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Oscar Wilde: Reminiscences
Oscar Wilde: Reminiscences
Oscar Wilde: Reminiscences
Ebook82 pages58 minutes

Oscar Wilde: Reminiscences

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Personal recollections from André Gide on a man who profoundly influenced his work—Oscar Wilde André Gide, a towering figure in French letters, draws upon his friendship with Oscar Wilde to sketch a compelling portrait of the tragic, doomed author, both celebrated and shunned in his time. Rather than compile a complete biography, Gide invites us to discover Wilde as he did—from their first meeting in 1891 to their final parting just two years before Wilde’s death—all told through Gide’s sensitive, incomparable prose. Using his notes, recollections, and conversations, Gide illuminates Wilde as a man whose true art was not writing, but living. This ebook features a new introduction by Jeanine Parisier Plottel, selected quotes, and an image gallery.
Release dateFeb 14, 2012
Oscar Wilde: Reminiscences

André Gide

André Gide (1869-1951) est l'un des écrivains et penseurs les plus influents de la littérature française du XXe siècle. Né à Paris, il passe une enfance protégée dans une famille bourgeoise, développant très tôt une passion pour la littérature. Gide publie son premier livre, "Les Cahiers d'André Walter", à l'âge de 21 ans, marquant le début d'une carrière littéraire prolifique. Connu pour ses romans, essais et journaux, Gide explore des thèmes complexes tels que l'authenticité, la moralité et la recherche de soi. Ses oeuvres majeures incluent "Les Nourritures terrestres", "L'Immoraliste" et "Les Faux-monnayeurs", chacune démontrant son engagement pour la vérité personnelle et littéraire. En 1947, il reçoit le prix Nobel de littérature en reconnaissance de ses écrits marqués par "un zèle intellectuel rigoureux et une passion pour la vérité". Outre sa carrière littéraire, Gide est également un critique social et un homme engagé. Il voyage largement, notamment en Afrique et en URSS, où il observe et critique les réalités coloniales et les régimes politiques de son temps. Son honnêteté intransigeante et sa volonté de questionner les normes sociales font de lui une figure à la fois admirée et controversée. Gide a également joué un rôle clé dans la promotion et la reconnaissance de ses contemporains, tels que Charles-Louis Philippe, dont il a écrit la biographie pour mettre en lumière la vie et le talent de cet écrivain souvent négligé. André Gide reste une figure emblématique de la littérature mondiale, célébrée pour sa quête incessante de l'intégrité intellectuelle et artistique.

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    André Gide and Oscar Wilde met for the first time when they were at a crossroad of their lives. The year was 1891, a year that was an annus mirabilis for both men. ¹ The Frenchman, born on November 22, 1869 was 22 years old and the Irishman, born on October 16, 1854, was 37, fifteen years older. Oscar was already the celebrated author of many works, including poems, stories, criticism, The Picture of Dorian Gray, and near the top of his form—a form that would yield his great plays Lady Windermere’s Fan, A Woman of No Importance, Salomé, An Ideal Husband, and The Importance of Being Earnest. André became part of the Paris literary milieu with the publication of his first works, Les Cahiers d’André Walter (The Notebooks of André Walter), a book purporting to be a journal and filled with poems, and Traité du Narcisse, a long essay that presents his own version of the myth. ² He left a copy of the Cahiers at Stéphane Mallarmé’s home, 89 rue de Rome. Mallarmé then invited him to join the famous Tuesday evening group. Oscar, who seems to have been present at Mallarmé’s on Tuesdays in November 1891, ³ may well have met André there. Still, a note in a recent edition of Gide’s Journal indicates the two met for the first time at the home of the poet Henri de Régnier. ⁴

    Be that as it may, André felt at once dazzled and overwhelmed by his new acquaintance. Here, for example, dated November 28, 1891, is the very first written mention he made of Wilde as an esthete: Oh, an admirable, admirable man. ⁵ A few days later, in a December 1891 letter to Valéry (the words De profundis appear in front of the day Friday, i.e. Vendredi) he wrote: Wilde is piously intent in killing whatever remains of my soul, because he says that to know an essence, you must stifle it: he wants me to yearn for my soul. Its value depends on how much exertion it takes to destroy it. ⁶ In a social whirlwind the two dined several times in December at the home of Princess Ourousoff, the wife of the Russian ambassador to Paris, and they shared other meals with poets Marcel Schwob, Stuart Merrill, ⁷ Henri de Régnier and the poet/chansonnier Aristide Bruant. ⁸ On Christmas Eve, Gide found himself apologizing to Valéry for his silence. Since Wilde, he wrote, I exist almost not at all.

    The manuscript of Gide’s Journal has evidence of pages torn out, and these are the pages that deal with the three weeks, November to December 1891, presumably with the beginning of the friendship with Oscar. While we can only surmise about their content, their destruction is significant. An echo can be found at the end of Gide’s Les nourritures terrestres, The Fruits of the Earth (which we will take up a little later here), when he beseeches his interlocutor Nathanaël, and also his readers, to destroy the pages and abandon the book. What is certain is that Gide was impressed, not by the literary quality of his elder’s book, but by his legend and the seduction of his conversation and personality. In the essay at hand, In Memoriam, Gide notes that he was wrong to dismiss the literary quality of Wilde’s books.

    Wilde’s lessons in hedonism, his praise of evil, his contempt for Christian morality and Victorian values seem to have shaken his would-be-disciple and destroyed all his convictions. Gide’s Journal entry of January 1, 1892 is categorical: Wilde was, I believe evil for me. With him, I had unlearned how to think. My emotions were more and more diverse, but I didn’t know how to organize them; above all, I could no longer follow other persons’ deductions. A thought, here and there. But my clumsiness in shifting them led me to abandon them. Now I am taking up again, with difficulty, but real pleasure, my history of philosophy, and study the problem of language that I will take up with Müller and Renan. ¹⁰

    That is not the whole story. Wilde’s profligacy, his self-indulgence is the source

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