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Democracy & World Peace
Democracy & World Peace
Democracy & World Peace
Ebook21 pages20 minutes

Democracy & World Peace

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Our world is riddled with conflict and war. Democracy, it seems, is the only solution. But, is it? In this manifesto, we study the characteristics of democracy & question if its truly worth it.

Release dateSep 9, 2023
Democracy & World Peace

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    Democracy & World Peace - R. S. Belingtön

    Table of Contents

    Democracy & World

    Democracy & World Peace – 5,500 words (30 minute read) (By Raymond Belingtön)

    This is a manifesto for world peace. A declaration for the preservation of the present order, but with modifications.

    Around the world, wars are being fought constantly. Whether religious or political, these wars mean that peace on all 4 corners of the globe is impossible. Many believe that some of the belligerents should be democratic, whilst others fight to force democracy upon them. But, ultimately, war seems to be one with us.

    The world over, many believe that we need democracy, & maybe they're right; but, if you give me the next couple of minutes to understand democracy in its full extent, I promise you shall make an informed decision next time. Most importantly, you'll understand what democracy truly is. In this manifesto, countries, both democracies & authoritarian ones, will be looked at from a democratic stand point, & I'll reveal interesting details about each of them. The countries in question are: Russia, Belarus, & South Africa; 2 countries that many say are not democracies, & one that many dub a democracy.

    Democracy; the preferred governing system of all peoples of the Earth. In the West, democracy has come to define the proper way of governance & has been credited, exclusively, with maintaining world peace. Whilst democracy, in principle, is great for the citizenry, its applications are varied & in no way maintain the essence of the system; the very same essence that many often prefer the system for. It is to be noted, however, that this manifesto isn't to promote democracy or condemn other forms of governments

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