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The Heart Asks Pleasure
The Heart Asks Pleasure
The Heart Asks Pleasure
Ebook132 pages25 minutes

The Heart Asks Pleasure

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This is a beautiful book about poems. Poems are not just the poems but the feelings and emotions. They tells the story of someone. The secret and the feelings which we can't tell to the world we can tell such things through a form of poems. Poems are not the poems but magic and supernatural ideas sometimes. Poems tells what the writers are trying to tell through their beautiful words.



Such kinds of various kinds of poems you can read here. Poems are the powers poems are the shield to protect someone. Poems are full of primary imagination, secondary imagination, fancy. A writer's mind is thinking a different things of the same world than other people. Poems gives happiness as well as reduces our pains. The ink creates beautiful poems to change the world through knowledge.



Poems never leaves you. Poems always cares and loves you. It is non living thing but it has greater than the living things. It is itself a life and expression of a life. The words and letters are made for living things as well as non living things to express their feelings through writing. So many kinds of poems are made by using the beautiful words. Poems never ends. Poems helps to cure diseases. Makes enlighten to the world.








PublisherBinod Dawadi
Release dateSep 10, 2023
The Heart Asks Pleasure

Binod Dawadi

BINOD DAWADI, the author of The Power of Words, is a master’s degree holder in Major English. He has worked on more than 1000 anthologies published in various renowned magazines.

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    The Heart Asks Pleasure - Binod Dawadi


    Binod Dawadi, the author of The Power of Words, holds a master’s degree in English. He has worked on numerous anthologies and been published in various magazines. His vision is to change society through knowledge, so he wants to provide enlightenment to people through his writing skills.

    Works featuring Binod Dawadi / Other books and magazines where writers works are published they are :

    Prodigy Published

    Inkdew Publications

    Humrooh Publication

    Poetry Soup

    ILA Magazine

    Aspiring Authors Magazine


    Pilgrims Of Space Anthology


    Aadhya Publishing House

    Poet’s for Peace Anthology

    Our Bodies In Action

    Scenes of Southern California Anthology

    Social Justice Anthology

    Greatest Anthology of The World

    Fusion 2

    The Power Of Words

    The Power Of Words 2

    The Power Of Words 3

    The Scent Of Paper

    The Scent Of Paper 2

    Ink On Paper With Arts

    The Power Of Poetry

    Ink Stained Pages

    Verses Vs Verses

    Serenity’s Ecstasy

    The Elephant And The Fox

    The Life Of A Vampire

    Feelings Of Imagination

    Yours in Solitude and Solace

    Poetry Magic

    Serendipity A Collection Of Poems

    Word Game

    The Poetry Game


    Poetry & It’s World

    The Figure A Poem Makes

    Poetry Beyond Everything

    Everything I Ever Wanted To Say & Rhyme

    The Miracle Of Words

    The Gallery Of Miracles

    The Heart Asks Pleasure


    This is a beautiful book about poems. Poems are not just the poems but the feelings and emotions. They tells the story of someone. The secret and the feelings which we can’t tell to the world we can tell such things through a form of poems. Poems are not the poems but magic and supernatural ideas sometimes. Poems tells what the writers are trying to tell through their beautiful words.

    SUCH KINDS OF VARIOUS kinds of poems you can read here. Poems are the powers poems are the shield to protect someone. Poems are full of primary imagination, secondary imagination, fancy. A writer’s mind is thinking a different things of the same world than other people. Poems gives happiness as well as reduces our pains. The ink creates beautiful poems to

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