual Seduction..............................................................62

    Take-Home Points............................................................63

    Chapter 7: Go Big or Go Home..................................................64

    The Alpha Male..............................................................64

    Mentality Monster.............................................................66




    The next time you try to seduce anyone, don’t do it with talk, with words. Women know more about words than men ever will. And they know how little they can ever possibly mean. –William Faulkner

    I’m going to be as honest as I can. Rejection hurts. It definitely hurts. But hey, it is not the end of life. I’ve been rejected before, and it stinks to feel that sting. Rejection taught me one thing, though—the need to elevate my game—and since then, things have been looking pretty good. This book is a simple guide where you and I are going to have serious conversations on how to flirt with women and get the responses we desire. Some of us may not admit it, but before we approach a woman, we already know what we want to hear. We know the response we need. Sadly, sometimes—or perhaps, most times—we get the response we dread. This is a no-nonsense instruction manual for those who are fed up with trying too much, being highly expectant, and getting disappointed in the end. So, quick question: Have you ever given your contact information to a lady in the hopes that she would text or call you, but she never did? If so, it is high time we talked. Are you the guy who approaches a lady only to find that she immediately pretends to have an emergency? Are you the man who gave up trying to win over women? Are you the kind of guy who does too much? If any of this sounds familiar, we are going to need to have a conversation. When was the last time you walked into a room and felt all the ladies’ eyes pierce through you? Have you ever had a woman walk up to you to initiate a conversation? If you have never been hit on by a woman before, you are in the right place and doing yourself a lifetime favor by reading this book.

    I happen to be the kind of person who once in a while attends events, hits the club, and graces parties. I have that keen eye that reads the room, and my analytical abilities are quite good. I occasionally see guys at the end of the room chopping it up—discussing how to approach a pack of ladies who are laughing out loud and seeming to be enjoying themselves to the fullest. After laying out their strategies, the guys attack and join the group of ladies. They all get coupled up; however, listen to me when I say there is always one guy who does not get coupled up—not because the ladies are finished, but rather because there is something off about that guy. The ladies always detect that aura from a distance. It is sad to be that guy, seeing all your friends getting cozy and having a good time while you're stuck with your drink and no one to talk to. What you had anticipated to be a glorious night turns bizarre, and you feel like trash. You try to get involved in their conversations, but no one is paying attention to you, so you call it a night and choose to leave with your heart in your gut.

    I have a long-time friend, Jeff, who worked for a travel company, and he was one of only three guys on his entire floor—the rest were ladies. One time, we were having a conversation about how to seduce a woman, but Jeff had nothing substantial to contribute. He admitted that he had tried to seduce half the women on his floor and never gotten a single green light. We were all intrigued, so we asked him to take us through how he had approached these ladies, and, oh dear, it was disastrous. Truth be told, Jeff was a nice guy. He would do anything for anyone he cared about, and perhaps, he felt that charm would bend the women in his direction. There are so many Jeffs out there, but believe me when I tell you that as much as women love guys who would do anything for them, you should never oversell yourself on first exposure.

    I was talking to a good friend of mine, an elderly man in his late 50s. He never left the party until the sun was out. When he was out, he always had a couple of young ladies in their mid-20s by his side. I admit, it always disturbed my mind why he had all these ladies on him, so I pondered. He told me his intentions with these ladies were never sexual. It bothered me even more because then, what would the catch be? He said there was a way these young ladies radiated special energy toward him that made him feel young again, and it started to make sense to me. If you have successfully seduced a lady, you have surely felt this special energy in you—the kind of energy that gives you a feeling of contentment. You feel like you own the room, and your gait instantly elevates with your chin up and chest out.

    Over the years, it has been a mandatory yet undocumented fact that the man goes after the woman. The man is superior, therefore he must do the hard work. It is what nature demands. Remember that day in tenth grade, when you kissed the sassiest girl in the class? Do you recall the energy you felt when your friends cheered you on? That is what winning feels like.

    There is a misconception that has come to be widely believed by many. The majority of us believe that the goal of flirting with women is to get them into bed. We need to debunk that fallacy. Married men do flirt with women. Yet, most of them do not sleep with the women they flirt with. Flirting serves a vital purpose. It rejuvenates that special energy within a man that will boost his masculine prowess and elevate the desire for his wife. This energy creates a zealous, sexually-motivated man with the attributes needed to keep the marital sexual tension high. Additionally, it is recommended that, as a man, you never cease flirting with your woman. Once you stop maintaining the tension and the spark, then the attraction starts to fade, the sexual life becomes casual, and before long, everything gets boring.

    As a result, we must work to empower the masculine essence within us. It can enlighten us on how a man may take control of himself and also understand women better.

    However, other books on this topic often provide a step-by-step guide on how to seduce women, implying that all women are the same. This creates the impression that the play that worked on Hailey will also work on Becky, and though it would be wonderfully convenient if this were true, that certainty of any singular flirting technique is a façade. Women are built differently. Each has her own unique characteristics and needs, and any form of flirting must be flexible enough to adapt to those differences. The same approach cannot work for all women. I tried to follow

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