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About this ebook

From the author of the Roswell High series, a teen who can read the thoughts of others has her own mind invaded by someone who is trying to kill her.
Rae isn’t the only one with special powers. And she’s about to be outdone by someone even stronger than she imagined.
Just when Rae thought she could go back to being a normal teenager again—well, as normal as a teen who uses touch to read people’s minds can be—she finds herself struggling. And not because of what happened with Anthony, the friend she was falling for, the boy who betrayed her. No, this problem might be worse than her wounded heart. She keeps having these dangerous thoughts about harming herself. Only this time she isn’t reading someone else’s mind. Instead, someone is putting notions into her head. Someone who is desperately trying to kill her . . .
Praise for Gifted Touch
“[A] fast pace and original premise.” —Publishers Weekly
“This engaging mystery conveys themes of self-discovery and self-acceptance within a classic whodunit framework.” —School Library Journal
Release dateSep 26, 2023

Melinda Metz

Melinda Metz is the author of over sixty books for teens and kids, including the YA series Roswell High (based on the TV show Roswell) and Echoes. Her middle grade mystery Wright and Wong: The Case of the Nana-Napper (co-authored by the fab Laura J. Burns) was a juvenile Edgar Award finalist. Melinda lives in Concord, North Carolina, with her dog, Scully, a pen-eater like the dog who came before her.

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    Revelations - Melinda Metz


    Okay, you can do this, Rae Voight thought. You have to do this. She peered down the hallway she knew Anthony would use to get to the cafeteria. She didn’t want to see Anthony. Not now. Not ever. Which was why she’d been avoiding him for days. But she had to talk to him. He had a right to know how things had ended. Until she told him, she couldn’t get on with her life. And that’s all she wanted. To get on with her normal-girl life with her so-far-above-normal-former-ex-boyfriend Marcus Salkow.

    Thinking of Marcus made her feel all cozy, like she’d been wrapped in her favorite fuzzy blanket. A few minutes with Anthony, then it can be all Marcus all the time, Rae promised herself. She took another look down the hall. Come on, Anthony, come on, she thought. I want to get this over with.

    An electric tingle ran down Rae’s spine. And a moment later she saw Anthony heading toward her. It was like the rest of her body recognized him before her eyes did. Except no. No. There was no reason for a surge of energy to run through her just because Anthony Fascinelli was in the vicinity.

    Rae nervously fluffed her curly, reddish brown hair. She wished she’d worn shoes with higher heels. It would feel good to be taller than Anthony during this conversation. Maybe she should wait until tomorrow and—

    No, Rae ordered herself. You are doing this. Right here. Right now. Anthony, she called out before she could change her mind. He reached her way too quickly. She wasn’t ready. She—

    Steve Mercer is dead, she blurted. So no one’s after me anymore. I just wanted you to know because … because in a way he was after you, too, since you were helping me. So thanks. And have a nice life.

    Anthony blinked. Back up, he demanded, staring at her as if she were speaking another language. "Who is Steve Mercer?"

    Like you care, Rae wanted to scream at him. Instead she pulled in a long, slow breath. Somehow it had all blurred together in her mind … what Anthony knew and what he didn’t know. Maybe because she was trying her hardest not to know any of it anymore, to just forget it had ever happened.

    Steve Mercer was a scientist, she explained. He was in charge of that group my mother was in.

    Right. The group, Anthony agreed. He paused. Hold on—a scientist? I don’t get it. What exactly was the group about?

    Rae swallowed. Why couldn’t Anthony just let her get through this quickly?

    The group was—they were people who had some kind of special ability, she said. She glanced around the hallway almost out of habit, then reminded herself that no one was after her anymore. And Mercer’s job was to get the people in the group to develop major psi powers, she continued, focusing her gaze back on Anthony. Drugs, radiation, shock treatment—you name it, Steve did it to them. To my mom, she added in a softer voice.

    And it worked, Anthony said, his brown eyes wide in amazement.

    Yeah, it worked so well that I ended up … you know, Rae said. And that’s why Mercer was after me. I guess the guy went kind of nuts. He decided that what he’d done to the members of the group was dangerous to society. So he basically went on a little killing spree. He killed my mom and at least one other person from the group. Maybe more. And he watched the kids who were born after the experiment. Watched us our whole lives. When he saw that I had been affected, he decided he needed to kill me, too.

    Rae shook her head hard. But you don’t need to know all this. What you need to know is that it’s over. Mercer’s dead. Guys from the government agency that funded the experiments killed him. So no one’s going to be attempting to massacre me again. No one’s going to get kidnapped.

    That’s great. That’s so freakin’ great. Anthony reached for her. Rae jumped away, scraping her back against the corner of the trophy case behind her. How could he even think of touching her after what he’d done to her?

    Freakin’ great, Rae repeated. Yeah. Exactly. So what I wanted to tell you is your life can go back to normal. Yours and Yana’s. The name Yana felt like it was made of razor blades. Rae was surprised her mouth didn’t start bleeding the second she’d gotten the name out.

    Rae … I … Anthony jammed his hands into his pockets. I should have told you that Yana and I had hooked up. I shouldn’t have—

    What? Rae interrupted. Shouldn’t have destroyed my little sweet-sixteen birthday dinner by showing up with Yana?

    It’s not like you and I were ever— Anthony began to protest.

    I thought we were friends, Rae interrupted. That’s what I thought we were. And then you got together with Yana just so I’d know how it felt to have someone go behind my back. Even though I only looked for your dad because I wanted to help, and I didn’t even send Yana’s dad that stupid letter.

    The letter about treating Yana better? What does that have to do with—

    Yes, that letter. Don’t bother pretending to be so innocent, Anthony, Rae cut in again. "I know you and Yana got together as payback. She told me. She thought I went behind her back with the letter, so she decided to go behind mine. And you went along for the ride."

    You just assume I was in on it, right? Anthony said, his voice flat. You don’t even ask me. You just assume. Because that’s just the kind of thing I’d do.

    So you started going out with my best friend because you— Rae began.

    This time Anthony interrupted her. Because she’s hot, okay? And it’s not like you and I were—

    But you kissed me, Rae accused. And then you were sticking your tongue down Yana’s throat two seconds later. She pressed the heels of her hands against her forehead, then dropped her arms to her sides. This isn’t what I wanted to say to you. I just wanted you to know that everything is over and that you, Jesse, me, we’re all safe.

    Rae forced herself to meet Anthony’s gaze. Usually his eyes reminded her of melted Hershey’s Kisses. But right now they were hard and cold. Thanks. Thanks for what you did for me.

    Yeah, thanks, and now you that you have no use for me, I should just get away from you, right, Rae?

    It was your choice, she muttered. Then she had to look away. She felt like Anthony’s eyes were turning her to ice. Oh, there’s Marcus. I should go. She didn’t wait for an answer. She just rushed over to Marcus and hurled herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

    Hi, Marcus mumbled against her lips.

    Rae didn’t answer. She closed her eyes, wanting to lose herself in the taste of Marcus. Just kiss him and kiss him and kiss him.

    Maybe we should take this to my car, Marcus finally said, pulling away half an inch.

    Maybe, Rae agreed. She slid her arm around his waist, turned him toward the nearest exit—and saw Mr. Jesperson staring at them. The teacher creeped her out, always so interested in how she was doing, but Rae forced herself to smile at him, anyway. Look at me, Mr. Jesperson, she thought. I’m fine. I’m more than fine. You don’t have to worry about poor, troubled Rae Voight anymore. I have my life back. And I’m going to make it perfect. Perfect with Marcus.

    I know we’re going to the car, Rae told Marcus. But I think I have to kiss you again right here.

    Anthony felt his lips heat up. Like he was the one kissing Rae instead of Marcus. But you’re not, he told himself. She’s made it glass clear that you’re dead as far as she’s concerned. Dead and rotting.

    Saliva flooded his mouth, and he got that about-to-puke feeling. He had to get out of there. Anthony turned on his heel and strode back down the hall and out into the parking lot. He pulled in gulps of the crisp fall air until his stomach stopped trying to jerk itself up his throat, then he headed over to his car—technically his mom’s car—and got in. He put the Hyundai in reverse and backed out of the parking spot so fast that the motion threw his body back against the seat. He didn’t care. He had to get out of there. Away from Rae. Rae and Marcus and kissing. Now, now, now.

    Anthony just drove. He didn’t care where he was going as long as it was away. At least that’s what he thought until he realized he was heading to Yana’s school. He did a cop check of the street, then pressed the gas pedal down a little farther. Less than two minutes later he was parked in front of the school. He didn’t want to waste time looking for her, so he asked the security guard at the closest entrance where to find the main office. After the guy did a friggin’ inspection of Anthony’s ID, he pointed Anthony down a hallway to the left. Anthony held himself to a walk, even though he wanted to put down his head and plow the way he did on the football field.

    I’m Yana Savari’s cousin, he announced as soon as he was through the office door. There’s a family emergency. I’m supposed to get Yana and take her to the hospital.

    Anthony expected to get a bunch of questions, but the girl behind the desk, who didn’t look any older than he was, didn’t seem to care. She just turned to the computer, hit a few keys, then said, Room 104. You want to go down there and get her yourself?

    Yeah. Thanks, Anthony answered, already halfway out the door.

    You take a right, then another right, the girl called after him. Anthony allowed himself to trot down the hall, not run, since running could get him stopped by a random teacher wandering the halls. His sneakers squeaked as he made the second right. He swung his head back and forth as he started down the hall. Room 104. Yeah. Anthony veered over to it, gave a light little knock, then opened the door and leaned inside.

    He blurted his cover story to the teacher. She looked dubious, but when he said he’d already been to the office, she let Yana go. Anthony focused his gaze a little to Yana’s left as she crossed the room toward him. He couldn’t really look at her. If he did, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop himself from ripping her lying head right off her neck.

    Anthony pressed himself against the door frame as Yana walked past him, but her body still brushed against his. The contact got his stomach heaving again. He gave a couple of hard swallows, then, when he was sure he wasn’t going to spew right there, he stepped out into the hall after Yana and closed the door behind him.

    You must be psychic or something, Yana told him. I need to talk to you so badly. My father is—

    Shut up, Anthony ordered. I don’t want to hear anything out of you. The only reason I’m here is to tell you that I don’t want you within one hundred feet of me, ever.

    I’m trying to tell you that— Yana protested.

    Yeah. I want to hear more of your lies, Anthony cut her off.

    Yana’s blue eyes became electric, all the vulnerability from a second ago gone. Anthony could almost feel them crackling. More lies? Exactly what lies have I supposedly told you?

    Um. Hmmm. What was it? Anthony snapped. Oh, yeah. You were using me to get back at Rae for that letter she supposedly sent to your dad. And that makes pretty much everything you’ve said to me since we started hooking up a lie.

    Oh, and it was so awful for you, wasn’t it? Yana shot back. Making out with me for hours at a time.

    I’m done with you, Anthony told her. There was no point in having some long, drawn-out conversation about it all. He turned away from Yana and started down the hall away from her. A second later she grabbed his elbow, her grip a lot stronger than he’d expected it to be. She yanked him around to face her.

    Listen, jerk, I had fun with you, okay? Yana said, not letting go of his arm. It wasn’t just about giving Rae a lesson in how it feels to be backstabbed. I mean, yeah, that was why I started up the thing with you. But I … I liked it, you know? And you seemed to be having a pretty good time yourself.

    Anthony ripped his arm out of Yana’s grip. Yeah, I had a good time. Because I was a freakin’ moron. I didn’t even think about the possibility that— Anthony shook his head. This is a waste. I’ve already said what I came for—to tell you to stay far away from me. He turned and started down the hall again. Nothing she could say, nothing she could do, was going to change his mind. He never wanted to see her lying face again.

    Rae ran the tiny brush over the nail of her index finger, enjoying the faint coolness of the polish. And the beauty of its wet mauveness. She smiled, shaking her head. She couldn’t believe that she was actually marveling over fingernail polish, like it was so wonderful, it was proof of God’s existence.

    She couldn’t help it, though. Everything felt … more precious now, now that her life was her own again. The sensation of her freshly shaved legs brushing against the inside of her khakis was delicious. The splotches of sunlight on her bedroom floor made her want to curl up inside one of them. The sound of her Radiohead CD was vibrating in her bones, and it felt like the music was coming out of her instead of something she was just passively listening to.

    I have to hold on to this, Rae thought. I don’t want to ever forget how amazing it is just to be alive. She began to paint the next naked fingernail. Then the phone rang.

    It’s Anthony, she thought. You don’t know that, she corrected herself. It could be Marcus. It’s much more likely that it’s Marcus. Marcus is your boyfriend. Marcus is the one taking you to the dance tonight. Rae gingerly picked up the phone, careful not to do any damage to her wet nails. Hello.

    Hi, Rae. This is Ms. Abramson.

    Oh, goody, my therapist, Rae thought. But a call from Ms. Abramson wasn’t enough to shake her out of her glorious mood. Not nearly enough.

    I know we have an individual appointment after the next group session, Ms. Abramson continued, but I was wondering if we could push it back a few days.

    Yeah, that works for me, Rae answered. Except I don’t know if I really need an individual session. I don’t think I need therapy at all anymore. Everything is going so great. I even got back with my old boyfriend. I’m feeling incredible.

    I’m glad to hear it, Ms. Abramson answered. "But ending therapy is a big decision, and it’s not something that should be done abruptly. Look, why don’t we do an individual appointment after the last group session of this week? We can talk about a strategy for tapering off therapy if we both decide that’s what’s

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