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Summary of The Deadly Rise of Anti-science By Peter J. Hotez: a Scientist's Warning
Summary of The Deadly Rise of Anti-science By Peter J. Hotez: a Scientist's Warning
Summary of The Deadly Rise of Anti-science By Peter J. Hotez: a Scientist's Warning
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Summary of The Deadly Rise of Anti-science By Peter J. Hotez: a Scientist's Warning

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This book does not in any capacity mean to replace the original book but to serve as a vast summary of the original book.

Summary of The Deadly Rise of Anti-science By Peter J. Hotez: a Scientist's Warning


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Dr. Peter Hotez, a renowned scientist, shares his experience of the anti-vaccine movement during the COVID-19 pandemic. He worked tirelessly to develop a nonprofit vaccine and keep the public informed, earning him a Nobel Peace Prize nomination. However, the movement became a powerful tool for far-right political figures, causing thousands of American deaths. Hotez highlights the devastating impact of anti-science on health and lives, highlighting the dangers of ignorance and the need for solutions to combat science denial and save lives.


Release dateSep 19, 2023
Summary of The Deadly Rise of Anti-science By Peter J. Hotez: a Scientist's Warning

Willie M. Joseph

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    Summary of The Deadly Rise of Anti-science By Peter J. Hotez - Willie M. Joseph


    The author shares their personal experiences and the sufferings of others who have been targeted by anti-vaccine activists for the past two decades. The book reveals that this activism has evolved into an all-encompassing program embraced by the US political system, acting out strong libertarian or extreme conservative beliefs. Anti-science activism is especially strong in Texas and other southern US states, but its tentacles now reach throughout the nation.

    The author argues that anti-science has become a dangerous social force that threatens both national security and global stature as a nation renowned for its research institutions and universities. The book also explains how and why anti-science has started to globalize, extending into Canada, western Europe, and low- and middle-income countries in Africa and elsewhere.

    The author cites historical examples of authoritarian regimes attacking both science and scientists, such as the Soviet Union under Stalin and current nations like Hungary and Brazil under Jair Bolsonaro. They are fearful for the future of their country and its scientific institutions, their scientific colleagues, and their personal safety.

    To restore American people's trust in science and scientists, the author outlines a plan to restore the American people's trust in science and scientists. The author emphasizes the importance of uncoupling the anti-science from political discourse to save lives.

    This book pays tribute to the Americans who lost their lives to anti-science aggression and the millions of Americans who will suffer long-term effects of COVID-19. It warns that more deaths and disabilities will follow when children are denied access to routine immunizations. The vaccine ecosystem and programs devoted to global public health and pandemic preparedness are in trouble, and now is the time to take action to ensure they are protected.

    The author thanks Johns Hopkins University Press, Beth Gianfagna, Nathaniel Wolf, Douglas Soriano Osejo, Nathan Harrington, and the administrative assistance of the authors. They also thank the administrative leaders of Texas Children's Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine, Dr. Lara Shekerdemian, Dr. Huda Zoghbi, Professor and Chief of Pediatric Research, and Howard Hughes Investigator and Director of the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute at Texas Children's Hospital.

    The author also thanks Dr. Saad Omer, director of the Yale Institute for Global Health, for cochairing the Lancet Commission on Vaccine Refusal, Acceptance, and Demand in the United States of America. They also thank the COVID-19 Vaccine and Therapeutics Task Force of the Lancet Commission for COVID-19, which they cochair with Dr. Bottazzi.

    In conclusion, the book emphasizes the need to protect the vaccine ecosystem and scientists, as biomedical science is under threat.

    The author expresses gratitude to various experts and organizations for their contributions to understanding COVID-19 vaccinations and deaths. They thank Dr. Ali Mokdad at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Charles Gaba, and Dr. Angela Rasmussen at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization of the University of Saskatchewan for their insightful analyses. They also thank Drs. Eric Ding and Jorge Caballero for pointing them to data trends on the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. David Gorski and Jonathan Howard for their insightful blogs and writings.

    Dr. Ruth Ben-Ghiat from New York University, Molly Jong-Fast, Anthony Scaramucci, Olivia Troye, Andy Slavitt, and Michael Moore provided essential political perspectives and expertise. Dr. Michael Osterholm arranged weekly kitchen cabinet meetings during the pandemic to discuss various issues.

    The author also thanks Sir Alimuddin Zumla from University College London, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong at ImmunityBio, Dr. David Broniatowski at George Washington University, Todd Unger and Sara Berg at the American Medical Association, the National Organization for Rare Disorders, the Association of American Medical Colleges, the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, the American College of Physicians, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Maque García, Otis Rolley at the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Vaccine Congress, the Korean RIGHT Fund, the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation, the

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