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Feed Your Best Friend Better: Easy, Nutritious Meals and Treats for Dogs
Feed Your Best Friend Better: Easy, Nutritious Meals and Treats for Dogs
Feed Your Best Friend Better: Easy, Nutritious Meals and Treats for Dogs
Ebook473 pages8 hours

Feed Your Best Friend Better: Easy, Nutritious Meals and Treats for Dogs

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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“Easy, super-healthy, vet-approved recipes your dog will adore.” —Modern Dog magazine

Healthy food can enable dogs to live longer, healthier lives, just as it can for humans, and with these meals, treats, and cookies, dogs will never miss commercial kibble.

Rick Woodford, aka the Dog Food Dude, has researched nutrition for dogs and used the same manuals veterinarians use to develop his recipes. Feed Your Best Friend Better makes the transition to homemade dog food simple, so you can make natural pet food every day. From nutritional value to portion sizes, these recipes will help dog parents know what their dog is eating. The meals are healthy, and dogs love them—they’ll even make humans drool a little bit. Recipes use a variety of herbs and spices for their antioxidant properties and include:

* Puppy Pesto

* Bacon Yappetizers

* Barkscotti

* Mutt Loaf

* Gingerbread Mailman

In addition to eighty-five recipes, other helpful chapters include:

* How to Pick out a Commercial Food: making the ingredient label easy to understand with a breakdown of ingredients that are good for the bowl and those that are best left on the shelf

* Determining Portion Size; information on body type and size help readers understand how much food their dogs need to be in the best shape

* Problem Mealtime Behaviors; how to deal with the early morning wake up call, reluctant eaters, counter surfing and more
Release dateApr 10, 2012
Feed Your Best Friend Better: Easy, Nutritious Meals and Treats for Dogs

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Rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I am a dog lover, they are my family. I have two loving sweet boys that I want the best for. I believe that food is one of the most important choices we make, everyday. When I shop I read labels, it is shocking what I see in some cans labeled 'healthy' by products are usually the first ingredient. I have often thought of making them food myself but did not have the confidence to do it, till now

    This all started when-My older dog started to get itchy skin, ear infections and was just not looking himself. I took him to my vet, they prescribed medicines, for the itch, drops for the ears $$$. He was sleepy, lifeless and sad, but he did not itch. Yes, they worked, till he was off them and everything came back. I started to look at his food, wheat, corn, soybean products... I tried cutting out the different ingredients one at a time. I found that on a wheat free diet his symptoms diminished almost completely. It was all about the food, and I had been feeding him poor choices for years.

    This book is the answer I have been searching for. It covers what ingredients to avoid and what to feed them. There is nutritional information, explaining their daily needs and how to deliver the right balance in their food. Detailed nutritional facts, with easy examples. Their are pages on special diets for health problems. diabetes, liver diseases, and other ailing issues.

    The recipes are easy and fun. I love the 'Foods to Share' chapter. Who doesn't like to share with your loved ones ? My dogs went crazy for the Sweet Potato fries. I am going to try the Dutch baby Pancake next. Really is this for the dogs too? My boys are sure loving the idea. The Lazyagne was made and devoured with out haste. there are cookies, jerkies, stews, loafs.... so many to try.

    The book is beautiful filled with heart warming photos of humans and their dogs. I layout is easy to use and search for just the right information. If you have a dog, or are gong to get one this book is a must have.

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Feed Your Best Friend Better - Rick Woodford

Feed Your Best Friend Better, 10th Anniversary Edition

copyright © 2021 by Rick Woodford. Photography copyright © 2012 by Alicia Dickerson Griffith. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of reprints in the context of reviews.

Andrews McMeel Publishing

a division of Andrews McMeel Universal

1130 Walnut Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64106

ISBN: 978-1-5248-7637-1

Library of Congress Control Number: 2021940156

Photography by Alicia Dickerson Griffith,

Images on 1, 21, 27, 51, 73, 93, 105, 143, 153, 191, 199: Getty Images

Editor: Samantha Jones

Art Director: Holly Swayne

Production Editor: Meg Daniels

Production Manager: Carol Coe

The information contained in this book is not intended to replace regular visits with a qualified veterinarian or to diagnose deficiencies or diseases in your pet. Before starting your pet on a special diet or supplementing your pet’s food, always check with your veterinarian about your pet’s specific needs. The information and recipes in this book are intended to benefit dogs as part of a healthy diet in conjunction with veterinary supervision, and while every effort was made to assure that the information and recipes are nutritionally sound and balanced for dogs, the author and publisher are not liable for any adverse effects your dog may experience while on these diets.


Andrews McMeel books are available at quantity discounts with bulk purchase for educational, business, or sales promotional use. For information, please e-mail the Andrews McMeel Publishing Special Sales Department: [email protected].

To Jackson, my best friend

There’s a whining at the threshold,

There’s a scratching at the floor,

To work! To work! In Heaven’s name!

The wolf is at the door!

—C. P. S. Gilman




Best Friends Deserve Better

balancing act: nutrients in a dog’s diet








Supplement Stew

Supplementing from the Spice Cabinet and Other Great Additions

determining portion size

sharing food

Foods to Avoid

Foods to Approach with Caution

Foods to share


Kong Stuffings


Meal Toppers


Tips for Cooking for Your Best Friend

feeding growing puppies

warm-nose meals for ailing dogs




Cushing’s Disease


Gastrointestinal Diseases

Heart Disease


Kidney (Renal) Disease

Liver Disease

Weight Loss

Choosing a Commercial Dry Dog Food

In the Pet Food Aisle

transitioning foods

a more meaningful mealtime

Setting the Table at Floor Level

Ringing the Dinner Bell

Problem Mealtime Behaviors



Metric Conversions and Equivalents



For fifteen thousand years, dogs and humans have kindled a deep relationship like no other pairing on the planet. At the center of that relationship is food. Feeding our dogs every day is part of the unwritten, unspoken deal we’ve made in return for their protection, their aid in hunting and herding, and, for most of us nowadays, their companionship. We love to feed our dogs, and our dogs love to eat.

As we uphold our end of the bargain, we have many choices in what and how we feed our furry friends, just as we have choices for ourselves. Our lifestyles, budgets, health consciousness, and culinary ambitions all influence what we put into the food bowls and on our plates. What Rick Woodford has done with this book is to provide a carefully researched and kitchen-tested group of canine recipes and guidelines for people who love to cook.

For those who are pressed for time or worried about diving into a home-prepared diet headfirst, Rick helps us choose top-quality commercial diets to act as a nutritionally balanced foundation. Then the fun really begins. Ahead of you and your best friend are dozens of tasty, wholesome meals, each full of fresh and nutritious ingredients. Rick goes beyond merely inventing yummy meals for our dogs. He understands the responsibility we take on when we choose the ingredients that go into our pets’ food, and provides guidance to avoid some of the pitfalls that can accompany feeding an unbalanced homemade food for a prolonged time.

As a holistic veterinarian, I have witnessed firsthand the healing power of food, whether commercial or homemade, that has been prepared in a mindful, loving way. It’s important to seek the advice of your veterinarian if your dog does not seem to be thriving on the food you’re preparing; if your dog seems to be doing great, yearly exams and blood work are still important, especially if feeding any home-prepared food regularly.

Feeding your dog should be a joyful experience for both you and your dog. With the help of the following pages, you can nurture not only the chef within and the health of your dog but also the bond between you and your best friend. Enjoy!

Nancy Curran

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Two Rivers Veterinary Clinic, PC


My Best Friend, Jackson

Jackson and I had shared an apartment for three months by the time our first April 14 rolled around. When I opened the door, we both ran to one another, happy to be reunited after an eight-hour shift at work; mine building databases and analyzing data, Jackson’s loudly guarding the house from the comfort of my bed. When being interviewed by Jackson’s former owners, I was surprised to learn that his birthday was the same as mine: April 14. On our first birthday together, a package arrived from my mom, and our birthday gifts were inside. Holding the box, I let Jackson tear off the brown paper wrapping, and then I examined the contents: a toy for Jackson to tear apart, and a dog food cookbook for me. The book was entertaining, and it seemed like a nice idea to cook for your dog, but it was soon moved to a bookshelf and never opened again. After all, dogs eat dog food, right?

At five years old, Jackson was still a terror on walks and mischievous when unsupervised. One of his parents had been a Belgian Malinois, and that part of his heritage made Jackson a fierce protector and intelligent student. The other parent must have been a Labrador Retriever; inside the house Jackson was playful and loving. His genetic mélange somehow left Jackson with ears that were ridiculously small for his shrunken apple head that was also too small for his body. Still, he was adorable, and his playful antics charmed everyone who met him.

I had wanted a dog because my life as a bachelor left me feeling lonely, and continually opening the door to an empty house was repetitively disappointing. The moment Jackson arrived, life changed. We raced one another to a nearby lagoon before work and took long walks around the neighborhood after dinner. I would hide and Jackson would try to find me, or I’d hide a toy for a game of Find It! When we weren’t playing tug-of-war with the empty hide of a stuffed animal, school was in session and Jackson learned to turn on a lamp, close doors, and retrieve items for me. I took Jackson everywhere, and hundreds of miles under tennis shoes and paws transformed our relationship from being just roommates to being best friends.

Three years into our friendship, I noticed a small bump on Jackson’s neck. Probably another bee sting, I told myself. A couple of weeks later, the bump was a bit larger. A series of appointments and tests earned us a referral to an oncologist. We began turning back to the house after walking only a few blocks, and our runs stopped altogether. Jackson’s appetite disappeared and he spent days lying in his bed, not wanting to be bothered with food or walks. It seemed as though he had three paws in the grave and I was desperately holding onto the fourth.

Just a few days before Christmas, Dr. Freeman, our veterinary oncologist, called to deliver the verdict while I was grocery shopping. Jackson has lymphoma, and will probably live for another nine to twelve months if he responds well to treatment. Cell phone reception was spotty at the grocery store, so I stood across from the meat counter, afraid to lose the connection. That night I went through the checkout with two steaks on the conveyor belt and tears in my eyes. It was Jackson’s first meal from the stovetop, and each bite was delivered by hand.

One skipped meal raised my concern, but a series of days without food meant Jackson was not receiving any nutrition to help in his battle. To encourage his appetite, I started throwing turkey and vegetables into a pot. Jackson ate heartily, then returned to his bed in the corner. I fed him homemade meals off and on, noting that he eagerly ate what I cooked and often refused food on the days when it was just dry kibble. As Jackson’s interest in food picked up, and his eagerness for walks was restored, I began increasing the amount of homemade food I was giving him and decreasing his dry food. With a new sense of vigor, Jackson began chasing our puppy, Raleigh, around the backyard, his activity a stark contrast to the diagnosis we had been given.

Seeing the difference in Jackson made me feel that I could help other dogs as well. I quit my job to read every veterinary manual and recipe book I could find, while analyzing the nutrition in hundreds of recipes. After six months I opened Dog Stew so that all dogs could benefit from real nutrition. My logo was Jackson sitting at his bowl, licking his chops. Concerned pup-parents started asking me to help dogs with skin problems, kidney disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and liver issues. I never said no, but I never said yes until I fully researched the nutritional requirements of each ailment. Each dog ate happily and his or her condition improved. Assisted by my mother, I cooked and delivered thousands of meals every month, and my customers started calling me The Dog Food Dude.

Meetings with veterinarians to introduce my service left them cautiously interested. Understanding their hesitation, I asked that they suggest my services as a trial when all other options had been exhausted. A few weeks later, I received a call from Wilma’s owners. Wilma was a lovely Dalmatian with kidney disease, and was on a prolonged hunger strike. I made up a batch of food and headed over for my first delivery. Wilma’s owner was beside himself with worry. I asked whether Wilma had eaten that morning, and he returned a glance that indicated it was a silly question: She never eats. I showed him how to portion the food and warm it with a little water, and suddenly he stopped me. Don’t feel bad if she doesn’t eat your food. We set the food bowl down, and Wilma gave the food an investigative sniff, looked up once at us, and dove into the bowl. She didn’t look up again until the bowl was empty, and quadruple-checked that she hadn’t missed anything. Suddenly her owner grabbed me and gave me a big hug. Thank you, thank you, thank you, he repeated over and over. With Wilma and many other dogs, I was finding that even though the food was meant for the dogs, it meant a great deal more to the people who loved their pets.

Eighteen months after Jackson was diagnosed with lymphoma, he showed no signs of slowing down. At a checkup Dr. Freeman delivered her final verdict: I rarely get to tell people this, but you don’t need to bring Jackson back. He’s in remission. We owed the chemotherapy regimen for arresting the growth of Jackson’s cancer but gave credit to real food for his renewed vigor and a reason to keep on fighting. Instead of wasting away, Jackson was once again a vibrant, happy dog.

Unfortunately the recession hit and my funding ran out. Customers begged me to continue and actually offered to pay more for the service. One customer bought one of my freezers with the stipulation that I stock it with four months of food for her two dogs. My dream started to take a different shape when I realized my research and experience could be used to write this book.

I spent many days in the kitchen testing recipes, and Jackson, Raleigh, and I continued bonding over thousands of meals, cookies, and walks. Jackson even took up running again. When I met the love of my life, we welcomed three more additions to our pack: Duncan, Baxter, and Chloe. The house thundered under the footsteps of our herd of puppalo, and the bed became really crowded. Jackson practically pranced as he led his pack along walks. We eventually wore Jackson’s body out simply from old age. Rather than letting him succumb to cancer, good meals and plenty of love allowed him to live three years beyond his last visit with the oncologist. I’m extremely grateful that the time spent in the kitchen allowed me so many extra years with my best friend. It makes me wish I had started cooking for him when I received that first cookbook.

Let me show you how you can provide simple, practical nutrition based upon real foods. I’m an information junkie; I’ll do the heavy lifting of the data. You only need to pick up a spoon. While you’re preparing dinner, maybe there are a few antioxidant gold mines you could share with your dog rather than throwing them out. Share the right foods with your dog, so that he too can have a happy, healthy, and long life. If Grandma has a dog she loves, get the grandkids to make her some Christmas cookies for the dog. They’ll both appreciate a Gingerbread Mailman Cookie each time the cookie jar is opened. When it’s your dog’s birthday, set an example for your children. Emphasize simple nutrition over sugar-laden treats with a pot of homemade stew that you set in the slow cooker before you leave for work. It’s a week’s worth of meals for your dog, and you’ll be surprised that it doesn’t have to be done every day. Heck, most things you can cook alongside your own dinner once a month. Mix half and half with a good-quality dry food if it’s what works best for you.

Have a little more time and want to use natural sources of nutrition for every member of your family at every meal? Supplement Stew combined with most of the recipes in this book provides your four-legged kids nutrition beyond the complete and balanced formula; fresh foods full of antioxidants can help us all grow into active, healthy adults. Because our dogs grow older a little faster than we do, they sometimes need a little love and a specific meal for what ails them. Talk to your veterinarian about serving a Warm-Nose Meal instead of foods that are composed mostly of corn.

If you need a nutritional analysis of any recipe in this book, go to I’ll provide an analysis based upon the USDA’s nutritional data and the National Research Council’s recommendations—free of charge. Let’s feed our best friends the same way many of us feed ourselves—fresh and local when we can, combined with foods that are still convenient and definitely not considered junk food. Whether it’s a slice of apple, an egg, kale, or a smidgen of cheese, each food brings a unique flavor and nutritional profile to a meal. Start with teaspoons and tablespoons and you’ll see that the nutrition in real foods is something that makes everybody’s tail wag.

Best Friends Deserve Better

In the 15,000 years since dog first introduced himself to man, countless dogs have hunted with us, protected our families, entertained us with their foolish antics, aided those who are handicapped, and provided company to the lonely. We in turn give them a warm place to sleep and a share of our larder. Food and love are the currency in our contract with dogs.

We squeeze onto a small portion of the couch to watch television with our canine best friends, and we let them hog the bed. We buy toys for them to tear apart and treats to keep them motivated. Our dogs protect our families and homes and never fail to greet us with a cheerful bark and an enthusiastically wagging tail. We shower them with love and affection, regardless of how much pet hair we’re covered in as we leave the house. Yet the one thing that we often withhold and that will do the greatest good is real food.

Our culture is beginning to value how more sustainable foods and quality ingredients can enhance our well-being. Increasingly people are trading in the convenience of manufactured foods for simple meals prepared with fresh ingredients that not only taste better but also provide better nutrition. Meanwhile, our dogs watch us with envy, waiting for something more interesting than dry food, which is little more than fast food laced with a multivitamin. It’s time we stopped coveting everything in the cupboard and refrigerator as people food. Lasagne, with its onions, salt, pepper, and abundance of cheese, should certainly be reserved for the table as people food. However, pasta, fresh meat, herbs, and even a bit of cheese are simply foods—foods that can be shared with our best friends in moderate amounts.

Fresh ingredients in the right proportions are as valid for the dog’s bowl as they are for our own plates; it just means separate pots on the stovetop. When we offer our pets fresh foods, they too can have meals that not only make a tail wag but also nourish and promote good health. In doing so, we are truly fulfilling our contract with our best friends.

Whose nose doesn’t wrinkle at the thought of dog food? It doesn’t smell all that great, and few of us would dare to put it in our own mouths. The nutritional analysis is mysterious and the ingredients are rarely related to foods that we know, leaving us standing in the pet food aisle pondering the difference between chicken by-products and chicken meal. The one assurance we are given is that it’s complete and balanced.

The concern with commercial foods is that they are only complete and balanced for the obvious standards of vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. There are thousands of compounds in foods, not just the short list of vitamins and minerals that we are familiar with, and more compounds are being discovered all the time. Take lycopene, for example. A few years ago few people had ever heard of lycopene or even the broader category of antioxidants. Then it was discovered that lycopene, found in red foods like tomatoes, watermelon, and papaya, might help prevent cancer in humans; recently it has been tested on dogs as well. Yet today when you read through the ingredients and analysis on any given bag, you see that it’s only the standard vitamins and minerals that make it into commercial food. The antioxidants, phytochemicals, and secondary metabolites found abundantly in fresh foods that add to our health are not yet considered by pet food companies to be part of the canine complete and balanced equation, so they are left out of the bag.

There’s More in Food Than You Know

Secondary metabolites are organic compounds other than the essential proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Although their absence will not cause illness, the presence of some secondary metabolites in a diet improves the quality of overall health. Secondary metabolites can include enzymes or other amino acids found in meat and also phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are a broad class of chemical compounds naturally found in plants. They may be vitamins, antioxidants, or other compounds that help create the taste, scent, and color of plants. For example, vanillin provides the scent of vanilla, while curcumin creates the vivid yellow color in turmeric.

One of the nutrients most likely to be deficient in a dog’s diet is omega-3 fatty acid. We’re learning that increasing omega-3s in our own diets can be beneficial, and they have been shown to improve skin conditions in dogs as well. The American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) sets the standard for the nutrient profiles

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