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A Marquess for Christmas: A Duke of Danby Summons
A Marquess for Christmas: A Duke of Danby Summons
A Marquess for Christmas: A Duke of Danby Summons
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A Marquess for Christmas: A Duke of Danby Summons

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While others fear the meddling Duke of Danby, Lady Eleanor hopes he can find her a husband, since he does it so well. 

Four years ago, Lady Eleanor's brother Archie found his love, Harriet, indirectly due to the Duke of Danby's summons at Christmastime. Now Eleanor hopes Danby will do the same for her, but she'll have to get over her shyness to meet anyone. Discovered by the handsome Marquess of Wickham while she hides away in the nursery, she agrees to pretend there's an understanding between them so his uncle won't try to force him to marry. Eleanor enjoys Wickham's company, but how will she find a husband if the gentlemen all believe she's already in love?

Release dateSep 11, 2023
A Marquess for Christmas: A Duke of Danby Summons

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    Book preview

    A Marquess for Christmas - Aileen Fish

    Chapter 1

    December 1816

    Danby Castle, Yorkshire

    Lady Eleanor Napier wiped away the fog her breath left on the carriage window so she could better see the immense castle as they arrived.

    "This is Danby Castle?"

    That is our destination, her brother Archie, Lord Morley, said before yawning.

    But it’s grander than Buckingham Palace.

    You exaggerate as always, Ellie.

    Archie’s wife, and Ellie’s best friend, Harriet stretched and lowered her feet to the floor. She’d been sleeping on Archie’s shoulder. We’re here? I must look a mess. She smoothed her hair into some semblance of order.

    Dark and forbidding, the ancient stone structure had a personality of its own. Ellie decided it belonged in a gothic romance, especially with the heavy clouds dimming the twilight. Reaching toward the small shape under the blanket beside her, Ellie shook her niece Susan’s shoulder to wake the tot. Have you honestly spent Christmas here every year of your life, Harriet?

    No. We only came when my grandfather, the duke, demanded it. Yes, the castle is beautiful, but some rooms are quite drafty. One of my cousins insists the gallery is haunted by the ghost of the first Duke of Danby. I think that cousin was merely trying to scare the younger children.

    The only thing haunting that old place is the current duke, Archie grumbled. Come to think of it, the old man rather looks like the castle—gray, rigid and austere. Are you sure he isn’t the first duke? He’s old enough.

    Harriet’s laughter bubbled up. Don’t say such things. He might hear you even from out here. He hears all, knows all. Definitely scary.

    The carriage drew to a halt before the massive wooden doors, one of which stood open. Dawson, the butler, awaited them in his elegant livery. Two footmen scurried past him to help the visitors disembark.

    Ellie could barely walk, not due to the storm or numb limbs, but because she couldn’t stop gazing at the grandiosity of the setting. Do you really believe he’ll help me find a husband? she whispered.

    That’s the very thing the duke lives for. Archie pressed gently on her back to urge her inside.

    It’s rare a single man or woman leaves Christmas at Danby Castle without at least an attachment, Harriet said. Many cannot wait until they leave to marry. The vicar is kept quite busy at this time of year.

    I hope the duke can help me, Ellie said. Are you sure he won’t mind my coming without an invitation?

    He’ll be delighted, Harriet said. He might not have an equal number of ladies and gentlemen, or some young ladies might not be interested in the gentlemen he’s chosen for them, or vice versa. It never hurts to have a few extra ladies in reserve.

    Astonished, Ellie asked, There are ladies who don’t wish to marry? I’ve never heard of one.

    Archie laughed. Have you forgotten how my lovely wife and I met?

    I wasn’t about to let the duke demand I marry someone of his preference, Harriet said. Little did I know my attempt at escape would end with a proposal.

    It’s as if the duke’s demands are magical. Ellie sighed. He insists one should marry, and one does.

    Danby will be quite fond of you, if you say that within his hearing. Archie helped Harriet up the icy steps.

    Ellie must be the only girl left in all of England who wanted a husband and was unable to find one. She’d had five London Seasons and hadn’t met a man she could marry. She’d met very few men, truth be told. Mama insisted it was because Ellie tended to watch the dancing from behind a large potted plant, or sit among the plain misses at the edge of a ballroom, where they broke into fits of hysterical giggling should a man even look their way. No sensible man would approach them.

    Mama might be correct. Ellie abhorred large gatherings. Her mouth went dry, and her mind, blank when anyone, man or woman, asked her a question while others were present to overhear. She feared to say the wrong thing to the point of saying nothing at all.

    The carriage rides home after those assemblies varied little, with Mama harping the same refrain.

    It is extremely difficult for a gentleman to discover your wit and intelligence when you refuse to speak with him. Additionally, he might assume you are giving him the cut direct, refusing to talk to him, in which case he’ll search for a more willing companion.

    This time would be different. She would make certain of it. She was twenty-four now. All of her friends were married. Many had children already, like Harriet. So many of those friends gave Ellie such pitying looks she’d stopped visiting them. Only Harriet remained strong in her belief that Ellie was merely waiting for the right man to come along.

    Welcome, Lord and Lady Morley, Dawson said as they stepped inside. Peter will show you to your rooms.

    Thank you, Archie replied. My sister Lady Eleanor is joining us.

    Very good, sir. She will have a bedchamber near yours.

    Following the young footman up the grand staircase, Ellie tried to get her fill of every inch of the castle that she could see from where she was. So absorbed was she, she stumbled on a step.

    Archie grabbed her arm to steady her. You don’t have to see it all now. You’ll have plenty of time during our stay. Harriet will take you on a tour tomorrow if you wish.

    The bedchamber the footman led Ellie to was as large as her parents’ bedchamber at home. A massive carved wood bed stood in the center, deep red curtains pulled back on the side near the fireplace, which glowed brightly and kept the room comfortably warm. A pair of chairs and small table were to one side, and a large clothes press on the other.

    The footman bowed before leaving. Your bags will be brought to you. If you should need anything, simply ask and it will be seen to.

    Thank you, Peter. Although she’d slept for much of the day in the carriage, sleep beckoned. She must wait until her clothes were unpacked, but she’d retire early tonight.

    Since her maid hadn’t arrived yet, Ellie removed her cloak and gloves and laid them on the foot of the bed. As much as she longed to see the castle,

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