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The Power of Value Selling: The Gold Standard to Drive Revenue and Create Customers for Life
The Power of Value Selling: The Gold Standard to Drive Revenue and Create Customers for Life
The Power of Value Selling: The Gold Standard to Drive Revenue and Create Customers for Life
Ebook350 pages4 hours

The Power of Value Selling: The Gold Standard to Drive Revenue and Create Customers for Life

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About this ebook

Build strong connections to accelerate sales results

In The Power of Value Selling: The Gold Standard to Drive Revenue and Create Customers for Life, sought-after trainer and sales leader Julie Thomas delivers an exciting new take on buyer-centric selling to modern buyers. In the book, you’ll learn value-based selling techniques to become a trusted business advisor who instills confidence in buying decisions despite unpredictable business environments.

This actionable guide to improved business conversations—ones that build trust and human-to-human connections—enables you to focus the sales conversation on value, instead of price, and identify business issues that create urgency to unlock new sales opportunities. You’ll also find:

  • Strategies for selling to the C-suite, closing more business, expanding your sales footprint, managing global accounts and generating consistent renewal sales
  • Methods for building credibility and rapport with your buyers along with proven sales prospecting strategies to win time on their increasingly packed calendars
  • Ways to motivate buyers to take action and improve sales forecast accuracy through a repeatable opportunity qualification framework
  • Actions for aligning your revenue engine and enabling all of your customer-facing teams to improve the customer experience.

An indispensable guide for seasoned revenue professionals and B2B sales leaders seeking to boost their real-world performance, deepen customer relationships and improve customer experience, The Power of Value Selling will also benefit early-career salespeople looking for practical sales strategies that work in competitive markets.

Release dateSep 11, 2023

Julie Thomas

I live in Cambridge, New Zealand. For the last 25 + years I have worked in the media, radio, TV and film and in 2011 I 'semi-retired' and now I write fulltime. I started writing when I was about 8 and have written professionally and personally ever since. I live with my very intelligent and affectionate cat. I love reading, music of all types, cooking, walking, watching streaming TV and being with family. My first novel, "The Keeper of Secrets" is published as a Trade Paperback under the William Morrow imprint and also as an eBook. My second novel "Blood, Wine and Chocolate" is published by HarperCollins and is available as a trade paperback and also as an eBook. It is a murder mystery, full of black humor, great wine and scrumptious chocolate. My third novel, "Rachel's Legacy" (which is a sequel to "The Keeper of Secrets") was published by HarperCollins as a trade paperback and as an eBook. The third installment of the Horowitz Chronicles "Levi's War" my fourth book and the last of the trilogy, is also published by HarperCollins and is available as a trade paperback and an eBook. The first book of the Lochmorland and Romanov saga "The Bear and the Thistle" is now available as an eBook and a print on demand. It features two intertwined families during the first half of the twentieth century, one Scottish and one Russian and covers the years 1917 to 1941. War, shellshock, a flu pandemic, the jazz age and the politics of the 1930s as the world tumbles inevitably towards another war. This one is fought in the skies over Europe and ends in a tragedy that resounds through the hills of Lochmorland. Book two is coming! I write from the heart and the subjects of my books fascinate me. I spent 7 years researching 'The Keeper of Secrets' and it was a labor of love.

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    The Power of Value Selling - Julie Thomas

    Praise for Power of Value Selling

    Julie is a brilliant innovator, teacher, and leader in the most critical skill needed for success: How to sell with integrity. Julie's book ensures you are prepared to overdeliver for the customer despite the economic, technological, and environmental factors driving change. Its customer‐centric approach puts the buyer at the core of every conversation. It guides the seller to proceed with the buyer to capture value, resulting in predictable, profitable growth. Having value selling as an integral part of your GTM initiatives is critical to your sales organization standing above your competitors. Generating scalable, profitable revenue takes a work. Make it easier by incorporating value selling in your sales process. It will be one of the best decisions you will ever make.

    —Tim Marken

    Managing Partner, Leonidas Strategy Group

    The magic for B2B companies happens when sellers align with buyers' actual needs to deliver real value and career‐changing results. Julie teaches it in a way that is straightforward, arming readers with structure to apply in every customer conversation. The ValueSelling methodology distills the complexity of modern selling in a way that works for organizations of all sizes and across industries. Sellers benefit at any stage of their career. The ValueSelling framework up‐levels every interaction to naturally accelerate better outcomes and deliver big results. A salesperson transforms into a trusted advisor, new customers are set up for success, and lifelong, high‐value partnerships flourish. Whether you're looking to strengthen your sales skills or looking for a fresh perspective, this book is a fast‐paced read with powerful insights and actionable takeaways that can change your work right away. I've seen many millionaires made and powerful businesses built by embracing ValueSelling.

    —Michelle Allmond

    Enterprise Sales Executive, Totango

    The fundamental lesson I teach to the students is when the value of the decision is greater than the risk, a sales person will have success. Value Selling teaches people how to find out what is important to an individual which then creates a map to create value. Once value confirmed with a prospect, the ability to win a sale is within reach. Julie's book, is an important and compelling read for anyone in the world of sales. With its practical strategies and real‐world examples, it offers a comprehensive understanding of how to achieve greater success in selling products, themselves or great ideas.

    —Follett Carter

    Former EVP Sales & Marketing, Gartner Group Inc.

    Director of the Sales Certificate Program

    Stephen Ross School of Business, University of Michigan

    In today's landscape of selling, Sales and Enablement leaders need to transform their teams to the way that is focused on solutions, not products. Reps will have a‐ha moments that you will see right before your eyes. The effectiveness of value selling clearly originates at the top, with Julie. Her guidance, depth of knowledge, and means of tactically executing programs is some of the best I have seen in my career.

    —John Chinello

    Senior Director, Sales Readiness, F5

    "The concept is timeless, and it works. The Power of Value Selling delivers a fresh perspective on how modern buyers want to buy. It is a must‐read if you're interested in sales training and coaching."

    —Richard Eldh

    Founder, Emeritus SiriusDecisions, Inc.

    "ValueSelling Associates is the partner no sales organization should be without. The Power of Value Selling is a must read for all revenue professionals."

    —Zenita Henderson

    Chief Marketing and Revenue Officer, Segra

    "As educators, we are preparing students for the future of global business. The sales function is the engine that powers all business; if you are not successful in sales, your company won't last very long. The Power of Value Selling perfectly encapsulates selling with value. I will recommend this book to my students and colleagues."

    —Brian Higgins

    Faculty, Leeds School of Business

    University of Colorado Boulder

    Julie has an excellent grasp of what needs to happen to progress a buyer along their journey—from identifying their problems to evaluating their purchase of a solution. Ultimately, this book makes powerful conclusions: We must meet buyers where they are and demonstrate that the cost of inaction is much higher than the cost of moving forward.

    —Sebastien van Heyningen

    President, Central Metric (SaaS)

    "Technology permeates all facets of modern business. But how do you sell complex technology? Value‐based selling is ideal. Julie Thomas' book, The Power of Value Selling, is a value guide with actionable advice to accelerate your sales results."

    —Dan Holmes

    Area VP/Financial Services, Dun & Bradstreet

    I highly recommend the book for anyone looking to improve their sales skills. Julie has successfully separated ValueSelling from the rest. Whether you're a seasoned leader, seller, or just starting out, this book offers valuable insights that can help you become more effective and successful.

    —Roderick Jefferson

    Founding Member, Sales Enablement Society

    CEO, Roderick Jefferson & Associates

    "Julie Thomas shares valuable insights like, How we sell is just as important as what we sell, and How to negotiate on value not price. The ValueSelling methodology is designed to help you accelerate sales regardless of your product, service, or industry and regardless of how long you have been working in sales. The Power of Value Selling is an informative, fast‐paced book for any salesperson looking to elevate their game, stand out from the crowd and be more successful."

    —Kevin McHugh

    Sales Capability Manger—APAC, Kimberly Clark Professional

    What you will learn in Julie's book is the critical importance of how buyers want to buy as opposed to how sellers want to sell. The framework effectively addresses this gap. A wonderful and brilliant read for sales leaders who want to truly dominate their space!

    —Bradford Speaks

    CEO, of BeLegendary.Coach

    "I have come across numerous books claiming to hold the secret to sales success. However, none have resonated with me as deeply as The Power of Value Selling by Julie Thomas. Thomas expertly lays out a comprehensive framework that revolutionizes the way we approach sales. She understands that true success lies in creating enduring relationships with customers, built on trust, mutual respect, and long‐term value creation. The book acts as a roadmap, guiding us through every step of the value‐selling and buying journey.

    Thomas’ emphasis aligns perfectly with the modern sales landscape. Where customers are more informed than ever before, so traditional sales tactics fall short. Value Selling equips us with the tools and knowledge necessary to position ourselves as trusted advisors, providing tangible value and creating mutually beneficial partnerships.

    This book is an invaluable resource for any sales professional in today's competitive market. Julie Thomas's expertise shines through, and her passion for empowering others is palpable. I wholeheartedly endorse this book and encourage anyone in sales watch their success soar."

    —Todd Quarfot

    Former CSO, Primepay

    VP, Business Development & Strategic Partnerships, Velocity Advisory Group

    Julie Thomas makes a compelling case that in today's market, customers are looking for more than just a product or service. They want a solution that delivers real value to their business. And as sales professionals, it is our job to demonstrate that to our customers. What I love about this book is how practical it is. From identifying customer pain points to crafting compelling value propositions, the book provides actionable advice that can be applied to any sales situation. You're a seasoned sales professional or just starting in the field, this book is packed with strategies that can help you succeed in today's competitive market. It truly is the gold standard for value selling.

    —Corey White

    Founder and CEO, Cyvatar

    "I am a fan! As a ‘bag carrying’ sales manager, I am able to see the quantifiable business results ValueSelling has been able to achieve. The approach offers a framework and tools that are practical and effective. While some competitors may be in the business of selling workshops, The Power of Value Selling is focused behavioral change that results in sustained sales improvement."

    —Joel Wecksell

    Managing Partner, The Skills Connection

    Simple. Impactful. Relevant. Julie Thomas has created the definitive guide to building the business relationships that will result in predictable revenue growth. As more companies align their GTM motions around customer value, this practical playbook to sophisticated communication and human‐to‐human connection will become the standard for customer‐obsessed companies.

    —Melissa Widner

    CEO, Lighter Capital

    "The Power of Value Selling is an indispensable guidebook for sales professionals hoping to improve their results. With nearly half of buyers preferring an experience without reps, sales professionals need to adopt customer‐centric practices if they hope to succeed. Julie Thomas provides a thorough roadmap for making salespeople trusted business advisors for buyers. Thomas provides practical advice and real‐world examples that can assist sales professionals in today's complex B2B sales environment. I highly recommend this book to any reader interested in refining their selling approach and driving revenue growth."

    —Dale Robinette

    Coach and Consultant

    Master Chair, Vistage Worldwide

    Scaling Up Coach (Verne Harnish)

    "Julie Thomas is a renowned expert and has helped countless companies achieve significant growth. The Power of Value Selling is a must read for all revenue professionals. Julie teaches sales teams how to build deep relationships with customers, understand their unique needs and challenges, and communicate the value of their products or services in a way that resonates with their prospects. Her innovative approach to sales training that yields results, with emphasis on customer success, and thought leadership make her a valuable asset to any organization looking to transform their sales approach and drive growth. I highly recommend you buy her book, and put the principles into practice, and see your revenue results increase dramatically!"

    —Sandra Yancey

    Founder and CEO, eWomenNetwork




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    To the world‐class ValueSelling Associates team and our clients.

    Foreword—The Power of Value Selling: The Gold Standard to Drive Revenue and Create Customers for Life

    The world of sales is changing, but not necessarily in the ways that you think.

    Gartner recently reported, "In a survey of 725 B2B buyers… revealed that 72% of customers said they prefer a rep‐free experience, or completing their purchase without speaking to a rep at any point."¹

    Does that surprise you? It probably shouldn't. If you have to speak with an agent while you're at the airport, it probably means you're having a bad day, right? When you order takeout and have to verbally order versus just doing it via app or online, that feels like work, right?

    When you want to make a purchase for your business and find that you have to be qualified first and discovered second to even earn the right to speak with an account executive, that's where the 72% as Gartner pointed out grows to 98%. The average salesperson is a nuisance. The average salesperson is annoying. The average selling process is off‐putting. None of this should be considered news.

    We've been hearing the four words buyers know more nowadays for over 100 years, followed by concerns regarding the future value of the sales professional.

    Those four words, buyers know more nowadays, can first be found in Thomas Herbert Russell's 1912 book, Salesmanship. It was a time when the rise of catalogs, mail order, and advertising was seen as a threat to the selling profession. I would be willing to bet that 72% of customers preferred a rep‐free experience back then too!

    As recently as 2015, Forrester forecasts 1 million US B2B salespeople will lose their jobs to self‐service eCommerce by 2020, accounting for 20% of the B2B sales force.²

    In each case, the opposite happened. The profession grew, thrived, and continues to thrive—for those who see the threats and perceptions as an opportunity.

    Today, people are educated to so many wants, the instruments of advertising are so universal, the sense of comparative buying is so keen that truth and value have made selling a profession.

    This quote is from George S. Jones, Jr., who was the vice president of sales for a company called Servel, Inc. in 1947. It tells us all we need to know about why the future of sales and why what's written in the pages that follow presents an opportunity for you.

    Let's re‐read that ending together again. The sense of comparative buying is so keen that truth and value have made selling a profession.

    Truth and Value.

    As it turns out, the proliferation of information and feedback on everything we do, buy, and experience hasn't made it easier for buyers to buy; it's made it harder! Buyers have countless opportunities to improve their business processes and outcomes but can only focus on a small number at a time. Which ones do they choose?

    We, as human beings, don't make purchasing decisions when we're convinced. Or if we do, we're typically not very happy about it. We make decisions when we can predict. We are prediction machines. We are seeking a prediction of whether this purchase is worth my limited inventory of time, resources, and dollars. Will the juice be worth the squeeze versus the other opportunities to improve the business and our lives?

    Truth: People cannot predict if they don't trust the source of the information they are using to inform said prediction.

    Value: People prioritize other opportunities when the ability to predict is difficult to achieve, where there's too much information available, and the onus of homework is all on the buyer. Consensus selling is hard. Consensus buying is harder!

    The buyer's prediction begins with the first interaction. Is this individual here to help me, or to sell me? With every interaction, we are either building trust, or eroding trust … it's rarely staying the same.

    The original design of the sales profession was as a service profession. As Arthur Sheldon proclaimed in his 1911 book, The Art of Selling, "True salesmanship is the science of service. Grasp that thought firmly and never let go."

    The profession of sales will continue to flourish and, dare I say, rebuild its perception as a trusted and respected profession when we fully embrace the concepts of truth and value.

    The ValueSelling Framework was the embodiment of those two words early in my leadership career, and continues to be today. Easy to understand and implement, it built confidence in my teams, allowing each individual to be a Sherpa to the buyer instead of a friction‐building necessary evil. Having a structure built on a bed of trust, designed to illuminate the true mutual value, paint the journey, and help the buyer predict led to considerably larger deal sizes, faster selling cycles, better qualification in (and out), and created an extra differentiator—differentiating in the way we sold.

    Embrace the pages that follow, and embrace the words of Arthur Dunn in 1919:

    If the truth won't sell it, don't sell it.

    Truth and value. ValueSelling.

    Todd CaponiAuthor and Speaker

    Todd Caponi is the author of the three‐time best‐book‐award‐winning and international best‐seller, The Transparency Sale, and the new best‐selling book, The Transparent Sales Leader. Todd is a multi‐time C‐level sales leader, a behavioral science and sales history nerd, and has guided two companies to successful exits. He now speaks and teaches revenue organizations and their leaders on leveraging transparency and decision science to maximize their revenue capacity as Principal of Sales Melon LLC.


    1. Gartner. (n.d.). Gartner says adaptable sales organizations must rethink their customer understanding, engagement and operating models [online]. Available at:

    2. Forrester. (n.d.). One million B2B sales jobs eliminated by 2020 [online]. Available at: [Accessed 5 May 2023].

    Introduction: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same

    Selling value is more important today than it was even 16 years ago when I published my first book, ValueSelling: Driving Sales Up One Conversation at a Time. While quite a bit about selling is still as true today as it was in 2006, a significant transformation has also occurred.

    Value is how

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